Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2203: 1 battle 0 dilemma

   September 5, evening, in the game.

   Seeing that his opponent was recruited, Yamazaki went back and tried his trick again, but the Swamp Clan in the Swamp Abyss informed his companions through a roar.

   Therefore, when Yamazaki attacked again at night, the people in the camp did not chase him.

   Seeing this, Yamazaki turned back to the abyss of the swamp, and shot and killed the fifteen soldiers who were sinking one by one to avoid any accidents.

   Then, Yamazaki came back again and shot arrows around the opponent's camp.

   The opponent can protect himself with a shield, but cannot protect the huge crocodile beast.

   The injured crocodile beast went crazy under the stimulation of the pain because of hunger, causing all the crocodile beasts to go crazy. They were hungry and wanted to eat.

   And beside them are their kind and their knights.

   However, they are not the original ones now, so their backlash did not cause many casualties, just chaos.

   However, this chaos brought convenience to Yamazaki.

   Yamazaki completed the task of harvesting the first-order targets in the first time, that is, the remaining five dead barbarians. They are blessed by the **** of death, and even the dragon does not want to face them directly, and Yamazaki does not want to.

   After a round of arrows rain, the camp of the swamp clan was quiet and messy, but there were no remains, and they all disappeared and left the field.

   Yamazaki breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt dangerous.

   The three frogmen jumped out of the sewage of the swamp, raised their spears and shot them.

   Yamazaki retreated violently. After landing, he rolled back and continued to retreat.

   "Swish! Swish! Swish!..."

   A series of flying spears rubbed Yamazaki's body, one by one nailed to the muddy ground.

   The three frogmen were constantly chasing, getting closer and closer to Yamazaki.

   Yamazaki took advantage of the rolling gap to take a peek, calculating the distance, and preparing to counterattack, but found that another snakeman appeared in front and ran over with a knife.

   turns out to be more than one place, it's a front and back.

   However, Yamazaki felt that this was a better opportunity to counterattack, because the opponent would definitely stop throwing spears for fear of accidental injury.

   In this way, he will have more breathing opportunities.

   Sure enough, as the snake man approached, the spear throwing stopped.

   Yamazaki stopped rolling, but did not dare to stand up. If the target was too large, it would attract an attack instead.

   Adjusting the breathing room, Yamazaki found that the situation was worse than just calculated, because it was not a snake man, but three snake men, he was surrounded.

   Yamazaki understood that these fish slipped through the net, and just dodged arrows when the situation was chaotic.

   And now, the most unfavorable thing is the light. These six people don't use light, but Yamazaki is disturbed by the fire light from the camp in the distance, dazzling.

   As the three frogmen approached, Yamazaki took action first, throwing a dagger to attack the snake-man A on the east side above his head, and at the same time turned over and rammed the snake-man B on the south side.

   The western snake man C at the foot of the foot immediately launched an attack. The three frogmen did not attack due to the chaotic scene, but just waited.

   Snake-Man A's body twisted, and he escaped the sudden flying dagger a little bit, but it was a bit slower.

   This result was originally three-to-one, but it became two-to-one.


   In the harsh rubbing sound, Yamazaki's other dagger struck Snake Man B's sword, and his people also staggered from Snake Man B.

   blocked the attack position of the snake man C with the body of the snake man B, and blocked the attack position of the three frogmen with the two snake men, Yamazaki rushed forward without turning his head.

   Yes, Yamazaki chose to escape.

   However, Yamazaki did not run away.

   The three frogmen jumped up and shot spears, which bypassed the bodies of the two snakemen.

   The three frogmen did not attack the same part in a tacit understanding, and six spears blocked all the paths around Yamazaki.

   Yamazaki had to turn around, using a long sword and a dagger to push away two personally thrown spears.

   Yamazaki shook his hand and threw the dagger out. The target was the body of the frogman on the west side. He had just fallen and had nowhere to hide.

   But Snake Man A, who was a step slower on the east side just now, rushed up and slashed the dagger.

  At this time, the three snake men changed their positions, but their pace was the same again.

   Yamazaki pulled out a wry smile, then took out a dagger, and then a one-to-six head-on match.

   Yamazaki retreated slowly, trying to retreat into the forest.

   The opponent knows Yamazaki's plan, and it is also very clear that if Yamazaki is allowed to retreat, then it will become a situation where the enemy is in the dark.

   In such a situation, Yamazaki has already beaten back ninety-five companions, no less than five of them.

   Therefore, Yamazaki must not be allowed to retreat. Even if he changes his life, he must bite Yamazaki and take Yamazaki with him.

   The three frogmen and the three snakemen looked at each other and started in unison.

   The three snakemen in the front row crouched and walked close to the ground and changed their positions. The three frogmen in the back row cast six spears, one with two spears, and they fired one by one.

   Yamazaki's sword shifted the gear, and he kept retreating under his feet, but how could this speed compare to a snake-man?

   In order to cooperate with the three snakemen, the three frogmen finally launched a round of collective attacks, and six spears shot Yamazaki's body.

   Yamazaki knew that the three snake men were already in front of him, but he could only deal with the first six spears.

   Yamazaki knew that this was creating an attack space for the snake men, but he didn't know where the three snake men would attack.

   With the light of the sword flickering, Yamazaki closed his eyes altogether, feeling it entirely with his heart.

   Snake man B cuts his leg on the left, Snake man A cuts his abdomen on the right, and C stabs his chest in the middle.

The order of    is to stab the chest, cut the legs, and cut the abdomen.


   Yamazaki put the dagger across his chest with his left hand, and immediately pierced the chest with a knife. The man also retreated back by thrust, avoiding the other two knives.

   But Yamazaki did not choose to retreat again and again, but stood still and counterattacked.

   Yamazaki stood sideways and drew the sword with the dagger. Snakeman C’s stab cut across the dagger with a knife, and drew it dangerously across Yamazaki’s left neck and left ear.

   Snake Man C was not close enough, but seeing the change, he immediately changed the stabbing to the challenge, but was avoided by Yamazaki, and lost his last chance to attack.

   When Snake Man C stabilized his figure and wanted to slash the long knife he provoked, Yamazaki rolled his wrist with his left hand and threw the dagger free in his hand, piercing his neck.

   In other words, the strength of both parties is suppressed, and it will be fatal if they touch the key, otherwise, even if the Yamazaki of the sixth-order mage, with this kind of wrist attack, the defense of the second-order snakeman will not be broken.

   However, Yamazaki also miscalculated. He originally wanted to use the body of Snake Man C to buy time and block the attack of Snake Man B and Snake Man A that followed.

   But Snake Man C disappeared and exited, that is to say, Yamazaki has no cover.

   Facing the double swords that Snake Man B and Snake Man A slashed from left to right, Yamazaki originally wanted to block Snake Man C's body, but now he can only hold both swords in his hands and resist with horizontal swords.


   The swords and swords intersect, and the sword of Snakeman B cut off the point of Yamazaki's long sword, and slashed towards Yamazaki's left shoulder and chest.

   Victory is in sight, Snake Man B pulls out a smile.


   The swords and swords intersected, and the sword of Snakeman A slashed into the guard's hand. Yamazaki took advantage of his strength to retreat and successfully avoided Snakeman B's sword.

   But Snake Man A advances his attack and cuts continuously.

   Yamazaki retreats and then retreats, but he is happy in his heart. This is helping him.

   At this time, Yamazaki sensed the danger and blocked the sudden attack with the head of his sword.

   was throwing a spear, that huge force pushed the long sword out of Yamazaki's hand.

   The frogman came up from the side, took advantage of Yamazaki's back, grabbed the gap in the shift and threw a spear.

   Yamazaki had an idea, he simply grabbed the throwing spear, and blocked Snakeman A's sword pursuit with the spear instead of the sword.


  Snakeman A's war knife split the throwing spear, which was in Yamazaki's expectation, but not Snakeman A's.

   Snakeman A couldn't regain his strength, and the sword led him leaning forward, but Yamazaki smoothly pierced the tip of the spear into his body and at the same time snatched his sword.

   Yamazaki now only hopes that those guys don't get this sword out of the field. He doesn't have time to open the magic bag and take a long sword out.

   It turned out not bad. Although Snake Man A disappeared and exited, and Yamazaki was once again exposed to the spears thrown by the three frogmen, Snake Man A's sword was finally left to Yamazaki.

   Yamazaki took out a dagger, this thing carried a lot of it.

   The three frogmen and Snakeman B didn't move. They couldn't think of a tactic for a while, how to deal with Yamazaki. This guy's martial arts were completely impeccable.

   Yamazaki didn't dare to move, he was able to sense danger, and he didn't need to think about it. It was the opponent's spear waiting for him.

   Yamazaki doesn't worry about throwing spears. The attack of that thing is too simple. The only trouble is that the quantity makes it necessary to face to face to deal with.

   Yamazaki is most worried about Snake Man B. With the cooperation of spear throwing, Snake Man B's attack power will be very threatening.

   What’s more troublesome is that Yamazaki can’t call a timeout and go offline to rest and sleep.

   I can only consume it, praying for reality not to earthquake or something.

   Overnight, when the sky turned white, Yamazaki also opened his eyes, adapting to the dark light without interruption, looking at the surrounding environment, looking for all available victory factors.

   However, nothing was found.

   is still open and unobstructed, no matter how he moves, he will be exposed to the attack range of the spear.

   It seems that spending is the only way to see who can't hold on.

   Yamazaki took out a few bugs and stuffed his mouth, looked at the other person swallowing dryly, and smiled. In this case, he still has a chance of winning.

   However, Yamazaki was dumbfounded when he saw the opponent so casually. His body in the game didn't eat or drink anything, and could hold on for a long time, but the outside body?

   No, it must be done quickly.

   Yamazaki tried to retreat, and the opponent immediately launched an attack, three spears, three spears, six spears flew from three directions, and the attack also blocked the retreat.

   Snake Man B charged up from the front and attacked, stabbing straight.

   Yamazaki tried to sense and calculate the angle of the spear, and also rushed towards Snakeman B with a straight stabbing, holding swords in both hands.

But just before the encounter, Yamazaki threw the long sword out, not towards Snakeman B. The sword was already forward, and there was no forward attack force. Instead, he threw his left hand and backhand towards a frogman C, he was left. The only frogman on the side.

The    swamp clan knew Yamazaki’s plan, solved the frogman C on the left, and fought with the snakeman B on the left. At the same time, through the entanglement with the snakeman B, the two frogmen on the right could not attack.

   Knowing that Gui knows, Snakeman B has no time to change his move. He simply continues to attack at a faster speed. As long as the long knife pierces Yamazaki's body, it is victory.


In the harsh rubbing sound, Yamazaki used his dagger to deflect Snake-man B’s long knife, but Snake-man B’s long knife still crossed Yamazaki’s right shoulder and rested on his collarbone. Yamazaki was also crushed to his knees. To the ground.

  The blood is soaked in the skirts of the clothes. If the clothes are not covered with mud and the color is not clear, you can definitely see the red spreading on the clothes.

   Had it not been for a dagger, Yamazaki would have been in a different place by now.


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