Destiny Dominates

Chapter 374: Pending

"Are you stimulating me? Sir?"

In Felton Williams' eyes, there was once again a golden luster, and a red tide appeared on the face.

Speaking of fans, he is really uncomfortable. Why has he become famous for more than three years, and only now has he received an endorsement fee of more than 9 million gold shields a year. Andre, that guy only took more than 100 million golden shields in his first few months?

Why? Because of that face?

"This is a fact. His current ability to carry goods is many times that of you, Felton. Do you know how many pieces of that lucky bracelet have been sold? 280,000 pieces. The company headquarters has been added Orders, they predict that the sales of the bracelet will eventually reach 600,000 to 800,000 pieces. This product alone can bring profits of more than 3 billion gold shields to the Nathan Group. Karl Ho of the Eastern Region Dalton, based on this product planning case alone, booked the position of the future marketing director of the Eastern Region. "

The faces of middle-aged people are full of smiles, but they are cold and without any feelings: "Several directors of the company have completely regarded him as a cash cow. They are asking, why not take more company resources, Invest in the lucky Andrea? "

Williams knew that the man next to him was making a fuss, but he couldn't help but become repressed and violent: "Wow, when you say that, I wish I could fight him now. His cute face was torn. I regretted it a little bit. André, the lucky girl just now, had a girl next to him to bet me that he was not the opponent of that guy. The bet was a private jet, Holy Eagle 350 , Is this ridiculous, isn't it? A 15- to 16-year-old girl, I think in the end will her boyfriend pay?

"little girl?"

The middle-aged people looked at it weirdly: "If I guess right, it should be Angela Medici. The heir of the Michelle Group, with assets of hundreds of billions of gold shields. Now the entire high society is in Rumor has it that the princess of the Medici family was in love with Andrea, the frog prince. "

Felton Williams couldn't help but froze for a while: "That is to say, I just missed a holy eagle 350? A private jet priced at 58 million gold shields? Look, I want to tear him up now even more . "

"Tear him? This is not an easy thing. Felton, I can be sure that the Eastern Region has done some hiding on his physical data. And this is the purpose I brought you today."

The middle-aged man took the cigar from his lips and pointed forward: "The average opponent can't force Andrea's true strength. But this time is different. The five combat powers are close to the 13th-level law. The presence of the outsider is enough to sweep the current Linden College. And if Andrea, who does n’t want to be swept off the ring, he needs to come up with some real skills. "


At the same time, in the box no. 15 not far away, Mandevon Ferguson also just came in from outside the door. He handed the woolen coat to the assistant next to him, and then, apologetically, walked to the silhouette of the bear standing by the window.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wiltonstein! I didn't expect you to come in person. I just went to Box No. 3, Mr. Raschel Emmer, the new president of the Southeast Region of Arcadis Sporting Goods, also There are Saber-toothed Tiger Company, and several of Ante Equipment Company are over there. I got together with them. "

"I know you are over there."

The figure by the window is a man in his forties, with a broad forehead, dark eyebrows, and a magnificent photograph: "How is the atmosphere over there? Should they be confident?"

"There is confidence, but before the end of the game, who can determine the victory 100%?"

Mandivin Ferguson replied with a smile: "But these companies are all broken, and all the resources that can be used are used. This lucky Andre is very powerful and has been able to affect millions of people. Purchase option. If they can't suppress this kid here, they can only wait until the national competition. "

"I hope they can succeed."

The man of the Wiltonstein family turned his head: "So what about you? Are you ready?"

“It ’s all ready. I ’ve raised a total of 200 million dongs of war funds. With your order, you can block the Georgia Post and the Atlanta Laborers Daily. I will not allow any Atlanta bookstores after a maximum of three days. There are traces of these two kinds of newspapers with Newsstand. In addition, the 'Hand of Darkness' also accepted my commission. They promised me that as long as the funds are in place, the 'Hand of Darkness' will form a professional team, An attack was launched against the transportation fleet of the Rising Sun Publishing House. To ensure that the subscribers of the two newspapers will not be effectively served within the next month. "

In the look of Mandevin Ferguson, he is slightly proud of: "Of course, there is his Rising Sun retail company. I have collected a lot of materials. The manager colluded with illegal merchants to sell fake and inferior products, hire illegal immigrants, and the store pursues the speed of decoration. As a result, the formaldehyde is too high, and they are trying to sell Dongying products to customers in pursuit of profit margins. Although these scandals cannot really knock down the Rising Sun retail company, they are enough to ensure that they will fall into the quagmire of scandals in the next few months.

"That's it! No reservations are required."

The men of the Wiltonstein family could not help but nodded with admiration: "Mandivin, I have always trusted your loyalty and ability! And you have not let me down."

"Of course, everything from me is from you."

Mandivin Ferguson bowed his hands respectfully with his hands on his chest. But he was also at this time ~ ~ properly expressed his concern: "Just sir, please forgive me bluntly, with my own strength, it can really make the lucky Andre a little frustrated, but I There is no way to knock him down completely. As far as I know, the force around him is very powerful. It is incredible that the famous military generals like Michael Wood also accepted him to solicit. Before that, he had I have been able to defeat the blood-handed forces within a few weeks. In addition, I have heard that Mr. Consulley Wiltonstein "

"Don't worry about this, since I let you do it on your side, then naturally there is a perfect solution. You don't need to worry about your own safety."

The forty-year-old man interrupted Mandiwen ’s words and then sat down on the seat while talking: “Now let us watch this game with peace of mind? I just made a bet. Ten thousand gold shield, odds of 1: 8.9, bet on St. Macon ’s learn to win in one minute. "

Mandivin Ferguson was surprised: "Mr. Wiltonstein, do you still have such interest? But a minute, this is unlikely."

"It's just a little money. It doesn't matter if you lose."

The sarcastic smile appeared on the lips of men: "I really hope so, I can never hope that the **** wins? I don't have such a big mind."

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