Destiny’s Catalogue

Vol 4 Chapter 53: The dust settles

When the huge ball of thunder light slowly dissipated, Hong Zhishan's figure appeared in the middle of a well-groomed mysterious clothes that became tattered, and the high crown on his head was slanted to the side, looking very embarrassed.

"Junior Brother Shi is really good at swordsmanship, and Senior Brother can't do it." Hong Zhishan said in a perfunctory manner, his face was ugly and his tone was stiff. Anyway, he was so embarrassed to be defeated by Shi Xuan, making him very angry. After all, not everyone is It is a generation with a broad heart.

Shi Xuan didn't care about his attitude either. The winner didn't mind this, and smiled and said, "Brother gave it up. I don't know which uncle will fight with his disciple next?" His eyes looked at Lingqing, who was standing aside. Yue Yinxin.

Ling Qing spoke first: "My old man, let's learn about your swordsmanship with Shishi Nephew. However, Shishi Nephew, you have to fight for two games, so let's rest first." Just now, Shi Xuan defeated Gu Xinxuan and Hong Zhishan in a row and used his sword skills. Ling Qing also understood that the title of the first swordsmanship master below Shi Xuan's golden core was not given for nothing, but his tone was firm, and there was a strong self-confidence in it, and it seemed that there was already a means to restrain Shi Xuan's swordsmanship.

Shi Xuan also felt Lingqing’s self-confidence, so he made up his mind and so on, so as not to lose the battle accidentally. In fact, even if Lingqing did not show that confidence, Shi Xuan would do his best. After all, Lingqing has nearly three hundred years of cultivation, and is a master of the age of God. He will more or less have some concealed methods or magical tools, spiritual tools, and rich experience, so Shi Xuan has long decided to fight with him. At the beginning of the game, he used Tai Chi Tu to make a quick battle and make no chance of a comeback.

After a while, Shi Xuan opened his eyes and said respectfully, "Uncle Lingqing, please enlighten me."

Lingqing clicked a cross, released the natal magic weapon Thunder Fire Mirror, floating behind his head, and put the body protection spiritual device Taiyi purple smoke ring on his body to release a thick purple light to protect the whole body, and then he said: "Shishi Nephew please."

Shi Xuan no longer replied. As usual, the Lei Fu Demon Sword turned into a thunder light and slashed towards Lingqing, and at the same time, the Taiji figure in the dantian turned into a golden bridge and flew towards Lingqing.

Lingqing saw the blue thunder light from the Demon Sword of the Sky Lei, did not make a sound on his face, and threw something out of his hand. It grew longer and bigger against the wind, but it was a large gleaming silvery white light. The net envelops the Demon Sword of Heaven and Thunder, and the runes on it gleam, locking the surrounding space and falling down in an unstoppable force. However, it was the same as that used by Gu Yizhen to deal with Lu Lingxiao. It can be seen from this that this is one of the effective methods to deal with the swordsmanship of sword energy and thunder.

Seeing that this big net is about to cover the Heavenly Thunder and Demon Sword, even Lingqing, such a knowledgeable and experienced monk, has a hint of joy. After all, Shi Xuan only has a magic weapon flying sword, and his life magic weapon is not Fei Jian, using the magic weapon Fei Jian of the Eighth Heaven Consummation to use the sword air and thunder sound, it can't help the spirit tool Taiyi purple smoke ring on his body.

But at this moment, an all-encompassing, sacred golden bridge flew from Shi Xuan, and fell on top of Lingqing's head. All the way through, the aura in the air calmed down. It seems that space and time are slightly stagnant, that silvery white. The ray of light inevitably paused, and the Demon Sword of Sky Thunder took advantage of this gap to pass through it, and in a blink of an eye, it passed through the ring of Taiyi purple smoke and stopped by Lingqing.

When the golden bridge on the other side straddled the void and fell between Lingqing and Shixuan, when Lingqing saw the vast, mysterious and mysterious golden bridge, he felt that the surrounding area was quiet, the sky thunder and demon sword disappeared, silver white. The big net disappeared, the vast starry sky disappeared... The whole **** **** was slightly stagnant, and the infuriating movement stopped for an instant. The operation of the natal magic weapon Leihuo Baojing and the body protection spirit Taiyi purple smoke ring also stopped for a while.

When Ling Qing woke up from this stagnation, she saw the blue thunder light floating in front of her eyes, Jian Guang hesitated slightly. Lingqing was taken aback and looked around again. The Taiyi Purple Smoke Ring and Thunder Fire Mirror were both intact and normal. Recalling what happened just now, I realized the mysterious horror of the golden bridge.

Just now I just regarded this Jinqiao as Shi Xuan’s defensive natal magic weapon, and I still laughed in my heart, Shi Nephew was really timid, and his natal magic weapon chose this kind of defensive magic weapon. Although the power is extraordinary, the purpose is too single. But it is so mysterious and terrifying, it can actually hold the vitality, hold the **** hun, hold the magical and spiritual tools...............

Shi Xuan saw that Lingqing’s face was white and blue, blue and red, red and black, and changed again and again. It took a long time before he sighed: "It is true that there are talents in the world. The waves behind the river push the waves forward. The old man is old. Nephew Shi, you are too many."

"Thank you, Master Lingqing, for your advice." Shi Xuan replied in a decent manner. Originally, he wanted to use "It is also because of the advanced cultivation of the teacher, so the teacher and nephew did his best." Then I remembered that it seemed that Gu Xinxuan and Hong Zhishan were not in the eyes, so I chose this kind of answer that was not dripping but not brilliant.

Lingqing nodded, and said with some exclamation: "However, my generation of cultivators still have to focus on the realm of cultivation. When the realm of cultivation is up, the strength will naturally rise. Nephew, if you do not achieve the golden core for a day, others will Your first position has been coveted for a day. The old man is almost three hundred years old. Although he has taken a life-enhancing pill, he is still short of time. Maybe he will not be able to sustain it in a few years. Turn nine to nine. The jade liquid **** pill has become a middle-grade golden pill. If your nephew doesn't have a golden pill, don't blame me for being undead. After all, if you can reincarnate, these accumulations of insights can be carried to the next life."

Shi Xuan could only smile bitterly. It has only been a few years since his own **** **** reached Consummation. He said that the achievement of the golden core is a bit far away. It is really necessary for the elder **** to abandon the soul of the soul and achieve the middle-grade golden core instead. At best, he could guarantee his escape under the middle-grade Jindan master, and there was no chance of winning at all, especially when he was only in the realm of cultivation.

Ling Qing stopped talking and retreated to Gu Xinxuan. When Shi Xuan saw this, he respectfully asked Yinxin: "Next, is Uncle Yue referring to the teacher's nephew?"

Hearing this, Yue Yinxin was silent for a moment, and then said quietly for a long time: "Forget it, I am convinced that you will be the first one, Master Nephew." However, she saw Shi Xuan's three consecutive cultivation skills, methods, and measures. Swordsmanship can resist even if he takes himself down, but the mysterious golden bridge is unpredictable. There is no chance of winning without the talisman and secret treasures accumulated over the years, so there is no plan to lose face.

Mo Yuan said indifferently: "Since the few have no opinion, Shi Xuan is the first seat of my peak, and the ceremony will be held in the Temple of Heaven tomorrow." Since this matter has been known to the head, I don’t worry about whether it’s too late. The middle man, how can a ceremony be held like in the secular world, with a preparation for ten or twenty days, a few spells and everything will be done, and the ceremony of the Penglai School is always solemn, lacking in magnificence, and even very simple.

Seeing that Lingqing and the other four were silent, and did not object, Mo Yuan pointed his hand, and the vast starry sky disappeared without a trace. Everyone was still standing in Mo Yuan’s cave, with stone tables, stone benches, and futon teacups inside. My child is abnormal, especially the tea in the teacup is still so full, not overflowing at all, as if the powerful battles just now were just illusions, and it was the mystery of the void illusion.

Moreover, when you use the Void Fantasy Realm to fight against people, you can do your best to occupy the home court. My strength increases by more than 20%, and the opponent's strength is weakened by more than 20%. For example, the Golden Core Master who can be in the Void Fantasy Realm and the Golden Core who cannot Grandmaster fights, even if the former is slightly inferior to the latter, if the latter has no corresponding means, it will undoubtedly be defeated.

The next day. Tianshu Peak meets the Tiandian.

Outside the hall, hundreds of disciples from the outer sect and nearly one hundred inner sect disciples have waited for the inner force while whispering.

"What's the matter? Need to bring us all here?" A young man with bronzed skin whispered to his companion.

His companion was extremely tall, about nine feet tall, but his face was a little childish, he looked young, and his voice was low: "Could it be that something big happened?"

"Zhou Banyu, I also know that something big happened, what is it?" The bronze boy looked at his companion anxiously. Although Zhou Banyu was tall and weighed, he seemed not too shrewd and didn't know how to pass it four years ago. Recruit disciples for the Fa conference.

"Bingnan, what are you talking about?" Chi Zhengde walked over, with a more mature face on that baby's face compared to a few years ago.

When Li Bingnan saw Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo, who was following him, his face was excited first, then hesitated, and finally saluted gloomily: "Return to Uncle Chi, my nephews are discussing why we recruited everyone today. "It turned out that two years ago, that is, two years after the entry, Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo broke through to the air-entraining stage one after another, and entered the Penglai School.

"Bingnan, everyone is a close friend, why should you be so cautious." Chi Zhengde said with a sigh. Zhou Banyu and Li Bingnan both entered the Penglai school with them, did missions together, and made fun of them together. A certain domineering family disciple, who has withstood the counterattack from the other side together, thought that he would become a good friend of many years, but he did not expect that since his brother and sister entered the air-entraining period, the two sides began to alienate.

One reason is that after the two of them entered the air-entraining period, they were busy retreating to transform their internal qi into small

Tian Wanlei was really angry, and had very little contact with a few friends. Even today, it was a rest in the middle of the retreat. When I saw the sect recruiting everyone to the Temple of Heaven to participate in the ceremony, I stopped by to take a look. After all, they are no better than Shi Xuan. The first long time of retreat can fully adjust their mentality. They can continue to retreat until their true energy is achieved. They still need to grasp it slowly. It is inevitable to rest for a few days in the middle. It is also a normal process in the practice of monks. , Is a kind of cultivation of mentality transformation.

This is also the meaning of Taoism's authentic xing and fate double cultivation. If you do not grasp the state of mind of strength, and do not adapt to the state of mind of longevity, you will not be able to gain strength or longevity. Start.

Those immortals who have been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, so they only feel lonely, are all speculating with the mentality of ordinary people. This kind of monk who only feels loneliness is impossible to cultivate strong. Strength, not to mention grasping, they should have been self-destructive either because of madness or self-destruction because of insanity in their long and lonely monastic career! .

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