Tuesday, February 12, in the morning, Beihu Central Hospital.

   Shuichi Akai entered the inpatient department and found that there were some people sitting in the waiting area that didn't look like people who came to see a doctor. They looked around and observed something, but they didn't look like a gangster hired by an organization to make trouble.

   Akai Hideichi casually approached someone to strike up a conversation, and wanted to find out.

   Just then, a large group of people ran in, and no one among them called out, "He is Hideichi Akai of the Bureau of Investigation!"

   Akai Hideichi was taken aback on the spot and had a very bad premonition. At the same time, he also understood that these people might be the media.

   Gin would actually do this, instead of confronting head-on, but using means, this is not the gin he knew.

And just as Akai’s thoughts were turning, a large group of people gathered around. At the same time, there were many people who attacked colleagues from the Bureau of Investigation, and some took out their phones to take pictures and uploaded them directly to the Internet. Above.

   They took the recording tools, reported their media and names, and asked all about Mizumi.

   "Excuse me, I heard that the famous host Shui Wu Reina was imprisoned by the Bureau of Investigation in this hospital, is it true?"

   "Why do you want to imprison the water without mercy?"

   "Why did you choose this hospital..."

   "Is the dean colluding with you?"

   "Is it completely ignorant?"

   "How is the fee calculated?"

   "May I ask..."

   Shuichi Akai was completely stunned. Although he had thought about it, but when he really faced it, he realized that he could not handle it at all.

   Soon, Akai immediately wanted to leave when he thought of Mizuno Reina, but was surrounded by reporters and couldn't move at all.

   Shuichi Akai discovered that all he could do now was to keep silent, nothing more.

   Hideichi Akai knew that he had lost this round. He could imagine that Gin was watching the news outside with a triumphant smile on his mouth. ...

   On the side of the road in the distance, in the vodka car.

   Jinjiu is watching mobile TV. The news that the US Bureau of Investigation has imprisoned the famous host Shui Wu Rena in the Beihu Central Hospital has been broadcast and is now live.

   Akai Hideichi's sluggish expression is really funny.

   At this time, the ward of Shui Wu Renai was also captured by the media. From the TV screen, watching the excitement of the hosts, you know that the Bureau of Investigation will have no small trouble this time.

   Vodka asked: "Brother, it seems that Shui Wurenai has really become a vegetable. In this way, do you want to kill Shui Wurenai?"

Belmod smirked and said: "To kill this kind of useless person, just hire a killer. We will use our own hands, and even if a person is arrested, we can continue to use the media to splash the disaster on the Bureau of Investigation. It is said that they wrote and directed, killing people and destroying corpses."

   "Very good, just do it." Gin was very happy and agreed. ...

   In the afternoon, after school at Didan Primary School.

   Conan got rid of the claws of Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi and slipped away excitedly.

   Conan has already greeted Huihara. He has already told Lan that he will stay at Dr. Aka’s house tonight. If Lan calls Dr. Aka’s house, let Huihara handle it.

   Tonight, the Bureau of Investigation will retreat from the hospital, and the organization might show up during the gap and then be able to arrest people.

   Conan was very excited just thinking about it. ...

  Beihu Central Hospital.

   Conan looked at it from a distance and felt wrong, because there were many people outside the hospital, some of them with cameras, they seemed to be the media.

   There are other people holding banners high, but the distance is too far, and they can’t be seen clearly.

   However, Conan's footsteps have become weak, his speed has slowed down, and his face has become even more ugly.

   Conan didn’t need to go over and observe, he already understood what had happened—the media knew in advance that Shui Wu Renai was in Beihu Central Hospital.

   This is like pouring a bucket of ice water, extinguishing any delusions, and some only worry.

   Now, I just don’t know how the James team is going, or if they are all blocked in the hospital.

   But in terms of time, at least Teacher Zhu Di should be in Didan High School, not in the hospital.

   Conan walked slowly to the door, saw the banner clearly, and really supported Shui Wu Ren's words, and those people would know without saying that they are all Shui Wu Ren's fans.

   Conan listened for a while, put together the bits and pieces of news, and found that the incident happened in the morning. Later, someone from the US took away all investigators from the Bureau of Investigation.

   Shui Wurenai is still in the hospital. The police have controlled the director of the hospital and are investigating the truth of the matter, promising to announce the results as soon as possible.

   Conan sneaked into the hospital to take a look. There was someone standing guard at the door of Shui Wu Reina, who seemed to be a plainclothes policeman.

   Conan is relieved, at least the organization can't come to kill the water without mercy.

   However, Conan has a headache again, because next time he might not have the chance to touch Shui Wuyou again.

   The police will at most let him in and give a flower, it is impossible for him to stay there for a long time like James. ...

   Before the evening, Dr. Aka’s house.

   Haibara was standing on a stool making dinner on the kitchen counter, watching Conan enter listlessly, a little curious, "What happened?"

   "Didn't you watch the news? Watch the news." Conan said weakly.

  On the way back, Conan used his mobile phone to surf the Internet, and found that the Internet had already turned upside down. Many people were paying attention not only at home but also abroad.

  Because Mizumi is a famous host and a reporter, the Bureau of Investigation privately imprisoned the reporter. This plot is enough to make a documentary.

   Dr. A Li turned on the TV, broadcasted a random channel and saw the report, switched to a news channel, and there was also a live broadcast. It is absolutely continuous tracking. If you don't dig to the end, you will never stop.

   Haibara simply put down the kitchen knife and watched intently, so he accidentally cut his hand to avoid scoring. ...

   On the other side, Miyamoto's.

The front page of    Evening News was the news that the Bureau of Investigation had imprisoned Mizuno Rene, with photos of Akai Shuichi.

   Yamazaki looked at the evening paper and couldn't help shaking his head. Shuichi Akai was completely stupid by himself. If you have to teach others to handle it, then no wonder others use it.

What you can’t think of does not mean that others can’t think of it. What you can’t see doesn’t mean that others can’t see it either. What you think about is only the overall picture you can see. It doesn’t make sense. Others can only see what you see. The situation is the same as you think, do what you want.

   It’s not surprising that an unexpected battle started suddenly from a place you didn’t expect.

   thinks that he is in control of everything, and often you will find in the end that what you control is not the trump card you rely on to defeat the enemy, but it is precisely the key that can kill you. ...

   The next day, Wednesday, February 13, in the morning, Miyamoto's.

The front page of the Zaobao published a follow-up report on the incident of Shui Wu Reina, and pointed out that the fact that Shui Wu Reina was imprisoned for a long time reminded many people that something bad had happened in the middle.

   A lot of rumors appeared overnight, especially some adapted, adult-oriented delusional novels appeared on the Internet, and there was an increasing trend. ...

   Yamazaki used his cell phone to surf the Internet, and found that in the novels that were unsightly, although the surname was not specified, it can be seen that there is quite a story that Shuichi Akai and Mizuno have to tell.

   Yamazaki couldn't help being funny, and it was not easy for Akai Hideichi to wash it when he was splashed on his body by this basin of sewage.

   Because no matter what Hideo Akai explained repeatedly, no matter how many witnesses he pulls out for them to testify, he can only deal with the official, and there are people in the private who are willing to believe it. That really has to be a big question mark. ...

   In the morning, on the way to school to Didan High School.

   Yuanzi was so excited that he whispered the news as soon as he came, but everyone knew, so they ignored her.

   Yuanzi didn't care, and said that he painted all the way.

   Mei Daizi is not interested, but Lan is worrying about Yingyou.

   Ran worried that Eiyu Hondō would be helped by Mizuno, and thought of his sister.

   But when I arrived at the school gate, I was relieved to see Eiyu Hondō greet with a smile on his face. ...


   The classmates also talked about the matter of the Bureau of Investigation. Yuanzi joined the discussion without even putting down his schoolbag.

   Yamazaki remembered one thing. I wonder if Mr. Judy will be implicated. After all, she is in the same group.

   However, when I was in the English class, Mr. Judy still showed up.

   looks tired, but being able to appear here also means that there is nothing wrong with her. ...

  In the afternoon, cafe.

   Teacher Judy came to Conan’s appointment and told Conan about their situation.

   All members of the James team are suspended for investigation and need to write a report.

   Black pot, Akai Hideyoshi carried it back. He said that he was in charge of all actions, and James had been compromising with him for the sake of his team members.

   Conan asked, "What will happen to Mr. Akai?"

   "I don't know," Mr. Zhu Di sighed, "This is just an internal investigation. What to say to the Metropolitan Police Department is another matter. The final result is still early."

   Conan sighed, "That's it."

   Teacher Zhudi smiled and said, "Don't worry, the worst result is just to let Xiu resign instead of handing him over to the Metropolitan Police Department."

   "..." Conan was speechless, this didn't seem to be something to be happy about, after all, they broke the law, but in the end they didn't have to bear legal responsibility.

   "Okay, if there is no problem, I will go back first." Teacher Zhu Di stretched her waist, "I haven't slept well these days. I can finally get a good night's sleep this time."

   Conan hesitated, "Um, what about the organization?"

Teacher Judy said helplessly: "I believe there is such an organization above, but we can't produce any evidence to let it do anything. Sometimes the program is the program~www.wuxiaspot.com~Unfortunately the night when the gin came. , And no one really saw him."

   Conan refreshed, "Gin has been here?"

   "Yes, it was the night before the accident, the night before."

   "How's it going?"

   "I heard that three cars came, but they didn't enter the encirclement circle. They circled around the hospital, looked at it from a distance and left, as if they found a net waiting for him."

   Conan asked: "Then you didn't chase it?"

   Teacher Zhu Di sighed, "I heard that just after catching up, I ran into the traffic police and had to slow down."

"It must be the police they called." Conan thought, "But why did Gin leave?" Then he replied, "If it wasn't for Gin's purpose at the time, it was just to explore the terrain and prepare for water. The inner ghost confided to Gin and helped him escape."

   Teacher Zhudi shook his head and said: "The ghost was not found. Xiu also thinks it is the preliminary preparation for the action, but a lot of media are waiting."

   Conan frowned, "This must be made of gin."

"I don't know, but Xiu said that it is not the style of gin," Mr. Judy sighed. "The Metropolitan Police Department said that there was a nurse who took care of Shui Wusui who was short of money and sold the news to many media. Character, earned tens of millions of yen overnight."

   "..." Conan was speechless. For the sake of tens of millions of yen, he did not abide by the professional ethics of nurses and betrayed patient information. There are really many people who can do it.

   Immediately, Conan frowned and said, "But, this is a bit too coincidental. I just went to Gin Wine, and Shui Wu Ren has been exposed."

   Teacher Zhudi shrugged, "I can't answer you."

   Conan didn’t ask any more, Mr. Judy left and paid the bill. ...

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