Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1851: Travel to grab money

   February 12, Monday, afternoon.

   Haibara, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko ate their late lunch and showed off to Conan through Mitsuhiko's mobile phone. They solved a huge incident worth 3 million yen.

   Huiyuan was speechless, this incident was completely unworked.

  Three million yen is the owner's, don't even think of getting a penny.

   The bonus was paid out by Nihonmatsu’s fine, but Nihonmatsu was so poor that he couldn’t pay a one-yen fine, so he didn’t have any money to take it.

   The police, at most, give a certificate of praise or something, and expect the police to pay a bonus for this matter. First ask the police about their budget.

   The only advantage is that the police records are used as evidence for good citizens. In the future, when looking for a job at school, or even when crimes are involved, it can be used as evidence to tell others that I am a good person. ...

   On the other side, Osaka.

   Conan listened to Yuanta's show off funny, and couldn't help sighing after hanging up the phone. Huihara was really hard this time, but he was a bit envious. It was also an incident.

   Thinking of his own harvest again, Conan couldn't help sighing.

   Today, Lan, Yuanzi, and Ye went shopping.

   Conan rides a free Hattori motorcycle. Based on what I heard from Ran, what Eisuke Hondō himself said, and the information that Eisuke Hondō filled out when he entered the Maori detective office, I searched for Eisuke Hondō’s information.

   The result disappointed Conan. It wasn't that he didn't, but it was certain that what Eiyu Hontang said was true, at least what he had checked was true.

   Hondō Eiyu's former classmates were very impressed by Hondō Eiyu who was clumsy, so when it comes to Hondō Eiyu, they know a little bit more or less.

Just like Eiyu Hontang himself said, he is a bad luck guy. There is always a buttery side when bread falls on the ground. He was the first to be bitten by mosquitoes when going out, but everyone liked him, at least he didn’t hate him. Because he is optimistic, if he is another person, he might commit suicide early.

   Conan and Hattori also found the head teacher of the former school of Hondō Eiyu, and learned that Eiyu had always been with his father, but his father passed away in junior high school. He kept saying that he had an older sister, but everyone had never seen it.

   I heard from my classmates that no one had seen the photos. Some people even suspected that Eiyu Hondō’s sister was fantasised by Eiyu Hondō because of loneliness.

   This time Eiyu Hondō went to study in Tokyo. The head teacher had persuaded him, but Eiyu Hondō insisted on going and said that he was going to find his sister. No one could do anything.

   As for whether there is any relationship between Mizuno Reina and Eiyu Hondō, everyone doesn't know if Mizuno Reina is Eiyu Hondō's sister. In short, Eiyu Hondō said no. ...

   on the way back.

   Hattori said, "Hey, why do you look sullen and unhappy? There is no investigation into the problem, which means he has no problem."

   Conan said distressedly: "But, I just think he is not right."

   Hattori grinned and said, "I know, love rivals."

   "That's not it." Conan raised his triangular eyes, and then said sternly, "Anyway, you can pay attention to it. When you are on the way, please check it for me."

   Hattori laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's incumbent to help you defeat your rival in love."

   "You guy." Conan was helpless. ...

   Around four o'clock in the afternoon, Ran, Conan, and Sonoko were sent off by Hattori and Waha and boarded the Shinkansen train to Tokyo Station.

After    arrived, the three people transferred to the Tototo Loop Line and returned to Mihuacho, got off at Mihua Station, and went home. ...

  Mei Dai Restaurant.

   There was no dinner at Maori’s house, Maori came over for a drink, and Lan and Conan also came over.

Tonight’s base material is lamb bones, boiled mutton, ten kinds of instant skewers are three kinds of meat and seven elements; four kinds of side dishes, sweet and sour cucumber, spiced natto, salted peanuts, and spicy cabbage; three kinds of sauce, meat sauce and jam Hot sauce.

   It was Eiyu Hondō who led the three people to sit, although the three were sitting at the door.

  Maori is a beer set meal, twelve cans of beer, ten skewers, boiled lamb, and side dishes and sauce.

   Lan and Conan have a beer set meal. The beer is discounted at the price and changed to freshly squeezed juice and bread in the vending machine.

   In addition, the three Tharhan sisters in the kitchen gave them a large portion of tuna sashimi plus vegetables, which was their failed work.

   Conan was eating dinner and looked at the busy Hondō Eiyu, but there was nothing to say. This guy didn't look like a bad person. ...

   February 13, Tuesday, morning, good mood, Miko Miyamoto's office.

   Jian Ji sent the documents. The top one is the latest information on American real estate. The problem of subprime loans has begun to escalate.

   The news that Huifeng Bank also issued an estimated loss of tens of billions of dollars on the 8th has been partially confirmed by Anne’s Sith Bank, and it can be confirmed to be true.

   Miko Miyamoto browsed, and did not comment, so he let Kei Ji go busy.

   The signal from the market has come out, and the next step is to wait patiently, whether she has her or not. ...

   Tuesday, February 27, at noon, the base of the Black Organization.

   Gin, vodka, Chianti, and Cohen ate lunch from the hotel and discussed the training issues in the universe and the starry sky of the cocoon game and the issue of taxes.

  The cocoon game evil spirit crisis is not open. The four people can only go to the cocoon game universe to build a base and build a practical training ground by themselves.

  Although war weapons are all modular, it is not as real as the evil spirit crisis in the cocoon game, but it is worse than nothing.

Especially heavy weapons, such as artillery, tanks, fighters, battleships, etc., they never had the opportunity to train before. Now, although they don’t know the specific component structure due to modularity, they are not proficient, but they are still at the operational level. .

   The problem is that the cocoon game universe and starry sky are futuristic, modern weapons and equipment are antiques, and the technology to produce them is rather expensive.

At the same time, the tax payment date in the game is approaching. At the end of March, although a special tax agent was found in the game, the tax agent’s plan, gin, vodka, Chianti, and Cohen sounds like a big deal. I didn't understand how to keep the base and the training ground.

The four of them had to admit that in this kind of thing, it was really not good at all, and could only be handed over to Belmode, so they made an appointment with Belmode for lunch, but Belmode called to let them eat first, and she was done. Click to.

   After lunch, Belmode hurried over.

   "Now, what happened?" Chianti asked casually.

   Belmode couldn’t help but said excitedly: “It’s nothing to do with you. Anyway, you don’t want to find me again today and tomorrow. If you have anything, we will talk about it in two days.”

   Cohen said, "Hey, clear up the words."

   Belmode smiled and said: "The Asian stock market is diving, I'm going to sleep, preparing for the European and American markets at night, millions of minutes per minute, no time to deal with you."

   Vodka asked: "Yen?"

   "Dollar, fool." Belmode laughed.

   "Isn't that hundreds of millions of yen per minute?" Vodka smacked, "Really?"

"Of course it is true. After finishing this ticket, my sister will definitely take you to the Middle East to spend money to play." Belmode smiled triumphantly, talking about you, but watching the gin, so she slipped away after speaking , Lest the gin loses its temper and getting shot is not fun.

   Chianti and Cohen raised their middle fingers together. Belmode really hates them the most.

   "..." Gin was speechless, nothing to say, completely, nothing at all, millions of dollars per minute, hundreds of millions of dollars an hour, which was much faster than his exhausting efforts to raise money. ...

   In the afternoon, good mood, Miko Miyamoto's office.

   Horiuchi Misa called excitedly. The Asian market dived today. Do you want to continue this evening?

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said, "Of course continue, this scale, obviously, the market is very tight now."

   Horiuchi Misa asked, "So, how much will you bet this time?"

   Miko Miyamoto asked, "Are you worried?"

   Horiuchi Misa said, "I'm very nervous, I'm afraid there is something in case?"

   "Who would give it in case?" Miko Miyamoto smiled, "No one can hold up the global market. At this time, what is entrusted is harvested."

   Horiuchi Misa smiled uncomfortably, "I said that's what I said." Then he said, "Anyway, I have more confidence to hear you say that."

   "Then bet everything you have prepared," Miko Miyamoto said with a smile, "Of course the bet that knows the result is a desperate move."

   Horiuchi Misa said, "Yes, I understand."

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said, "Then hurry up and I will ask you tonight."...

   March 1, Thursday, evening, Ginza Food Pavilion.

   Belmode invites gin, vodka, Chianti, and Cohen to a big meal, and informs them that they will be arranged to take a cruise to Dubai, provided that they are willing to use their new identity and put on makeup.

   Vodka suggested: "The boat is too slow, isn't the plane faster?"

   Belmode shrugged, "The aircraft inspection is relatively strict, and I will talk about it after I open an aviation company."

   "It's a big tone," Chianti asked, "Did you make a lot of money?"

Belmode shook his head and said: "Not much, I only had time to mobilize more than 1.5 billion US dollars of funds, using an average of twenty times the financial leverage, first short and then long, and over and over again, the total pre-tax income is only 20. More than half a billion dollars."

   Cohen said irritably, "This is not too much, just show it off."

   Belmode said: "If I prepare properly, I can get 50 times leverage, and I am more confident, and the income of this one can exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars, then it is just a trivial matter to open a medium-sized aviation company."

   Ginjiu asked: "Are you not confident enough?"

   Belmode shrugged, "In the financial field, I'm just a shrimp."

   Gin, vodka, Chianti, and Cohen are speechless, this guy definitely came to show off.

   "Believe it or not." Belmode laughed.

   At this time, the dishes arrived, the geisha and musicians arrived, and the beauties who accompanied the wine, the dinner began.

   The five people stopped talking about business, and the topic shifted to the cocoon game and to Dubai travel.

   In the eyes of others, the five are like ordinary wealthy fans of the cocoon game, ready to go to Dubai to play the cocoon game. The evil spirit crisis is because there are so many murders in the game. ...

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