Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1810: Upside-down role

   August 27, Sunday, afternoon, scene.

   Hearing that Manda was leaving for a long time, the police department of Mumu frowned. The more investigation, the greater the suspicion of this one.

   But before the Megome Police Department could speak, the juvenile detective team appeared, one by one with serious looks. .

   "Mr. Wan Tian, ​​are you still planning to confess?" Yuan Taigao shouted, "You killed Mr. Yuan, right?"

   Mumu police department is speechless, this is a line of robbing, he just wanted to say that.

   "The purpose is to kill Mr. Yuan, because he is your shadow writer." Mitsuhiko said, "You also snatched the mystery novel he wrote, which is in the CD."

   Officer Takagi looked at him with admiration, because it was exactly what he thought.

   "The evidence is that mystery novel. It must be in your laptop now, and you don't know the specific content." Ayumi said, "Because you don't have time to read it yet."

   "Good, so amazing." Hondō Eiyu was surprised, he just thought of it.

"The upside-down items in this room were made by you taking advantage of Mr. Yuan's preference for pranks. The purpose is to hide those cat hairs and make people think that it is part of the pranks, because you are afraid that there will be no chance to bring the cat to the scene afterwards." Huihara said, "From the point of view that you brought the cat with you when you committed the crime, when you came, you didn't intend to kill, it was a temporary intention."

   Maori and the others are a bit dazed, there are still such things.

"Mr. Yuan said that he finally collected all the collections, probably teeth. He was killed by you when he was looking for the tooth." Conan reluctantly followed, cursing these pushy guys to death in his heart. , Too conspicuous.

   Yamazaki is speechless. The Juvenile Detectives is absolutely inseparable from Conan. He must have said it to the other members of the Juvenile Detectives first, and then let the Juvenile Detectives stand up together.

  Manda has fallen down for a long time, sitting on the ground with a pale face and dumbfounded. He was obviously hit by the juvenile detective team, and was hit by a series of words.

  Because, those are all first graders. Is it so obvious what he does? Even the first graders can't cheat!

  Momemo Police Department asked, "Mr. Manda, do you have anything else to say about what they said?"

   "Yes, I did it." Wan Tian said weakly for a long time.

  Momemo Police Department asked: "What is the motive? Is it afraid that the shadow writer's matter will be exposed and kill him?"

   Wan Tian shook his head and said: "I don't know, maybe I can't tolerate him anymore."

   Maori asked: "How do you say this, did he use his identity as a shadow writer to blackmail you?"

Wan Tian Nianjiu said sadly: "After my wife died, I didn't have any motivation. In the past two or three years, almost all of my works were originally written by him. At the beginning, I made a lot of changes, but he is getting more I hate my changes, and I can’t comment on changes recently."

   Yuanta asked, "Isn't this an easy task?"

"Finally reviewed and revised, let him think that it is still his work, if he doesn't even have the right to revise, who is the work in the end?" Hondō Eiyu said, "Such works are seen by outsiders as his Yes, but he himself knows that it belongs to Mr. Yuan. The higher the achievement of the work, the worse the mood."

   "You are right." Wan Tian said, "Leave it to me. Please watch it honestly in the audience. Teacher, you have already handed over the baton."

   "In this case, I am very sad and unwilling. I can't forgive him."

   Officer Takagi asked, "Because of this?"

   "Also, today he also said other things, very excessive words." Wan Tian said angrily, "Because the teacher's anxious voice is very interesting, I unconsciously lied, please don't be angry."

   Mitsuhiko accused: "Hey, really bad character."

  Momemo Police Department asked: "What happened today? Please be more specific."

   "Yes." Wan Tian sighed, "Today is the delivery date, but he didn't finish it originally."

   "That's the case," said Hondō Eiyu, "You two are very close to each other, so that when Shimaki editor urges you, he interrupts Mr. Yuan's writing, so you brought Shimaki editor to the new rice flower hotel."

  Manda Nianjiu said, "Yes, it's not wrong at all."

   Conan rushed to ask: "Then you called to confirm that the manuscript was completed, and then escaped with the help of a hotel attendant, didn't you?"

  Manda Nianjiu said, "After I called Yuanyuan, I put on the prepared waiter uniform and left under the nose of Editor Shimaki."

   Maori asked, "Driving?"

   "Riding a bicycle." Manda Nianjiu said, "I ride a bicycle back and forth."

   Police Officer Takagi pondered: "If you ride a bicycle, the entire crime time will be about ten minutes."

   "It was like this at the time." Man Tian recalled.

   When Man Tian rushed to the original Gao Ping's house for a long time out of breath, and went to get the manuscript, he got an unexpected answer that Gao Ping had written six hours ago.

   What makes it even more difficult for Manda to accept for a long time is that Gao Ping actually lied to him because his anxious voice was funny.

  Manda's long-standing anger reached its peak in a moment, and he felt that he could no longer bear the original high level. It happened that there were a pair of thin rubber gloves on the kitchen counter, so he put on it.

Gao Ping didn’t know that Wan Tian Nianjiu planned to kill him. Instead, he told Wan Tian Nianjiu that he, as the shadow behind Wan Tian Nianjiu, was under a lot of pressure, but he was paid the corresponding reward. What dissatisfaction means that he just made a joke to relieve the pressure.

   Wan Tian has been perfunctory for a long time and got the manuscript originally written by Gao Ping.

   Originally Gao Ping also told Man Tian Nianjiu, and asked Man Tian Nianjiu to introduce him to the original Gao Ping, because originally Gao Ping wanted to be a true novelist and mystery novelist while being a writer of Man Tian Nianjiu's shadow.

   Obviously, Gao Ping was also worried that his mystery novels would not produce results, and Manda’s long books could bring him a stable and generous income.

"If novels sell well, I can collect more things. I have liked collecting all kinds of things since I was a child, but now what I want most is the Akuyama Award for Novelist Newcomer Award. You are also one of the judges. , I should be able to win a prize. If I don’t get this prize first, I won’t be able to collect more prizes in the future."

Wan Tian Nianjiu said: “That’s what he said. I think he’s threatening me and asking me to help him win the Mustard Mountain Award. There are other awards. I’m scared because I can’t do it, so I kill him. ."

   Mumu Police Department asked: "Use a vase?"

  Manda Nianjiu said: "Yes, he was looking for his tooth in the drawer, with his back facing me, so I picked up a vase on the cabinet and smashed it on the back of his head."

   Conan snatched: "Then his body pressed on the drawer, and eventually fell to the ground, and you took the CD in the drawer."

   Yamazaki is speechless, can't you say a few words?

  Manda Nianjiu sighed: "I'm also a ghost, I just suddenly thought that if it were me, it would be better than him. I want to prove it to him, no, it's for myself."

   Mumu Police Department asked, "So, what are the upside-down objects in this room, and cat hair?"

"As these kids said, I didn't want to kill Yuan originally, so I brought the cat. Originally knew my cat very well, so I let it out." Wan Tian said, "Waiting for me to kill Originally, it was discovered that the cat was gone."

   Officer Takagi asked, "The cat is gone?"

"Yes, I didn't find it no matter how I looked for it. In the end I gave up due to time constraints. To prevent others from caring about the cat fur in the room, I made it a part of the prank." Manda Nianjiu said, "Wait for me to return. After going to the hotel and Shimaki editor to deal with the manuscript, I lied to him and returned with an empty pet box, but my cat went home by himself.

   Hondō Eiyu said, "Then you take your cat to the scene and confuse the cat fur that is left on the scene."

   "Yes, that's it." Wan Tian sighed Nianjiu, "I thought my layout was perfect, but I didn't expect to be exposed by children in three or two. I lost. I didn't have the talent to write mystery."

   "Okay, please follow me."


   At the signal of the Megome Police Department, Officer Takagi took Manda Nianjiu away.

  Momemo Police Department looked at the Junior Detectives, and finally pulled out a smiling face, "Good job."

   "Juvenile Detectives, a big victory!" Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko raised the hands of Conan and Haibara and cheered together.

   Maori raised his triangular eyes. Really, these kids, if they do it like this, don't even think about any bounty. This is purely robbing business, damn, **** it! ...

Later, the incident of Wan Tian Nianjiu killing Gao Ping caused an uproar in the media. However, the main focus was not the novelist Wan Tian Nianjiu killing people, but the novelist Wan Tian Nianjiu who has been using shadow writers. How many works are the original Gao Ping wrote for it.

   Due to the high degree of attention and this incident, it is representative and the referee court is also very lively.

   This representativeness refers to the ownership of the mystery novel originally written by Gao Ping and the value of this novel.

   First of all, although Wan Tian Nianjiu is writing ancient novels, is it possible that he wants to transform to let the shadow writer Gao Ping write detective novels.

   If yes, then should the ownership of the mystery originally written by Gao Ping belong to Nianjiu Manda, the novelist who entrusted him to write it.

   When the novel belongs to the novelist Man Tian Nianjiu, then Man Tian Nianjiu takes the novel, not a snatch, but only needs to pay the corresponding commission fee.

   When the novel does not belong to the novelist Man Tian Nianjiu, then Man Tian Nianjiu takes the novel, which is a snatch, and the nature of the whole incident becomes murder and robbery.

   And this involves the second issue, which is the value of the novel, which determines the sentencing.

   If the value of the novel is huge, then the novelist Man Tian Jiu, at least indefinitely, if the value of the novel is small, then it is not that serious.

   On the first point, in the end, the prosecutor won.

   As there is no formal commission writing contract, there is no proof that Manda has commissioned Yuan Gaoping to write a detective novel for a long time.

   On the second point, in the end, the defense lawyer won.

Since the shadow writer Gao Ping originally wrote a mystery novel, it was the first time, so no one would dare to say that his novel must sell well. He can only regard his novel as a novel without any value, just one thing. If it must be measured, it is worthless.

   If Gao Ping originally wrote an ancient novel, it would be different. It is destined to sell well under the name of the novelist Wan Tian.

   However, if the shadow writer Gao Ping originally wrote ancient novels, it can prove that it was commissioned by the novelist Manda Nianjiu, because Gao Ping has been writing all the time, which has become a routine.

   However, the novelist Wan Tian Nianjiu was not sentenced in the end. He committed suicide before the final sentence and did not go to the referee court who was going to sentence him to five years. ...

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