Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2082: Sleeping Beauty's Decision

   May 25, Sunday, morning, Kurokawa Hospital, the ward of Mizuno Reina.

   Shui Wushui calmed down a bit, and continued: "After I went back, my boss took the initiative to come to me. He was very curious about what happened to me and wanted to know if the organization knew who was dealing with them."

   "The organization didn't know that it was the Intelligence Bureau that was playing a ghost, thinking it was an underground organization that was playing competition. I said that, but my father didn't tell him everything."

   "I asked him back, what is going on."

   "What he said was really easy. The mission failed. No fish was caught. There was nothing illegal in those cars."

   "I asked him why he didn't come to save me and my father."

   "He said he didn't have permission, but he notified my father's friend to let the person go and see, but that person also disappeared."

   "I wanted to beat my boss, but I endured it. Turning my face was irrational."

   "I know what he meant. He can't send someone to rescue me. He has no obligation to send someone to rescue me because I have nothing to do with the Intelligence Bureau."

   "I also really understand the importance of official status, that is, because I have given up official status, to put it bluntly, I am now an informant who exchanges intelligence for money with the Intelligence Bureau, nothing more."

   "What's worse and worse, if I quit for no reason, then the end will really be like in the movie, killed by a killer sent by the Intelligence Bureau, and the world will disappear."

   "After that meeting, I never saw my boss again. I was afraid I could not help but beat him."

   "I became a three-faced spy. In addition to the media person, I was also an informant of the Intelligence Bureau, a spy of that organization, and my own agent."

   "I have been thinking about any way to escape and jump out of this quagmire, but after thinking about it, there is no way, unless I take Yingyou to hide for a lifetime."

   Yamazaki hesitated and suggested: "If you want, I can help you and the church make arrangements to keep you and the church peaceful, there should be no problem."

   Mizumi shook his head without mercy, "Thank you for your kindness, I don't want Yingyou to be involved in this dangerous game because of me, it will ruin his life."

   Yamazaki persuaded: "Perhaps for him, being with you is the most important thing, nothing else matters."

   "Maybe, he was brought up by me as well." Shui Wu Renai recalled the past bit by bit, a warm smile appeared on his face.

   Yamazaki didn't bother her, and after a while, she woke up.

   "Ah," Mizumi blushed slightly, "I'm really sorry."

   "It's okay, I can understand your siblings," Yamazaki persuaded again, "So, I think it's a good thing for you to leave this right and wrong."

   Mizumi shook his head again, "No, thank you for your kindness, but anyway, I want to try and see if I can kill that organization."

   Shui Wu Ren Nai firmly said: "I want to avenge my father and his friends, even if I go to Infernal Hell, I will get that organization out."

   Yamazaki sighed: "I hope you know what you are doing. Don't be blinded by hatred. You are just an abandoned son in that organization. They don't trust you and don't use you as a companion."

   Mizumi nodded without mercy, "I know, the last time Belmode tied a bomb on me, I already knew it."

   "They used a sniper rifle against me and asked me to complete the assassination mission. It was not only testing me, but also defending me."

   "By the way, I still remember the safe house in Belmode, where we got the supplies at the time, they were in..."

   Yamazaki shook his head and said, "Needless to say, if they are still there, it must be a trap, and it is also a **** to test whether you have rebellion."

   Mizumi was surprised, and then understood, "Yes, as long as those places are checked, it must be what I said, then I don't have to go back, because after I go back, no matter what I say, I will be killed."

   Yamazaki hesitated and said softly: "Then, I would like to remind you that if you go back this time, I am afraid that you really can't look back. They will definitely force you to do something you are willing to do, such as murder."

   "..." Mizumi was silent for a while, "I'm mentally prepared, I don't know how much I can do, but I will try my best to bet on my life."

   Yamazaki hesitated, but decided not to mention Eiyu Hondō, "Well, since you have said so, then I won't persuade you. I wish you all the best."

   "Thank you." Shui Wu Ren said gratefully, then hesitated and asked again, "I have a question, how do you know my true identity?"

   Shui Wu Ren Nai added: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to refer to it and see if the organization will know my identity."

   Yamazaki chuckled and said, "We are through the remittance between you and Eisuke Hondō."

   Mizumi was surprised, "How can it be found? It's impossible."

   Yamazaki smiled and said: "The specific process is not available, but the amount of money you sent out..."

   "That's not right, there's another one in the middle, uh..." Shui Wuren didn't finish her words, and reacted.

"Yes, there is a difference between the amount of money you sent out and the amount of money received by Eisuke Hondō," Yamazaki smiled. "If you do a careful calculation, you can find that it is a regular value, and the salary of the intelligence agency agent. The amount is also fixed."

   Shui Wuren breathed a sigh of relief, "Such a method, probably only you who are in charge of Yingyou's fund account can do it, and I'm relieved."

   "I don't think so," Yamazaki said, "As long as your file is still in the Intelligence Bureau, your previous identity may be leaked."

   Mizumi wondered without mercy: "You mean that Belmode sneaked into the Intelligence Bureau in disguise, is this too bold."

   "Why not?" Yamazaki said, "For people like Belmode, there are few buildings in the world that she can't reach."

   "And the general department of the Intelligence Bureau is definitely not one of them. It is not impossible for her to get in. Through stolen permissions, log on to the Intelligence Bureau's internal network, and even spend a few days to decrypt it."

   Mizumi bit his lip without mercy, "I only hope that Belmode has never done such a thing."

   Yamazaki shook his head and said, "I advise you, it is better not to have hope."

   Yamazaki thought: "I suddenly thought of one. Since you are willing to bet your life, you might as well try to bet a little bit bigger."

   "What do you mean?" Shui Wu Ren said with a free and easy smile, "Whatever you say, I have only one life. It is better to bet a little bit bigger, and the profit will be bigger."

   Yamazaki thought: "I think you can find an opportunity to confess your identity to Belmode."

   "Frank, confession?" Shui Wu Ren was startled.

   Yamazaki thought: "Just to Belmode, I can't think of the need, she will not betray you, and may be busy with you to hide your identity."

   Shui Wu Ren Nai said in surprise: "What do you mean? Is it that Belmode has been wooed by you?"

   Yamazaki shook his head and said, "No, we just found that she has a big picture, a foresight, and pays more attention to interests."

   "Killing you is easy for them, but it doesn't make any sense, and there is no additional gain."

   "For gin, I am afraid that it is the best choice to kill you directly."

   "And as long as you let Belmode see your usefulness, she might keep you alive."

   "That is more valuable than killing you. You can be a good pawn, for example, to counter the Intelligence Bureau."

   Water has no mercy and pondered: "From a useless abandoned piece to a useful piece, there is an extra layer of protection."

   Yamazaki said sternly: "Actually, I have a guess, maybe the organization has doubts about your true identity."

   "Especially Hondō Eiyu looks very similar to you, I believe the organization will investigate."

   Mizumi's face changed, she really didn't want to involve Eiyu Hontang.

   Yamazaki analyzed: "Although various coincidences hide your true experience, there are still many clues."

   "As long as you spend time investigating and sorting out, I believe they will doubt the true relationship between you and Eiyu Hondō, and doubts are deadly enough."

   Mizumi nodded without mercy, "I know, before they find out the truth, I can confess my identity to Belmode in exchange for her trust."

   Yamazaki frowned and said, "Yes, but don’t have any hope, they will still kill you at any gin. You are totally gamble on luck."

   Shui Wu Ren Nai coldly said: "I know, the bet is my life, if you lose, just give it to her."

   Yamazaki decided to say, "One more thing, if they want you to kill someone, it's Eisuke Hondō, what should I do?"

"I..." Shui Wu Rina suddenly suffocated, and then thought, "No, think about it differently, Yingyou can be my handle and let them trust me more. Instead of letting me kill Yingyou, let him live, okay. Contain me."

   Yamazaki thought for a while, "It's really possible."

   Mizumi said sincerely: "When necessary, please protect Yingyou."

   "It certainly will, but absolute safety is not guaranteed." Yamazaki thought, "Well, they are also very interested in the Good Mood Foundation. I can use the excuse to let you repay the medical expenses this time and arrange for you to work in the Lunar Department."

   "Maybe, you will become more valuable in their eyes, and get the attention of the upper level, so that gin can't kill you at will."

   Mizumi frowned and said, "Is that okay? Will it reveal a lot of your information? I will definitely not hide it."

   Yamazaki said sternly: "You don't have to worry, the things that you can know are all things that can be said, and things that cannot be said will never be let you know."

   Shui thanked her helplessly: "Well, then I will be disrespectful. Multiple life-saving charms are always good."

   At this time, Oda Shine knocked on the door, and it was almost time.

   Yamazaki said, "Then I will be here today, and you can take a good rest."

   "Okay," Mizumi smiled, "Remember to ask Yingyou to change the book. I have read this book several times before."

"no problem."

   The two looked at each other and smiled, ending the conversation. ...

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