Destiny’s Catalogue

Vol 5 Chapter 58: Strict laws and regulations

Shi Xuan, as a visitor who stole into this vast world, is not a child, how could he casually ride in the car of a stranger he did not know, so he politely said: "Thank you for the kindness of this friend, but I will walk into the city next time. ."

Even if the divine sense can't come out of the body, Shi Xuan can judge that this young man's physical strength is in the period of nourishing energy, and has not been tempered by the spirit of heaven and earth. In other words, Shi Xuan can steadily overcome by the strength of the physical body. There are dozens or hundreds of him, the only thing that needs to be worried is that Xu Zhenjun mentioned that this vast world popularizes magic and Taoism, and the utensils are developed. []

The young man was kindly rejected and didn't get angry. He took out a piece of something and put it in his mouth to chew, and then smiled and said: "My friend, Mingren doesn't talk secretly, just by dressing up as you, plus that gentle tone, Everyone knows where you come from. Outside of our planning city, the most frequent thing that appears is your kind of remnant of the abyss who wants to mix into my Daluo Empire to enjoy the blessing, otherwise Xiao Mou and I would not be here to ask for life."

Remnant of the Abyss? It seems that when the great man unified the Great Thousand World, he only unified those valuable places, such as some overseas desert islands, remote rural areas, and underground abysses. They were too lazy to manage. Those people yearned for the prosperity of the Da Luo Empire, so they often Stealing into the empire, so there is the business this young man is engaged in.

The reason why Xu Zhenjun put the teleportation destination here is naturally because this is the best place to mix into the Daluo Empire.

Seeing that Shi Xuan didn’t speak, the Dongqing man thought he was talking, and said quite proudly: “And my friend, if you want to steal into the city, don’t change your clothes. I bet that even if you walk into the city, you will be immediately caught The sheriff was sent to the labor camp and spent his life digging for spirit mines."

Secretly thinking about the causes and effects, and the strength comparison, Shi Xuan pays the magic weapon in his hands. Even if he encounters the Golden Core Grandmaster, he still has the opportunity to escape without violence, so he said indifferently, "What can you do for me, friend? How much did I pay?"

"This is not a place to talk. When we get in the car, we walk and talk." The young man looked around and saw that those racing cars came back, not surprised Shi Xuan's calmness, greeted him to get in the car. Illegal trading, if you get caught, you have to go to the labor camp to dig a lifelong soul mine.

Shi Xuan jumped on the light belt agilely and got into the wheelless vehicle. The young man stretched out his hand: "I haven't introduced myself yet. Brother, my name is Xiao Yang. I don't know your friend, your name, Gao?"

The formation under the car lit up under the drive of Lingshi, and the car moved slowly. Shi Xuan shook hands with the intention of shock: "At Shixuan."

With a lot of strength, Xiao Yang frowned, and then remembered Shi Xuan's move just now when he jumped on the light belt: "Brother Shi, do you have the strength for the entrainment period?"

Xuan nodded.

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked at Shi Xuan carefully: "Originally, ten high-grade spirit stones would be needed for you to fill in the identity document and the empire account number, but if Brother Shi, you can do something for us, this spirit stone can be eliminated. We are also responsible for arranging the "casting level exam" for you to win the green spellcasting license, so that except for some specific occasions, you can normally display your strength during the entrainment period."

Shi Xuan suddenly felt so illusory. There were all kinds of level exams in his previous life. In this big world, there is actually a "spellcasting level test". Could it be that Xu Zhenjun hopes to use the world similar to his previous life to make himself misplaced. To find obsession?

"Forget it, I just want to live a stable life." Although Xu Zhenjun ordered to go through more things, but this kind of thing that does not know the cause and the effect is posted, 90% of it is extremely dangerous.

Xiao Yang persuaded Shi Xuan a few more words. Seeing that Shi Xuan insisted on not agreeing, he had to say: "The ten high-grade spirit stones, give you an identity document and an empire account number. Especially the empire account number. You will save your belongings later. , Borrow money, exams, work, study, etc. All use it. Ha ha, to be honest, in our Da Luo Empire, food, clothing, housing and transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death are all related to it, and it is convenient to track deeds after committing something. "

Shi Xuan expressed his understanding, and then Xiao Yang said: "The deposit of the top-grade spiritual stone, the remaining nine will be given when you get the paperwork and account number."

Shi Xuan still had more than 20 high-grade spirit stones on his body, so he didn't worry about it, so he gave it to Xiao Yang directly.

After Xiao Yang took it, he took a closer look, and gritted his teeth: "Well, it is indeed a high-quality, high-grade spirit stone, or you people of the abyss who are kind. Take a look at these jade slips, they are all issued by the Senate. Laws and decrees, we will live under their standards in the future.” Xiao Yang's tone is bitter, and he seems to have lingering fears about so many laws and decrees.

"Flight Control Regulations", "Five Law Enforcement Prohibition Area Management Regulations", "Empire Defense Laws", "Sheriff's Handbook", "Punitive Measures for Stealers"

There were thousands of laws and regulations, and Shi Xuan was stunned.

When Shi Xuan looked through these decrees, Xiao Yang’s car had already entered Linyuan City. The city’s architectural styles were diverse, like the tall buildings of Shi Xuan’s previous life, as well as small courtyards, gardens, mansions, and some floating in the air. The odd-shaped hut looks strange and bizarre.

It was still late at night, and the whole city was quiet, with only a few wheelless vehicles driving on the light strip. At this time, from the other side of the city, a tall, black car with an eagle painted on it came.

"That is the duty car of the sheriff, remember to stay away when you encounter it." Xiao Yang solemnly warned Shi Xuan.

Before Shi Xuan could answer, he saw the car stop, and two men in uniform black clothes came down from inside, one in their thirties and one in their twenties. They stepped on the edge of the light strip. At a certain protrusion, a ladder extends from the light belt to the ground.

On the ground side of the street, a drunk man was drunk crazy, and the two sheriffs walked over, trying to stop him.

But the drunk man was quite brutal, and he kept swinging wildly, so that the two sheriffs could not get close at all. He even nearly hit the twenty-something sheriff with a few punches, making him look a little green. The sheriff became very nervous.

After the drunk man got rid of the two sheriffs, he was ready to take something into his own storage bag, which made the already nervous sheriff even more nervous. Suddenly, a blue brilliance flew out of his hand and directly took the drunk Han split in half and blood shed all over the place.

"I, I don't want to." The young sheriff looked at the older man in fear.

The older man said with a heavy face: "Don't worry, he had the intention to attack first. What you did is in full compliance with the "Shepherd's Handbook". Then you can call up the surveillance video here and write a document to go up."

The young sheriff looked at the broken bottle in the hands of the drunk, took two deep breaths, and nodded silently.

"I don't see it, as long as he shows any signs of attack, the sheriff can cast spells and use magical weapons to kill the target without restriction, so remember to stay away when you encounter it in the future." Xiao Yang said, "but no Blame them, those guys who know whether to take out the wine bottle to drink, or use a weapon to attack, do not preemptively start, you will be miserable."

Naturally, Shi Xuan would not express his opinions, so it was the right way to read the law quickly.

After entering the city, Xiao Yang's car drove very slowly. After turning a few streets, when it was twilight, he arrived at a small courtyard in the busy city.

After getting out of the car and pushing open the courtyard door, there was no one inside. Xiao Yang smiled and explained to Shi Xuan: "Those survivors waiting for identity documents or criminals who committed major crimes are scheduled to come home. Not wanting to be here by other people,

Shi Xuan saw that the yard was very sparsely arranged, and he could see that there was only a basic warning formation, so he followed Xiao Yang and walked in to an empty quiet room.

"Brother Shi, I have to borrow your breath to use it." Xiao Yang said the words first, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Shi Xuan was confident in Tai Chi Tu’s [Suppression]. These guys didn't seem to have magic weapons, so he nodded and let Xiao Yang take a breath.

Watching Xiao Yang seal his breath in a piece of jade slip, then quit, Shi Xuan stood at the door of the quiet room and waited.

In another part of the yard, Xiao Yang is discussing with a man with a wrinkled face, but a tall hat covers most of his face.

"This is the breath of the survivor? Do we want to kill him directly? Otherwise, it would be troublesome to clear the joints and steal the account number, and it costs a lot." The man made a killing gesture.

Xiao Yang shook his head: "He has a bleed period. Even if he can't cast spells, he can kill you and me with his body. Besides, even if you assemble masters, it will take quite a lot of trouble to kill him. If the trouble is big, it will not be good for the organization."

The man said with regret: "It's a pity that those masters in the organization are not willing to come to our remote city, otherwise a master of **** stage can easily win it. Hey, such a fat sheep, it is a pity to let go."

Xiao Yang laughed and said: "I exaggerated the price by five times. The remaining four yuan will be divided equally between you and me. It is better than looking for a master of the **** period, and the bulk of it must be given to him."

"Ha, I can't see it. I actually raised a high-grade spirit stone to five yuan. It's really dark enough, but I like it." The man took the jade slip and a high-grade spirit stone that had sealed the breath of Shi Xuan and went out happily Up.

Xiao Yang returned to the quiet room and sat with Shi Xuan. By the way, he talked about the common sense of the Daluo Empire. For example, the power of the entire Cuiguo was in the hands of Emperor Honglie, but he had not heard of the world for a long time, and he had no descendants. Living, so the rights are divided into two, which are controlled by the Senate composed of aristocratic families and the left prince "Venerable Weijiu" Ao Tingtao.

"Speaking of which, Xiao had been to the imperial capital for a few days last month, but he really didn't have time to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the imperial capital. On the other hand, the imperial capital had a thunderstorm on the day he returned. It is really something Xiao has never seen in his life." Talking about the experience of going to the imperial capital.

Shi Xuan was naturally willing to listen to these things, and he echoed Xiao Yang's words and made some basic common sense clear.

After an hour, Xiao Yang suddenly smiled and said: "It's done. Xiaomou immediately go to Brother Shi to get it for you."! .

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