Destiny’s Catalogue

Vol 4 Chapter 36: Similar to each year

In the past fifteen years, Shi Xuan went to thunderclouds to quench the body with sky thunder, and then retreat to practice hard. He also went to the edge of the endless void once every two years, exhibited Tai Chi pictures, and felt the magnificent magnificence and good fortune. The magical mystery of the operation, although there is still no direct gain, but the understanding of the law, Taoism, and magic is deeper, and that kind of magical mood can finally be sent and received, of course, it is only used to bluff people An empty shell has no actual power.

In fact, Shi Xuan didn’t know that these benefits had actually been incorporated into his practice bit by bit, laying a solid foundation for the future. Even the monks of the gods who only indirectly felt the power of good fortune through Shi Xuan. More or less harvested.

Shi Xuan’s natal magic weapon Tai Chi diagram has been banned for more than sixty-one levels, only four years away from the Seventh Heaven’s Consummation, and then it will be able to display the power of the magic sword that is not inferior to the magic sword, and it is magical and mysterious. Have passed. The Yinyang Second Gas Cylinder is still twelve years away from the Seventh Heaven Consummation, but as long as the opponent is not a veteran **** **** stage monk with the Eight Heaven Consummation, it can also absorb the magical weapon.

Shi Xuan completely grasped the Eighth Heavenly Consummation Lei Ze Divine Sword and the Seventh Heavenly Consummation Set of Seven Yimu Qinglong Swords, especially the latter, Shi Xuan also practiced two levels of prohibition, anyway, in addition to penance, Sacrificing refining instruments is just a matter of hand.

As for the Vientiane Shadowless Sword, it has been completed in the sixth heaven, but Shi Xuan can only leave it, because there is no invisible iron and refining method, this longest magical weapon with Shi Xuan can no longer be banned by the evil spirits. Going up, it will be used as Shi Xuan's collection instead of a combat weapon.

Therefore, Shi Xuan intends to take the time to go to the Western Wilderness to participate in the high-level underground auctions where genius treasures occasionally appear to see if there are any invisible iron and refining methods. However, Shi Xuan's main purpose is not this, but If the materials of Kunpeng stomach and phoenix blood, two genius earth treasure series, are available, Shi Xuan can start to refine the magic weapon heaven, earth, mountains and river maps, because after the **** **** is completed, the mountain and river beads can already be controlled by Shi Xuan. , Moved out from Zifu Zhihai.

Of course, the hope of buying these two materials is very slim. Shi Xuan didn't hold much hope, so he tried his best.

The mihun banner has also passed the sixth heaven, but its power is too far from the spirit weapon and magic weapon Shi Xuan is using. It can only be temporarily used as a collection, but after it reaches the spirit weapon, it can be compared with "Bao Lu" With the cooperation of Daoshu in the same door, the formation of nine days and ten places of life and death can be used to challenge a spiritual weapon that is one level higher than it, or an array of the same power. This Dao technique is called: Yin Yang's Great Cycle of Life and Death, and on the Baolu, there is also its name after its advanced fairy law: Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan has been completed on the Five Heavens, which means that Shi Xuan can use the Great Move technique once in ten days. As for Shi Xuan's talented little supernatural powers, except for the Shangqing Hand Shuttle Thunder, which is already an eighth-order spell, the others are about two years away from the eighth-order.


In front of the True Immortal Guan, several elders and heads of the martial arts have arrived, waiting for the senior Guanzhong to open the door. Fifteen years is not short for the monks, and it is also far from long. So the old faces that appear here, such as Cui Deshou, Lin Hanrong, easy to bear waves, and Chi Hou .

Cui Deshou, Lin Hanrong, and other monks outside the Yunxiao Sect, all looked at Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde with a little jealousy. Among them, Lin Hanrong sighed: "You two little babies are really immortal. Senior Shi pointed out that I’m afraid it’s not too far away from the air-entraining period. Think of us back then, which is not the threshold for reaching the air-entraining period in our fifties, this time we are not going to exchange some too high induction pills?"

Since the demonstration of the realm of the unity of nature and man, Senior Shi has never appeared in front of his monks. Only the two little dolls of the Yunxiao Sect can enter the view and get his guidance. How can this not make people feel jealous! Especially after that time, several masters of the **** stage had a breakthrough in their cultivation base after years of stagnation, and their hearts were extremely eager to get the guidance of the real immortal predecessors. Even if they didn’t point them, it would be okay to show the realm of harmony between man and nature again ! The result was extremely disappointing.

Chi Zhengde shook his head: "Our two cultivation bases have made rapid progress. There is no need to use Taishang induction pills to break through. At most, within eight or nine years, we will be able to advance to the entrainment period."

For the two of them, the current practice environment is so superior. Because of the imperfect laws of heaven and earth, other monks are slow to practice. They are envious and jealous of the progress of the two of them, and there will be no deliberate creation of the Penglai school. The atmosphere of contempt and contempt allows the two to practice with peace of mind. In fact, if it wasn't for Xiaoqian World's sake, Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde would be able to break through to the entrained air stage by their own strength for up to three years. However, relatively speaking, the two did not get the experience of firm Taoism.

With a squeak, the wooden door slowly opened, and a familiar figure walked out from inside. Although he changed into a Yuebai robes, it still surprised and delighted the monks, so they saluted and saluted in unison. Said: "Junior see Senior Shi!" The voice was full of joy.

Shi Xuan was the **** **** consummated a few days ago. Seeing that just a few days before the first day of the new year, he simply stayed to preside over the Taoist temple. By the way, I would like to ask Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde if they would like to join the Penglai School to recruit disciples. The Fa conference, by the way, I have to experiment with the state of mind that embodies the might of good fortune. After all, before sending and receiving from the heart is just my own feeling. It is not sure how others see it and whether it feels that way, so I need to show it again. Fan.

The subjects of the experiment are naturally the monks who have met before. You must know that Shi Xuan can be used as a means of trump cards. If you return to the Penglai School to show too many, it is easy to be seen through. After all, those people know Shi Xuan. Xuan's cultivation realm, and this is an empty shell to fool people, it will have no effect if it is seen through. Therefore, Shi Xuan made up his mind and experimented here.

"Get up, everyone, present all the materials, and tell Poor Dao what you want." Shi Xuan repeated the opening remarks, thinking about whether to show them directly later, or you will guide them to propose them.

The elders and the heads of the Supreme Lord looked at each other, and they understood from the eyes of each other that the other party was playing the same idea as themselves (in front of the real immortal seniors, everyone dare not use their spiritual knowledge and spiritual sense to communicate) , So he paid homage again: "The juniors are willing to present materials, please show the realm of the unity of nature and man again!"

To be honest, Shi Xuan was taken aback. When they talk about the unity of man and nature, Shi Xuan somewhat understands what he is referring to, but why does he want to see himself show it so much? Before, I tried my best to think about how you would lead them to propose it. I didn’t expect them to be so self-conscious: "Why do you want to see the poor and the way to show the unity of nature and man?" As a senior, you have to be straightforward. It is regarded as the seniors who are discerning or torturing the Taoist mind, and then the juniors have made great efforts to make up for themselves and come to a satisfactory conclusion.

At this time, naturally Chi Caibo, who is more familiar with Shi Xuan, answered: "Return to seniors, because more than ten years ago, everyone saw the realm of the unity of nature and man unintentionally displayed by you, and they all gained something, especially The seniors of the gods and hunger stages have made breakthroughs after years of stagnant cultivation, so everyone wants to see your old man again to show the unity of nature and man."

Shi Xuan didn't expect that the aura that came out of him when he was immersed in the heaven-opening wonders of good fortune could make monks so much rewarded. Could it be that they could indirectly feel that trace of good fortune through themselves? This might be great! If this is the case, do you want to show it in front of the master, so that he has a little more confidence in achieving the soul.

As his thoughts turned, Shi Xuan had already made up his mind. The master had nothing to say to himself. Although there is a possibility of violating secrets, this may not be great, and it may not even be as great as when he asked about the magic weapon of his life. Facing the law of the Little Thousand World, just having an epiphany, or witnessing the magic of creation by chance, are all plausible explanations, and will not involve the issue of "Treasure Record". Besides, the master often mentions it and can come The monks of God **** and Jindan, who don't have any adventures or secrets, the sect will not pay too much attention.

The plan was decided, Shi Xuan did not answer the monks, but sank directly into that state of mind. If he failed, he would immediately answer his disagreement, so as not to lose face. If he succeeded, it would naturally be better to say nothing at this time.

Yi Nianlang and the others were still looking at Senior Shi up and down. When he didn't know if he could agree, that kind of feeling suddenly appeared, as if seeing the sun and the moon rising in the west, letting the Buddha see the stars in order. It revolves, as if seeing wind, rain, thunder and lightning, ice, snow and violent winds alternately. Putting the Buddha to see the sea slowly drying up, then a high mountain rises from it, straight into the sky, as if seeing the birth, old, sick, and dead...

These most common, longest, and most forgotten scenes were revealed from the breath of Shi Xuan at this time, making the monks dazzled, deeply immersed in them, and unconsciously a touch of emotion rose in their hearts. Kind of awe, kind of understanding.

"Okay, let's stop here." Seeing the expressions of awe in these monks' intoxication, Shi Xuan knew that he had indeed mastered this state of mind, and could exude a breath of wonder.

Seeing that the predecessors in front of them returned to their usual aura, Cui Deshou, Yi Nanglang, Chi Caibo, Chi Zhengde and others were taken aback, but they all understood that this was a gift from the predecessors and could no longer be forced, so they all respectfully worshipped three times and nine knocks. , Thanked Shi Xuan with a teacher's gift, and then, except for a few people sent by Yunxiao, the other monks left after leaving the materials.

Shi Xuan had a headache after seeing the materials left by them, and finally decided to select items of equal value from the storage bag given by the Zongmen and put them in the storage space of his Yin Yang second gas cylinder, and the materials were faithfully handed in. These items of equal value were mainly spirit stones. After all, Shi Xuan was planning to go to the Western Wilderness Auction, and he had to change hands again when taking other items. It was better to take the spirit stones directly, so Shi Xuan received a total of eight high-grade spirit stones.

Bringing Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde into the quiet room, Shi Xuanpantui sat on the futon and finished solving today's problems, and then solemnly said: "I have something to ask you, you must ask your heart. Mo replied hastily." @.

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