Somewhere in Sanqian Daozhou, thousands of Dao-killing warriors were prostrate on the ground. The time and space here were blocked. In a large formation spanning several realms, tens of thousands of law chains blocked the void. In the darkness, blood-red The phoenix pupils exuded a bloodthirsty light, revealing a trace of killing intent and hatred. ReadМ

"The Climbing Immortal Platform created by the Qing Emperor of the human race was born."

"It seems that the day when my ancient clans were born is almost here."


A figure walked out of the darkness. Under his three-meter-tall body was a majestic power of Qi and blood. He was clearly a Tao-slaying master who had demonstrated the Tao with his strength. He bowed his head respectfully towards the voice inside the chain to show respect. .

"Leader, what are your orders?"

"This time when the Immortal Platform is born, many top forces will definitely send the younger generation to test and activate some secrets. We must kill all these talented people of the human race! Kill their spirit!"

"Yes! Alliance leader, it's just that our plan in Canglan Tianyu was ruined by the son of Emperor Hong Yue."

There was a bloody smell coming from the chain, as if something was being eaten.

"We were discovered, or it was just a coincidence."

"It seems to be a coincidence."

"That's okay, it's just a trivial matter. Just take care of the plans in the Wilderness Territory and the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Territory so that they don't get affected. That's the main layout area."

"Yes, Alliance Leader."

The three-meter-tall little giant looked extremely small in the deep void crack. After a long time, an instruction came from the crack, and the little giant-like creature breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated.

"The prosperous age of the human race? The geniuses fighting for power? It's a joke! It's just food!"

Under the Immortal Platform

The originally sparse crowds have become like a vegetable market, with flying equipment from various sects scattered everywhere. Since the Immortal Platform does not limit the number of monks who can go up there, there are now monks everywhere under the Immortal Platform, which looks quite crowded.

"Those are Qin Yuan from the Shura Dao, Ji Yao from the Ziwei Holy Land, and Zhang Daoling, the eldest prince of the Daqian Dynasty. Hey, aren't there wars all year round on their side?"

"I guess it's because I want to inquire about the way of heaven and find a way to unify the heavens of all nations!"


"Is An Miaoyi here too?"

The beautiful girl in purple glanced at the crowd and did not find the figure in her memory. She was a little disappointed, and then walked towards the Immortal Platform. The monk blocking the road in front was killed by An Miaoyi, clearing a path. Blood channel.

"Eighth Nirvana, my cultivation is not bad."

Li Chengan withdrew his gaze and looked at Li Yu, who was less than fifty steps away from him in front of him. He quickened his pace and struck every blow with all his strength. When he was exhausted, he used 100 villain points to restore the magic energy. From time to time, he also used words to stimulate the magic. null.

"Monk, with your level of cultivation, no wonder Master looks down on you. Useless!"

Fakong in the audience twitched his brows, calmed down the fluctuations in his heart, and remained silent. The light of the golden Buddha behind him was still gathering momentum. The gatekeeper could not block the palm of the golden Buddha, and turned into golden light to bless the golden Buddha. Above the Buddha.

The distance between Li Yu and Li Chengan is getting closer as time goes by.

Li Yu felt a sense of oppression when he saw Li Chengan, who was less than ten steps away from him, and quickly used the prop card he had prepared in his system backpack.

(The prop card is superior to others: superimposes the cultivation level of a monk of the same level, lasting 4 hours)

After Li Yu used it on Li Chengan, he only felt that his weak body had strength. A steady stream of spiritual energy emerged from the demonic energy from all over the body, killing the gatekeepers who hindered him, and quickly climbed up the stairs.

Level 500, Guardian of the Divine Fire Realm

"Is this on drugs?"

The stairs above the Immortal Platform seemed to be half integrated into the world and half in reality. Li Chengan's understanding of the laws at this time improved rapidly, and his body's cultivation level also increased.

Fa Kong behind Li Chengan had given up chasing him and was just staring murderously. The golden Buddha behind him was still as tall and stable as ever.

"Why are you running, my good apprentice!"

Furious, Li Chengan's imperial envoy Yi Muyin crushed them with force along the way, completely ignoring the consumption of magic energy. No matter what race the gatekeeper was, he could not hold out for even a second in the face of such an attack that could break through all means. Dissipates directly on the steps.

The 999 stairs give people the feeling of going straight to heaven. The long road is long. Hundreds of monks are like hard-working ants, scattered on the ladder. The leader among them is Li Yu, who was the first to discover the immortal platform. Using the prop card His speed suddenly increased, and he was far behind Li Chengan, a full 40 steps away.

Don't think that level 40 is rare. They are now at level 700+. The strength of the gatekeepers has reached the Nirvana realm. Even if this group of monks who claim to be invincible at the same level want to kill those who are also in the Nirvana realm. The monks also have to spend a lot of effort.


A monk from the Fire Cloud Palace behind Li Chengan was chopped into pieces by a sword from the gatekeeper. His energy and spirit instantly dissipated in the air, and his soul disappeared without any fluctuation, which made people wary.

"I won't take part in this trial! I'm leaving!"

A monk gritted his teeth after seeing this, took a step towards the outside of the stairs, and walked directly out of the stairs without any resistance.

"Can I log in again?"

He has benefited a lot from climbing the steps to the Immortal Platform, and his cultivation level is about to break through. If he climbs to the position just now again and understands the truth of heaven and earth, he will definitely be able to break through.

"Try again!"

The monk tentatively came to the first step and put his feet up.

The monk suddenly showed a look of fear on his face, and disappeared directly in the air, scaring the monks around him to take a step back.

"Brother Li!"

A monk who knew him took out a soul jade, on which the soul power representing his friend's vitality had dissipated, and it looked dim.


"It seems that this immortal platform can only be reached once."

"After all, it is difficult to find an immortal fate, and he wants to come again. How can such a good thing happen?"

"It's not unfair to die."

Cang Ye in the dark took in the situation and told his clone.

After Li Cheng'an got the news, he had an idea.

Thinking of driving Li Yu off the immortal platform, this is also a good way.


"You are cheating, right!"

Li Yu in front seemed to have taken a strong medicine, and he was advancing all the way. He cut down a gatekeeper with one sword like cutting a melon. Li Cheng'an also saw the shadow of his own skills from him. Obviously, it was the golden finger on Li Yu who was causing trouble again.

"I guess this is his golden finger, it's really outrageous."

"But you can't hold on for long. There must be some changes after the 900th floor. It's just right for you to explore the way."

After Cangye figured it out, he silently slowed down and kept a moderate speed behind Li Yu. There was a difference of 60 steps. If Li Yu accelerated, it would catch up. If Li Yu slowed down, he was not in a hurry.

If Cangye was worried that Li Yu would take advantage of his advantage and reach the end of the Dengxiantai before he climbed the Dengxiantai, it now seems that the creator of the Dengxiantai would obviously not make such a low-level mistake.

"The 700th level is the Nirvana cultivation. The requirements for the later levels must be higher. It is not impossible to get stuck somewhere."

The golden light at the end of the steps was reflected in Cangye's eyes, giving people a sense of nothingness, which could be seen but not touched. He smiled bitterly.

"I think not everyone can climb the Dengxiantai. Ask the way of heaven. Apart from the Qing Emperor who did so in historical records, who else can do it?"

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