Destiny Dominates

Chapter 394: shot

After finalizing the early morning purchase contract, Li Mochen took another person to another pier in Savannah Port to inspect eight other armed merchant ships under his command.

Five of these ships are derived from Alexandra Candela, with two tonnages of 16,000 tons and three ships of 14,000 tons. The other three ships were armed commercial ships purchased by Li Mochen at extra cost, with a displacement of about 15,000 tons. The ship age is within 10 years, the ship condition and all equipment, weapon systems are also good.

In fact, Li Mochen had been here during the handover before and had seen the status of these ships with his own eyes. This time I came here to see the many crew members I hired and the condition of the eight armed merchant ships before they set sail.

He spent a whole day in Savannah for this, and then returned with satisfaction.

Because the eight ships were newly taken over, all the crew members were just recruited. The condition on the ship was not too good, and all parties felt rusty.

However, the senior captains and retired officers Li Mochen hired with high salary were still very capable.

The preparation work to be done on each ship has been improved by their operations. The current situation is that all ships can start sailing to the sea, and can basically adapt to the harsh sea conditions of the disaster sea. The crew is also skilled in the operation of those weapon systems on board, and they can guarantee normal firing in special situations.

This result has far exceeded Li Mochen's expectations. His previous minimum requirement was to be able to sail to sea. Then rely on Linde's legendary spells and magic towers to ensure their safety off the mainland of Antalya. Now, he can still look forward to the combat effectiveness of these eight armed merchant ships.

After this, Li Mochen inspected his private pier, that is, the Fick River Bay pier at the end of the Savannah River. The estate of the former bloodfather godfather Edwin Antonio eventually fell into his hands.

And at this time, Li Mochen and most of the goods prepared by the Tangerian family were accumulated here. At the same time as their ships go to sea, their cargo will also depart from here. It is transported from the open sea by a small barge.

So Li Mochen stationed heavy troops here. Since the beginning of a month and a half ago, the Collinson brothers and their five extra-judicial teams and 20 combat groups have been stationed here to ensure that the various dams worth hundreds of millions of gold shields The arms are foolproof.

Not long ago, Li Mochen successively obtained seven sets of "Magic" armor from Anthony, and two sets of "War Demon" armor were also used by Li Mochen here.

The private armies left by Li Chunchu are undoubtedly the most reliable and trustworthy force under his command. Their only disadvantage is that most of the combatants are young and weak.

But these two kinds of exoskeleton armor produced by Light Magic Industry can perfectly make up for the shortcomings in this respect.

The power of the 'Magic Refining' armor is that it allows any magical professional above level 7 to have the strength of a fifteenth level outsider-this is more comprehensive than Li Mochen's Wai Dan. More powerful.

'War Demon' armor is more demanding. The threshold for wearing this set of exoskeleton armor is level 9, but it can make its wearer have the strength of level 17.

This can comprehensively strengthen the strength of the core unit in Li Mochen's hands, and let the private arm that Li Chunchu cultivated become his real help.

What is more exciting is that these armor can be perfectly adapted to the naval battle environment as long as some special plug-in components are added, and become a terrible killer sneaking underwater.

It ’s a pity that Anthony still has eight sets of ‘Magic Demon’ armor and four sets of ‘War Demon’ armor. It still takes two months to complete the delivery, and it ca n’t keep up with this trip to mainland Antonia. Otherwise, the underwater combat power he can trust can be doubled.

Li Mochen also stayed here for a little half a day. After that, he did not return to Atlanta, but drove to a large country house in the suburbs of Atlanta.

When he arrived here, the room was already full of guests. All the owners of the Alliance Wings and their bodyguards were present, about 80 people, Franks of the Teutonic Cross, representatives of the Tangerian family, and Louise Linden Also among them.

The images of these people are different, some are in a suit and a straight suit, dressed in a professional elite; some are in a leather jacket with a Moxi head, as if they are street fools, unruly; some are in a Tang suit, look Rise and modest.

A large group of talents, such as Li Mochen and Alyssa, just walked in and saw the representatives of Tangerian's family and Franks, who were staring at him, and Louise Linden was cold.

Li Mochen slightly stunned, and then glanced at everyone present. When he found several figures in the house that were not supposed to be here, as well as those with a somewhat provocative line of sight, he knew. He smiled coldly, then walked casually to a sofa and sat down.

"I will give you a minute, all those who have not received my invitation, get out of trouble. Dai Nien!"

'Natural Punisher' Dai Nien Streisie smiled immediately and drew his sword directly. The glory of the Holy Sword Emperor Moss suddenly enveloped the audience.

On the side of Li Mochen, "Eye of the Sky" Howard Eisenhower, "Magic Sand" Carmela Natasha, Thompson Adams all directly pulled the guns and pointed at the three men on the conference table. .

This conference room is also a "click" sound, almost everyone took out their weapons or firearms, and looked at each other with alert look.

At this time, a middle-aged man who was pointed at the forehead by Howard with a semi-automatic rifle, could not help but look pale: "Andre. What do you mean? Is this going to fire the members of the regiment?"

"You are wrong, UU reading is to shoot you."

Li Mochen was also pointed at by several guns, but his expression was calm, and he talked freely.

"I didn't recognize you as a member of the Wings of the Alliance."

"It is not up to you to decide whether you are a member of Alliance Wings."

This is another middle-aged person. His face is typical of a Latin. His eyes are deep and his skin is bronze. And his gloomy eyes like vultures are looking at Li Mochen with contempt: "This is the right of the five-member management committee of our Alliance Wings regiment, and also the tradition of the Alliance Wings regiment. Little guy, do n’t think You are the head of everyone's choice, you can do whatever you want. When it comes to this matter, you do n’t have the permission of the committee to pull in the Tangerian family and the Linden family, as well as this little bastard. The rules of our fleet are as if there is nothing. As a member of the management committee, I will never agree with you. "

When this speaker spoke, in the living room of this country house. The vast majority of people nodded their heads in agreement.

Franks couldn't help but smile: "Wow, I'm regarded as a bastard."

Li Mochen also shook his head slightly and smiled, then leaned back: "It's just righteousness, but I'm not interested in reasoning with you. Huo Huaide, do you know what to do?"


Howard Eisenhower grinned, he knew he was going to take a murder next. But he didn't hesitate at all and fired directly. With a shot of ‘tent’. The head of the Latin man suddenly burst like a burst of watermelon, and blood spattered.

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