Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Title

Three days after the battle in the astral world, Philip I came to a magic tower in the astral world.

The twenty-story magister tower propped up an almost complete world in the boundless sky shining with stars. The magical glory can almost compete with some faint stars around.

When Philip I approached, there were arrays of magical energy appearing here, completing one powerful magic spell after another. At the same time, two huge mechanical structures appeared in front of Philip I.

But there was a flash of light in the magic tower soon, shining on Philip I.

This seems to be an identity-recognizing magic, when the aura was scanned back and forth for a while. There was laughter next to Philip I's ear: "Are you breathless? Philip?"

"That's right! I must now witness your reasons for letting us give up the Medici family."

Philip responded calmly: "The child of Kang Xiuli, he gave me a huge surprise. It turns out that the blood from the East is not useless."

"Lucky Andrea, he should be one of the most talented people in this century. Unfortunately, you and I have not found this before. The growth of this little guy makes me feel uneasy . "

After the man sighed, a light door appeared in front of Philip I: "Come in, Philip. I'm sorry, I was doing an important experiment just now."

Philip I stepped in without mind, and then he found himself in a modern laboratory.

Next to him stood an elderly man in a magic robe and gold-framed glasses, who looked at their feet with a conceited look.

Philip I had sensed an extremely powerful breath, his brow furrowed slightly, and looked down.

Then I saw a giant python with a diameter of fifty meters and covered with black scales, crawling and crawling under them. And its head and tail can not be seen before and after, because they are next to a huge cylinder. The head and tail of the giant snake should be on the other side.

"Is this what you are preparing?"

Philip I looked at the snake thoughtfully: "Children of Yemengarde?"

Yemengarde is the "Earth Python", which is a famous mythical creature, and it is said to be the second of three children born by the **** of destruction and disaster Rocky and the giantess Angel Burda.

It is said that its body surrounds the whole world, with its mouth holding its tail and its head and tail connected, symbolizing eternity.

At the same time, it also represents the end. The Nordic mythology believes that Yemengarde will arouse the terrible waves when the Ragnorok of the gods arrives, and fight with Thor Thor, provoking the battle of the end and finally Thor. Thor is dead!

In fact, Yemengad did indeed wake up in the battle where the gods fell thousands of years ago, fighting Thor Thor for ten days and nights, and set off a huge disaster in the north of the old continent.

However, many mage studies in the past millennium have proved that the battle that led to the destruction of many **** systems in the old continent was not the dusk of the gods in the prophecy.

"It's also the 'Ulobolos' (Weapon) in Mesopotamian mythology and Greek mythology. Some people even think that it is probably the 'Candle Dragon' in Eastern mythology. He is not a child of Rocky. , And Yemengarde was just the name given to him by the ignorant Nordics. "

The magician wearing glasses smiled and said, "Plato, one of the earliest magical envoys, and his disciples had been fortunate to have seen this one. He described it this way-this creature does not have eyes because it is outside its periphery There is nothing that needs to be watched; it has no ears, because there is nothing to listen to on the periphery; there is no breath on the periphery, so it does not need to breathe; it does not have any organs, because there is nothing around it that will be affected by it It is sucked in or excreted by it, so there is no need for any digestion. When it is born, its excrement is its food, and its behavior and its influence are both derived from and affected by it. "

"—Besides, half of it is light and half is dark, just like the oriental Tai Chi pattern. This is a cosmic ancestor creature in a state of self-eating. It is an undead body and has a perfect biological structure. . "

"and then?"

Philip I looked at the following: "I know the power of the earth python, its strength can be above the main god. Even the quasi-king king like Thor Thor can only be comparable to it. This python should also be strong , But do you want to control it to fight? "

The magician smiled and said, "Philip, you can try to attack it and use your full strength!"

Without any hesitation, Philip I instantly condensed countless star power to construct a huge starlight spear, which hit the body of the python.

But his almost all-out attack failed to provoke any response. After the starlight spear penetrated the body of the python, it was swallowed and absorbed.

Philip I was not surprised, this is the ability of the earthly python, and ordinary means, it is difficult to inflict damage on it.

"I know what you are thinking, we can't control it, and we can't even wake up its consciousness. But if--"

In the eyes of the magician ~ ~ a hint of fineness flashed: "What about refining it into a magic weapon? This will be a unique mythical equipment that will allow us to be invincible. "

"Can you do it?"

Philip I saw an affirmative look in the eyes of the magician, so his tight face also relaxed: "How long will it take?"

"Three or five months, you may have to wait for a while."

The magician with glasses said that he has spread his hand here again: "But Philip, you can't count on me all the time. Now, should you also give up the delusion of being an ancient god? Law God, or believe in God, I know you I have been prepared for these hundreds of years. If you are not prepared enough, I can provide you with some help. "

Philip I frowned again, his eyes unperturbed.

"Philip, I know you are not reconciled. But if we lose this time, everything you have will be taken away by Kang Xiuli's grandchildren, shall we survive first? And, the **** of law has not become an ancient god. Opportunity, as long as you can pick a suitable rule— "

"Enough! I will consider—"

Philip I snorted and interrupted the envoy's statement: "Now say another thing, Your Excellency Edmund. Howard said that this time things can't just be done, thinking that we must fight back and not let them wantonly Expand your strength. I think so too. "

"Fight back?"

The magic with glasses caught the eye: "Is there any idea? Philip? The child's current strength is already amazing. His suppression of all undead, let your vampire allies and those lich All shivering. "

"You can start with his allies."

Philip I said expressionlessly: "Fortunately, a gentleman is also surrounded by enemies."

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