May 5, Monday, evening, Mei Dai Restaurant.

   Yamazaki received a report from Oda Shine that Mizuno Reina had already undergone recovery training in the spa.

   Yamazaki told her to watch her carefully and ended the call.

   It's not in a hurry yet, and everything will be done until Mizumi has recovered completely. ...

   On the other side, Tokyo Station.

   Ran and Conan sent Hattori and Waha to the Shinkansen. Although Hattori was reluctant, the incident was not over yet, but they had to go back to class.

   Otherwise, don't talk about him, his mother will kill him and catch him back to school. ...

   Tuesday, May 6.

   In the morning, Mauri did not follow the Shiratori Police Department to the hospital, but followed the Megome Police Department and Takagi Police Officer, accompanied by Suzuki Jiyoshiro, to the Suzuki Construction Club under the Suzuki Foundation.

   to check the original blueprint of the Domoto Concert Hall, and by the way to investigate the things before and after the topping of the Domoto Concert Hall.

   Before the Suzuki Construction Company was on holiday, the related person went on a trip, but I couldn’t find it if I wanted to.

   is the original blueprint, and when I got it, I compared it with the blueprint saved by the Domoto Conservatory of Music, and found that there are really some discrepancies.

   is just a little bit relative to the whole picture. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t find it.

   But with this little change, there are more gaps for placing explosives.

   Suzuki Jikichiro found the person in charge of construction at that time and asked him to accept the question of the Meguro Police Department.

   The person in charge of construction confirmed that it was Puhe Carpenter who asked them to do it, saying that it could make the concert hall's echo better.

   The person in charge of the construction does not understand the echo problem. He only knows that doing so will not affect the building structure or the quality of the building.

   There are also temporary revisions, and even if the revisions requested by the spectrum and the craftsman are not done during the construction, they can be done during the renovation later, which is more troublesome.

   Therefore, the person in charge of construction carried out the construction according to the intentions of Pu and the smith.

   Now, the blueprints collected by Suzuki Construction Club have been hollowed out on the original blueprints, and the blueprints preserved by the Domoto Conservatory are the original designs.

Since the surface is also sealed after the topping, it looks like there is no space inside, and it is difficult to reach the top during acceptance. It is naturally invisible from the eyes, and you will not notice the small areas marked on the map. hole.

   A building tens of meters high is compressed onto the drawing. The hole is as small as a pinhole, and negligence is inevitable.

   Regarding the question of whether anyone has seen the spectrum and the craftsman’s explosives, the person in charge of construction said that he did not know. He could only provide a list of personnel and the police had to go.

  As for specific construction work, the club will either contract a talent dispatch club or directly be a temporary worker.

   There is no other way but to investigate separately. ...

   In the afternoon, after school at Didan High School.

      Ran and Yuanzi took Mei Daizi to see Qiu Ting Reiko, and Yamazaki and Hondō Eisuke also went.

  Mau Li met Qiu Ting Lizi in the hospital yesterday, and said that she looked very dull, so Lan became concerned. She always felt familiar with Qiu Ting Lizi. ...

   Qiu Ting Reiko's ward.

   Qiu Ting Reiko does seem to be in low spirits, Lan and Yuanzi talked about some fashionable topics, but Qiu Ting Reiko did not show a smile.

   Mei Daizi directly pointed out, "Hey, why are you unhappy about what happened? The explosion in the Domoto Concert Hall has nothing to do with you."

   "I know." Qiu Ting Lianzi said proudly, "I'm just in a bad mood."

   Mei Daizi said teasingly: "It's not because of the loss of a large amount of appearance fees."

   Lan said funny: "How is it possible."

   "It's possible." Qiu Ting Lianzi dismantled it.

   Lan suddenly squeezed out Xiaodou's eyes, which was too subverted.

   Yuanzi's mouth twitched, "Really realistic."

   "I also have to pay taxes for meals." Qiu Ting Reiko said flatly.

   "Well," Mei Daizi thought for a while, "Then, I'll do a concert too. Please sing, just seven songs."

   "I won't do it." Qiu Ting Reiko refused in one mouthful.

   "That's right, what kind of concert is seven songs?" Yuanzi said gruffly.

   "What does it matter," Mei Daizi retorted, "Seven songs have almost one lesson time. It's more, longer, and boring."

   Lan couldn't laugh or cry, "You don't want Miss Qiu Ting to sing in the music class?"

"How is it possible, the concert is of course a formal occasion, rent a formal concert hall, accompaniment and so on." Mei Daizi said with a grin, "go shopping in the morning, have lunch, go to a concert to take a break, I just came out for afternoon tea, and then I just went home."

   Qiu Ting Reiko was speechless, Yamazaki, Hondō Eisuke, and Ran couldn't help laughing.

   "I have taken you." Yuanzi said weakly, "Except for eating and drinking."

   Mei Daizi said angrily: "Nonsense, don't eat or drink if you have the ability, you will be ascended to heaven in three days."

   Yuanzi said annoyed: " just ascended to heaven, can you say something auspicious?"

   Mei Daizi pursed her mouth and retorted, "It was originally."

   Lan quickly stopped and said: "Stop, don't discuss this, let's talk about the concert."

   Mei Daizi said: "I've finished talking, it's up to me to decide whether it will be successful or not."

   Qiuting Reiko asked, "How much do you plan to pay?"

   Mei Daizi shrugged, "According to the market, you should be as much as you want. If you don't want to, I will find someone else."

   "Then, I want Ms. Kawagoko and Mr. Haga Kosuke to accompany me," said Qiu Ting Riko, "It's better to add Miss Shiraku Renxi."

   Mei Daizi replied: "No problem."

   "Then," Qiu Ting Reiko said after hesitating, "Forget it."

   "Never mind it," Mei Daizi said, "Just talk about who you want. There are dozens of people in the music group."

   Yamazaki said, "If you guessed it correctly, Ms. Qiu Ting wanted to invite a musician from the Domoto Academy, and she was afraid of being kind, and she was treated as humiliation."

   Hondō Eiyu was a little surprised, "How come? That's also a chance for them."

   Yuanzi Tanshou said: "I understand that because it is to give them a chance, they may be regarded as charity, self-esteem."

   Lan suddenly said: "That's how it is."

   "Then ignore them, just a few people are enough." Mei Daizi smiled, "It saves money."

   Yamazaki smiled and said, "I can't save it, you still have to pull a music group to accompany it, or it won't have that effect."

   "That's the same." Mei Daizi scratched her head, "However, how do I feel things are sliding in an uncontrolled direction."

   "How do you say?" Lan asked suspiciously, "Aren't you all hosting?"

   Qiu Ting Reiko chuckled: "A famous music group only allows them to play for one class. Looking at it from another angle, that would be a shame."

   "That's right," Yuanzi laughed. "Even if they take less money, they have to play for a normal concert time, otherwise they will not agree."

   "Ah," Mei Daizi said distressed, "I don't want to listen for so long."

   "It's up to you." Yuanzi laughed.

   "Hey, are you thinking about it?" Qiu Ting Reiko asked, "Do you want to hold this concert?"

   "Well," Mei Daizi said with a bulging mouth and some headaches, "Let's hold it, I want to take my wife to listen."

   "Old, wife, men?" Qiu Ting Lizi was a little dumbfounded.

   "Hey, I have three wives." Mei Daizi raised her fingers triumphantly and wanted this effect.

   Yamazaki looked at the time, "Oh, almost, Mei Daizi, we should go back."

   "Well, Miss Qiu Ting, let's get in touch again." Mei Daizi waved.

   "Let's go too, let Miss Qiu Ting have a good rest." Lan said.

   "Well, let's go, Miss Qiu Ting." Yuanzi waved.

   Hondō Eiyu said, "I wish you a speedy recovery."

   "Thank you, be careful on the road." Qiu Ting Reiko said. ...

   After leaving the hospital, Eiyu Hondō said goodbye to everyone and left by bus.

   There is still class tomorrow, so he won’t go to work at Meidai Restaurant, so as not to get up the next day.

   And when Yamazaki and Mei Daizi arrived home, they were in time for dinner. ...

   In the evening, Miyamoto's house.

  At dinner, Mei Daizi told Miko Miyamoto about the concert for the three Thar Khan sisters, which made the Thar Khan a little touched.

   Miko Miyamoto had no objection, and asked Miko to call the head of the Tsukiyo department, Tachibana Manya.

   The Good Mood Consortium has several specialized large-scale concert halls across the country. There are also three specialized symphony orchestras. The highest level is Fengyu Music, the upper level is Asakusa Shochiku, and the general is the Rising Star Symphony Orchestra, just to see when it is available. ...

   At night, Meidai Restaurant.

   During the half-time break, Mei Daizi called Tachibana Maiya to discuss it and made sure that the location was the Otowa Plaza Concert Hall in Bunkyo District, so as not to run far.

   The time can't be set, it depends on Qiu Ting Lizi, but Tachibana Zhenye said that she will let someone go to Qiu Ting Lizi to follow up the matter. ...

   May 9th, in the evening, Meidai Restaurant.

   During the half-time break, Mei Daizi received a call from Tachibana Zhenye, and the concert was scheduled for next Saturday afternoon.

   Qiu Ting Reiko was discharged from the hospital yesterday. Kawabe Zouzi still has to be hospitalized for observation, but he can move around freely.

   Ending the call, Mei Daizi changed hands and passed the news to Yuanzi and Ran, leaving them to discuss who to invite. Anyway, there are more than two thousand seats. ...

   May 10th, Saturday, morning, Good Mood Central Hospital, Rehabilitation Center Spa.

   Oda Shine brought Oda Haruko and Oda Sakurako to pick up the water, because this afternoon Eisuke Hondō will go to the Kurokawa Hospital to study for the water.

   The dummy can deceive the people outside the glass of the ward, but in any case, it can't deceive Eisuke Hondō who is in close contact with the dummy.

   Oda Haruko suggested: "I said, just tell him, so I don’t have to toss back and forth like this."

   Shui Wu Ren can already speak, "No, I don't want to involve him, let him live a normal life in peace."

   Oda Sakurako sighed: "I knew you would say that. I really don't know why you did this business in the first place, so you can't see people sneakily."

   "There are a lot of things, I also learned later." Shui Wu Ren Nai's tone is flat, but the meaning is complicated.

   But, she didn’t want to talk about it, so she changed the subject, “By the way, listen to what you mean, you all know about me? Can you tell me what I know? How did you know?

   "Your dual identity, some of your past, your father's affairs," Oda Shine said, "specifically, you can talk to Mr. Yamazaki."

   "If there is a chance." Mizumi nodded and said, "There is always a chance."...

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