Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 627: The end after the mission

   Tuesday, December 30th, in the afternoon, outside Akemi Hirono’s apartment building.

Conan stared at the exit of the parking lot when he came out of the hamburger restaurant, and then found that Akemi Hirono was driving out. So, thinking that he could not catch up, he stepped on a solar skateboard from the pedestrian crossing at a slow speed of about five kilometers per hour .

But after chasing for about ten minutes, Conan found that the light spot on the glasses was still a few kilometers away. After thinking about it, Conan found that the place should be a small dock, so he became excited, because now it has entered the annual vacation. There should be no staff at the small dock. That being the case, the purpose of Miss Hirono Akemi's going there is self-evident, she must do something ugly, and her instinct is right. So I increased my speed, about ten kilometers per hour, and rushed there. ...

   On the other side, in the small dock.

  Leaving the key in the car and keeping the car started, Akemi Hirono got out of the car, got dressed, and walked to a warehouse. She wears a pair of flat shoes and a set of black casual clothes. The clothes fit well and should be handmade. She wears a black wide-brimmed hat with the brim pressed down to her brow.

Entering the dim warehouse through the front door, Akemi Hirono turned on the light switch on the wall. After it turned on, she glanced at the empty warehouse, looked at a corner with a transport truck and a pile of debris, and said loudly: "I'm here, come out." He said and walked in.

   "Flap, pop!" With the applause, a gin in a black trench coat came out step by step, "You dress up and say that you are not ours. No one will not believe it."

At this time, Akemi Hirono heard a noise on the warehouse door, and when she looked at it, she found that the rolling door was automatically falling. At the same time, holding a remote control vodka came in from the outside with a smile and blocked her behind, so Hirono Mingmei immediately changed positions and stood in a triangle with the two.

   "What do you mean?" Akemi Hirono asked.

   "It doesn't mean anything." Vodka said with a smile, "Shifeng's security guard may be staring at you, just in case."

   "It's impossible, since you let me out, you won't stare at me." Akemi Hirono said, and then said, "Where is my sister, where is she? My mission is complete, let her go with me."

   Ginjiu sneered: "You are too naive." As he raised his left hand, as the hand was raised, the hand holding the pistol under the loose sleeves was exposed.

"It's really you guys innocent." Akemi Hirono shakes her right arm while talking with Gin, and a lady's pistol falls from her sleeve to her hand, and then she wants to raise her gun to the Gin, but only halfway down it falls. Come down because the gin was shot.

   Ginjiu shot directly after raising the gun, and with a metal crash, the bullet hit Hirono Akemi's forehead.

   "Why, why?" Akemi Hirono fell weakly to the ground.

"The two days you stayed in the hotel, we went to your apartment," Gin said coldly, "I made this bullet specially for you, but it seems that the power is still a little bit smaller. The helmet is really good."

   Vodka smiled and said, "The administrator let him fall asleep casually, it's too simple."

   Akemi Hirono lay on her back on the ground, still whispering in her mouth: "Why, why..."

"For the sake of your death..." Gin squatted forward and said a few words in Hirono Akemi's ear, then stood up. When he wanted to make a shot, an off-road vehicle smashed into the front door of the warehouse. The rolling door rushed in.

   Gin and vodka hurriedly hid behind the pillar. Vodka also took out the gun, and then watched the three women getting off the car, Oda Shine, Oda Sakurako and Oda Haruko. They put their guns away and walked out again.

   Ginjiu asked in a cold voice, "Miss Xinhui, what are you doing here?"

Looking at Akemi Hirono, who was lying on the ground, her mouth squirming but no sound came out, Oda Nobue said, "Miss Akemi asked me to come, but it seems that she has counted the wrong time." He waved his hand. "Take Miss Mingmei away."

   "Yes." Sakurako Oda and Haruko Oda responded.

   "Stop it." Vodka tried to step forward, but was stopped by the gin.

   "She is from our side." Gin said.

"She is also us, and also an important witness in the bank robbery incident and the car bombing incident. She has admitted that it was she who passed on the information that the cash transport escorts are newcomers and avoid monitoring the parking location." Tian Xinhui asked, "If you say Mr. Gin, the bank robber incident and the car explosion incident, you did it?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard from her at all. She has done these things." Gin said, "I just found out that she works in the Mihua branch of Fengcai Bank. Although she is only a peripheral, I am afraid that you may misunderstand that we let her I went, so in order not to cause misunderstandings between us, we dealt with her." Then he said, "Since you said she is an important witness, then you can take her away."

   Looking at Akemi Hirono, who was lifted by Oda Sakurako and Oda Haruko, without any reaction, Oda Shine said, "Then I have to thank you."

   "You're welcome." Gin said, "I will leave it to you." Then he said to the vodka next to him, "Open the door."

   "Yes, brother." Vodka used the remote control to open the front and back doors of the warehouse.

   Gin from the closed rear door of the off-road vehicle, glanced at Akemi Hirono lying in the back seat, and walked towards the back door that had not fully opened with vodka.

   After putting down Akemi Hirono, Haruko Oda walked to Akemi Hirono's blood with a can of sprayer, covered her mouth and nose, and sprayed the blood and the surrounding area.

Oda Sakurako took an instrument and walked to Akemi Hirono’s car. After scanning the car in the air, she found a sticker transmitter and a tape bug. She installed it in a small box and sat down. Go up.

   At this time, Oda Shine watched both gin and vodka walk out of the warehouse, turned around and sat in the driver's seat of the off-road vehicle and started the car. Haruko Oda also returned to the car.

   So, Oda Shine drove two cars and left the warehouse amidst the sound of the motor of the ship. ...

On the other side, Conan finally rushed to a place close enough, and heard the sound of the car engine from the bug, and there was a "crushing" sound. While guessing whether it was the sound of the warehouse rolling door, the sound suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the light spot on the tracking glasses disappeared.

Knowing that the transmitter and wiretap he put on had been discovered, Conan stopped and scratched his head, thinking whether he was going to speed to check, accidentally discovered that a speedboat was passing by in a river not far away. There were two men in black wearing their hats, one thin and the other strong, the thin one with long silver hair.

   For an instant, Conan was stunned. After reacting, he realized that their ship had gone away, and immediately stepped on full horsepower to head towards the dock.

   Soon after, Conan arrived at the dock and after looking for a few warehouses, he found a puddle of red liquid in one warehouse, and some debris from the warehouse shutter door, and there were traces of wheel brakes on the ground.

Conan checked it carefully, and it turned out that he didn't see what it was. Whether it was the smell or the touch, it was not blood. But intuitively, Conan thought it was blood. Now this situation should be done with chemicals. . There is only one reason for this, and this is the scene of the murder.

   Thinking of the gin and vodka boats, Conan immediately thought that they brought someone here to kill Miss Mingmei, and then took her body out to sea to deal with the body. After the others had cleaned up, they drove away in Miss Mingmei's car.

   Thinking of this, Conan immediately ran out, looking for the phone booth to call the police, and then suddenly realized that he was just a child now, what he said was not enough, and there was no evidence, even if the police came, he could not file a case.

   "Damn it!" Conan punched the ground angrily. ...

   In the afternoon, Maori detective office.

   When Conan came back, he found that Mori and Ran were not there, but Yamazaki was the only one, so he asked, "Tell me the truth, how much do you know about Miss Hirono Akemi?"

   Seeing that Conan was in a bad mood, Yamazaki asked, "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

   "Miss Mingmei passed away, did you know that." Conan exclaimed angrily.

   "Dead?" Yamazaki was taken aback, "How did you know? Did you call the police?"

"It's no use, they cleaned up." Conan went to monitor Hirono Akemi and said what he found after chasing the small dock warehouse, and then said, "I saw gin and vodka sailing away, Miss Akemi's The body should be on top." Then he said, "Why don't you tell me that Miss Mingmei is related to them? You must know."

   "I have no obligation to tell you this." Yamazaki said.

   Conan said: "Damn it, if you tell me..."

"It's no use telling you," Yamazaki said. "You have to know that letting Miss Mingmei stay in the hotel with those employees and their families is not only to isolate them and investigate them, but to protect their safety. Miss Mingmei is out now, only One reason is that she asked for it."

   "Why don't you send someone to stare at it?" Conan said, "Since I want to leave, of course I want to do something."

   "Since I let her out, I won't stare at her," Yamazaki said, "Miss Akemi is a wise man. Of course she knows that going out is dangerous, so we have to go out like this..."

   "That is to say, this matter is more important than her life." Conan said interface.

"Yes, if our stalking is considered to be fishing on the line, it will be bad, but I didn't expect Miss Mingmei to pass away." Yamazaki said, "In fact, we also care about her life and death. She is very likely a bank robber. The only witness to the incident and the car explosion."

   "What did you say?" Conan was taken aback, "They did it? Are they killing it?"

   "Maybe," Yamazaki said, "We just guessed that they did the action, and the mastermind didn't know at all. They were commissioned by someone."

   Conan said: "Since there is suspicion, we can investigate them. At least we can ask the police to call him for questioning."

   "This is impossible, we can't do this," Yamazaki said.

   "Why?" Conan asked.

"Because we don't know all the details about them, because we have no evidence on this matter, and only a body was caught. In the end, the police had no choice but to stop it." Yamazaki said, "But then we It's troublesome. They will definitely retaliate against us, so when they don't know when or where they will fight back, it will not be more than 30 people who will die."

   "Then the lives of these thirty or so people, is that what it is?" Conan asked angrily.

"This is a matter for the police." Yamazaki said, "We can't control it, and we can't control it. We must first ensure the safety of our own employees and ensure that their lives are not in danger because of our decisions. They come to work. Not here to die."

   "Then you just forget it?" Conan said.

   "This is where they are smart. All the people who acted are dead. Now even Miss Mingmei is dead. We don't know anything, we have no other excuses." Yamazaki said, "The official, the same is true."

   "What do you mean?" Conan asked.

"Did you not read the newspaper? It said it was an accident where the car would explode," Yamazaki said. "Without evidence, the media can't refute it. News must be based on facts. Even if you catch the wind, you must have shadows. And those from abroad. There are actually several organizations that call for responsibility for this matter. At first glance, they know that they are fake. Since they are fake, then it is not a terrorist attack. It is an accident. Therefore, the official word of an accident is to take all the media’s words. Blocked."

   "Damn fellow." Conan sat on the sofa and complained angrily, "The guy above..."

   "You can't blame them either, they say it for the good of most people," Yamazaki said.

   "Are you afraid of causing panic?" Conan said, and then said, "That's right, there is a second car if there is the first one. If it is a terrorist attack, it will be even more disturbing."

"Yes," Yamazaki said. "Also, I don't know if you have thought about it. Why did that car explode in Yonehuacho? Imperial Palace, Toho, Marunouchi, Ginza, Nihonbashi, Roppongi, Omotesando, etc., There are so many places in Tokyo, none of them are more prosperous than there, and none of them are more crowded. Those gangsters had time to go there before the bank robber incident, and they are likely to run there afterwards."

   "I thought about it," Conan said, touching his chin, "but I didn't want to understand." Then he asked, "What do you think?"

"In my opinion, it is because there are a large number of upper-class people in those places. If you accidentally kill an important person or a famous person, it will be very troublesome. Even if the consortium to which the deceased belongs cannot find the mastermind, people will This incident will be remembered firmly because of the name of that important person." Yamazaki sighed, "Now, for most people in the country, those who died are just a number, and people will soon forget it."

   "It makes sense to say so." Conan thought for a while and then asked, "By the way, did Miss Mingmei say who instigated her?"

   "No." Yamazaki said, "Didn't you say that there is no evidence? Miss Akemi's words are also evidence."

   "So, why didn't she say?" Conan asked, "Is there any scruples? Is it because her sister is in their hands? By the way, she should be out of the hotel for her sister?"

   After thinking about it, Yamazaki said, "Forget it, you guessed it yourself."

"Then I'll ask one more question, since Miss Mingmei is from that organization," Conan asked, "Why did she join the bank robber gang last time? If it's a mission, it's too weird. Take it away. The money is back."

   "I guess it’s to gain experience," Yamazaki said.

   "Accumulate experience? Uh," Conan asked, "You mean criminal experience?"

   "Yes, crime also requires experience, and at the same time exercise mental quality." Yamazaki said.

   "Also, why did you let her stay in the bank?" Conan said, "Now she is dead, let's talk about it."

   "Well," Yamazaki said, "I want to follow her through her."

   "Understood, but I didn't touch it." Conan said, and then asked, "If the planner is very clever, can't you just choose someone else? Why bother to find Miss Mingmei?"

"How do I know this? Maybe it's time is urgent, and the commission is very generous." Yamazaki said, "Also, maybe it's not one unit, that is to say, Miss Akemi took the task of someone else in private and wanted to take the opportunity to choose There was a dispute, and in order to avoid further misunderstanding, we had to reluctantly attack her and give us an explanation."

   "Well, that makes sense." Conan sighed, then asked, "Where are Uncle and Lan?"

   "Uncle went to play mahjong." Yamazaki said, "Lan, Yuanzi, and Meidaizi went shopping with Aunt Yingli." Then he smiled, "By the way, I will tell you a good news."

   "What?" Conan said, "Why do I have a bad feeling." Then he sighed, "If it is tomorrow night to eat the rice cooked by Aunt Yingli, I already know that."

   "The number three is the housewarming of Aunt Yingli." Yamazaki laughed.

   "No way!" Conan jumped up.

   "That's it." Yamazaki smiled, and then looked at the time, "Since you are here, I will leave early."...

   In the afternoon, Miyamoto's, living room.

   After Miko Miyamoto returned, Yamazaki told her about Conan and Akemi Hirono.

"Sure enough, that kid." Miko Miyamoto smiled. "Nobue and the others found a transmitter and a bug in Miss Akemi's car, both of which are the works of Dr. Aka. I have told her not to check." Then he smiled, "Xinhui explained that Miss Mei has a detector in her hand. I guess Miss Mingmei thought she didn't take it down because she put it down."

   "Why is Miss Shine going there?" Yamazaki asked.

"Ms. Akemi asked her. I guess it was after Miss Akemi and Gin agreed to meet. She was afraid that the gin would be bad for her, so she wanted to borrow Shine to leave." Miko Miyamoto said, "However, maybe it is to talk with Gin. For some hidden and complicated things, Ms. Mingmei and Xinhui made an appointment late. And for fear of getting rid of the grass, Xinhui did not dare to set up at the small dock in advance, so she had to wait nearby, but even though Xinhui went ahead of the agreed time, she still It’s late. Shin Hye said that they hadn’t arrived at the small pier, the gunfire rang out, and when they rushed into the scene, the matter was gin is that Ms. Mingmei entered us privately and didn’t want to cause it. We misunderstood it as an excuse and said that we did not know about Miss Mingmei's message."

   "Sure enough," Yamazaki said, and then asked, "The body of Miss Akemi?"

"Oh, Ms. Akemi was well prepared. The additive hat saved her life," Miyamoto said. "Now I am being rescued at the Affiliated Hospital of Toto Medical University. Kako's teacher is conducting the operation." Then he sighed, "But listen. It is said that even if he is rescued, he may not be able to wake up."

   "As long as you live, you have a chance," Yamazaki said.

   Miko Miyamoto sighed, "Yes."...

  Night, Miyamoto's house, living room.

   Asai Ka called, the operation was successful, and the next step is to look at Akemi Hirono herself.

   "You have worked hard, go and rest early." Miko Miyamoto smiled. ...

   December 31, Wednesday, New Year's Eve, around 11:30 at night, Miyamoto's house, living room.

   Ichiro Miyamoto, Miko Miyamoto, and Yamazaki are watching the party, and Mei Daiko went to the entertainment room to play the New Year's gift sent this afternoon. Evil Crisis II is a real shooting version.

   At this time, Oda Nobumi called and greeted the Miyamoto family, and said, "Madam, the surveillance here has become weak."

   "So polite, go and run." Miko Miyamoto said to Yamazaki, "Do not bring back anything."

   Miyamoto Ichiro said, "Be careful."

   "Understand," Yamazaki said. ...

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