Destiny’s Catalogue

Vol 5 Chapter 68: The small town shook the three great nations

The fireworks in the middle of the night were so brilliant and so conspicuous. Every monk who had spiritual or divine consciousness during his or her cultivation period was shocked. For a while, I didn't know how many pairs of eyes were watching those fireworks.

Soon in Linyuan City, there were many different lights, lined up in a neat battle formation, and headed towards the place where the fireworks rose, like a big enemy.

That night, passing through the noise and suspicion of everyone, ushered in the rising sun.

Shi Xuan, who went out to the General’s Mansion, ran into Li Wei and Huang Xiao who came back from a walk. They were filled with happiness and warmth. They didn’t notice what happened last night. After seeing Shi Xuan, they smiled brightly. After greetings, nothing happened for a month, plus one or two months before delivery, so they were a little bit left behind for Yuan prenatal education.

When he arrived at the General’s Mansion, under the steward’s leadership, Shi Xuan entered the study room as usual, but this time neither General Xiao Huarong nor Jin Dan Grandmaster Xiao Cangtian appeared, only Xiao Yingyu and his servants who had a bad face. Waiting there.

"Why, I'm not feeling well? Do you want to rest today?" Shi Xuan asked when he saw the situation. After a brief scan of his consciousness, he didn't find anything wrong with Xiao Yingyu.

A smile appeared on Xiao Yingyu's face, he covered his mouth at noon, and yawned, with two soaring braids on his head dangling with the yawn: "Return to Mr. Shi, Ying Yu doesn't need to rest. I don't know what happened last night. Outside the city, Dao Shu Guanghua broke out in the air, and Dad took the Xiu Soldier Corps to the outside of the city overnight, and at the same time caused the chickens and dogs in the mansion to jump, but Ying Yu was so noisy that he could not sleep well."

Shi Xuan nodded abnormally, "Shi also saw it, and I don't know what happened. Can the general come back?"

Xiao Yingyu nodded and shook his head: "Daddy came back and went out again and again, saying that he had found a hiding place for some kind of teaching, and he was ready to ask reinforcements to come and help."

After Shi Xuan asked a few more random questions, he began today's lecture. Until Shi Xuan finished speaking, General Xiao Huarong did not return.

On the street, people come and go, but the atmosphere is much more dull and depressed than when Shi Xuan went out early in the morning. Occasionally, I talked about the fireworks of last night. Although I don’t know what happened, I don’t know what happened. Always feel very worried and terrified.

When he walked under the cloud ladder of the building, Shi Xuan unexpectedly ran into Li Wei, his brows furrowed and restless, he could not calm down even standing there, and kept walking back and forth.

"Uh, brother Li came back so early today?" Unlike Shi Xuan, Li Wei only needs to give lectures for an hour a day. He returns from work until noon for dinner, and then continues to work in the afternoon until evening.

Li Wei didn't even notice Shi Xuan coming in. He was shocked when he heard Shi Xuan's voice. He turned to see Shi Xuan calmed down and let out a long sigh: "It turns out to be Brother Shi. Hey. , You must have heard of the lectures in the General's Mansion, right? Yuan prenatal education appeared in Linyuan City, how can this be good?!" The expression is really panic.

Shi Xuan comforted: "Since the traces have been discovered, Yuan Prenatal Education will definitely not fight against the wind. The empire is so big and there are so many cities. Why bother to guard a small Linyuan city?"

Hearing what Shi Xuan said, Li Wei's face eased, and he nodded frequently: "Brother Shi is reasonable, Brother Shi is reasonable."

The most dangerous places are the safest places. He doesn't bother to think about it, mainly for a little psychological stability.

On this day, Shi Xuan did not go out again, cultivating in the house, while fighting against falsehood, while strengthening the true spirit. I don't know when the opportunity will come, but before that, be prepared to grow the true spirit by a point, and then it will be possible to defeat the falsehood, break the threshold of life and death, and become the soul.

Boom boom boom, in the evening, there was a rough knock on the door of the room, Shi Xuan, through his spiritual sense, had discovered that there were two sheriffs standing outside the door with a qi-entraining period, looking fierce and evil, eh, The interrogation in Yichu came.

Shi Xuan got up, walked to the door of the room, opened the door, and looked at the two security palaces with a cold expression: "I wonder what is the cause of the two?"

The fatter one said in a poor tone: "Hand over your identity document to us for inspection." At the same time, his spiritual sense came to Shi Xuan, but was blocked by Shi Xuan's simulated spiritual sense.

In fact, even if he put his spiritual sense in, he would not be able to detect the abnormality, because after the Yin divine spirit is united, unless Shi Xuan takes the initiative to send out the Yin **** level spiritual sense, other cultivators below the soul, including the Yin god, as long as It is impossible to discover Shi Xuan's true cultivation level without using exploration techniques of ranks six and seven or above, using only divine knowledge, and the same is true when Shi Xuan faces other Yin gods.

"Why does Shi want to hand it over to you for inspection? Remember that the Sheriff's Handbook requires you to confess the reason and show proof. This is not on the street!" Shi Xuan asked with a bad attitude to show his uprightness.

The one who was so fat that he stared at him would get angry, but the one who was too thin was seeing Shi Xuan's tough attitude. He probably had some background and strength and reached out to stop him: "Did you see the Taoist Guanghua last night? That's a serious case. , So we were ordered in the afternoon to check from house to house. This is my sheriff’s certificate."

Shi Xuan took his certificate and looked at it and nodded, "You are a bit polite, since that's the case, Shi is not an unreasonable person."

While talking, handed over the identity document.

When Shi Xuan said that, the thin man was a little embarrassed, but the fat man was furious. He took Shi Xuan's identity document and looked at it: "Xuqing Taoyuan, Kouheng, Xuqing Taoyuan is amazing, Yingqi What a great period! Will, too...".

The thin man saw the fat man’s voice stopped abruptly, looked at it strangely, and when he saw the work status column on the identity paper, he immediately pulled out a flattering smile: "It turned out to be Mr. Shi, you are the Xixi of the General’s Mansion, and you are also imaginary. I came from Qingdaoyuan, so naturally there is no problem. Let's go and check the next one."

The fat man was dragged backwards by the thin man before he could react, and he blurted out: "I haven't entered Jiesou..." Before he finished speaking, he consciously reached out and covered his mouth.

Shi Xuan stood quietly at the door, watching the two sheriffs knocking on the door outside Li Wei and Huang Xiao’s room. He was very suspicious. The whole city was checked by his expected youth, but he found this building so quickly. , But it is a bit strange.

Although Linyuan City is small, there are close to 100,000 households, and the number of sheriffs is only so small. It didn't take long to check here from the beginning. Is it a coincidence? Or is there another reason?

Could it be true that, as rumored, Yuan prenatal education has an internal jin in the empire? You should know that you only erased the horizontal stripes left by the ghost **** nearby and where you went after. As for the previous ones, you did not look for them. After all, it is easy to touch and monitor the full expansion of the gods in the empire. It is likely to be locked near where the horizontal stripes begin to disappear.

Because Huang Xiao is a pregnant fu, and Yuan prenatal education is an eight-stroke match, the two sheriffs inspected at will and left. Huang Xiao also suspiciously asked Li Wei what major incident happened, and Li Wei hesitated. can not say it clearly.

After that, Linyuan City checked for a full half a month before it was terminated, but Shi Xuan's follow-up things that Shi Xuan had been careful to guard against did not happen. Linyuan City’s Yuan prenatal education didn’t appear again like a flash in the pan. It’s said that there was a Yin god. It’s said that the monks’ pong group led by the monk had not found any clues except for the hole xué and the mummy. It is said that traces of Yuan prenatal education have appeared one after another in several large cities in the south. It is said that the soldier group has left again...——

Everything seemed to be calm again, but Shi Xuan felt that a stream was brewing and accumulating in this seemingly calm atmosphere, waiting for the day when the rock was broken.

Of course, Shi Xuan forged another coat of arms to be safe, and the breath of splitting his own coat of arms penetrated into it, and then hid it in the second Yin Yang cylinder.

Time slipped away as Shi Xuan gradually let go of his heart. In the past two years, Huang Xiao and Li Wei’s children were born, full moon, and one year old, Xiao Yingyu was seven years old, and Shi Xuan's practice has also gained a lot. .

Because of various plausible environmental encounters, hallucinations and falsehoods appear more and more frequently. Under the circumstances that they are suppressed, the true spirit has grown stronger, and even made Shi Xuan feel that even if they encounter opportunities now, there are great opportunities. Grasp the victory over falsehood and achieve the soul.

On this day, Shi Xuan had just finished giving Xiao Yingyu a lecture, and his stature rose quite a bit in the past two years, but it will take years for him to fade away.

Xiao Huarong and Xiao Cangtian didn’t know what they were talking in secret in the room next to the study. They opened the door and walked out after seeing this. Xiao Huarong smiled and said: “There’s Mr. Laoshi, the children’s body training has been very effective these two years. Fortunately, it is because of the solid theory of Taoism."

"Ying Yu is also eager to learn...", Shi Xuan hadn't finished speaking, and the mirror-like water curtain in the study suddenly lit up. After a period of blur, a gorgeous palace hall appeared, with a dark skin. Standing under the stairs in front of the throne, Venerable Weijiu Ao Tingtao.

This kind of mirrored water curtain is quite expensive, except for the Taoist Palace, the municipal government, and a few large academies and commercial houses, only the aristocratic families and the families of the sages above hun.

Venerable Weijiu glanced at the front, slowly speaking, his voice was full of magnetism, but what he said was appalling: "This prince has been entrusted by the emperor to the noble families, the Yin gods, the Jindan masters, and All the people of the empire announced: Cheng Guo Gong, Qi Guo Gong, and Ming Guo Gong colluded with Yuan prenatal education to plot unruly, harm the common people. The evidence is conclusive and the crime is terrible. Now they have decided to seize the title and destroy their clan!"

"What?" Xiao Huarong blurted out in disbelief. The empire had only four grandmasters, and each of them had a dozen or so yin gods. There were countless Jin Dan masters and **** **** stage masters, and three of them were declared to be taken. Jue, destroying his clan is really shocking, once they rise up to resist, it is still unknown who will die.

It didn't matter to him, but Shi Xuan, who felt that the incident had happened suddenly, continued to look at the mirrored water curtain. As soon as the picture turned, he changed from the imperial palace to a mountain peak. ! .

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