Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2045: Concert chorus

   Monday, April 14, morning, Didan Primary School.

  The head teacher announced a notice that the school is preparing to organize a singing contest, which is a collective competition for singing school songs. Those who want to participate can sign up.

   Conan yawned on the table. He was not interested in such things. ...

   noon, after lunch.

   Conan looked at the three of Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi who came over and looked at them with hehe smiles. He was suddenly shocked. Did they go to do that?

   Following Huiyuan’s questioning, they truthfully confessed, and they signed up for the chorus competition.

   Sure enough, they not only helped them sign up, but also helped Conan and Huihara sign up.

   Huiyuan is speechless, she doesn't care.

   Conan fell to the table, his forehead touched the table.

   What does he mean! How could this be!

  Haihara immediately thought about the problem of Conan being a sound idiot, and couldn't help but laugh. It shouldn't be said whether he won or lost. ...

   In the afternoon, Maori detective office.

"I am back."

When   ran came back, Maori was making up for Yoko Yoko's film and television program. Conan sat on the sofa bored and read comics. The Domoto Conservatory still couldn't enter the scene. I heard that it would be blocked for at least three or five days.

   "Sister Lan."

   Conan greeted him and found that Lan Zi, Yamazaki, and Mei Dai Zi were behind him, and he had a bad feeling.

   Because Mei Daizi is okay, she won't run over, especially at this moment, the three of them seem to be ready to watch the hilarious and playful expressions.

   Ran straight to the point, asked Conan to contact Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi came back to listen to the concert.

   Conan suddenly felt top-heavy and dizzy. How could this happen? How could it fall on him?

   At the same time, Conan has realized that Yuanzi, Yamazaki, and Meidaizi are here to watch Lan's good show, especially Yamazaki. He also watched one more person perform by the way, it is Conan.

   Conan was speechless and used his brain to answer the question, "Well, Sister Lan, who told you that I have the contact information of the new brother, I don't have one."

   Lan raised her eyebrows and opened her eyes, "So, how did Shinichi know about my situation?"

   "What, what's the situation?" Conan sweated with a guilty conscience.

   Lan held her arms on her hips, condescendingly, "Don't be quibble. When I was chatting with Xinyi a few days ago, he also knew the new Disneyland facilities very well. This must be what you told him."

"Um, that, I must have learned about it through the Internet," Conan argued, "Now that the Internet is so developed, any new projects in the amusement park are listed on the Internet. Brother Xinyi is so smart, I know at a glance... …"

   "Lie!" Lan picked Conan's ear, "Conan, tell me the truth."

   "I really didn't lie," Conan exclaimed deliberately, "It hurts, Sister Lan, my ears fell out."

   "I didn't lie yet!" Lan was so annoyed that he twisted Conan's ears, and Conan really cried out in pain.

   "He can respond to any facility I said. What does he do to watch so many Disneyland news?"

   "Ah, that," Conan said hurriedly, "Brother Xinyi must be thinking, if you have time, let's take sister Lan to play."

   "Huh?" Lan blushed suddenly, and his hands felt energized.

   Conan breathed a sigh of relief, snickered in his heart, this trick really worked.

   "No." Lan wakes up and twists Conan's ears again. Conan screams in pain.

   Lan gritted his teeth with anger: "Even if Xinyi reads all the posts and writes them down, how can he know what clothes I am wearing and what we eat? You can't have these online, right?"

   Conan was dumbfounded, and he forgot about it in a hurry. By guessing the clothes, he changed the style of Zanlan to be pretty.

   Yuanzi smirked and went down the shaft and said: "There will never be any on the Internet, it must be the four-eyed kid who is telling the news."

   Conan cursed the garden with irritation in his heart, while using his brains, he became wise, and immediately found the object of throwing the pot.

   "Dr. Akasa and Hattori must have said it. They told Shinichi."

   "They?" Lan hesitated.

   Mei Daizi smiled and said Lan’s heartfelt voice, “It’s really possible, Dr. Aka said about food, Hattori said about clothes, like what your girlfriend is really wearing this time?”

   Lan suddenly became ashamed and uncomfortable, "Who, who is his girlfriend, we just..."

   "It's just a childhood sweetheart," Yuanzi said with a smile, "This will lie to you, just like He Ye."

   "Sister Lan, can you let go?" Conan pointed to his ear.

   "Oh," Lan quickly let go, and then touched Conan's ear softly, "I'm so sorry, Conan, I blamed you, it hurts?"

   "It doesn't matter..." Conan blushed, but only a small part of it was because of Ran's gentleness, and most of it was because Yamazaki, a well-known guy, was watching.

   Yuanzi said: "Lan, you don't have to apologize to him, I bet this kid will definitely not betray you less."

   Conan straightened up his triangular eyes and stared at the garden. If the curse was useful, the garden would have pierced his heart by now.

   Yamazaki laughed and helped to divert the subject, "Lan, you'd better get down to business."

   Mei Daizi smiled and said, "Yes, after watching your date, we have to go back."

   Lan was even more embarrassed, and she was too embarrassed to speak.

   "Really," Sonoko Koshitake said on her behalf, "Boy, please contact Kudo anyway and let him come back to the concert."

   "I really can't get in touch with Brother Xinyi, because Brother Xinyi contacted me." Conan quibbled.

   Yuanzi said angrily: "Ha, do you think I will believe it?"

   "Yuanzi, it should be like this, yes," Lan agreed.

   Yuanzi curled his lips and said, "You only believe in this kid's nonsense by Lan."

Yuanzi's inspiration flashed, and he smirked at Conan: "Anyway, you tell him that his seat is there. If he doesn't come, there will naturally be others sitting. Then whoever will sit next to Lan and accompany him. Lan listens to the concert, hum..."

   "Hey, eh?" Conan and Lan were dumbfounded, why is there such a situation? The important thing is that this is not unreasonable.

The seat next to   lan is indeed for people to sit in. It makes no sense to leave him empty, right?

   Mei Daizi slapped her hand and said: "Ha, Yuanzi, you said so, I want to see who is sitting next to Lan by then."

   "No problem," Yuanzi smiled, "I will prepare five tickets for you, you and your three wives, and Yamazaki."

   Conan had an idea, "Well, Sister Mei Daizi, if Brother Xinyi doesn't go, then you can sit next to Sister Lan."

"Don't even think about it, that's a designated seat." Yuanzi sneered, shaking his finger. "This Domoto concert was held to commemorate the completion of the Hall of the Hall. It is the first concert. It is of commemorative significance. Home, someone related to Domoto Music Academy."

   Lan retreated, "Will it be bad for us to go, am I not going?"

   Conan was overjoyed, "Yes, yeah..."

Yuanzi interrupted proudly: "What's the matter? Our Suzuki Consortium is a sponsor of the Domoto Music Academy. The Domoto Music Hall was built with our help with financing. I took a hundred tickets and they didn't dare. have opinions."

   "Ha," Mei Daizi smirked, "I suddenly thought of a question, will Kyogoku really come? If he doesn't come, it will be useless for you to book the venue, ha..."

   "You guy..."

  The domineering and leaky garden suddenly became very resentful, and he was so angry that he used Tickle Dafa to attack Mei Daizi.

   "Ah!" Mei Daizi whispered and slipped away, "I'm leaving now."

   "Don't run." Yuanzi chased out the door, but didn't chase downstairs, because Mei Daizi had jumped downstairs during these three or two steps and couldn't catch up.

   "Then I'll leave too." Yamazaki smiled, "Uncle Mori."

   "Yeah." Maori kept his eyes on the TV, just raised his hand and waved to indicate that he knew that he was coming in from Lan, without raising his head from beginning to end, obsessed with the state of forgetfulness.

   Yamazaki left, and the garden returned angrily.

   Conan had a thought, deliberately mischievous, which pot would not open and mention which pot.

   "Sister Lan, can't Brother Kyunggi come either?"


   Lan hadn't spoken yet, Yuanzi's mouth collapsed, and it expanded so much that it fell on Lan's shoulders and burst into tears, falsely crying.

   Even so, Conan is also very A faint smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he smiled very relieved.

   Lan was funny, patted Yuanzi's shoulder and comforted: "It's alright, let's talk about it next time I have a chance."

   "Forget it," Yuanzi stood up boringly, "Lan, I'm going back too, bye."

   "Bye." Lan laughed. ...

   At night, Dr. Aka’s house.

   Conan ran to complain after dinner. Dr. Aka laughed at it, while Huihara sat on the sofa silently and watched TV.

   "What I said, are you listening." Conan stood in front of Huiyuan angrily, blocking her sight.

   "..." Hui Yuan was expressionless and pushed Conan away with his little feet, or kicked it away.

   Conan raised his triangular eyes speechlessly, and then, amidst the laughter of Dr. Aka, stood in front of Huihara again, one leg away, and stared at Huihara with a vague look.

   "Heh." Huihara couldn't help laughing.

   "I said, what happened to the antidote," Conan said bitterly, "I am waiting to use it now, do you understand?"

   Huihara sighed, "Keep waiting."

   "Hey," Conan protested.

   "It's not my decision, do you understand?" Hui Yuan Tanshou said, "You need an antidote, don't I need an antidote?"

   Conan was shocked immediately, because Huihara said it was very reasonable.

   "Then I'll go back." Conan left weakly.

   Huihara sighed, went straight to the underground laboratory, and took out a pill box in the drawer.

   Huiyuan opened the pill box, and inside it was placed a variety of medicines, colorful and different in shape.

   Apart from Huiyuan, no one knows what kind of medicine it is, nor can they tell the difference.

   Cover the pill box with the original ash and put it back. ...

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