Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2032: Bait suspicion

   February 10, Sunday, Sunday, night, Muidocho.

   Iwata Kiyonao is a single otaku who is over 30 years old. He does not have a full-time job. However, he has a freelance job, which is to help a media friend gather information, collect all kinds of news on the Internet, and compile them in chronological order for easy reading.

   includes unsubstantiated gossip, but this part should be marked in another color.

   For example, make a character card and compile various information of the target character, including birthday, education, work history, etc., according to relevant online news, and expand it.

   For example, after knowing the school class, collect more information about the classmates of the target person, circle the outstanding person or the family background, it is best to attach a photo.

   In short, as many gossips as there are, there are as many gossips as you can.

   Although this job may seem boring, when you really do it, you will find that you can’t stop at all, because you want to know, because of curiosity, it’s really addictive.

   When you know who and whom are former classmates, have even been with whom, have betrayed, and then look at their current relationships, whether they are close or not, you will suddenly realize, oh, that's how it is, that's how it is.

   The feeling of knowing everything and mastering everything is really, very wonderful.

Iwata Kiyonao originally had no regular life, but he was persuaded by the media friend to apply for a fitness card and go swimming every night. He feels that his body is really better. At least he can last longer when he calls the phone lady to come to the door for service. .

   However, when Kiyoshi Iwata suddenly suffered a pain in the back of his neck and fell down weakly, he regretted it, because before fainting, he saw a man in black wearing a black hood behind him.

   He was attacked by a bad guy. I knew it would be better to learn karate. This was the last thought of Iwata Kiyoshi Nao before he fell into a coma.

   This man in black is Belmode, and Iwata Kiyonao is the hapless one she carefully selected.

   That media figure is another downline of Belmode. In this Internet age, as long as there is money, informants are really easy to find.

  Belmod does not just make Iwata Kiyonao's life by himself become regular, but also makes the lives of most of his people regular.

The meaning of    is not to make them healthy and live longer, but to make it easier to control their time, and to find useful people anytime and anywhere when they are needed.

  Traditional informants are no longer an important member of obtaining information. This makes the damage of Numabuchi Jinichiro not as great as originally estimated. It can be said that it has been smoothed out by the progress of the times.

   Having said that, traditional informants still play an important role, such as being a substitute for dead ghosts at critical moments.

   Belmode thought in his mind, and couldn't help showing a wicked smile on his face. At the same time, he bent over and checked, confirming that the hapless Iwata Kiyoshi really fainted.

   Belmode went into hiding, called an ambulance, and said that someone was dizzy. While reporting the address, he emphasized that he was near the Beihu Central Hospital.

   Soon, the ambulance arrived and sent Kiyoshi Iwata to the Cupid Central Hospital less than one kilometer away. ...

   On February 11, Monday, afternoon, Beihu Central Hospital, the ward of Mizuno Rene.

   After school, Conan sneaked over and found that Shuichi Akai was on duty, so he asked him about how to deal with the organization's hiring of people after the retreat.

   Akai shook his head, "We didn't think of a good way to deal with it, so we can only take one step at a time."

   Conan asked again: "Did you find out, who might be the informant of the organization?"

   Shuichi Akai shook his head slightly, without speaking.

   Conan sighed and didn't ask for details anymore, so I should ask Mr. Judy to say hello.

   Soon after, Mrs. Judy came, saw nothing happened and left, and asked Conan if he was leaving together.

   Conan naturally agreed, and a ride was better than a walk. ...

  Hospital hall.

   Belmode, who was dressed as an elderly man sitting in the waiting area reading the evening paper, caught sight of Conan and Judy.

Belmode frowned. She realized that he had forgotten the kid Conan. He always went here like this. When the gin sent someone to confirm that Shui had no mercy, if he saw him, gin would not let this The kid is alive again.

   Belmode has a headache, because whether he can avoid Conan is not in her grasp, it depends on how the gin is arranged.

   Belmode closed the newspaper, and inadvertently, when he saw the front page of the newspaper, he suddenly felt his eyes shine.

   The headline on the front page of the Evening News today was the news that the police in Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture, arrested a member of the US Marine Corps for assaulting a 14-year-old underage girl.

   Belmode showed a smug smile. Perhaps this matter can be used. ...

   On the other side, Mr. Judy’s car.

   Conan learned from Mr. Judy that, according to her observation, only the Andrey Carmel search officer used the phone afterwards.

   But he answered the phone, not he made the call.

   Conan asked: "Do you know, who is calling?"

   Teacher Zhudi said: "He said that his wife was calling from Bermuda, and the early greetings when traveling. Judging from the time difference, there is no problem."

   Conan asked, "Did you not see the phone number?"

   Teacher Zhudi shrugged, "No, how am I embarrassed to say it? You can't say that. Please show me your phone, because you suspect that you are a ghost."

   "Really." Conan thought. ...

  In the evening, Shinagawa, organized hut.

   Belmode came to report to Gin that she found Shuichi Akai of the Bureau of Investigation when she visited an informant at the Beihu Central Hospital today.

   "Akai, Hideichi?" Gin's eyes flashed coldly, "Why is he there?"

   "Not just him, there are also many investigators from the Bureau of Investigation. They are guarding a ward." Bellmode laughed, "There is no mercy in there."

   "No mercy for water?" Vodka asked, "Isn't she missing?"

   "Idiot," Chianti said, "must be locked up by the Bureau of Investigation."

   "So," Cohen smiled coldly, "How about going to kill her?"

   "Agree." Chianti was excited, "Gin, how about we kill it at night?"

   "No mercy to kill the water, no hurry." Gin stared at Belmode and pondered, "It's been so long, I've already said what I should say."

   "That's right," Cohen recalled, "I remember that Mizumi once found a certain mouse that got into the organization, but he was driven into desperation."

"I've heard of that too," Chianti laughed. "The woman Shui Wu Reina was shot through her hands and feet, she was also given Veritaserum, and her ribs were broken. "

   "However, she didn't say a word from beginning to end," Cohen said. "I found it from the mouse. The MD who interrogated the whole process was recorded without the sound of water helplessness."

   "By the way, how did she turn defeat into victory?" Chianti pondered, "It seems to bite her teeth?"

"Yes," Cohn said, "When she was caught and tortured, she used her only remaining weapon-her teeth, to bite the mouse's wrist, tore open his aorta, and then lost fighting spirit from that one. The mouse snatched his pistol in his hand and burst his head with one shot."

   "That's right," Chianti gestured, "From the chin." Then he praised, "That's really a trick that a beast can do."

   "Hey," Vodka smiled, "Do you think so?"

   Chianti squinted and said, "Just say what you want."

   "Big brother has always held a different view." Vodka smirked, "For this reason, I went to Africa and found a village to experiment."

   Cohen asked: "What is the experiment?"

   "Don't you think it's weird?" Vodka asked, "Since Mizumi was hit by the enemy's four bullets in his limbs, why is he still able to move freely without being disabled?"

   Chianti and Cohen looked at each other and then reacted together.

   Chianti exclaimed: "It's his men who show mercy!"

   Cohen gritted his teeth in irritation: "It must be, otherwise any bullet hitting a limb would be crippled."

"The four bullets hit the limbs and didn't make people crippled. There is only one reason, that is, deliberately not to hit the important place." Chianti slapped the table angrily, "Damn, Mizumi and that mouse are actually Together!"

Cohen echoed murderously: "Yes, the enemy won't do that, and they don't seem to be a normal organization, and their relationship is not normal, otherwise the mouse would not use this method to cover Shui Wuyou. ."

   Chianti frowned and said, "But Mizumi's identity background is very clear, is it made?"

   "It must be." Cohen asked, "Vodka, do you know what organization that mouse is?"

   Vodka shook his head, "That guy didn't carry any documents to prove his identity. I don't know who he is.

   Chianti exclaimed, "Damn it, after catching the water this time without mercy, she must tell her everything she knows."

   Vodka smiled and said, "But I know the original name of the mouse."

   Cohen said angrily: "Please, can you speak more simply."

"Hey," Vodka said with a dry smile, "At that time, when my eldest brother and I arrived, besides the dying water without mercy, there was also a living foreigner who was in the ear of the mouse who could not answer. Calling a name, repeating like a broken tape."

   Chianti slapped the table with dissatisfaction, "Can you speak more simply!"

   "Listen to me," Vodka said, "The guy noticed us and broke it on his own."

   "Damn!" Chianti and Cohen both pointed to Vodkabi together. They were all dead and didn't know anything, what else to say!

   "Hey," Vodka protested, "You two have this attitude, I won't talk about it."

   Cohen said grumpily, "We don't want to listen."

   Chianti folded his arms and said, "Yes, love to say nothing."

   Vodka compromised, "Well, that foreigner called the mouse Hondō, which is the Chianti and Cohen looked at each other and smiled and worked together happily.

   The matter here came to an end, Cohen looked at Gin and Belmode who were confronting each other, "Gin, what are you thinking about? We are going to the Beihu Central Hospital now."

   Chianti stepped forward and pointed his gun at Belmode, "Gin, what are you suspicious of this woman? If you think she deserves to die, I'm happy to help."

   "Only you?" Belmode said contemptuously.

   "Asshole, I will kill you." Chianti furiously took out the gun.

   "Okay," Gin said coldly, "Belmod, it's okay for now."

   "It's really rare, you will speak for me." Belmode seemed calm on the surface, but his heart became tense, because the performance of Gin showed that Gin really thought whether she had any problems before.

   Ginjiu stared at Belmode, "If I asked you why you went to the Beihu Central Hospital, you knew that Shui Wurenai was there, what would you say?"

   Belmode shrugged, "God arranged it."

   "Yes," Gin said coldly, "What a coincidence."

   Chianti reacted, "You woman, wouldn't you know it?"

   Cohen also reacted, "I knew it early, but didn't tell us what you were thinking about!"

   Vodka also reacted, "How can there be such a coincidence!"

   "A coincidence is a coincidence," Belmode emphasized, "It's just a coincidence."

   "Okay, let's go and go to the Beihu Central Hospital," Jinjiu added, "I won't do anything tonight, just to find out the situation there."


   Chianti and Cohen, who were originally excited, were immediately discouraged when they heard this. ...

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