Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 614: Love to save money

   August 11, Tuesday, evening, Miyamoto house, living room.

   While the Miyamoto family was eating dinner, the phone rang, and Mei Daizi put down her knife and fork, chewed beef to check, found that it was Belinda's number, and pressed the hands-free button.

   "I'm so sorry to disturb you eating." Belinda smiled.

   "If you know it's disturbing, then just say something." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "I think you are idle now. By the way, where are you and what time is it, why don't you go to bed?"

"I just finished my trip to Washington, and I'm flying back to Los Angeles." Belinda said, "If you ask me to take it, I will bring it. Their answer is, it doesn't take advantage of you, as long as you pay the starting price. , One trillion U.S. dollars for one hundred billion tons of crude oil, you are responsible for shipping."

   "Well, I surrender, I don't have such a big place to stock up these crude oil." Miyamoto said, and then asked, "If I surrender, what do they say?"

   "Don't intervene if you admit defeat. Don't make transactions of more than one billion dollars in a short period of time. If you invest more funds in the United States, you can bear it. This is what they said." Belinda said.

   "Okay, I see." Miko Miyamoto said, and then changed the subject, "By the way, where is Olivia? You didn't ask her to accompany you in the meeting?"

"Blackstone Financial acquired the Aymok Building, the headquarters of Aymok Oil, and asked her if she wanted it. She went to Chicago to see the goods." Belinda said, "By the way, when it comes to meetings, I will tell you. The attack plan is mainly based on the launch of the Tomahawk navigation missile on the water. I don’t know the exact time and target of the attack, but the time can be guessed within ten days."

   "And the target is nothing more than those countries." Miko Miyamoto said, and then asked, "But is this kind of attack really good?"

"Who knows, I don't have a say in this kind of thing, and I can't manage it." Belinda said, "Also, I heard that the previous goal was Slav, because the disarmament negotiations have not reached a consensus because of the reason that they are preparing for military exercises. To seduce him."

   "Do you mean to make him realize the striking power of advanced weapons against backward weapons?" Miko Miyamoto asked.

   "I think that's the way it is." Belinda said, "You must know that his arms are mostly the crystallization of technology in the 1930s and 1940s, and only a few of them are Soviet-style products in the 1970s."

   "I see, what else is there?" Miyamoto said, "If not, I will go down to work."

   "Well, I think I'll go to sleep." Belinda said, "Bye."...

   After six o'clock in the evening, Mei Dai Restaurant.

Mira came over, drank the vodka sent by Mei Daizi, and expressed her intention to Miko Miyamoto, "British Petroleum merged with Aimoco Oil in the United States because the price of crude oil fell further to reduce losses. We are also affected here. Price impact, there is still a funding gap of about 5 billion U.S. dollars, I hope you can help solve it." Then he said bitterly, "It's US dollars, not Russian dollars."

   Miko Miyamoto asked: "There are people in the United States who are very dissatisfied with the transaction between us. Based on your intelligence network, you should know this?"

   "Yes, I know that," Mila said, "but the transaction between us is just normal business practice. Why should you bother with them."

   "The problem is that I now have more than one-third of my funds in the United States," Miko Miyamoto said, "It's okay if there is no problem. I am in trouble if there is a problem."

   "Let's talk about it," Mira said, "whatever the conditions, I just want gems."

"Your calculations are really good. When I want gems, give me crude oil, save a hand, and now come to trade gems." Miko Miyamoto said, "But there is no such easy thing, I want gems because they are convenient. Storage, you should also know a little bit about Zayel. I don’t lack gems.”

   "Yes, that's why I used crude oil to trade with you." Mira laughed.

"You should know that I am not short of crude oil." Miyamoto said, "Mira, I don't owe you favors, nor do I have to ask you for help. Although there is a saying in China that business is not righteous, it is In this crude oil transaction, the price you quoted was much higher than the market price. I had to accept it to reduce the loss, so I can't find a reason to convince myself to enter into this transaction with you."

   After a moment of silence, Mira asked, "Is it really not possible? How about half price?"

   "Uh, half price?" Miko Miyamoto thought for a while and laughed, "Of course there will be talks for half price, but only one billion dollars. This is the notice over there."

   "Yes, pay the bill first." Mira smiled.

   "It's impossible," Miko Miyamoto said, "I won't be able to trade without identifying those goods first."

   "When will this be identified?" Mira asked.

   "God knows." Miko Miyamoto shrugged.

   "Then it can't be half price," Mira said.

   "Well, from the perspective of capital occupation," Miko Miyamoto said, "at least 25% off, otherwise no talk."

   "I think you should send someone to talk to someone above me." Mira said.

   "By the way, who did you find this time?" Miko Miyamoto asked.

   "A lot." Mila said, "If possible, the country will adjust its investment policy again."

   "How much funding do you lack?" Miko Miyamoto asked curiously.

   "God knows." Mira said helplessly, "I only know that the money you paid for crude oil last time was not enough to pay the wages owed to the workers, not enough."

   "You are too good." Miko Miyamoto said with emotion.

"It's not that we are severe, but prices have fallen sharply. I thought that if this were the case, the parliament would not agree to adjust the investment policy. At least someone would share these losses with us." Mira said, "Forget it, the past. It just passed, this is not what I can manage." Then he asked, "How to say?"

   "You call back," Miko Miyamoto said, "I will let the people over there talk to me tomorrow."

   "Okay, then I'll go first," Mira said.

   "Don't run, leave everything behind, take out all." Miko Miyamoto smiled.

   "I'm sorry, I forgot." Mira took out four bugs from her body, buttoned her clothes, on the belt, in the pockets, and on the soles.

   "There are only four?" Miyamoto said, "tell the numbers."

   "Yes, I only have four." Mira said.

   "Well, you can go now," Miko Miyamoto said.

   "Goodbye." Mira picked up the bottle and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Miko Miyamoto.

   "Bring the bottle." Miko Miyamoto hooked her finger, "I was almost fooled by you."

   "Okay." Mira smiled, finished drinking in one breath, and left the bottle, there was indeed a bug in the bottom of the bottle.

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and waved her hand, "You can go now."...

   Friday, August 14th, morning, Maori Detective Agency.

   Ishimoto Castle II's secretary Sachiko Tanaka sent the commission, and after sitting for a while, he left in the eyes of Maori.

   "Too, too much, just left like this." Maori said sadly.

   "Dad!" Lan yelled very upset, and then changed the subject, "Dad, let's have a big lunch at noon."

   "Feast?" Maori said, "No, the money has to be deposited." Then he said, "I'm going to the bank." Then he left.

   Lan blinked and was very confused. When did Dad be like this? But forget it, this is a good thing. ...

   Monday, August 17, morning, good mood, Miko Miyamoto's office.

Miko Miyamoto received a call from Misa Horiuchi. The Central Bank of Russia suddenly announced that it would expand the fluctuation range of the exchange rate between the Russian dollar and the US dollar during the year. The Russian dollar-denominated debt will be reorganized and recalculated, and the foreign debts due in the next 90 days will cease. Trading with currency futures contracts.

   Miko Miyamoto thought for a while, and asked, "The international financial speculators led by Double Eagle Fund lost in Hong Kong, right?"

"Yes, they are waiting for the funds invested in Russian bonds to be used, and now they are all trapped, and most of their funds are obtained through financial leverage, and they are going to suffer a serious loss now." Horiuchi Misa Said, "It can be said that the Asian financial crisis is about to end."

   "You forget a little bit, the financial companies that guarantee them financial leverage." Miko Miyamoto said.

   Horiuchi Misa smiled and said, "That's right, this is about to become a global storm."

   Miko Miyamoto asked, "How is the yen?"

   Horiuchi Misa said, "It's broken one hundred and fifty."

   "Prepare some funds, and someone from above should come soon." Miyamoto said, "You can take care of the other aspects."

   "I see." Horiuchi Misa smiled.

   After hanging up the phone, Miko Miyamoto approached Kimihime, gave her the handling of the people from above, and asked her to prepare one million dollars in food.

   "Food?" Yan Ji asked suspiciously.

   Looking at the blue sky outside the window, Miko Miyamoto sighed, "Russian winter is coming."

   "I understand, I will hand it to Mira as soon as possible." Sai Ji, and then left. ...

   August 21, Friday, morning, good mood, Miko Miyamoto's office.

The Zaobao published news about the US military hitting many places in Afghanistan with homing missiles yesterday, as well as a Sudan chemical plant that is suspected of producing explosives, and the Russian market has evaporated by 15% yesterday. , Continue to trigger the news of the decline of stock indexes in many countries around the world.

Ji Ji came to report, "The above means let us invest as much as possible. I showed him the draft railway industry and retail industry plan made by the experts of the advisory group, including regional investment, railway extension, station development, etc., he I have gone back."

   "Oh?" Miko Miyamoto asked, "Where is the plan?"

Ji Ji said: "I think it's not good, but it has been rejected. The experts unanimously assessed that the Asian financial crisis is about to end, the economy will recover, and the domestic economy will improve. In addition, the interest rate of Fengcai Bank is the highest in China. So the absorbed funds are close to 100 trillion yen, and there are more than 25 trillion yen in idle funds, so this plan was made. However, if this plan is implemented, I have not yet figured out how many years it will take to pay off the loan. Although ten years can be theoretically possible, but the world's impermanence, such as Russia's hand, who would have expected it? And until now, no organization has stood up to maintain financial order, and they have all tacitly agreed.

   "This is because he has a thicker arm." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "Yes, maybe a new round of military competition will begin from here, and we should pay attention to high-tech stocks."

   "I'm talking serious." Yi Ji said angrily.

   "I didn't say anything bad." Miko Miyamoto smiled, "Okay, just kidding, sorry." Then asked, "What do you think?"

  炚ji said: "Our strength is finance, and we are not in a hurry, there is no need to carry forward, as long as we use our own funds to take it slowly, I will let them do it again."

   "I agree with you. Let Mess take those Miko Miyamoto smiled, and then asked, "Right, whose funds are flowing into us? "

   "Both." Yan Ji smiled, "Thanks to us, the lives of other domestic banks are not satisfactory."

   Miko Miyamoto said: "This is good news, it can slow down the pace of the six major consortia, and they can't keep up with us for the time being."

   Yan Ji smiled and said, "They also responded to the Banking Association, but they were ignored by the above."

   "Of course, this is a good thing for ordinary people." Miyamoto said, "Okay, if it's okay, you can go."

   "Then I will go back." Yi Ji leaned and said. ...

   Monday, August 31, morning, Miyamoto's house, living room.

   The international page of the Zaobao published news about the London Stock Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange reaching an interoperability agreement, as well as news about the start of digital television broadcasting in the UK.

   Yamazaki smiled and said: "Finally, the unification pace of the European market, although I don't know how long it will take, it is always a good thing."

   "That's right," Miko Miyamoto said with a smile, "so that the European staff can also withdraw back."

   "Now, Mom, what is digital TV?" Mei Daizi asked.

   "I only know that, to put it simply, you can watch TV programs more clearly on a larger TV." Miko Miyamoto said, "We have to wait until the end of the year."

   At this time, the voice of Yuanzi came, and Mei Daizi picked up her schoolbag and said: "Then, let's go, mother, goodbye."...

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