Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1886: Rescue of A Li's Family

   On Tuesday, April 3, in the afternoon, Dr. Aka’s yard.

   Dr. Aka looked at the robber who was moving, with a smiling face on his face, praying in his heart, and Hitomi Iwai was able to see his plight wisely.

   Dr. Aka recalled what happened at the time. After he woke up from a stun gun, what he saw was the knife that was about to be poked in the opponent's hand, facing his throat.

   was so scared that he almost peeed.

"I have money!"

   Dr. Ari was very fortunate, and also very proud to be able to shout this wisely at the time, and even if he put a handkerchief in his mouth, the other party understood it and asked him to temporarily take his life back.

   was in the car at the time. The other party was two young people, a man and a woman, and another hostage, a beautiful girl. Seeing the famous lady dressed up like a wealthy daughter, she was full of fear.

   took out the handkerchief from Dr. Ari’s mouth, and the male gangster said in disbelief: "Are you really rich? You don’t look like it."

  The female gangster echoed: "Yes, this dress is not worth ten thousand yen."

   "I am not interested in clothes." Dr. A Li reported the brand and year size of the bag, a series of non-stop, thank Hui Yuan for the influence.

   The female gangster's eyes gleamed, not only her, but also the hostage girl, she forgot to be afraid.

   The male gangster interrupted: "Hey, what are you talking about, don't be fooled by him."

  The female gangster came back to her senses, "Old man, don't lie to me, you are so true."

   Dr. Ari quickly said: "Of course there is, as long as you let me go, I will give it to you."

   "I think it's better to kill." The male gangster said, "We don't know him at all."

   "Stupid." The female gangster smiled in the ear of the male gangster. "Even if you kill, you will get the things. Those things are worth hundreds of millions of yen."

   The male gangster swallowed, "Really, really?"

  The female gangster smiled and said: "There are only a lot more, many of which are collector's editions. When you meet someone you like, you can sell it for hundreds of thousands of dollars."

   "Old man, do you really have these things?" The male gangster still doubted, "You don't look like fashionistas depending on what you wear."

   "Really, don't look at me in this way, that one I don't just dress, I also understand art." Dr. A Li also reported a series of names and appearances of people who were stubborn, and they all met from Fusae.

  The female gangster admired Dr. Ari a little, "Wow, you know so many people."

   "He is talking about celebrities?" The male gangster was dizzy.

  The female gangster nodded and said, "Yes, that's right, if you weren't a fan, you wouldn't know so many people."

   "Okay," the male gangster put the knife on Dr. Aha's neck, "say, where is the thing?"

   "In my house, my house is in Mihua 2chome." Dr. A Li looked at himself reflected in the blade, sweating heavily.

  The female gangster excitedly urged: "Not far from here, drive quickly."

   the male gangster said: "You can't drive past, this car is too conspicuous."

  The female gangster said: "Are you going to go over? But it's bad for them to yell on the road."

   the male gangster said: "Of course not, you look at them in the car, and I will rent a car."

  The female gangsters were unwilling, "I looked at them?"

   The male gangster suggested: "Then you go to rent a car and come back with a roll of tape by the way."

  The female gangster chose to say: "I'd better watch them, and you can tie them more firmly."

   "That's natural." The male gangster said, and then checked the ropes that had strengthened Dr. Aka and the hostage girl, plugged Dr. Aka's mouth again, and then left.

   Soon after, the man came back with tape and wanted to stick Dr. Aka's mouth.

   Dr. Ari shook his head in fright. His beard was so much that he was really stuck on it, and it hurt when he tore it.

  The female gangster said: "Just forget it, maybe I will talk to him later, like showing the way or something."

   "Okay," the male gangster said, and then threatened Dr. Aka, "Be careful, dare to play tricks, you try."

   "I dare not dare." Dr. Aka said quickly, but it sounded like a whine.

   The male gangster took Dr. Ari out of the car and transferred to another car, a silver-gray SUV, still with reflective glass.

   Dr. Aka looked around on the road, here is an abandoned town factory in Mihua 4chome.

   Then, the female gangster came out with the hostage girl, and the male gangster returned to the black SUV. It took a while to get out, hoping to wipe the marks.

After   , Dr. A Li showed the way to bring the male and female robbers back home to get their bags, hoping to get a chance to get out.

   The two gangsters looked at Dr. A's home and the car in the yard, and once again doubted Dr. A's worth.

   However, looking at Huiyuan's collection, there was no doubt immediately.

  The female gangster and the hostage girl had both eyes glazed, and the drool almost came out.

   "Hello, how about? Hello..."

   The male gangster called the female gangster and didn't wake her up until she reached out to her eyes.

   The male gangster asked again: "How is it?"

  The female gangster looked at the bag again, "How about what?"

   the male gangster asked: "These things?"

   "Nonsense, it's all good things, it's amazing." The female gangster picked up a bag, hugged it happily, and rubbed her face.

   The male gangster said, "I really can't stand you. I have to look back and take a slow look. Move quickly." He reached out and took it.

   "Fuck!" The female gangster slapped the male gangster's hands, "Don't touch them with the dirty hands that wiped the car just now. Give me a pair."

   The male gangster is dissatisfied, "What are you doing so particular."

  The female gangster shouted: "Idiot, dirty affects the value, do you understand?"

   "Yes." The male gangster suddenly compromised and asked Dr. A Li to find a pair of white gloves, and then together with the female gangster, he carefully carried the bags and fashion items in the house.

   Dr. Aka prayed, and Hitomi Iwai, who was on the opposite side, would come out and ask, such as moving.

   Just wait and wait, Hitomi Iwai never came.

   But, it came in the end, it turned out to be shopping.

   Iwai Hitomi stood at the gate of the courtyard, and asked casually curiously: "Ah, is Dr. Aka planning to move?"

   "Huh?" The male and female robber was a little at a loss.

   "Oh, I live next door." Iwai Hitomi said, and then exclaimed, "Doctor, are you home?"

   Dr. Aka, who was **** in the house, was overjoyed and had a chance.

   The male and female robbers suddenly got big heads, because Hitomi Iwai was not the only one on the road outside, and he showed up when he started.

   "Well, I'll call him for you." The male gangster entered the house and untied Dr. Ari, "Old man, remember it for me. If you dare to play tricks later..."

   Dr. A Li quickly waved his hand and said, "I dare not dare."

  The male gangster took out Dr. Aka, and stood behind him, pressing the knife against Dr. Aka's back, letting Dr. Aka speak carefully.

   Dr. Aka winked and smiled: "Good afternoon, Miss Hitomi."

   Hitomi Iwai was a little strange, "Good afternoon, Doctor, you just ask the lady if you are moving."

   Dr. Aka winked and said, "No, just take it for maintenance."

   "It turned out to be so, then I will go back."

   "Go slowly."

   As Dr. Aka waved his hand, Hitomi Iwai left, with a hint of doubt.

   Because the two young people who moved things were so strange, they both wore masks and hats, and they also wore gloves.

   It’s not surprising to wear it like this originally, it can avoid staining them when carrying bags.

   Only, with Huihara's temper, she would definitely be staring at her, but she is not there now.

  At the same time, Dr. Aka winked again.

   Could it be that they are robbers, and Dr. Aka and Haibara are tied at home?

   Iwai Hitomi thought of this, and immediately called Mi Daiko after returning home. ...

   Soon after, the three sisters Mei Daizi and Tarhan arrived. The male and female robbers were still working as porters, and there were too many things.

   regards her as the third sister, Mei Lisi, and Mei Daizi rushes directly to Dr. Aha’s house, "Hey, what are you doing? Doctor?"

  Dr. Aka, who was **** in the room, was overjoyed, and he was finally saved.

  The female gangster is anxious this time, "Dr. Aha went shopping. Tell us if you have anything."

   Mei Daizi looked into the wide open door, "Who are you guys?"

   The male gangster said: "We are moving things, and by the way help him look after the house."

   "How many people have you come here? The doctor can rest assured that you stay in the house?" Mei Daizi didn't see anyone, worried that there were others.

   "Just the two of us." The female gangster blurted out.

"Oh, that's great." Mei Daizi shot happily, reached out and grabbed the male gangster's wrist, twisted his arm behind her with a twist, and lifted it up, so that the male gangster screamed in pain. Kneeling to the ground.

  The female gangster backed away in fright, "What are you doing?"

   "Catch the bad guys." Mei Daizi smiled.

   The female gangster turned around and ran, rushing to the door, trying to escape from the three sisters of Tarhan.

The third sister Melis stretched her foot sideways and tripped the female gangster. The eldest sister Delya and the second sister Apolako reached out and grabbed one of the female gangster’s arms. When she lost her balance, she just leaned forward. Without falling to the ground.

   However, leaning forward and being grasped by his arms, he couldn't resist.

   Mei Daizi praised: "Good job, not playing games for nothing."

   Delya smiled and said: "It's okay, still needs practice."

   At this time, Hitomi Iwai came out, "I'll help you get things." Said to help take a bet.

   "Sister, go see the doctor, be careful." Apolakko said.

   "Understood, I will see if there is a bomb." Melis smiled, and then carefully entered through the wide open door.

   After a while, Mei Lisi rescued Dr. Aka and the hostage girl.

   Dr. Ari gratefully said, "Thank you so much."

   "You're welcome, thank Miss Renmei if you want to." Mei Daizi said That's for sure. "Dr. Aka and the hostage girl solemnly thanked Hitomi Iwai.

   And the third sister, Mei Lisi, helped Mei Daizi and her two sisters to tie up the male and female robbers, replacing Dr. Aka and the hostage girl.

   Then, Mei Daizi called Yamazaki to inform him that he had found Dr. Aka. ...

   Soon after, Yamazaki, Eisuke Hondō, Ran, Sonoko, Waha, Hattori, Conan, Haibara, Motota, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and officers Takagi, Sato, Yumi, and Ono all came over.

   Seeing a car of bags, Yamazaki and others immediately knew what was going on. Dr. Aka must have used them to buy his life.

   Yumi police officer glared at his various bags.

   Gray Principle's mouth twitched and his triangular eyes were raised, and he dared to move her baby. ...

   Later, the two gangsters were sentenced to thirty years for a series of charges.

   First, abducted underage girls and bound them to imprisonment. They also planned to ask for a ransom, but they had not called to ask for it.

  Secondly, intimidating underage girls.

   If it is just these two, because the abduction time is short and the hostages are not damaged, they will not be able to come out after a few years.

   However, they don’t want to repent, and they continue to commit crimes after getting worse. This is a continuous crime.

  Third, on this basis, he attacked Dr. Aka, and abducted Dr. Aka and imprisoned him.

  Fourth, the intention to kill Dr. Aka during his imprisonment was very bad.

   Fifth, during the period of imprisonment, he coerced Dr. Asa into the house of Dr. Asa and stole property.

   Fortunately, they were just two people and did not constitute an organized crime. Their defense lawyers were eventually pulled back from the life sentence. ...

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