Friday, January 26.

   When the Mumu Police Department received the notice of Tonggu’s entry and rushed to go, Tonggu had already surrendered to the airport police and told the media on the plane.

   After obtaining Tonggu’s confession, the police found that his confession was inconsistent with the testimony that Zhu Mingqiao said, and the crime did not match the process of the crime.

  According to Tongya, his motive for killing Itagaki was indeed jealousy and hatred. He hated that only Itagaki was hired by the office. At the beginning, he said he would advance and retreat together, but in the end, no one else entered.

  Tongya did use his new tattoos to get close to Itagaki. The killing site was in Itagaki’s apartment. The murder weapon was a quick-acting sleeping pill, plus Itagaki’s clothes, so there was no blood.

The big bag that Tonggu brought with him did not contain Itagaki’s remains and his travel miscellaneous items. Tonggu did not find a large enough bag in Itagaki’s apartment. Finally, Itagaki’s head was exposed outside the big bag, but it was useful for Itagaki. The clothes are wrapped.

  Tongya drove not the car with the driver's seat on the right, but the car with the driver's seat on the left, in order to get closer to the side of the road and make it easier to park.

   When Tonggu handled the remains, it was not a temporary parking place on the bridge, but in the queue of traffic, and in the dark area between the street lights.

However, Tonggu’s car was indeed next to Mr. Zhuming’s car. Tonggu paid attention to the surrounding environment at the time and confirmed with the shining light of fireworks that the front, rear, front right, right and rear right, none of the five cars should notice. he.

The window glass, except for the front windshield window, is the type that can see the outside from the inside, but cannot see the inside from the outside, so the car on the right, that is, Mr. Zhunam’s car cannot see it. he.

   The two cars at the rear and the rear right. Through their front windshield windows, Tongya confirmed that everyone inside was watching the fireworks.

   The two cars ahead and on the right, Tongya can't see, but can hear them, confirming that the attention is also on the fireworks.

   It can be said that Tongya confirmed that no one would pay attention to his actions at the time, so he acted.

When he got out of the car, the big bag was in good condition, and nothing was revealed. He was not bold enough to carry the bag with his head exposed and appeared in public. Although it was at night, it was also a spot that was not illuminated by street lights. I'm not sure that others can't see it through the lights.

   Regarding this, the police conducted an on-site restoration based on Tonggu's confession, and after repeated considerations, they felt that the name of the column should have been misplaced.

   Zhu Mingqiao did indeed see Tonggu committing a crime through the sparkling light of fireworks when he heard the sound of fireworks.

   But Zhu Ming accidentally saw the head outside the big bag, and the tattoo on Tonggu's wrist. It should have been with the help of the lights in Tonggu's car to open and close the door.

Because of the cold weather, the windows of Mr. Zhu Ming’s car were completely closed, so from the side, Tong Gu could not see the situation in the car. At that time, Mr. Zhu Ming, who was on the back seat of his car, did not speak. So Tonggu didn't know his existence.

   And because of the smoking of Kiritani, a gap was opened in the window glass.

   Just like this, Zhu Ming coincidentally saw the big bag on the back seat of Tonggu's car through the gap when Tonggu opened the door and when the light inside his car was on.

  Tongya confirmed that when he got out of the car to take the bag, he found that the clothes covering the head were loose, so he re-wrapped it.

   Zhuna accidentally saw the human head that was exposed at that time, at least the sawed hair. As for the whole face, it might be added later, but only part of it was seen at that time.

   And the tattoo on his wrist that Zhuna happened to see was that after Kiriya got on the car again, he blew the wind to relax and put down the car window.

  Tonggu raised his right hand to smoke and showed tattoos. The name of the post can be seen by coincidence, also because of the lights in the car.

   In other words, because the name of the column was not discovered by Tong Gu, Tong Gu thought that no one had noticed him, so he threw the body of Itagaki on the bridge into the river. ...

   For this result, Yamazaki agrees that a prisoner with his body should have been cautious, and it is normal for witnesses in the blind spot to have such unexpected things. ...

Later, Tonggu was sentenced to ten years for deliberate homicide and surrendered. Among them, the three-year sentence was due to the abandonment of the body and the damage to the body, which also aggravated the bad nature of the incident. Assuming that Tonggu surrendered himself, Tonggu received a reduced sentence. ...

   Saturday, January 27, Maori Detective Agency.

   Conan still didn't guard Eiyu Hondō, and Eiyu Hondō, as he expected, asked Mouri about Mizuno.

   "Maori detective, the famous host Mizuno Rena has been missing for quite a while, don't you want to investigate it?"

   "Me?" Maori curled his lips, "I care about that kind of nosy, that's a police matter."

   Hondō Eiyu asked unwillingly: "But haven't you been to her house?"

   "That's two different things." Maori said irritably.

   Lan asked, "My classmates, are you a fan of Mizuno Reina?"

   "It's okay." Yingyou Hontang scratched his head.

   "You can go to the fan club and search on the Internet for details." Yamazaki said, "but don't hope, you have been missing for so long."

   "I see." Hondō Eiyu responded.

   Conan breathed a sigh of relief, but nothing happened. ...

   February 3, Saturday, evening, the night organization base, a house in Shinagawa, in the courtyard.

   Gin and vodka were reading newspapers and drinking coffee under the lights in the corridor when a middle-aged man came in.

   "I'm back, Belmode." Vodka asked, "What's the matter with that family?"

   Belmode sat down and poured a cup of coffee by himself, "I've already asked, they don't know about Shui Wurenai, they can be sure that Shui Wurenai disappeared in the water."

   Vodka asked: "Why? That kid was the witness of the car accident at that time. Did we search for so long and didn't find any valuable information?"

Belmode smiled and said: "It is not at all. According to the police file, the cars and the sketches we obtained from the investigation of the members of the scene can be sure that the opponent is the Bureau of Investigation. As for now, I said earlier. It’s too long, it’s meaningless."

   Gin Wine said coldly: "Don't forget, don't let you do it, you said it."

   Vodka smirked: "Yes, as long as you tie a few people from the Bureau of Investigation, you are not afraid that they will not tell the truth."

   "Does it make sense?" Belmode shrugged, "Don't tell me, Gin you never doubted her."

Gin said with a grim face, "I really have been suspicious of her, but that is two different things. What I want is to try her on her when something goes wrong. How did she counterattack after four bullets in her limbs? And then killed her."

   Belmod smirked and said, "Is there anything to prove, if you want to kill, kill it."

   Ginjiu shook his head and said: "Shui Wu Rennai's identity is very good, it has many benefits to the organization, and cannot be easily given up."

   Belmode asked: "Which side of her is she?"

   Jinjiu nodded and said, "No matter where she is, as long as she can be used by the organization, as long as she doesn't cross the boundary deeply, I can tolerate her."

   Belmode applauded, "That's great."

   Vodka said, "But, brother, if Shui Wu Rennai has another identity, she should be released back."

Belmode smiled and said: "Oh, let us pick it up so that we won’t be suspected. Look slowly. They will let us find it. Then let us see what excuses they will find to send her back. , The longer time drags on, the more interesting the play will be."

  Vodka smiled and said, "That's why you are so slow."

   Ginjiu said: "Recently, Kogoro Moori assisted the police in resolving an incident. Is there any contact between him and Shirley? How is your investigation?"

   Belmode said angrily: "I said no, you don't believe it, let you investigate yourself, you think it is always troublesome to put on makeup, I can only say that I am under investigation."

   "..." The gin has nothing to say.

   Belmode stretched out with a smile, "Okay, I'll go back first."...

   Sunday, February 4th, in the morning, Maori Detective Agency.

   "My classmates, it's so early today."

   "Where is the Maori detective?"

   Lan puffed up, "Dad played mahjong until midnight yesterday, and he hasn't gotten up yet."

   Hondō Eisuke was disappointed, "Really, I have another news, I want to tell the Maori detective."

   "Wait for him to get up, it's almost almost time, we've made an appointment to go downstairs to have breakfast." Lan said weakly, "and he plans to play Little Steel Ball today, really."

   "..." Eiyu Hondō was speechless. ...

  Poirot Coffee Shop.

   Mori yawned and ordered breakfast, and then said to Eiyu Hondō who was following: "Now, tell me your news, what's interesting."

   Hondō Eisuke said, "Actually, I think it should be an incident."

   "What? The incident?" Maori's eyes lit up, "Are there any appearance fees? Is the client a rich man?"

   Hondō Eiyu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, I just found the incident on a homepage on the Internet, and there is no client."

   Mori stretched out his hand and planted a big mushroom on the head of Hondō Eiyu, "Idiot, it's not a commissioned event, you have a horrible appetite early in the morning."

   Hondō Eiyu rubbed his head and said aggrieved: "But, a lot of money is really involved."

   "Really?" Maori became interested, "Let's talk about it then."

   Hondō Eisuke excitedly said, "First of all, I think it's like an event similar to "Red Hair Club"."

"It was a high-paid man who hired a redhead and stayed in the room to copy the encyclopedia. In fact, during that time, that man's shop was digging a tunnel leading to the bank." Maori's saliva flowed down~www.wuxiaspot .com~Does anyone want to rob the bank, and if they solve it, there must be a lot of bonuses. "

   "I think something similar to "Red Hair Club" is a very high reward," said Eiyu Hondō. "I found out last night that the diary section of a homepage on the Internet..."

   "Diary?" Maori asked, squinting, "You guy still peeking at someone else's diary?"

   "No," Lan said with a smile, "It's a diary written specifically for people, just like the message on Miss Yoko's personal website."

   Maori understood, "So that's how it is."

   Hondō Eiyu said: "It was written in the diary that I found a super paid part-time job and it appeared! Long live environmental protection."

   "Environmental protection?" Maori has a toothache.

   Hondō Eisuke said: "That person got a job. It is said that the recruiter is a group that studies how to make garbage harmless and wants to collect all kinds of garbage for research."

   "The content of the job is to go to the combustible garbage collection site on the combustible garbage collection day, and collect the garbage before the garbage truck comes."

   "On the next burnable garbage collection day, just exchange the garbage collected last time with this one."

   "It was a car parked in the parking lot near that garbage dump that was used to recycle garbage,"

   "As long as the car filled with recycled garbage is driven back to the original parking lot, the payment will be credited to that person's account on the afternoon of the recycling day."

   Maori asked, "How many are there."

   Hondō Eisuke emphasized: "There is fifty thousand yen."

   "So much?" Maori calculated, "50,000 yen per time, and burnable garbage collection days are twice a week, so there will be a month..."

   Conan said: "Nine times a month, 450,000 yen."...

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