Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1892: Treasure of Poseidon Island

  , April 29, Sunday, morning, Poseidon Island, tourist hotel front desk.

   Maori went to the front desk to check in, but the waiter said that there was no Maori appointment, which made Maori very annoyed and couldn't get off the stage.

   Lan and Yuanzi stepped forward, one of the Maori who stopped getting angry, and the other calmly negotiated with the waiter and asked if there was an existing house.

   As a result, the hotel was full because of continuous holidays.

   However, the waiter agreed to contact the Tourism Department to find a way to arrange a room for everyone, and everyone should go to the waiting area to rest first.

   Maori said unwillingly: "Damn it, I obviously have an appointment, but that person said that it had already been booked."

   Dr. Ari smiled and said, "It's alright, it's not a big deal, wait a minute."

  Lan smiled and said, "If not, just camp on the beach."

   "Yes." Bumei raised her hand.

   Mitsuhiko disagreed, "Well, will it be high tide, camping on the beach, will it drift into the sea as soon as you sleep?"

   Lan was so embarrassed that she squeezed out Xiaodou's eyes, really never thought about this problem.

   Yuanta said, "That won't be a drifter."

   Conan smiled and said, "It's Robinson."

   Huihara said, "But they are on a desert island."

   Yuanzi grinned and said, "Ah, this is actually a good way to skip class."

   Dr. Ari protested: "Hey, don't teach the children indiscriminately."

   "Then why don't you use it?" Yuanta despised.

   "I don't skip class." Yuanzi laughed.

   Mitsuhiko said solemnly: "No, we have heard that Sister Yuanzi's grades seem to be terrible."

   "Huh?" Yuanzi was embarrassed.

   Ayumi said, "I don't seem to be able to get to a top university by myself." Then he asked, "Is it, Conan?"

   Haibara is funny, and Conan is dumbfounded, which is tantamount to betraying the mastermind.

   "Damn boy." Yuanzi wanted to knock Conan, but didn't get it, so he cried with Lan fake, "Lan, how did you discipline your little boy."

   Lan said funny: "Sorry for holding a fist, I accidentally heard Conan when I was on the phone." Then he motioned to Conan and asked him to apologize.

   Conan had no choice but to apologize obediently. He glared at Hui Yuan and smiled openly with a gloating look on his face.

   At this time, three strong men passed by, all covered with tan.

   Conan changed the subject, "Guess who they are?"

   Yuanzi grinned and said, "If you do too much sunbathing in the sea, you can fight Hattori."

   The three people who had already walked away seemed to have heard it, and looked back, but they didn't seem to hear it again, so they left.

   Huihara said, "It should be a treasure hunter, it's for the treasure on the island."

   Yuanta asked, "Is there really a treasure?"

   Mitsuhiko said: "If you want to get the treasure sleeping in the sea, you will become a rich man."

   "Don't dream, will you wait for you if there is a treasure?" Maori said irritably, "I was picked up long ago."

  Bumei asked, "But, Xiao Ai, how did you know that they are treasure hunters? Because they have dark skin?"

Conan replied: "Look carefully. Although those people are very tanned, they are not so dark except for their palms and heads. This means that they often wear wetsuits and the color of their hair. Also faded by the sea water."

   Mitsuhiko questioned: "But, if that's the case, maybe they are just people who like diving, right?"

   Conan said: "But..."

Huiyuan preemptively teased: "You don't mean to say that because of the promotional treasure posters on the island? So they should be treasure hunters, not divers? Or all diving enthusiasts. Is it a treasure hunter? Are you reasoning?"

   "Uh..." Conan had nothing to say.

   Yuanzi smiled and said, "Ha, this tugging four-eyed kid also ran into his opponent."

   "Yuanzi." Lan said, "Conan is still young."

   Dr. Aka winked at Conan. Well, Conan is really young.

   Conan raised his triangular eyes, "Haihara, then you say, why do you think they are treasure hunters?"

   "Feeling." Hui Principle said straightforwardly.

   "Huh?" Conan fell straight down. He was like him for a long time. He was actually a detective, but he didn't dare to say.

   Yuanzi and others laughed, while Lan laughed, while helping Conan up, Conan was even more embarrassed.

   Huihara chuckled slightly. In fact, she read what they were saying and read her lips, but she couldn't say it.

   At this time, a slightly fat middle-aged man with glasses hurried into the hotel, ran over, and then did not wait to speak, first came to the ground.

   Yuanzi said funny: "I feel like I saw this hall."

   "Don't laugh at others." Lan Ren smiled.

   The middle-aged man got up and introduced himself: "You are a famous detective, Kogoro Mori? Welcome to our island. I am the head of Iwanaga in the island tourism class."

   "Ah, it's you, I remember your voice," Maori shouted, and then said to everyone, "Tell me that the person who made the reservation is him."

   "Yes, it is indeed me." Section Chief Iwanaga said.

   Maori said angrily: "Damn it, where is my room."

"Well, because of the continuous holidays, in fact, many tourists have booked since two months ago. When you booked, there were not many rooms in the hotels and hotels on the island. I would like to arrange for your group of 17 people to stay. In a hotel or inn, it’s really difficult.” Section Chief Iwanaga smiled, and then said with emotion, “Although everyone is very busy, they are all very happy. I hope to make money during the tourist season.”

   Maori said angrily: "Don't break the topic for me."

"Yes, I'm about to say it, I'm about to say it." Section Chief Iwanaga smiled, "After my hard work, I have helped you find a suitable hotel. I can definitely let everyone stay. Please follow me. Let me drive."

   Maori said, "If you dare to lie to me, I will complain to you."

   "Yes, please, everyone please." Section Chief Iwanaga wiped his sweat, "Hey? Why are there nine?"

   Lan said: "Oh, they will come over one after another, we will call, so you won't bother."

   "It doesn't matter, what I should do, call me if I have something to do." Section Chief Iwanaga hurriedly took out the business card and handed it over, "Sorry, I just wanted to get the business card, but I fell and I forgot it."

   Yuanzi said to Lan Zhe: "Maybe, this guy will be the model for this guy when he grows up."

   "Uh..." Lan couldn't imagine that Eiyou Hontang grew into this fat, no, blessed look in her middle age.

   Conan, who overheard their conversation, imagined that Tang Yingyou turned into a blessed middle-aged man, with a round face and a pair of phoenix eyes, a bit cold.

   Conan grinned, followed the crowd, Sui Iwanaga grew out of the hotel, and went to a solar-powered sightseeing car in front of the sightseeing bus he drove by the side of the road.

   Section Chief Iwanaga wiped his sweat and explained: "Well, our island has always advocated energy conservation and emission reduction, in order to maintain a good environment, so that visitors can enjoy high-quality air."

   "Sitting in this car, you can breathe the romantic atmosphere full of sea flavour and visit the beautiful scenery of the island all the way."

   Maori sighed: "You don't lose it in the tourism class, you can really say it."

   Yuanzi said grumpily: "The price of refined oil is relatively high now, and the island is far away from the mainland. Because of the inconvenience of transportation, the price of refined oil is higher. If you don't have enough funds, just say it straight. We have to play environmental protection.

   Huihara said, "Forget it, it's pretty fresh to sit once in a while."

   Ayumi smiled and said, "Well, it's really fun."

   Genta said, "It feels like a bumper car."

   Mitsuhiko said: "I just don't know if it's safe or not, can I get on the road."

   Dr. Ari smiled and said, "There should be no problem here, there are no vehicles on the island."

   Section Chief Iwanaga said awkwardly: "Come on, please get in the car, and meet carefully."

   At the invitation of Section Chief Iwanaga, everyone got into the car. Except for Dr. Aka who was a little uncomfortable because of his size, everyone else felt pretty good.

   With the start of the sightseeing bus, Section Chief Iwanaga also opened the chatterbox, "Mori detective, did you come for the treasure too?"

   "Is there really a treasure?" Lan turned the subject off, lest Maori opened his mouth to drink.

   "It should be true," Section Chief Iwanaga smiled. "I found silver tableware in a palace under the sea more than two weeks ago."

   "Really?" Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko were suddenly excited.

   Yuanzi asked: "Is the underwater palace that rumored undersea relic?"

   Section Chief Iwanaga said: "Yes, there is a small uninhabited island called Raikin Island one kilometer southeast of the island. From there, there is a huge sunk building on the seabed two hundred meters east of it."

   "In the 1970s, the island hired the Otome ocean exploration vessel to use the deep-sea diving survey vessel Boundary 600, which was still called Boundary, to investigate fishery around the island. At that time, it was discovered that there were ancient ruins there.”

   "At that time, there was an upsurge in academia, but due to technical conditions, there has been no conclusion as to whether it was artificial or natural."

   "A lot of people came to hunt for treasure at the time, but the technical conditions were not good at the time. After many people died, I calmed down."

   "However, scholars and treasure hunters have driven the economic development of the island. Among them, there are many diving enthusiasts. After their inadvertent publicity, Poseidon Island has gradually become a diving resort."

"At that time, the domestic economy was getting better and better. Poseidon Island was gradually developed and gradually became a holiday destination. In the middle and late 1980s, during the peak tourist season, the island can be said to be overcrowded. ."

   Maori said, "Don't talk about your tourism history, just talk about the treasure."

   Section Chief Iwanaga smiled: "Don't worry."

   "In the 1980s, the Kirishima marine survey ship came and let the deep-sea diving survey ship Boundary 2000 go down to explore."

   "It is said that the area was still on the sea three hundred years ago, and it was confirmed that the ruin was a mountain, not a man-made structure, but there were traces of man-made excavation."

   "At that time, some items used by sailors were searched from inside, which proved that they were modern items, items from the middle and late 17th century and early 18th century. The sailors dug out the mountain, just to build a shelter from wind and rain."

   "This result is equivalent to a basin of cold water, which directly extinguishes the enthusiasm of most scholars."

   "But for treasure hunters, this result has made them more enthusiastic, because that era can be said to be the golden age of pirates, and they suspect that it was a secret base for pirates."

   "There are many treasure hunters to investigate and dive into the sea to go to the cave, but there seems to be some mechanism in it. Those who entered either returned or never returned."

   Maori said irritably, "Isn't this nonsense? Those who are not dead will definitely come back."

   "Don't interrupt," Sonoko asked, "what happened afterwards?"

   Section Chief Iwanaga smiled and said: "Later, the Yokosuka Marine Survey Ship came with a deep-sea diving survey vessel limit of 6,500, and conducted further investigations and drawn more detailed charts.

   "It is said that in the past, the part of Laikin Island above the sea surface was much larger than it is now. It is said that it is possible to walk across the main island during low tide."

"It is speculated that the earthquake occurred off the main island of Ogasawara in January 1826, which caused changes in the methane hydrate layer on the seafloor, causing the entire island to sink to the seafloor and become what we see now. That earthquake It is speculated that a huge wave over 6 meters high was caused at Futami Port in Chichijima."

   Dr. Ari smacked his tongue: "It was a terrible earthquake. Fortunately, it was an uninhabited island at the time."

   Mitsuhiko asked: "What is the methane hydrate layer?"

   Conan replied: “In a low temperature and high pressure environment, water molecules combine with methane to form a so-called water cage structure, which can also be called combustible ice.”

   Huiyuan is speechless, what grade are you in?

   Yuan was too puzzled, "Combustible ice?"

  Bumei didn’t understand, "Water cage structure?"

Conan continued: "In a visual way, everyone has used playing cards to cover the castle? Water molecules are like a hollow castle built like that. Each grid is filled with methane. When the temperature rises or the pressure drops, the castle Will collapse and release methane gas."

   "That's how it is." Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko said faintly.

Yuanzi said, "So the island that was originally on methane will lose its support and cause the surface to fall. In short, that's what it Section Chief Iwanaga smiled: "Wow, this kid is really amazing. , The explanation is clearer than me. "

   Conan was braked, and cold sweat suddenly broke out.

   Huihara is funny, idiot, let's see how you lie.

   Conan turned his head to face Maori and Lan, "That, that, I was introduced on TV last time."

   "Well, let's just say that you have never forgotten it." Maori said irritably, and then pondered, "Hey, I will take you to the competition next time, maybe I can get a prize and get soft."

   "Dad," Lan was very dissatisfied, "You can think so."

   Maori said frankly: "Why, this kid eats mine and lives with me. If he has the ability, he should contribute. Who told you to save all the foster care money his mother gave him."

   Lan said irritably, "The one who spends the most money in our family is you, dad. What you spend on Conan is just a fraction of what you use indiscriminately."

   Conan nodded again and again, and he was so right. All of them were given to others, such as mahjong halls, racecourses, small steel ball shops, nightclubs, etc.

  Maori is low, unwilling to find reasons to refute, "That's because he is still young."

   Ran confidently said: "Because of his young age, I have to save it even more. Who knows what prices will be like when Conan grows up? How much this money can help Conan reduce the burden of starting a family."

   "Puff." Dr. A Li couldn't help but laugh, and laughed in his heart, Conan's family and business, Lan, you have to cooperate more.

   Conan falls sweat, Ran thinks too far.

   Huiyuan simply turned his head away, smiling a little bit internally, so he needs to divert his attention and ease it.

   "Alright, let's talk about your housework when you go home. Now continue to listen to the story." Yuanzi laughed. ...

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