Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2080: Sleeping Beauty's Talk

   May 25, Sunday, morning, Kurokawa Hospital, the ward of Mizuno Reina.

Shui Wu Rennai said fortunately, but the tone was not the slightest joy, but full of regret, "But I didn't want to understand at the time, I will be caught by the black organization, I will be questioned, in fact, it is because of my identity. Because I am an agent of the Intelligence Agency."

   "At that time, I didn't know Belmode, I didn't know her identity, what was behind her."

   "I only know that if you refuse her, you will die. I can only agree to join."

   "She asked me if I dared to kill, and I said no, she gave me another test and asked me to use my identity as a reporter to investigate someone."

   "After I got the original data, I was shocked because that person is my father."

   "According to the information, my father used to be a crew member and is now a free tour guide, but he is actually a member of an underground organization in a foreign country, holding a smuggling route in his hand."

   "I don't know what this information is about. I didn't communicate with my dad about his career."

   "I don't even know why there is no picture of me in the family member's profile. I can't help but guess that it was done by the Intelligence Bureau. After setting up a background for me, it made a background for my family."

   "I don't know if I should be responsible for the closure of the school I have been to."

   "Anyway, I was scared at the time, but no matter what, things will eventually have to be faced."

   "I just met my dad like this, both of them have a complicated identity."

   "I, as a reporter, interviewed a man who was once a seaman and is now a freelance guide."

   "Secretly, as a member of a certain organization, I met with a member of another organization to discuss the shipment."

   "It was a daughter who saw her father in private, but she couldn't show her identity and affection in an open manner."

   "Even if it is the slightest bit of affection between father and daughter, I am afraid that it will be destroyed, because the organizer is watching somewhere."

   "On official business, I was a current Intelligence Agency agent, and he was connected with a former Intelligence Agency agent to discuss the seizure of organized crime evidence and break into the organization."

   "However, I only learned about this matter later."

   "The connection went smoothly. I didn't actually say anything, it was just a test."

   "I was also released. I didn't know it at the time. I was still being watched. I don't know how big the black organization is and how deep it is hidden. I don't know anything about them."

   "After I contacted my boss by phone, I learned something."

   "When the Intelligence Bureau was fighting international crimes, it caught some clues, knowing that such a criminal organization exists, and it took the channel of the Shanxian Automobile Association."

   "The reason why I found my father was to act out a play for each other. The father and daughter are familiar and easy to cooperate."

   "At that time, I shuddered, and I suddenly realized that I was actually the string puppet in the hands of the boss."

   "The boss asked me to try to get close to the Sanxian Auto Company. The investigation has resulted. It is good, but the investigation has no result. In the end, I disappeared. That means I was right."

  "Whether it is the criminal organization that it wants, it can prove that there is a problem with the Sanxian Auto Club, and use high-sounding means to deal with it.

   "Whether it is to find criminal evidence or my disappearance, it will be an excuse."

   "The boss didn't tell me about the organization. He was obviously afraid that I was worried, afraid that I would not go, or that I would show my feet due to stage fright, which would arouse the organization's vigilance and let the organization discover that the Intelligence Bureau had noticed them.

"I also found out that I was the one who caused my father. He had already retired and could live a peaceful life, but because of me, he became a **** on the chessboard again, and he had to play a play with me to cheat. That organization passed the channel provided by my father for shipment, which is phishing law enforcement."

   At this point, Shui Wu Renai closed his eyes in pain, and two lines of tears fell from his cheeks.

   Yamazaki did not speak, but according to his thoughts, she was already calculated when Mizuno Reina went to participate in the investigation bureau.

   A student from an international school went to the United States to sign up for the Intelligence Agency. Under normal circumstances, it would be strange to pass.

   It is precisely because she knew that she was the daughter of Bentang Ethan, that she was admitted.

  Neither the organization nor the Sanken Auto Club was just established. I believe that the contest between the two parties has not just begun.

   The Intelligence Bureau knows that there is a criminal organization behind the Shanxian Auto-car Association, which is committing crimes through car transactions, but it does not know that the organization is a black organization.

   But it doesn't make a difference to the Intelligence Agency, and it doesn't matter which one it is.

   The Intelligence Bureau used Mizumi's mentality to make her choose to come back to China, just to let her investigate the Sanken Auto Company.

   Shui Wu Ren shouldn't be one, it was a batch, but in the end she became the most suitable one in this batch, not only because she became a reporter, but also because of her father.

   How much the organization knows about the transaction offline and suppressed, whether or not they think that the Sanken Auto Company is still useful, they should try to find new channels.

   This is to be expected, and the former seaman of Bentang Ethan just came in handy.

   Bentang Yisen, the former seafarer, said that he had a way in his hands, so the probability would be very high, and he was more credible than those who had rarely traveled abroad before.

   It's just that as a senior intelligence officer, Ben Tong Ethan doesn't care about the lives of other people. He has long been accustomed to life and death. The most important thing is that he has withdrawn. Even if the order is useless, he has no obligation to act.

   I am afraid that before that, the people above him had visited and tried many times through other people, and Ethan should have rejected them all.

   There was no way to get the main hall Ethan from above, just as Shui Wu Ren Nai ran into it, she became the way to let main hall Ethan rejoin.

   I’m afraid that Mizuno Reina is investigating the loss of the Sanken Motors Club. Here, Ethan received a notice saying that unless something goes wrong, your daughter will be miserable.

   And Bentang Ethan may know that there will be such a day when his daughter joined the Intelligence Bureau, and has been preparing, so if there is something wrong with the water here, Bentang Ethan can pass the information to the organization in time.

   Otherwise, if you can't even find a figure, then there will be no contact.

   With the appearance of the main hall Ethan, the organization naturally sent people to contact, and this person, the newcomer Shui Wurenai reporter, how appropriate it is.

   Shui Wu Lian borrowed from the main hall Ethan to have a place to stand, and the Intelligence Bureau, with their father and daughter, could set up a situation where the snake could lead the snake out of the hole, and use fishing-style law enforcement to catch the criminal organization behind the Shanxian Auto Club.

   It’s just that, judging from what happened later, the plan didn’t succeed, the main hall Ethan died, and Shui Wuren went deeper into the organization.

   However, Yamazaki didn't ask. Mizuno Reina wanted to say that she could or did not want to say, and Yamazaki would not force her to say that Yamazaki did not have that curiosity.

   Shui wiped away his tears without mercy, and continued: "I used the interview as an excuse and had many contacts with my father. Only then did I really know the identity of his father."

   "I learned about his past as an agent of the Intelligence Agency, and knew that he was involuntary."

   "Once upon a time, I also resented my father. He took the double salary of the seaman and the intelligence agent, but left his mother and let her stay at someone else's house and be a servant for someone else's house."

   "Now I fully understand that it is to protect my mother. Although I am really sorry for her, it is really protecting her, because the boarding house does not even have an address."

   "I talked a lot with my father, and I gradually realized that I was too naive, but my every move was in other people's calculations."

"Since I signed up, I stepped into the bureau. I was led step by step to become an agent of the Intelligence Bureau. I gave up my official identity and returned to China as a secretive. Investigating the Shanxian Auto Club was all a plan. The purpose is to catch the criminal organization behind the Shanxian Auto Club."

   "My father doesn't know much about the organization, only one point of contact."

   "In order to gather information, my father used to visit all night places in Osaka. In a bar, he met a man who borrowed alcohol to pretend to be drunk and asked him about private goods."

   "Father investigated him in turn and determined that he was a member of an unknown organization, and his normal status was an employee of the Sanxian Auto Company."

   "When my father learned that I was investigating the Sanxian Automobile Association that day, he found the person in the bar and said he had channels."

   "This is where I will interview him next. My father has settled. The organization feels troublesome about how to deal with me. It is best to absorb it as his own."

   "Even if you want to kill me, I will wait until I finish the investigation of the Sanxian Auto Company and say that the Sanxian Auto Company is okay, and then I will start a new job for a while."

   "In that way, even if people think of my death related to the Sanken Motors Corporation, they will not rank this first. The first is the matter at hand."

   "At the time, I was interviewing Ethan, the seaman's main hall, and a few members.

   Yamazaki couldn't help asking: "Member?"

   Mizumi shook his head without mercy, "It was not provided by the organization, but the organization asked me to choose it at random to confuse the audience."

   Yamazaki nodded, "Help Sanken Motors Corporation to divert attention."

   Mizumi continued to say: "For the organization, my father told me for sure that they are dangerous."

   "From the intelligence collected from the downline of the extermination, the smuggling activities organized involved many countries in Asia, Europe and America."

   "It is certain that there are no less than a hundred people, but for such a large number of people, the leaked information is small, indicating that the structure is tight. The reason why the structure is tight is dangerous because it can keep secrets. Only the dead are safest."

   "When I understand deeply, it is too late."...

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