Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2061: 3 kills in concert

   On Monday, April 28, in the evening, outside the music bar explosion.

  Momo Police Department received a call from Maori, knowing that Mauri had gone to Qiu Ting Reiko, and immediately asked Officer Takagi to protect Qiu Ting Reiko.

   Qiu Ting Lianzi has been harmed twice, and there will be a third time, no one can be sure.

   Maybe the murderer didn't act on Qiu Ting's pity again, it was because Qiu Ting's pity was protected by his side, so that he didn't have the opportunity to act.

   But there is no reason to say that, in order to catch the murderer, when he knew that Qiu Ting's pity was in danger, he evacuated the protectors around Qiu Ting's pity and led the murderer to harm Qiu Ting's pity.

   Although this method may be effective, it must not be done. ...

   At ten o'clock at night, Maori.

   Hattori and Heye arrived, and then Conan ran with Hattori under the banner of Hattori and went to the scene to obtain first-hand information.

   Conan also called Maori, and found that Eiyu Hondō had already said it, so he didn't say much.

   Now, Conan wanted to know if there was one of the other two parts of the flute at the explosion site. ...

   Late at eleven o'clock, the scene.

   The fire has been completely extinguished, and the police are conducting fire exploration inside.

   Under Hattori’s hippy smile, the police department asked him and Conan to enter the cordon.

   Just like that, Hattori and Conan got into the cordon during the live broadcast of the TV station. ...

   On the other side, Miyamoto's.

   Yamazaki was already asleep at this time, and he didn't see this scene at all, otherwise he would sigh again. Conan's head became hot again because of the incident.

   Conan is so exposed to the eyes of everyone, hasn't he thought of other things?

   The two portraits have already got the organization involved, they will pay attention. ...

   On the other side, Dr. Aka’s house.

   Huihara didn't sleep, but she learned from Conan that the two portraits were the hands and feet of the Bureau of Investigation, so she didn't care about the incident anymore.

  Hui Yuan didn't realize that the Bureau of Investigation had already involved the organization. It wasn't that they wanted to stop or didn't want to play. This thing would stop as they wanted, and it wouldn't happen. ...

   On the other side, Shinagawa, the organization base.

   Gin is indeed watching live news, and when he sees Conan appearing on TV, he frowns for a while.

   Belmode, who was dressed as a young man, noticed the gin's expression, and couldn't help complaining about Conan's troubles, and finally resisted opening his mouth to say something for him.

   Maybe it was all right, but if I said it, I would be suspicious of gin, which is so suspicious.

   Ginjiu took the information on the table and looked at it. It was from Domoto's concert.

   Under the order of Belmode, Yuan Jiaming (a computer expert in Wuli Theater, who also has knowledge in genetic biology.) hacked the server of the Domoto Concert Hall as if he was searching for something, and obtained all the materials of Domoto’s concert from it.

   However, at this moment, Belmode looked at the gin's fingers moving and tapping on the ticket name, and her heart became nervous, and the tapping was as if it was tapping directly on her heart.

   Belmode has a bad premonition, and only hopes that it will not come true, otherwise the consequences are really hard to say.

   It's just that this hope didn't come true, but the bad premonition came true.

   Ginjiu ordered a gift to Domoto Concert Hall.

   Belmode said quickly: "It won't work..."

   "Sure," Gin said coldly, "Everyone would think that it was the murderer of these two explosions, didn't they?"

   "Yes, no one will know that we did it." Chianti smiled happily. Recently, it has been boring enough, just to make a vote.

   "So, what shall we do?" Cohen was equally interested.

   "Let me think about it again." Gin looked at the computer, and the blueprint of the Domoto Concert Hall thought.

   Belmode said, "Well, then I'll go back first."

   Ginjiu nodded and didn't speak, and didn't even look at Belmode.

   Belmode left, Vodka couldn't help asking: "Brother, do you think Belmode will leak the news to those guys?"

   "Only the five of us know about this." A sneer appeared at the corner of Gin's mouth, with a strong murderous intent.

   Chianti smirked: "I see, let me come when the time comes. I can't wait."

  Vodka asked puzzledly: "What do you understand?"

   Cohen Yin smiled and said: "If the news is leaked, then the person who leaked the secret must be Belmode."

   Vodka asked: "But, how can I be sure that the news has been leaked?"

   Gin tapped his finger, and he clicked on the list of concert tickets.

   "It turned out to be so." Vodka Mingwu smiled, also full of murderous intent. ...

   Tuesday, April 29th, at two o'clock in the morning, outside the music bar.

   Officer Sato came out from the scene with a firm expression and dust on his face, bringing bad news.

   "Police Department, this was found at the scene." Officer Sato showed a section of a pipe that had been completely blackened.

   However, it can still be recognized that it is the tail of the flute.

   Hattori said excitedly: "You didn't announce the flute thing to the public, so impersonation is impossible, so this can only be the same murderer."

   The Shiratori Police Department agreed: "It can't be wrong, this is a serial homicide committed by the same prisoner, and the prisoner has left a message."

   "In the beginning it was the body pipe, then the tail pipe, and the mouthpiece pipe is left." The Megumi Police Department looked gloomy, "that is, there will be another incident."

   "Hurry up, maybe the prisoner has already acted." Conan said.

Officer Sato said: "Yes, police department, I think the two bombings were not aimed at Domoto's concert, but at the three deceased. Because Miss Kawabe Kokoko was also involved, we got the wrong direction. "

  Momemo Police Department asked, "Shiratori, how is the data search?"

   Shiratori Police Department said: "I have used a laptop and found the contact information and exact addresses of all the students of the three deceased on the Internet, but I don't know how many are valid."

"It's already fine, just ask while looking for it." The police department of Mumu ordered, "Okay, I order, you immediately notify all the staff who are available in this department, and go to the homes of the three deceased and all their classmates. Fully investigate the relationship between the three and find the next target as soon as possible."

   "Yes." Shiratori Police Department and Officer Sato responded together, and then went to the side to call colleagues.

  Momemo Police Department sighed, "I hope it's still too late!"

   "I'm afraid it's too late," Hattori said. "The murderer has seven days longer than us to arrange. The two attacks that Ms. Qiu Ting Reiko suffered were probably because the murderer was slamming the police and diverting the attention of the police."

   "..." The Meguro Police Department was silent.

  At this time, the fire criminals searched a department of the bow chief police department came out of the fire scene.

  Momemo Police Department greeted him, "How about it, what is the real cause of the fire? Is it an explosive?"

   Chief Bow Police Department said: "No, it was a gas explosion, but it seems that someone has done something and destroyed the automatic detection device."

   Conan asked: "How specific? Who made the fire?"

   "It should be that the deceased lit a firewood and smoked and caused an explosion, just like this." The bow chief police department lit a cigarette.

   Hattori frowned and pondered: "But how can you not smell the gas."

   "I don't understand this question for the time being," said the bow chief police department. ...

   At about three in the morning, the Shiratori Police Department gathered some information and reported to the Meguro Police Department, "Police Department, we have targeted one person-Hisae Sone, he is a viola player."

   Mumu Police Department asked: "What about the other person?"

   Shiratori Police Department said: "According to his friends, he went to Mount Fuji yesterday afternoon to go gliding and watch the sunrise, but we called him but couldn't get in touch."

   Conan asked: "Why locked him?"

   Mumu Police Department said solemnly: "Let's go to Mount Fuji and call the local police for help."

   "Yes, the police department." The Shiratori police department responded.

   Hattori opened his mouth, but did not say that sentence, that is, it is probably too late now.

   But no matter how late it is, the police are going to see people when they live, and their bodies when they die.

   Conan pulled Hattori into the car of the Shiratori Police Department, so that he could listen to the Shiratori Police Department on the road. ...

   On the road, in the car.

   The Shiratori Police Department reported the investigation to the Meguro Police Department on why the target person had been targeted as Hisao Sone through the intercom.

The two people who died in the Domoto Conservatory of Music bombing, Takehiko Liancheng and Yosuke Mizuguchi, and the one who died in the bombing of the music bar, Shida Osamu, formed a music group together with the four of them and the targeted person Hisao Sone. The relationship is very close.

   As for why they got into the murderous situation, I don't know yet.

   The Shiratori Police Department also analyzed and reviewed why Qiu Ting Reiko was involved in the incident.

   guessed because in the beginning of the Domoto Conservatory of Music bombing, the police determined that the murderer’s motive was to destroy Domoto’s concert.

   Then in the investigation, the murderer's motive was re-assigned to fight for the status of Domoto concert.

   So the murderer pushed the boat along and found Qiu Ting Reiko, a man who was recommended by Kawabe Zouzi and turned out to be born.

   Qiu Ting Reiko is not from the Domoto Conservatory of Music. It is natural for others to attract jealousy and be attacked.

   The police also fell into this trap, and then made a mistake in one step, wrong step, thinking that they had protected Qiu Ting Li Zi, and the prisoner who targeted Qiu Ting Li Zi gave up.

  As a result, the prisoner had enough time to do what he really wanted to do and arrange to kill the people he really wanted to kill, so the police did not have time to react.

   The Shiratori Police Department believes that the prisoner was actually someone who was in the rehearsal on the day that he was drugged in Qiu Ting’s Pirate Cup, because that happened after the police talked to them.

Musician Domoto Ichichi, piano player Domoto Xuanya, organ tuner Hans Mura, piano tuner Shao Kazuo, soprano singer Chikusa Lara, violinist Shirane Yamane, violinist of set musician Shile Lianxi, the famous composer Yuhe Kosuke.

   is everyone except Qiu Ting Reiko, who is suspected.

   And Conan and Hattori looked at each other and saw that each other had added a name-Qiu Ting Reiko. ...

   Morning, Mount Fuji.

  Megome Police Department and his party easily found Hisao Sone, but only the remains were found.

   Many people who watched the sunrise witnessed that Hisao Sone jumped out of a cliff with a hang gliding wing before the sunrise, and fell.

   The local police found a mouthpiece for a flute under his car seat. ...

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