Destiny Dominates

Chapter 413: pirate

"The Xuanwu Pirates Group did not agree to our invitation, which was as early as we expected. Their leader had a contract with Li Chunchu and could not do anything with his son. But even worse, even if I let them sit and watch the proposal , They did not agree, and the answer to me was ambiguous. "

Adam Hudela sighed: "So I can't guarantee the movement of the Xuanwu Pirates after the war. Disappointed you, Casari."

"No, that's enough. I know the attitude of the Xuanwu Pirates, and I can respond accordingly. Those guys don't have to worry about us. If they plan to go to war, someone will naturally contain them."

Kasari Gates's eyes flickered: "But I'm curious now. There are legends that the Xuanwu Pirates and Li Chunchu are both related to the Heavenly Dynasty. I don't know if it's true."

"This is unlikely?"

Xu Deran could n’t help but be shocked and could n’t believe it: “At that time, Li Chunchu ’s war with the Xuanwu Pirates, but indeed many people were dead, this is obvious to all. And Li Chunchu ’s guy was always on the mainland of Antalya. cia ’s agents of the powerful figures. "

"That may not be necessary."

Casari Gates thought that it might not be that the head of the current Xuanwu pirate group was borrowing a knife to kill people, and using the hands of Li Chunchu to cleanse his subordinates at that time.

Of course, this was only his guess, and he could not produce any real evidence.

"Forget it! Regardless of the truth, it has nothing to do with us now. It is still the" Blood Eye Angel "at the moment. When do the warships and people of your blue wolf pirate arrive. If we don't want her to be treated as a prey one by one. Slaughter, you have to send this angel to heaven or **** as soon as possible. "

"It's already here, about 300 nautical miles from here. Our team leader didn't plan to meet you here. He plans to wait until the operation begins, and he will start the encirclement directly from the south."

After Xudra finished this sentence, he found that Cassari was still staring at himself, and he immediately smiled helplessly: "Fifty battleships, one battleship, five destroyers, two submarines, four" refining "classes Magic Armor, two legends, this is already doing our best. "

But Casari Gates sneered: "Your father, it really will benefit and avoid harm."

Xudela was speechless. If the "Blood Eye Angel" really came over, the big ship group gathered by the Tomahawk Pirates must be the main target of the maid.

"Kasari, but each person's responsibility is different, isn't it? We promise that if there is a war here, our two legendary strongmen will arrive in the first place."

Casari's face was slightly loose this time, and then when he wanted to say something, he looked slightly again and turned his head to look at the other (身 shēn) shadow flying to the other side.

"Garcia! It looks like your injury is all right?"

"Of course, I can't miss this battle."

The person who came was a man wearing a (body shēn) silver-white battle armor, full of hair, (body shēn) with a burly body and a huge scar in the corner of his eyes. His momentum is not angry, and the murderous intention in his eyes is condensed like a needle: "Gates, the news that you have been released? Are you sure that ((Cheap jiàn) jiàn) will come?"

"I'm not sure, Mr. Garcia. I can only guarantee that she has indeed learned the situation now, if the lady of" Blood Eye Angel "is really loyal to Li Chunchu's family. Then two days later, she must Will appear on this sea. "

Casari Gates raised her lips and smiled: "Actually, according to what I control. Robert Yvonne is already moving towards the east coast, but how exactly is she going to go to sea? I do n’t know. After all, in the environment of the outer sea, even if the legendary realm wants to fly past the sky, it is more difficult. Or do we have to help her? "

"No matter what, you have to make sure that ((Cheap jiàn) jiàn) person appears here."

When it comes to this, the man named Garcia, unconsciously (forbidden jin) touched his face with his hands, it is obviously a scar caused recently.

"I swear, I will tear this ((Cheap jiàn) jiàn) person to pieces!"

"Wow, I think it's difficult for Mr. Garcia to achieve what you want."

Kasari Gates smiled brazenly: "I think when we defeated her, she was already a mass of (meat rou) mud. I don't think she could control the power of the Mayan so-called 'fighting angel', What do you think?"


Macon City, there are many Macon City in the American Federation, but this refers to Macon, Georgia. Located in the southeast of Atlanta, it is one of the top cities in Georgia.

At this time in the southeast of Macon, a store located in the downtown area. Larry Doug, deputy head of safety at Macon City, hired by Asahi (Riri) Electrical Retail Co., Ltd., after nightfall, completed his (Riri) regular inspection of the store with an area of ​​up to 600 square meters.

Mainly for the magic array, he must check whether the array is working properly and the structure is intact.

This is also the reason why he received a high salary of 1.83 million gold shields a year. A 14th-level extrajudicial who only knows about fighting is unlikely to get such a high salary. He has elementary knowledge of magic arrays, and has 15 years of military experience, which makes him perfectly qualified for this position.

Because the salary and bonuses provided by Asahi (Ri) Electrical Appliance Retail Company are very good, and they are definitely in the forefront of their peers, Larry Doug's inspection is still very hard.

As for the security team in charge of this store today, Larry Doug did n’t care much. These are all retired veterans recently hired by the company, and they have all received safety training, so he does not need to bother.

Although not from the same force, Clarary Doug still has full confidence in his comrades. He just gave a solemn explanation before leaving,

"Recently, I've been cheering me up over the past few days. Major General Michael Wood has issued a warning order. Our boss is not in Atlanta now. Maybe some guys with ulterior motives will take the opportunity to get our company's attention."

After listening to several security guards, none of them laughed.

"As long as Major General Michael Wood is not there? Our boss's talent is said to be very good, but he is still just a high school fighting star. Who would be afraid of him?"

Larry Doug also thinks this is the case, but the look on his face is still very dignified: "It is still necessary to pay attention, after all, our boss has taken a lot of good hands ~ ~ Do n’t give me a smile! This is Major Wood's judgment! "

After warning the security guards, he left the store and embarked on his Norfolk car.

Next, he still has three stores to visit. Asahi (Sunri) has opened seven stores in one breath. This is his responsibility when the security supervisor has not yet taken over (Qing Qing).

But while he was in the driver's seat, Larry Doug suddenly felt a chill in his back. His mind suddenly tightened, his body stiffened, and a heart suddenly sank to the bottom, knowing that he was careless.

"Go to hell, and have a chance to say hello to your boss on our behalf."

This sentence was just finished, and there was a gunshot in the car, and Larry Doug's eyebrow burst into a blood hole, and a lot of blood was spilled on the car window. 8)

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