Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2000: Takeuchi's rain stop

   September 7th, Friday, evening, typhoon passed, Takeuchi's apartment on the sixth floor, Takeuchi's balcony.

   The wind and rain had wet the ground on the scene, and there were no traces of footprints at all. The doors on the walls were carefully inspected, and there were no traces of fine lines rubbing at all.

   The other room where Mariko Takeuchi was located, also searched inch by inch, but found nothing.

   There are two bottles of red wine on the table in the living room, one of which has half a bottle left, the other bottomed out, and a little bit more.

   There is a corkscrew on the table with a cork on it, and the opening trace on the other cork does not look new, it should have been opened for drinking.

  The inference is that Takeuchi Hiraki drank the bottle of red wine that was opened earlier today. If there was not enough, he opened another bottle and drank half of it.

   The reason why Takeuchi Hiraki drank it was because there was only one cup with Takeuchi's fingerprints on it.

   The cup is not on the table, in the bedroom outside the balcony, on the TV cabinet, there is a drop of wine stains on the carpet.

   It can be imagined that Hiraki Takeuchi came in while drinking while holding a cup. When he was drinking, it dripped from the corner of his mouth or the mouth of the cup to the ground.

   In this case, it is basically certain that Takeuchi Hiraki is a little drunk.

   After he was drunk, he stood on the balcony and then jumped down.

   As for why Takeuchi Hiraki did not respond to Mariko Takeuchi and the Kujo prosecutor, it was because of wind and rain.

   was standing on the balcony, and all he could hear was the sound of wind and rain. This sound covered everything and couldn't hear it.

   So, Hiraki Takeuchi didn't look back. He didn't even know that someone was coming, so he just jumped.

   Of course, this is after excluding the homicide.

   If it was a homicide, then after Takeuchi Hiraki was drunk, he was placed on the balcony, and then by some means, Takeuchi Hiroaki was pushed down, in front of the Kujo prosecutor.

   The Shiratori Police Department pondered: "Then, why did Mr. Takeuchi Hiraki drink so much and why he chose to commit suicide? This is the question."

   Nine prosecutors said in a deep voice: "Aside from suicide, I will come here because I thought Mr. Takeuchi was going to explain to me that the thing he committed for his wife was that he drove into someone."

   Mumu Police Department asked: "Is it confirmed that it is the top crime?"

   Kujo prosecutor smiled bitterly: "Mr. Takeuchi's confession of guilt, plus the key evidence of the car seat size, this clearly shows that Mr. Takeuchi is the criminal."

   Police Officer Takagi asked, "This is hard to overthrow."

   The Kujo prosecutor sighed, "So, I followed the advice of the lawyer concubine and let Mr. Takeuchi come back..."

   "Yingli?" Maori was surprised.

   "I already called her, and I believe she will be here soon." Kujo prosecutor said to Maori, and then continued to everyone, "Mr. Putuchi came back to let him face Ms. Takeuchi."

   "Lawyer Concubine and I believe that after the two of them meet, they will definitely fight for the benefit of the crime, and then they can obtain evidence through monitoring."

   Mao Li praised: "This is a good way,"

   The nine prosecutors said, "But the problem is that the procedures have not been completed and the monitoring has not been launched. It will not be done until next week."

   Everyone is speechless, this kind of thing is really hard to evaluate.

   At this time, Fei Yingli arrived.

   After understanding the situation, Fei Hideri helped everyone put together the last piece of Takeuchi's suicide.

   Princess Hideri said: "I think Mr. Takeuchi is really likely to commit suicide, because he is very likely to find that even if he commits the crime for Ms. Takeuchi, he will get nothing after he comes out 25 years later."

   "Twenty-five years?" Kujo prosecutor asked in surprise, "Did the victim pass away?"

   "Yes, as soon as you said Mr. Takeuchi jumped off the building, I thought of this, so I called the hospital to ask." Fei Hideri said, "The victim left at night, and the hospital meant to notify the police tomorrow."

   "Mr. Takeuchi arranged for someone to stay there. They should have called Mr. Takeuchi."

   The Kujo prosecutor frowned, "This news will indeed make Mr. Takeuchi even more desperate. Jumping off the building is really not impossible."

   Maori protested: "Hey, can you two not just say what you know, make it clear."

   Princess Hideri and the Kujo prosecutor were taken aback for a moment, and smiled at each other.

   Next, the two said the whole thing again.

   The Kujo prosecutor believed that Takeuchi Hiraki was committing crimes for his wife for the benefit of his wife, so he would not be released from the detention center, hoping that Takeuchi’s life in the detention center could make Takeuchi reflect on.

   The lawyers simply handed the incident to Fei Yingli.

  Fei Hideri met Takeuchi Hiraki and found that he did not understand that the relevant laws had been amended, thinking that even if he was in jail, it would take three to five years at most.

   Takeuchi Hiraki immediately asked to go out after hearing Fei Hideri’s explanation.

  Fei Yingli suggested to the nine prosecutors to release people and conduct surveillance to obtain evidence.

   As a result, people let it go, but the monitoring was not in place.

   Princess Hideri said: "This afternoon, Mr. Takeuchi went to visit me and still insisted on committing the crime."

   "I asked him how he can guarantee that he will get what he wants from his wife when he comes out of prison ten years later."

   "He finally figured it out, so he hurried away."

   The Kujo prosecutor said: “It’s true that after he enters the prison, it’s really easy for Ms. Takeuchi to divorce him. He will have nothing by then.”

   Princess Hideri pushed his glasses, "At night, I suddenly thought that if Mr. Takeuchi wants to break this game, he can only kill Mr. Takeuchi."

   "When Mr. Takeuchi dies, his property will go to Ms. Mariko Takeuchi's name."

   "If there is no other document bound, this will also become their joint property."

   "At this time, Mr. Takeuchi filed for a divorce, relying on the fact that Ms. Takeuchi drove him and blamed him, he can succeed because the civil requirements are not strict."

   "In this way, Mr. Takeuchi can take away part of his property from it, at least tens of billions of yen."

   "That's it," said the Meguro Police Department, "so you called."

   Maori said, "But, you still didn't say, why did he commit suicide?"

   "I have already said," said the Kujo prosecutor, "it is if there are no document constraints."

   "On the other hand, if there are documents restricting Mr. Takeuchi's property under his name, even if Mr. Takeuchi kills Mr. Takeuchi and then successfully divorced, he won't get much money."

   "As far as I know, the current joint property of their husband and wife is this property."

   "When the Takeuchi Construction Company was in difficulty, Mariko Takeuchi mortgaged the house of the Takeuchi family to the bank."

   "Well, maybe, if you count it seriously, their family actually has no net assets at all, that is to say, after divorce, they have to carry a large amount of debt."

   Princess Hideri said: "In other words, even if Mr. Takeuchi found out that even if he went to help his wife, he would not get any benefits after he came out."

   "In addition, it was discovered that the victim was dead, and his time in jail has changed from ten years to twenty-five years. Suicide is very possible in despair."

   "Of course, the premise is that there is no mechanism."

   Maori shook his head and said, "No mechanism was found."

   "Desperate suicide?" The Megumi Police Department breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's talk about it for the time being."

   "Understood." The Shiratori Police Department glanced downstairs, and a lot of media had already arrived. Even if it was windy and heavy, it did not stop their enthusiasm. ...

   September 8, Saturday, morning, Miyamoto's house.

The front page of    Morning Post is the damage caused by the typhoon, and the suicide of Takeuchi Hiraki is the headline of the guide.

   Miko Miyamoto flipped through the newspaper, and then asked Yamazaki, "What do you think?"

   "It's hard to say that you can't see the flaws by jumping off the building, but it's not impossible, and the coincidence is too coincidental." Yamazaki said, "Mr. Takeuchi called the prosecutor here, and the victim died there."

   "Next, the Kujo prosecutor came, and I met Mariko Takeuchi who came back from working overtime at the club and went upstairs with her."

   "Then, Mr. Takeuchi was just waiting for the Kujo prosecutor to come home, and jumped off the building in front of the Kujo prosecutor."

"In my opinion, this coincidence would make sense if it was Ms. Takeuchi Mariko's bureau. After Mr. Takeuchi was drunk, he prepared the scene, sent a text message to herself, and the nine prosecutors, and then went downstairs and waited. ."

   Miko Miyamoto said: "In other words Ms. Takeuchi is working overtime while doing crimes."

   Yamazaki said, “As long as she says she doesn’t want to see people for the time being, and then slips away from the office, and then slips back, it’s not difficult.”

   "Overtime, there are inherently few people, and she can use her authority to redeploy staff, which can be said to be smooth."

   Miko Miyamoto nodded, "That's all."

   Yamazaki said, "However, this is just a guess."

   "Is there any problem with this suicide? Maybe you can read the newspaper this evening."

   "If Ms. Takeuchi Mariko said something to accuse Kujo prosecutors and provoke a new incident, then she would be suspicious."

   "Oh," Miko Miyamoto said, "Then, why didn't the incident calm down, it was suspected? Hurry up and let the matter go so that the murderer would not draw attention."

   Yamazaki said: "The matter involves a famous prosecutor. I don't think it can be calmed down. Journalists will try to understand the inside of it and make some speculations, including speculation that Ms. Takeuchi killed Mr. Takeuchi."

   "So, the best way is to divert your attention and throw the black pot to the nine prosecutors. It is simple and practical."

   "Of course, it may also be a coincidence. The prisoner is not Ms. Takeuchi. Then she chose to throw the scapegoat to the Kujo prosecutor to watch the fun with schadenfreude."

   "As for Ms. Takeuchi's anger, I think it should be fake."

   "Although the top crime incident is unclear, Ms. Takeuchi should not love her husband."

   "The person who wants Mr. Takeuchi to die the most is probably Ms. Takeuchi."

   "In terms of benefits after engaging in business, Ms. Takeuchi is actually the biggest beneficiary."

   Miko Miyamoto nodded, "Let's wait and see, see how it ends."...

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