Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2041: Sleeping beauty's middle knot

   On Sunday, March 16, in the afternoon, outside the house of Dean Muramatsu.

Oda Nobue, Oda Haruko, and Oda Sakurako led a large group of black suits. Under the noses of the two patrols guarding the front door of Dean Muramatsu’s house, they surrounded and suppressed the media figures who had long stayed outside Dean Muramatsu’s house. .

   caught them like a chick, forcibly confiscated their criminal evidence, took the film or washed out the data, and then returned it to them.

   Although smiling all the way, the overwhelming aura made the media figures afraid to resist.

   "People have been driven to death by you, so what are you doing here? Go, go, go!"

   This is clearly said to the media figures, but secretly, it is said to the organization.

   means that Dean Muramatsu is dead, and it can be regarded as giving an explanation. This matter can end here.

  In the distance, Conan couldn't help but complained to Yamazaki: "You should have done this long ago."

   Yamazaki rubbed his fingers, and said angrily: "For this simple task, I have to pay a 100 million yen commission."

   "Uh," Conan was taken aback, "So much?"

   Yamazaki smiled and said, "You can go to Mr. Takei if it is too expensive. Ten million yen will do it for you."

   "But he was sent out by thugs and thugs, and spread it out, which is not good for Dean Muramatsu's reputation.

   "Moreover, no one can predict whether those people will get hot in their heads and hit people with their hands. That's justified and unreasonable, and the Muramatsu's house will become passive."

   Conan sighed and had to admit that this is indeed the truth.

   Yamazaki continued with a smile: "The cheapest one is the police, but they can only watch them when they come. They can't move at all. At most, the media can't block the way."

   Conan turned his gaze to the house of Dean Muramatsu, looked at the two patrols guarding the gate of Dean Muramatsu’s house, scanned the piles of police cars outside the house, and thought of the police investigating in the house, completely speechless.

   At this time, Yamazaki's cell phone rang. It was a text message sent by Oda Shine. The task of rushing people was completed. Except the people who stayed behind, everyone else evacuated first.

   Yes, Yamazaki responded.

   Yamazaki said to Conan, "I'm going back, are you going back with me, or are you going to have a look?"

   "Let's go together." Conan shook his head. He didn't want to see the pathos of Dean Muramatsu's family.

  Although James led the placement of Shui Wu Rennai in the Beihu Central Hospital, this matter was not him, but he was also involved in the case and felt guilty.

   "That's right, that," Conan asked, "When you go to the Kurokawa Hospital to visit Mizuno Reina, can you take me with you?"

   Yamazaki said: "Come if you want, but don't follow every time, it will make the hall uncomfortable."

   "Oh, I see." Conan replied. ...

   In the afternoon, Kurokawa Hospital, the ward of Mizuno Reina.

   Conan followed Yamazaki and Eisuke Hondō, and saw Mizumi.

   Seeing Mizuno Reina lying there without moving, Conan couldn't help sighing, speechless and helpless. ...

   In the evening, Shinagawa, organize the hut.

   At the vodka's notice, Belmode came to the meeting and she disguised herself as a woman in her thirties.

   Jinjiu announced that it would renounce retaliation against the family of Dean Muramatsu and withdraw the surveillance personnel.

   Chianti was disappointed, but did not raise any objections. She also knew that it was not worthwhile to confront Shi Feng for the sake of Dean Muramatsu’s family and for dispensable and irrelevant people. ...

   Tuesday, March 18, in the morning, Miyamoto's.

   The international edition of the Zaobao published a story about the almost bankruptcy of the Bells Financial Company. The stock price fell from a peak of US$133 a year ago to US$62 a week ago to the current US$5.

   A big company that once had $350 billion in assets disappeared in just one year. ...

   Wednesday, March 19.

   Evening News published news about the newly appointed President of the Bank of Japan. After a lot of disturbance, the person appointed by the outgoing former president took office.

   This is the result of the Senate’s unsuccessful vote on the nominator. The House of Representatives voted to pass the vote. The results of the two houses are different. The former president who expired and resigned was named in accordance with the Bank of Japan law. As a result, his title after he took over was acting president.

   In other words, there was a dumbfounding and interesting phenomenon, the Bank of Japan president was vacant, this is the first time under the constitutional system of Japan. ...

   Friday, March 21, afternoon, Kurokawa Hospital.

   Can't wait for tomorrow, Hattori can't wait to pull Heye over and meet Conan and Ran to see Shui Wu Ren, but the time for Shui Wu Ren's visit is still not met.

   Hattori couldn't help complaining, "Damn, this is a waste of money? Is it going to buy another one tomorrow?"

   Lan couldn't laugh or cry, Conan raised his triangular eyes speechlessly.

   and Ye simply took a few steps away, pretending not to know this one.

   Hattori negotiated with the security guard. The security guard saw Conan and recognized Hattori's black skin, so he reluctantly let them in and gave them five minutes.

   There are orchids and leaves, and Conan and Hattori didn't say anything. They looked at Mizuno through the glass, so they left, leaving them on the road and talking slowly. ...

   In the evening, Miyamoto's house.

   Miko Miyamoto came back from get off work and brought a bunch of materials about the new regulations to Yamazaki.

   Mei Daizi and the three sisters of Tarhan didn't touch at all. Hondō Eiyu, who came to have a meal, flipped it curiously, and then put it down. He wasn't interested, just just take a look. ...

   At night, Mei Dai Restaurant.

   During the half-time break, Yamazaki ate snacks and browsed the information.

  The first is to promote the reform of the civil servants' reemployment system, the civil servants' system reform law and the administrative decree on the management of employee retirement.

   Prevent bureaucrats from retreating to the enterprise and use official contacts to serve the enterprise in turn.

   The result is that the soup is changed instead of the medicine. The banner of building a talent exchange between the government and the people is played, and a formal reemployment organization is established. On the contrary, the airborne becomes justified.

   Yamazaki shook his head and was speechless. As expected, his **** decided his head and had to take it.

   Then there are two remedies.

   First, the Drug-induced Hepatitis Victims Relief Act provides relief to victims in eight accidents from the 1960s to the 1980s.

  For severe cases, 40 million yen will be given.

  Generally, 20 million yen is given.

   If you carry it but have no symptoms, 12 million yen will be given.

  Second, the Shinrikyo Victims Relief Law aims to provide relief to people who have been harmed by Shinrikyo’s crimes. The total number of victims currently known is 6,520, of which 6,226 were victims of the subway poison gas incident.

   In principle, a maximum of 20 million yen is given to each person, and 25 cases of death are severely disabled.

   In addition, 5 cases requiring special care are given 30 million yen.

   1,184 serious injuries, 1 million yen will be given.

   Next is the economic aspect.

  First, the free trade agreement between Japan and 10 countries in Southeast Asia.

  Second, the Insurance Law specifies the third type of insurance.

  Medical insurance, sickness insurance, long-term care insurance, and employment disability insurance.

   Then there is the social aspect.

  First, the social welfare worker care worker school appoints rules to clarify the subject content standards for the training of social worker welfare workers.

  Second, the supplement to the Broadcasting Act is to confirm the broadcast holding company.

   Third, the Youth Harmful Information Regulation Act protects young people under the age of 18 from contacting harmful information.

   There is no official problem with this bill, and there is a lot of opposition from the people.

  Because, first of all, there has been a classification system, which stipulates the content of information for young people under the age of 18.

   However, if young people under the age of 18 go to see adult things, whose responsibility lies?

   There is no need to stage any of the American blockbusters, and the period dramas of fighting and killing can also be taken off the shelves. The detective dramas are all about crime and are cut directly.

   After all, even the special films and cartoons are violent. Although they are under the banner of love, their behavior is violent. Even if violence is used to control violence, it is also violence.

   In the end, there will probably be inspirational dramas, workplace dramas and the like, plus variety shows.

   Oh, that doesn’t work either. The heroine’s fashion, the host’s etiquette, the fabric is a little bit small, and the people are beautiful.

   The temptation of wearing clothes is sometimes worse than not wearing them. Otherwise, how could there be the temptation of uniforms?

   Also, does workplace violence count as violence? This is also a question. If you come in the morning nine to five and never work overtime? Get off work on time? That's true or false.

   Is that insulting whose IQ? The director, or those younger than 18 who watch the show?

   Not to mention a TV, the programs in various time periods are for different age groups.

   Then, teenagers under the age of 18 have to watch adult programs in the evening. Whose responsibility is this?

   Is the TV station that broadcasts this not responsible?

   Also, how do newspapers and magazines report real cases?

   One version for adults, another version for teenagers under 18? Or is it to prevent young people under 18 from reading newspapers and magazines? Don't let them know what is the Erack war and what is the Mexigo drug war.

   The most important thing is that these things will not happen if you don’t report.

   The small flowers in a greenhouse are just like white paper. They didn’t know anything before the age of 18. After 18, they suddenly found out that they used to live in another world. Is this person acceptable?

   In the end, he will only be hurt, not even protecting himself.

   Instead of protecting, it is better to teach them how to distinguish what can and cannot be done, and teach them to resist spontaneously.

   should let them know that they shouldn't watch adult programs at night, and they should not watch it spontaneously.

   should let them know what the consequences of violating the law are, and they should not do it spontaneously.

   In addition, there are textbooks, so I skip all physiology lessons? Only the truth, the good and the beautiful in the history class? All others are not allowed?

   Wait, Yamazaki has a headache. These things are too troublesome, so skip it.

   Then there is the environmental aspect.

Laws related to the promotion of the use of organic materials and biofuel raw materials in agriculture, forestry and fishery; laws to ensure the safety of feeds for pet animals; basic laws on biodiversity; laws on the maintenance and care of regional, historical, cultural and elegant Yes, the military aspect.

   The follow-up law to the special counter-terrorism countermeasures law, extending the time for sending sea teams to the Indian Ocean and participating in support activities.

   Finally, the basic law of the universe, the establishment of the headquarters of the strategy for the development of the universe.

   refers to peaceful use, advancement of space development, promotion of private industry and capital participation, and prohibition of offensive space weapons. In fact, it also includes military use. These are two sides and cannot be separated.

   If you want to send a satellite to the sky, you have to develop missile technology, and this can be used in various ways.

   In addition, while banning offensive cosmic weapons, you can keep defensive cosmic weapons. This is a stealth exchange concept, because you can attack with defense, just like a pistol, which can defend and save people and attack and kill.

   But then again, promoting private participation is in line with the interests of the consortium in space development. At least it reduces the control, but I don’t know what will happen. This can only be seen.

   Yamazaki put down the information, looked at the time almost, and greeted Mei Daizi and Eiyu Hondō to go to work. ...

   March 22, Saturday, morning, Maori Detective Agency.

   At the call of Yuanzi, the three sisters Yamazaki, Meidaizi, and Tarhan came to gather with Ran, Conan, Hattori, and Kazuya. They went shopping, but they paid their own lunch.

   In the afternoon, Kurokawa Hospital.

   Under the instigation of Hattori, and driven by the curiosity of Ran, Kazuha, and Sonoko, they urged everyone to follow Yamazaki and Hondō Eisuke's ward without mercy.

   But it's boring and tight here.

   After a while, Mei Daizi suggested to leave.

   So, except for Yamazaki and Eisuke Hondō, everyone else went back first. ...

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