Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 599: The Reasoning of the Wave Tour

   May 9th, Saturday, around 6:30 pm, Minion Mountain, heavy rain.

   Officer Otaki informed the police station with the aid of the fire engine equipment, and then stayed to search for Officer Tanaka and his companions. A firefighter drove Maori and the others away. Hattori was placed on the top of the fire truck. Maori, Kazuo, and two firefighters were supporting the rain cloth, while Lan held Conan in the car. Through the intercom in the car, he told the ambulance personnel who had arrived, Hattori and Conan's encounter and injuries.

   Around 6:40 in the evening, Minion Mountain, heavy rain.

   The ambulance and the fire engine met. While transferring the service department, Lan asked the doctor anxiously, “Doctor, Conan’s face is getting hotter and hotter. Doctor, is there something wrong with him?”

   "Don't worry, this kid is okay," the doctor touched Conan's forehead. "It should be just because of the heavy rain that he has a cold and fever."

   "Fever? That's okay." Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

fever? The service department who was being transferred was speechless. The guy woke up when you held him in your arms. It was purely, wait, this should be a great handle. I can’t help but laugh when I think of it, and then move After closing the wound, he immediately took a breath.

   "What's the matter, what's the matter?" He Ye quickly asked.

   "It has nothing to do with you," Hattori said.

   "With me..." and Ye endured.

  At this time, Conan woke up, "Ah, sister Lan, where is this place?"

   "Ah, Conan, you wake up, is there any pain?" Lan asked quickly.

   "Nothing, I feel good, no problem." Conan said.

   "Really?" Lan touched Conan's head and found that it was not hot anymore, so he was relieved.

   At this time, Hattori was transferred to the ambulance. The doctor hurried over to check, and then replaced Hattori's hand with a hemostatic bandage.

   and Ye Wen said, "How about, doctor?"

   said the doctor: "It's not clear for the time being, I have to rush back to the hospital as soon as possible."

Soon after, at about 6:45 in the evening, Mauri sent away the ambulance carrying Ran, Conan, Hattori, and Waha. Then he found a problem, a very big problem-the fire truck was gone, that is, On this rainy night, he wanted to brave the heavy rain alone and walk out of this unfamiliar Minion Mountain under the dim street lamp.

   "No, no." Maori was about to cry, looking at the lights in the distance outside the mountain, yelled, "No, no!"...

   Soon after, in the ambulance.

   Seeing Hattori gradually close his eyes, he shouted with Ye worriedly: "Heiji, cheer up, Heiji."

   Hattori murmured: "No, so sleepy, let me sleep for a while."

   and Ye hurriedly yelled, "No, Heiji, you can't sleep, Heiji." Then they found Hattori closed his eyes, crying, and fell on Heiji with excitement, crying, "Heiji!"

   "It's so noisy!" Hattori suddenly sat up, shocking everyone.

   Hattori yelled at He Ye: "You don't understand what you told me to sleep for a while? You idiot!" Then he cried out in pain while covering the wound.

   Doctor smiled and said, "So energetic, it looks like it should be all right."

   Together with Ye, Conan, and Ran, they raised their triangular eyes at Hattori.

   Hattori fell asleep on the stretcher and yawned, "I have been thinking about the wonderful route of Osaka last night, and I haven't slept all night, so don't make such strange noises in my ears, fool."

"Oh, I'm really sorry." He Ye Qi smiled extremely, glanced at the wound on the belly of the clothing department, supported his chin with both hands, and pressed his elbows against the ribs of the clothing department, "made that strange noise. ."

   Conan tried his best to suppress the smirking laughter, his face was deformed.

   Hattori screamed and sat up and roared, "What are you doing, idiot."

   "You are a fool," shouted with Ye, "Who makes you sleep so inexplicably?"

   "Listen, I'm a wounded man." Hattori shouted.

   "I didn't touch your wound again." shouted to Ye.

   "Okay," Conan murmured, "It seems that Hattori is really fine."...

   On the other side, Izumisano Building, the sub-city center of Osaka Airport.

   After Yamazaki and Mei Daizi arrived, Ji Ji, who arrived one step earlier, showed them around the building, and then went to a side hall of a banquet hall to eat.

   "Sister?" Mei Daizi asked, "Why did you let me come to the meeting?"

"The good mood is attributed to these people in the large stores across the country," said Ji Ji, "in case something unexpected happens in the future, if you go to the store they manage, they will know it, and at the same time prevent others from impersonating you. Cheating."

   "So that's the way it is." Mei Daizi said, then after thinking about it, "then you can't go away from the hall."

   At 6:55 in the evening, Oda Shine came to inform that all the three hundred and sixty-five store managers had arrived.

   Seven o'clock in the evening, outside the banquet hall.

   Mei Daizi, who was still wearing casual clothes during the day, revealed the gold medal she wore on her neck and put it inside her clothes, and then pushed open the door of the banquet hall and stepped in, quieting the otherwise lively banquet hall.

   Mei Daizi stepped on the ground and walked straight to the podium. As she walked, she said loudly: "Uncles and aunts, good evening, I am Mi Daiko Miyamoto. I am very happy to meet you all."

   After finishing a sentence, Mei Daizi stood right in the center of the rostrum, then bowed and bowed, "I am finished, thank you everyone." Then she walked back to the side hall.

  Partial hall.

  Looking at Mei Daizi's return, Yamazaki and Kei, who were sitting in a pair of sofa sets, stood up and raised their glasses together.

   "The mission is complete, they will remember me in the future." Mei Daizi smiled, then put the gold medal back in her clothes, and picked up a drink cup and touched their cup. ...

   On the other side, around 7:05 in the evening, Minion Mountain.

  Moori fell down once, stepped on a few big puddles, and sneezed unclearly, and finally ran into a police car called by the Otaki Police Department, and was taken to the hospital where they went to Hattori, Minoh City Hospital. ...

   At night, Mino City Municipal Hospital.

   After the ambulance carrying Hattori and others arrived, Hattori was directly sent for the operation. Lan took Conan to the treatment, and He Ye accompanied him.

   After seeing Conan’s injury, the doctor said, “This shouldn’t be a big problem. You should take a hot bath and change your clothes before you come here.”

   So Ran, Heye, and Conan went to take a bath and changed their clothes.

   Conan was quiet when taking medicine and injections, and He Ye also praised him as a brave and good boy, but when it was his turn to take a blood test, Conan hid in the men’s bathroom above the bathroom as an excuse.

   Lan and He Ye didn't care at first, and then realized that Conan hadn't come out for a long time, and immediately understood.

In the case of no results, He Ye rushed into the bathroom and caught Conan who had not reacted in one fell swoop, but at this time the nurse came to inform that Hattori’s operation had been completed and the person had been pushed into the ward, so He Ye and Conan Lan and Lan passed by and saw the sleeping Hattori. ...

   Soon after, Maori came and saw Heye, Conan, and Lan, and he was relieved to learn that the bullet from Hattori's body had been taken out.

   "By the way, Dad, you can help tell me why Conan refuses to draw blood." Lan said.

   "Draw blood? What happened to this kid?" Maori asked.

   "The doctor said he might have a fever." Lan said.

   "No, I don't." Conan said quickly, "There is no fever."

   "I'll take a look." Maori picked up Conan and touched him, "Strange, why is it cold?"

   Conan said in surprise: "Uncle, I think you have a fever."

   "Me? Impossible." Maori put Conan down.

   Lan stretched out his hand and touched Maori's forehead, "It's hot, Dad, you really have a fever." Then he touched Maori's clothes, "Oh, it's all out of water."

   Soon after, around 8pm, Maori was admitted to the hospital with a high fever of 40 degrees.

   At around 8:25 in the evening, Ha Lai Mori’s ward asked Ran and Conan, the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, Hattori Hirazo, and the head of criminal justice Toyama Ginjiro to look for them.

   Soon after, an office in the hospital.

   "My kid, you are Conan," Minister Toyama asked Conan, "Do you see the murderer?"

   "The murderer?" Conan was taken aback, "Could it be that Officer Tanaka, they..."

   "Oh?" Minister Toyama was surprised, and then said, "Yes, the bodies of both of them have been found."

   "No way?" He Ye Yulan was taken aback.

   "You are very lucky," said Minister Toyama, "According to my Hingzang inference, the murderer should have let you go because he saved bullets."

   Conan asked in surprise: "Is it possible that the weapon used to kill Officer Tanaka was a knife?"

   "It's great, kid," said Minister Toyama, "but let's talk about the murderer."

   "Yes." Conan said, "I didn't see the murderer, nor did I know his figure. He was covered in a raincoat and there was a lot of grass outside. He was probably half kneeling at the time."

"Hirazo, do you still think that the murderer is Numabuchi Konichiro?" Minister Toyama said, "In his file, there is no record of military training. He can use disguise and deliberately hide his body, and he knows how to pass Change the bullet to reduce the lethality of the This obviously has been strictly trained."

   "Change the bullet?" He Ye was taken aback, "Dad, is it because of this that Heiji..."

"Yes, according to our inference, the murderer must have heard Tanaka's report to Otaki, so he stayed, in order to attack Otaki and his partner, so as to get their two pistols at the least cost. His plan should be It was to create a wounded, take the wounded as a hostage, and let another person hand over the pistol to avoid gunfights and wasting bullets." Toyama said, "Later, I found out that you were six people, so I chose Heiji in the last position. , Do not choose this child, one is that he may have accidents when he is shot, and the other is that he is safer to control than usual. And the second shot, we guessed it was at Otaki’s flashlight, by the way, warned Otaki and told him to stop Come down, don't get closer."

   "Conan." Lan couldn't help but shouted.

"I'm fine." Conan smiled, "Thanks to Hattori's amulet." He took the amulet out, and found that the bag had been broken, revealing most of the handcuff fragments, and quickly took out the handcuff fragments. I gave it all to He Ye.

   "Miss Lan, we won't bother you today, please take a good rest." Hattori Heizo said.

   Lan said, "Yes, Hattori..."

   "Call my uncle." Hattori Heizo smiled.

   Lan smiled and said, "Yes, Uncle Hattori."

   "Heye, are you going with me?" Minister Toyama asked with a smile, "Still here?"

   "I don't care about him." He Ye turned his head and said. ...

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