Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 489: God War

"So professor, can you tell me what kind of person Lafayette de Robespierre is, and what kind of forbidden curse and divine power? I need the details of this person, the more detailed the better."

After Li Mochen learned that Michelle and the Dragon Wizard had to spend at least half a year to complete the preparation work, people were completely relaxed.

-So much time is enough to happen a lot, including making yourself a legend. Or maybe buy the buildings and properties that the Pentagram may need, and use an indirect way to stop Michelle.

So he turned his attention back to Jennifer.

Lafayette de Robespierre, who had the same surname as the murderer during the French Revolution, was the culprit in taking Jennifer and the six real One of the magicians.

"Lafat, are you going to trouble him? For Jennifer?"

Professor Estantin looked at Li Mochen in surprise: "Are you serious? This is something that is not good for you. At present, he is in the same camp as you. In addition, according to what I know, your Sister, I am having a good time now. Your grandfather, he is undoubtedly a good move. "

"I don't agree with Kang Xiuli's approach. In the face of the enemy, I have my own way."

Li Mochen's expressionless expression: "You just need to tell me everything about Rafat de Robespierre."

"Yes, since you insist."

Professor Estantin smoked his pipe and sprayed clouds and mists: "Overall, this is a guy with infinite potential, extremely proud and narrow-minded. As far as a magical envoy is concerned, he is very young, no more than sixty Years old, talented, and better than your maternal grandfather. He is also the youngest of the six magical envoys in Amerika. The banned spells he masters are 'Material Oblivion' and 'Destroyed Divine Flame' Variation, and his divine power is "destruction" and "erase", this is a character that destroys God. Both the curse and the divine power have great destructive power and the personality is very high. "

"Some people suspected that he was in a young adventure and received a gift from an ancient deity, so he could become a demigod mage at the age of forty-five as a civilian. I personally agree with this guess, but his talent is indeed There is no doubt that it is the top. I am very optimistic about him, he can catch up with me in a hundred years at most. In fact, his magic tower has also been repaired to the 20th floor. If it ’s not the **** ’s power and The curse is not related to the path of the goddess of magic. He should be the most feared one of the goddess. "

Li Mochen's brow furrowed, and this was something that Clark Banfield didn't know. The latter only knew that the prohibition curse revealed by Robespierre was ‘material annihilation.’ It seemed that he was right on this trip.

This young magician is far stronger than he thought.

The forty-five-year-old half-god, asking the sword Tao Ran is beyond reach-of course, this is also due to the fact that the spirit of the original dome is exhausted and the strength level is lower.

"--What's the point of this guy's narrow mind? I have a student who once got a higher grade in a mathematics paper and was stared at by him. Be sure to compete with him academically, no matter what What subject is my student working on, he always jumps out to challenge my student ’s thesis, even to refute the article with the opposite opinion. "

"However, this person is very law-abiding. Even if he is angry, he will not easily use means other than the rules, so the stroke evaluation in the Magic Association is quite good. Although this guy has a very violent ban on curse, he I personally did not like fighting or using power against others. Of course, this does not mean that others can provoke him as he pleases. "

"The reason Edmund had enmity with him was that the guy had robbed an ancient ruin that belonged to him, and almost trapped Rafat de Robespierre to death. The character of the latter, the consequences can be Think about it. Since Lafayette became a magical envoy, Edmund has not been peaceful for a day. Until a while ago, Edmund took away her important talent from your sister before Lafat fell to the disadvantage. "

"I have also participated in the design of his magic tower. Due to the relevant terms I signed with him, I ca n’t disclose the specific structure of this magic tower to you. However, as far as I know, the construction of this magic tower was based on ancient times. Also master the wisdom of a magical envoy of the "Destroy". By the way, this large library of mine has all the magical documents of the bright world so far, and even has a complete version of the "Dead Sea Documents."

Li Mochen knew the elegant feeling after hearing the string song, and he continued to ask: "I will give a gift before the soldiers, but if it is really necessary to do something, then what advice do you have to teach?"

"This one--"

Professor Estantin fell into a deep ponder: "Assault me ​​as close as possible, don't let him distance him, is this what you are good at? Right? Luckily, although this guy has been studying the void method recently, he has not yet reached the void warlock's Standard. Also, if you really want to fight, it would be better to defeat him. Only then can you make him obedient. His narrow-mindedness is good, but when he is not as good as others, he is still very familiar. It's current. Otherwise, he will surely catch you and make you have a headache. "

When he talked, he waved the pipe in his hand, and in an instant countless pages appeared in front of Li Mochen.

"Look! This is Rafa's close-up paper. Since he was defeated in my hand 22 years ago, I stipulated that he should write a high-quality paper every month. , Must meet the standards of the "Magic Association News", "Nature", "Science", "America Academy of Sciences" level, the top academic newspapers and periodicals. He has always kept his promises-you can also look at it, you can choose from In these papers, learn about his achievements in magic. "

Of course Li Mochen will carefully read it, and Estantin's words have given him a new decision.

"Professor, can you please do me another favor this time? Of course, I remember what you said to me, and I won't bother you to shoot directly. Only this time, the scale of the battle between me and him may be uncontrollable, The movement will be a little bigger— "

"Meaning you let me close the void for you? That's fine, Amo."

Professor Estantin said with a smile: "So as a reward, can this battle allow me to watch with my three disciples? A weak, even close to intermediate **** level battle, which is important for their future. Of course, I will let them keep secrets for you. "


Li Mochen spent a full twelve hours in Bethel Estantine's magic tower before reading the information provided by Professor Estantin.

Afterwards, Li Mochen came alone over the city of San Francisco, waiting quietly.

Lafayette de Robespierre ’s Magic Tower is nearby, and Li Mochen needs a certain amount of time to lock its specific location. He is also waiting for the arrival of his 'home of destiny' and his vice.

The magic tower's sailing speed is still very fast, especially his "land of destiny", the materials are extremely luxurious, and the magic array is almost perfect. But from Atlanta on the east coast to San Francisco on the west coast, the "land of destiny" can take fifteen or six hours.

At this time, Angela just returned to Atlanta.

"All that should be recovered over there have been recovered. I don't know if Michelle will notice, but I have done my best."

"Don't worry, Angel."

During the conversation, Li Mochen heard that the girl was pretending to be calm, but her words still revealed her present, restless and overwhelmed state of panic.

"I have consulted Professor Estantin. He said that Michelle is planning, and it will take more than half a year to complete the preparation. We still have time, Angel."

"Half a year?"

Angela breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her voice: "Amo! I've thought about it, we must stop him, we can't let him do that."

"Stop? Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure!"

Angela was very dissatisfied: "Amo, this is not like you! I already guessed what his father wanted to do, I know he was in pain, but our pain should not affect others, should he? Yes, so for those involved, what is the difference between us and demons? Anyway, you have to help me this time! "

Li Mochen's lips and lips couldn't help but show a smile, this is indeed the woman he chose.

"What about the consequences? Michelle may die, and then his enemies will come to them one by one."

He was very annoyed by Professor Estantin's temptation, but he ended up using the same words for Angel. But the question should still be asked, Angela's attitude to this matter determines his next response.

"I know, I know, Amo. But if this sin happens, then everything will be irreversible."

Angela's voice was dim: "I will take responsibility, and this is what my father must bear."

"Don't be so pessimistic, Angel."

Li Mochen laughed loudly and his voice was hearty: "This is not something that cannot be solved. In short, I will talk about it when I go back to Atlanta. Angel, you have to promise me that you should never act rashly and believe me without getting my consent!"

At this time, Li Mochen's eyes also showed a little fineness.

His Master Tower ‘Hometown of Destiny’ has arrived in San Francisco.

Li Mochen did not disturb the seventh floor of the Master Tower, and was forging a mythological armed auxiliary body. He was just a trick to make the 'Crimson Dragon Armor' come out of space, and then turned into dozens of components, quickly covering his body.

The 'Five Yuan' Wai Dan is suspended behind him, exuding five kinds of aura, white, blue, black, red and yellow.

"Please, Professor!"

"Go ahead--"

In the void, Professor Estantin replied quietly: "Since I have made a promise, even if the battle between you destroyed this city of San Francisco, no one will know what is happening here."

At this time, Li Mochen had already controlled the dragon's veins to travel through the void. About ten seconds later, he came to the space between the main material world and the astral world, in front of a magic tower with a huge half plane.

The magic tower is as high as twenty floors, and the magic radiance is mainly red and gray. In magic knowledge, it usually symbolizes the power of destruction and destruction.

Li Mochen didn't act lightly, he watched carefully from outside this half plane. Then compare this magic tower with a drawing he had seen in Estantin before, try to analyze its structure and observe their similarities and differences.

But just a minute later, a young figure wearing an embroidered gold robe projected in front of his eyes.

Just like the photos Li Mochen has seen, this man has the face of a movie star and wears glasses with silver frames. He looks very gentle and scholarly.

But what the person said was unkind,

"I know you, you are that Andre Lee Wiltonstein, you guys, have you seen enough?"

"Rafat de Robespierre, you should guess my intention?"

When Li Mochen spoke, he also focused on the person opposite. This is not a projection of magic, but magic makes Robespierre himself.


Robespierre sneered: "Is it for your sister Jennifer? You put on this mythological armor deliberately, are you ready to fight me? Is this minute outside, trying to analyze my The structure of the magic tower? "

His jaw was slightly high and his arrogance: "Listen! Jennifer's brother, your current strength has surprised me a little, but there is no rampant capital in front of me. This time on Jennifer's face, I forgive you for your offensive actions. Also, that woman is doing very well with me. Rest assured, I am not Edmund and will not do anything to her. "

Li Mochen carefully observed the other person's look and tone, and then believed the other person's words,

This is indeed an arrogant guy, disdain to lie to him-but this fact does not affect his decision to recover Jennifer from this person.

"As you can see, I am indeed ready to fight. Since I am here, I must take people away. Mr. Robespierre, I am very grateful for your care for Jennifer during this time. , And now, please give her freedom. "

Robespierre's eyes suddenly froze,

"Little guy, do you know what you are doing? I give you tolerance, but you put my good intentions into the mud!"

"Good intentions? This is your own fantasy."

Li Mochen's expression was indifferent, and at this time his 'home of destiny' was slowly approaching from 300 kilometers away.

Although this magic tower has only eight floors, the magical brilliance is equally brilliant, and it has not been overwhelmed by the ‘scepter of destruction’ in the tower of Robespierre opposite.

"We have a common enemy and there is no need to resolve disputes through battle. But if there is no other choice, I will never hesitate."

Robespierre's face was slightly distorted, and he seemed to be angry and laughing: "I want to know, does Concierge know about this? The woman Jennifer is the safest in me!"


Li Mochen shrugged: "Consoli can't influence my decision. I only know that this is not Jennifer's own wish. Let it go, Robespierre, unless you want to do it with me."

"Shit! Are you trying to force me to beat you up?"

The young mage on the opposite side scolded him, his eyes gleamed fiercely, his anger was full of anger, but somehow he was hesitant.

After a long while, Robespierre snorted suddenly and waved the ruby ​​staff in his hand. Make a magic image projected between the two.

Inside is a girl, wearing medieval armor, practicing swordsmanship in a large hall. Her opponent is a magically constructed 'puppet puppet'. The strength is quite strong. The sword shadow she cuts out is as fast as the wind, so that the girl can only passively defend and her face is covered with sweat beads.

She soon noticed the anomalies around her, and cast her gaze to this side as soon as possible.

"Lafayette? Is there anything-eh? Andrea? Why are you here?"

Listening to this surprised voice, Li Mochen's lips twitched, thinking of this title, very intimate!

I really lost money in the original version of Li Mochen in the past six months, worried about day and night—

"Your younger brother, he will take you away now. Looking at you, I don't want to use violence to solve the problem."

Robespierre's face was cold and expressionless: "Tell him what you are."

"I'm okay!"

Jennifer Wiltonstein did not understand the situation, but she quickly reacted. A complex look flashed in his eyes, not only shocked, unbelievable, but also a hint of comfort and joy.

"I'm fine here, there is no need to worry about Amo, Robespierre took care of me and did not cause any harm to me."

Li Mochen looked at the image with certainty, confirming that the figure in it was not falsified, it was indeed Jennifer Wiltonstein himself.

"Jennifer, I have always believed in Mr. Robespierre's character."

Seeing the young mage opposite raised his chin proudly, Li Mochen couldn't help but secretly smile.

"But this has nothing to do with your personal freedom, isn't it? Unless you tell me, you are willing to stay here without any reluctance. Willing to be protected by him, become a tool for his revenge against his opponent, accept his alms and mercy . "

Jennifer in the video couldn't help changing color slightly, but her eyes, after looking back and forth between the two for a while, responded calmly: "Yes! Andrea, I am willing to stay here, you don't need to Worried about me. "

"Now satisfied?"

Robespierre sneered: "If you have nothing else to say, just go back! I'm sick of seeing you now, there is an urge to beat you."

"Then you don't have to be patient, Mr. Robespierre."

Li Mochen carefully looked at Jennifer's eyes and expressions, and then took a stroke of his right hand. A blue-blue scabbard similar to the shape of a Tang knife appeared in his hand.

-This is one of the loot he got in the battle of Rochelle Canyon not long ago. It is also the only one of the six five-level sacristy that does not need to be transformed.

It was a weapon made by an alchemist who liked the oriental samurai culture, and it was named ‘Sakura Blood’. It not only possesses extreme sharpness, but also has two extremely rare conceptual jurisdictions of puncture and inevitable.

Li Mochen is not good at using Tang Dao, however, the advanced ability of these two jurisdictions, when he was Tao Jianran, had a solid foundation.

In particular, the former, as a person who repaired the sword art to the top of the peak, can never be ignored.

Therefore, for the present Li Mochen, the value of this Toyo knife is not less than that of a mythological weapon.

Moreover, the way of fighting arts and crafts, the ever-changing one does not deviate from its sect. Even if Li Mochen has never studied, he can exert a very high level of knife speed.

"I changed my mind. Whether Jennifer wants to leave here or not, I have to fight you."

The young mage couldn't help but stunned for a while, and then his eyes began to burn with anger: "Are you serious? I won't be merciless!"

Jennifer also changed color: "Andre, are you crazy? I said, I'm fine here. I don't plan to leave here in a short time."

"This has nothing to do with you, Jennifer!"

Li Mochen's lips were slightly picky, and there was a smile on his face: "I'm looking at this guy's discomfort, doesn't he want to beat me up? It's as good as he wants. You can go back, Robbers Mr. Peel, you can see that you are not doing anything. Can you give you three minutes? After losing, do n’t complain. "

——In fact, he also needs three minutes to thoroughly analyze the structure of this ‘rule of destruction’.

At this time, nearly 60,000 strands of merit and aura on the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" were rapidly being consumed.

"Ignorant idiot! Having mastered a mythical arm, forget it."

Robespierre sneered. With one snap of his fingers, the whole body was transformed into magical aura: "Once again, for Jennifer's sake, I will only use 30% of the power today. I will be on the tenth floor of the magic tower Waiting for you to let you understand the true meaning of power. "

Li Mochen was not sure, but his "Sakura Blood Knife" was slowly unsheathed. The cold awn that emerged from the scabbard had dispelled all the magical aura around him.


"Wow, this has become a soap opera of family ethics."

Just a little earlier, on Bethel Estantin ’s 'Supreme Truth' magic tower, an equally young magician made a mocking laugh: "What is this? Between the prospective brother-in-law and the younger uncle war?"

The other mage, who had a more stable temperament, rubbed his chin with his hand: "It's really incredible, there is always a legend. Is there a problem with the sexual orientation of the guy Robespierre? It is rare to see him dealing with a woman Such patience can even be said to be in harmony with Yan Yue. Could it be said that this is Kang Xiuli's real plot? "

"I guess this is also an unexpected change."

The young magician shook his head: "However, if Robespierre really chose Jennifer as his partner, then the Wiltonstein family did make a lot of money, and they can now call themselves the supreme family. I Guess this battle, it should be impossible to fight. You let me run in vain, wasting a full two hours, teacher Estin. "

Bethel Estantin smiled, still smoking a pipe without saying a word, spraying clouds and mist at a round table.

"Your knowledge of Andre is too one-sided, Senior Drew!"

This is a woman. If Li Mochen is here, he will recognize this as his acquaintance, Christie Bled, vice chairman of the New World Magic Association.

This man's face is always heavy: "The guy's pride is not under Robespierre, he may not accept this form of" marriage ". Otherwise, he will not be here today. . "

At this moment, Christie Brad raised his eyebrows slightly, and found that the situation was different: "The situation is not right, the magic energy conflict is very fierce."

"Are you going to do it? Wow, this is not a good choice."

The young mage shook his head slightly: "Although I don't like Robespierre very much, I don't admit that guy, indeed, it has the most top power under the gods. His future must be beyond Our teacher. Do you want to bet? Two of them, within three minutes of betting, Robespierre can let this guy suffer a big loss, this will be an unforgettable lesson in his life, I can bet one hundred Soul Gold Coin. "

"The stakes are slightly larger."

The middle-aged man meditation a little, and then put a hundred purple gold coins on the table: "But it is acceptable, he is the guy that the teacher values ​​after all ~ ~ More important than Anthony , But he was stupid enough to attack the 'rule of destruction' head-on. So I bet twenty minutes, the guy Robespierre is actually very cunning. "

Bled hesitated for a while, his face seemed to be aching. But in the end, she put an object on their temporary gambling table: "I don't have so many soul gold coins, but the value of this mythical equipment should be equivalent. I bet this lucky Andrea, He can at least retreat. "

"You're so rare, so confident in him?"

The young mage glanced at his school girl in amazement, but the next moment, he was attracted by the bleak edge of the magic image. Then this pupil's pupils suddenly spread out.

He saw with his own eyes that the twenty-story magic tower, which should have been extremely strong, was cut open by a long knife in Li Mochen's hand. And the whole space membrane is separated up and down, divided into two!

"This is the concept of theocracy?"

Bethel Estantin next to him was also stunned for a while, and then spit out another white smoke.


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