Destiny Dominates

Chapter 368: issued

"Hey! Sir, is there any comic book" Angry Battle King "issued by Rising Sun? I can't find it here."

Located on Vick Street in the north of Atlanta, the owner of the Red Umbrella Bookstore looked at the comic area not far away, and there was a man wearing a beige trench coat, a hood, and a huge sunglasses on his face. The girl who covered her half of her face was asking here with doubt.

"Sorry, we don't have this comic in our store."

There was a waiter near the comics area, who responded politely: "For some reason, we didn't stock."

"is it?"

The hood girl's voice was slightly puzzled, and she turned and left.

The shop owner, Kadir, was puzzled and asked to the side: "Lorry, this is the first one to ask that" The King of Fury "? The seventh or eight?"

"Twelfth, eight of them are women."

The waiter named Lowry shrugged: "The woman star of the fighting star is really good. I guess the wind chime bookstore on the corner of the street will definitely sell crazy. They have not refused to buy. BOSS, we want now Go in a little bit? "

Kadir chuckled: "Twelve? That is to say, did I lose 140 or so gold shield business today? Come on, Lowry, this is not as good as Ferguson Media. Look. Now, all the comics are bought by his fans. When the purchasing power of this group of people is exhausted, how much can they sell? "

"BOSS, I have seen that comic book, although the style is very strange, but it is very good. I am somewhat looking forward to the protagonist, promoted to the third level, defeated that John. And the two swords he defeated Shala made me curious. , Can this really solve the "falling leaf chopping" warrior skill? "

"I don't think this plot is too naive, it's like showing it to children. The protagonist is not a hero. It's a little fart boy who is bullied and refuses to say anything. It's a depiction of a little fart boy fighting game. How many people would like to watch? "

"Wow, the fan group of the cold weapon fighting game, but Amerika is the largest. At least half of the total population of Ameriga ’s 6.4 billion people like it. BOSS, did n’t you become a fighting player or even a star dream when you were young? ? "

Kadir hesitated, but then shook his head: "There have been similar cartoons before, but no one has ever succeeded. I don't like it anyway."

"Of course, you are BOSS, you are in charge."

Lowry didn't continue to argue, but just asked curiously: "I'm very surprised, why is Ferguson Media going through a comic? Is the comic author offending them?"

"who knows?"

Kadir was also puzzled, but then he shook his head and snorted: "Why don't he! Maybe the boss of Ferguson Media lost money on the author? That lucky Andrea offended in this city There are more people, including me. "

When he thought of his wife spending more than 10,000 gold shields in the store of the Nathan Sports Group, he just felt heart-wrenching in exchange for a good-for-nothing ‘lucky ring’.


The hood girl walked half a street, and finally found "The King of Fury" in another bookstore. After buying it, she hurried back to the Hilde Hotel not far away.

When the hood girl stepped into her presidential suite, her manager, Xie Na, glared with dissatisfaction: "Belinda, you ran out again? For Angela again? Don't forget this is In Atlanta, dozens of high-class children were slaughtered by aliens not long ago. The guy named Fenrir, who is still wandering in this city, is said to have died again yesterday. You know how worried we are Is it Belinda? "

Belinda Harris glanced at the man, then walked to the window and sat down, picked up the comic in his hand and read it.

The comic plot is very simple. The protagonist is a teenager named 'Shelek', who was humiliated in elementary school due to his inborn weakness. In the middle school age, this man had the courage to join the school's cold weapon fighting club in order to change his situation.

However, this has caused him more trouble. His former "Qiujia" continued to bully him, and the club's classmates also looked down on him, deliberately giving him a good look in the practice game, and swollen his nose and bruise.

It wasn't until one day that the protagonist was given a sword in an antique shop, and his fate changed. Inside the sword is the soul of a great ancient warrior ‘Roland’, the most powerful paladin under the command of Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire.

Under the teaching of 'Roland', the protagonist uses the resources available to him to exercise step by step, and then soon becomes a second-level magic swordsman. Afterwards, in a practice game, Shelek used two wonderful swordsmanships, and finally cracked the opponent Shala's "Leafing Leaf".

It is worth mentioning that this was not taught by ‘Roland’, but Shelek ’s flash of flashing light flashed in a flash.

After watching Belinda Harris, she was stunned. It's not for the plot of this comic. In Belinda's view, this is really naive, although it is also very attractive.

What really surprised her was that the process of the main character's physical exercise in the comics seemed to be similar, and it seemed that it could really achieve the effect of strengthening the body.

The dozen or so movements similar to Oriental guidance, and the key to qi, although Belinda hadn't seen it before, she felt it shouldn't be fake.

This reminded Belinda of the ‘green temple and red face sword’ that Li Mochen had taught at the Dream City Fight Club before. She also practiced according to it, and felt the effect was super good. Although it did not reach the level where she could not use cosmetics, the skin on her face has really improved recently, and her pores are shrinking, which has made several makeup artists praise her skin.

Perhaps those of her classmates also benefited, but none of Li Mochen ’s courses fell behind. And the latter's open class is also full of venues, and the market is unavailable for a vote.

Belinda thought about these actions, most of them were not fools.

And the recipes in the comics, can they really work?

In the morning, two eggs, plus a purple konjac, and then mixed with the juice of horseshoe grass in the milk, there are some bone powder of seven magic creatures. This is indeed affordable for ordinary people, and the cost of breakfast does not exceed one Jindun ~ ~ But can this really help people exercise and repair dark injuries in the body?

Belinda Harris was dubious, so she made a call.

Ibrahimovic, her cousin, a retired combatant who was elected to the Sixth All-Star in NMOSA (National Comprehensive Cold Arms Fighting Alliance) and almost won the gold belt.

"I have already read the comic book" The King of Fury ". It was mailed to me by Ms. Drew. She recommended it to me. This is really great. The process of exercising is very good. That is very good. The method of exercise is not expensive. But the most amazing thing is that the two swords that crack the fallen leaves are really genius ideas. "

Ibrahim Harris praised this comic: "I have a show tomorrow afternoon and I will recommend this comic to my fans. They ca n’t miss this comic. Believe me, Belinda, this comic says Maybe it will explode, and I discussed with Bessin. Who else can be? Of course it is the one who won the three-time gold belt and is called the "Magic Warlord". He also likes it very much. Of course, Ms. Drew The comics have also been mailed to him, and they have had friendships before. "


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