Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2043: Negative interest rate money lending

  March 31, Monday, morning, good mood, meeting room in the middle of the building.

   After Miko and Belinda and others greeted each other across the big screen, the meeting began.

   Miko Miyamoto stopped Kimi who was going to speak, and asked Belinda to talk about it first. Keep it simple.

   Olivia smiled curiously and asked, "Why? This is? It's mysterious."

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said, "Don't you know it in a while?"

"I'll come first." Enoch laughed. "The financial crisis has no effect on me. The theoretical net profit of Migao Entertainment Group is about one billion U.S. dollars, and then it was invested. In fact, there was not much left. ."

   "The Sur Computer Communication Group under my management has been used to expand research and development. If not counting the second investment, the net profit would be about 4.5 billion US dollars."

"That's it."

   "Then, I will come first." Belinda said, "The financial crisis has little effect on my side, and Huoxiu's net profit is about 10 billion U.S. dollars after removing the research and development funds."

   "If you count, the deficit is 20 billion U.S. dollars, and this includes aerospace."

   "However, Olivia used financial means to help me invest, and I filled it all in."

"So be it."

   Olivia said, "I'll continue."

   "Excluding financial aspects, Guangmei World Aviation Group was deeply affected by the financial crisis, with a deficit of more than 30 billion U.S. dollars, but it moved back from the financial sector and still had a surplus of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars, and it rolled into the next period."

"That's it."

   "It's here." Annie said, "The Degu Group is deeply affected by the financial crisis, and retail sales have shrunk. Fortunately, it has made up some energy from the energy side. Not counting financial gains, it has a deficit of 3 billion US dollars."

   "In terms of finance, it made more than 50 billion U.S. dollars in profit and expanded its scale. In the end, more than 3 billion U.S. dollars remained and rolled into the next period."

"That's it."

   "Ah," Oda Nobumi said, "Well, with the help of Miss Misha, the net profit in my hands is equivalent to nearly 150 billion U.S. dollars, and the pre-tax income exceeds 300 billion U.S. dollars."

   "By the way, I can't believe that I can have such a huge income."

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said, "I know what card the dealer will draw, so boldly put it on."

   Olivia nodded and said, "Indeed, I have to admit that the investment team on my side is just not brave enough."

   Annie echoed: "This is still the result of not using financial leverage to amplify the principal, otherwise it can rise to trillions of dollars,"

   Enoch asked: "Why not do it?"

   Belinda smiled and said, "This guy has a mental disorder."

Miko Miyamoto smiled and said: "Yes, it feels a bit of a disaster. The global financial market has shrunk by more than ten trillion US dollars. We only took a few percent of the money evaporated from the financial market. In fact, seriously, this is Doing good deeds saved part of the funds, but did not let those funds disappear out of thin air."

   Olivia smiled and said: "Let's pull it down, what you said, any guy who loses money in the financial market listens to it, I guess he wants to beat you."

   Miko Miyamoto did not hear, "Shinmi, you continue."

   Oda Nobumi said: "At present, the food problem continues in Africa and has spread to South Asia and Latin America."

   "Due to idle land, for example, the United States is said to have idled 36.8 million acres of land."

   "Due to climate change, such as the reduction in wheat production in Australia, it is said that it has been reduced from 25 million tons to 9.8 million tons."

   "Due to biofuel subsidies, the planting area of ​​corn and sugarcane for ethanol fuel has increased. It is said that 80 million tons of corn in the United States will become fuel."

   "Due to the rise in fuel, the raw materials for fertilizers have risen, resulting in a price of grain."

   "Due to agricultural subsidies in developed countries, coupled with mechanized mass production, their food is relatively low."

   "Because of free trade, many countries used to import cheaper food from abroad, and some exporting countries have tightened their food exports."

   "A series of issues such as that have caused food shortages, but I happened to use food to obtain resource options from multiple countries. In addition to obtaining resources, I was also helping people in need.

   "And half of the proceeds this time will continue to be used for Zair's infrastructure, including energy facilities, transportation facilities, agricultural facilities, refugee camps, etc."

   "The other half transitions to the next period, as the principal, betting on the next more serious financial crisis."

"That's it."

   "Okay, you're right." At the signal of Miko Miyamoto, Keihime talked about the situation on the Good Mood Foundation.

   "Four hundred trillion yen," Enoch smacked, "The current exchange rate is..."

   Annie said: "It's about four trillion dollars."

   Belinda teased: "I took out all my old books, what do you want to do?"

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said, "I am going to lend you money."

   Olivia teased: "Ha, I feel like you are a clearance sale, and you just dumped all your pots to us. Do you want us to buy your business?"

   "Do you all know?" Miko Miyamoto replied with a smile. "In my opinion, you all didn't make a cent in the last fiscal year. All of them were in large deficits."

   "How do you say this? I don't understand." Olivia said grumpily, "Don't sell it."

   "It's the exchange rate," Miko Miyamoto smiled. "The yen has risen from 120 to 100 against the US dollar. Do your calculations for yourself. Those of you who are holding US dollars, have your assets depreciated."

   "Damn it," Olivia said in surprise, "After you said that, I suddenly found myself losing hundreds of billions of dollars."

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said: "Not so much. Only fixed assets in the United States are counted. Aircraft and ships are not counted. Those in other countries or those that can go to other countries are not counted."

   "In this regard, it is Annie who loses the most, because she is a retailer, and she has more fixed assets in the United States than you."

   "This is true," Belinda asked, "But what do you want Miko?"

   "Didn't you just say it? Issue bonds." Miko Miyamoto smiled.

   Annie enlightened: "You are asking us to buy bonds issued by the Good Mood Consortium and exchange our funds for yen to preserve value?"

   Horiuchi Misa couldn't help but said, "Not only is it a hedge, but also a profit."

   Belinda asked, "Oh, how high interest rates are you going to give us?"

"It's not this, Miss Belinda." Horiuchi Misa smiled excitedly. "When the financial crisis reaches its peak, interest rates will definitely fluctuate, and we will be able to make a lot of money at that time, because our investment base is very large. "

   Enoch asked: "Didn’t the financial crisis have broken out now? It's ongoing, right?"

   Annie shook her head and said: "It will not really break out until the US fiscal year, that is, in September and October, when financial companies will release data."

   Enoch asked: "Can't we make a fortune through the financial crisis like us?"

  Horiuchi Misa laughed and said: "Dare they dare to put out large sums of money to bet is another problem. The first thing they face is the default of various financial contracts, because the financial crisis makes their customers unable to perform financial contracts anymore.

   "For example, early deposits, early termination of investment, termination of insurance premiums, termination of housing loans, etc., these problems will cause bad debts of financial institutions, reduce the available amount, and trigger a series of shrinking investment quotas."

   Belinda smiled and said, "I don't understand those. I want to know now, how high interest rates your bonds can provide."

   "Ten percent." Miko Miyamoto smiled.

   Belinda smiled and said, "So much, thank you so much."

   "Don't rush to thank you," Miko Miko said with a smile, "I said negative ten percent."

   "Huh?" Everyone was surprised.

   Belinda felt inexplicable, "What does this mean? Could it be that if I buy your bonds, I have to lose 10% of your interest? Is that what I mean."

   "That's right." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "I bet that the exchange rate will fluctuate by more than 10%, and you can earn some money."

   Enoch said: "It should be impossible, the yen will exceed 90."

Annie said seriously: "It's bilateral volatility, as long as it breaks 95 is enough, there should be no problem. If you use financial leverage, less volatility will do." Then she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Madam, this trick is wonderful. Make Annie admire."

   Olivia sighed: "Well, that is to say, we are busy here to preserve value, but also help you make money by the way."

   "I didn't want to work for nothing." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "The most important thing is that there will be no psychological burden, so don't worry about being a bad hand in deepening the financial crisis."

   "I'm speechless, just do what you say." Belinda said grumpily, "Financial methods play like you, it's a shame that your central bank president didn't choose you. It's a loss to the country."

   Enoch smiled and said, "I think I can become chairman of the Federal Reserve."

   "Okay, I won't tell you any more." Miko Miyamoto said sternly, "I am going to issue three hundred and sixty trillion yen bonds."

"Enoch, your Migao Group is no longer necessary. The Suer Group in your hand subscribes for one-seventh, Belinda and Xinmei each subscribe for one-seventh, and Olivia and Annie each subscribe for seven-seventh. of two."

   "You take mortgage loans from banks controlled by Olivia and Annie, and continue to make loans to obtain sufficient funds."

Olivia said: "I said, you can't get financial leverage. Anyway, it's negative interest rates, and it's no problem to issue ten times Miko Miyamoto said funny: "Then you can use financial Buy with leverage, and then wait for exchange rate fluctuations to make a lot of money. "

   "Yes, it should be that way," Olivia said, "What's the problem with this?"

"I'm worried that you can't collect enough debts and you can't turn your hands back in time. If you miss the best time, you will definitely feel heartache." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "If you use your own bonds to hedge, it would be me. Is it interesting to make your money? It's not interesting."

   Annie said: "This is indeed the truth."

   Miko Miyamoto said: "That's right, I forgot to say, try to borrow euros as much as possible, that is, when you mortgage loans, you will lend euro assets to the European branches of your financial institutions."

   "While pushing up the euro, we stepped on the dollar by the way. The yen is closely linked to the dollar and will decrease at the same time, resulting in a relatively low level."

   "Then you use euro assets to buy my bonds. Now it is about 170 yen for 1 euro, which is an extra 2 trillion euros in assets, and maybe it will reach 180 by then."

   "In addition, we have to sign a confidentiality contract. Our employees are absolutely silent on this matter."

   "Unless the government buys bonds through you on a large scale, and finds problems, initiates a formal inquiry procedure."

   "That's it. If there are no other questions, today's meeting will end here."

   "Madam, there is one more question," Anne asked, "Does the financial market continue to invest in it?"

   "Of course continue," Miko Miyamoto thought for a while, "you and Olivia, you do yours, Belinda, Shinmi, and Enoch are no longer needed, and three opponents are missing."

After   , no one else asked questions and the meeting ended. ...

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