Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 661: Pre-wedding investigation

   On March 27, about 7:50 in the evening, Mori Garden House, on the aisle outside the scene.

Mori brought the police department Megumi over, pointed to the broken window in the room and said, "We were going out at the time. Mr. Shigematsu originally came to see him off, but Mr. Morien said in advance that he would talk to Mr. Shigematsu, so he was half On the way, I told Mr. Shigematsu to see off, and when I walked to the gate of the mansion, I suddenly heard the sound of glass..."

   "Glass?" Police Department Megome raised its triangular eyes, "When you hear the glass broken, you know that there is an incident. It's a gross profit."

   "Ah, thanks for the compliment from the Megome Police Department." Maori laughed.

   Mumu Police Department said grumpily, "Go on."

"This kid and I rushed up to find the smell of blood, thinking that someone had put out a lot of blood and smashed into the door." Hattori said, "There was no light in the outer room at the time, but there was a light that penetrated through the unclosed door inside. When we came out, we saw the blood stains on the ground, then opened the door and saw Mr. Shigematsu, stepped forward and touched the neck to confirm that there was no heartbeat, but there was still body temperature. It should have just passed away, and then Mr. Kikuto came."

"I saw the two of them running around at my house, so I came to have a look, and then I called the ambulance to call the security guard." Morien Kikuto said, "In my opinion, maybe, Mr. Shigematsu is here. The kid killed it."

   "Hey, we have been downstairs since we separated from Mr. Shigematsu. How can we have time to commit crimes," Hattori said.

"Who knows this?" said Juto Moriyuan, "Isn't it said that the first discoverer is often the murderer? Otherwise, if only a piece of glass is broken, you will run up nervously. This is too fussy, right? ."

   "That's right," Megome Police Department said.

   "This is my detective's instinct." Hattori said, and then pointed at Mori, "And it's not surprising that there is an incident with this uncle."

   "Hey, hello, what are you talking about, kid." Maori shouted.

   "Well, it makes sense to say that." The Megome Police Department said, touching his chin.

   "Police Department." Maori protested.

"Ah!" said the Megome police department, "Mori, please tell me the order of the people who came in after Mr. Kikuto." Then he said to Morien Mikio, "Mr. Morien, everybody, whoever has named, please tell us about the time. doing what."

   "The one who came next is Ms. Baihe Jiang." Maori said.

   "I was in the bathroom at the time." Mori Garden Yurie said, "Look, this hair hasn't been dry yet. It's an alibi, of course it's gone."

   "Then Mr. Sakuraba," Hattori said, "He came with Kazuha."

   "I was looking for Rebecca the kitten at the mansion, and there was no alibi," said Sakuraba Yuji.

"It's the kitten in Ms. Lily River's arms. Later, it appeared on the scene, behind the body." Maori said, "Also, the balcony door on the scene was not closed. It is said that Mr. Sakuraba once jumped from the balcony upstairs. Go downstairs."

   "Is that so, Mr. Sakuraba?" Megome police department asked.

   "Yes, I was chasing Rebecca at that time." Yuji Sakuraba said.

   "Miss Katagiri then," Mouri said.

   "I have been watching TV in the room and waiting for my family to pick me up. There is no alibi," Katagiri said.

   "The last one is Mr. Morien." Mouri said.

   "I have been waiting for Shigematsu, and there is no alibi," Morioon said.

"Wait, wait," Heye said, "The murderer cannot be Mr. Morien, because Hattori asked me to find Mr. Shigematsu. I was the first one to go to Mr. Morien's study. He was sitting there at the time. With poor legs and feet, it is impossible to run from the scene on the left side of the mansion to his study on the right side of the mansion in a short time." Then he said to Mori Garden, "Sorry, Mr. Mori Garden."

   "It's okay," Morioon said.

   "Do you have bad legs?" the police department Megome asked, "Mr. Morien's legs?"

   "The traffic accident a few years ago." Moriomori said.

   "That's how it is," the Meguro Police Department said.

   "Also, I also went to the cafeteria and the kitchen. The security and servants of this house are there." He Ye said, "Except for the security of these two stations."

   "Takagi, go check it." Megome Police Department said.

   "Yes." Officer Takagi responded.

  Momemo Police Department asked, "Excuse me, did you see Mr. Shigematsu coming in?"

   "Yes, but we were standing at the corner between the gate of the mansion and the gate of the main house. We didn't know what was inside." Security Guard A said.

   Mumu Police Department asked: "Then have you seen anyone coming out from this balcony?"

   "Our task is to look at the mansion gate, the mansion gate, and the main house gate, lest reporters get in touch with the balcony, and there is a tree blocking the balcony, so it is difficult to see if you don't walk over."

   "Why are you standing there?" Hattori asked.

   "This is temporary." Security guard A said, "There are four of us, two looking at the gate of the mansion and two patrolling. They happened to have a meal, so we stood here."

   "Eating now?" Hattori asked.

"Our dinner time was originally from 6pm to 7pm, half an hour for each group. But today the chef said that the master temporarily added a few expensive dishes, and there was no time to make everyone's dinner, so it was postponed to 6:50 in the evening. The minute begins." Security B said.

   "We had just changed shifts when Mr. Shigematsu came back." Security guard A said, "It was about 7:20 in the evening."

   "The glass shattered and the time it took Mr. Hattori to run in was about 7:30," Security B said.

   "In other words, Mr. Shigematsu's death time was between 7:20 and 7:30." Maori said, "It should have been killed immediately after being called here by the murderer."

   "It should be that way," said the Megumi Police Department, and then asked, "Then, did you see anyone running out?"

   "This," said the first security guard, "we were called by the master later."

   "Police Department," Maori said, "Lan has been standing under the broken window below."

   Lan said, "I didn't see anyone going out."

   Maori said, "So the murderer should have escaped from the balcony that Ran can't see."

   At this time, Officer Takagi ran back to report, and he was right with Ye. At that time, everyone in the mansion was in the cafeteria and kitchen.

  Momemo Police Department said: "Very well, the course of the incident is basically clear, just wait for the forensics personnel."...

   On the other side, Mei Dai Restaurant.

   Yamazaki finally got down, drank his mouth water, thought of Maori's phone call, shook his head and sighed, "I can't get away at all."

   "What's the matter?" Miyamoto Ichiro came back.

   "Dad, you came just right." Yamazaki smiled, "Uncle Maori has another incident."

   "You go." Miyamoto Ichiro nodded and said.

   "By the way, where are Mom and Mei Daizi?" Yamazaki asked.

   "Mihua Square, night view." Miyamoto Ichiro said. ...

   Around 8:40 in the evening, Mori Garden House, scene.

  The forensic personnel came out of the suite and informed that they were allowed to enter, so the police department led everyone in, including Yamazaki. He reported his Maori name and was let in.

   Megome Police Department asked: "How is the situation?"

  The forensic officer said: "It was the chair in the corner that smashed the glass, and there was glass **** on the legs of the chair."

  Momemo Police Department said, "Oh, so to speak, the murderer was still here."

The forensic officer said: "Judging from the bloodstains, the first scene was here. The deceased was killed by a single knife. The murderer immediately drew out the knife. The blood of the deceased was sprayed out. Most of it should be sprayed on the murderer's body. The murderer should be dressed Raincoats and the like, so there is a blood line underground." Then he led the police department and others into the room, "then the murderer dragged the deceased to the desk, and then opened the balcony door with **** gloves. There was blood on the door handle. ."

   "Sure enough, there are blood stains." The Mumu Police Department took a look, and then asked, "What else?"

"The balcony is very clean. There are no blood or fingerprints." The forensic staff pointed to Hattori and Conan. "Except for the footprints of this gentleman and this kid, speaking of them, there are a lot of their footprints in the two rooms in and outside this suite. "

   "Really?" Police Department Megome glanced at Hattori and Conan.

   "Heh..." Hattori and Conan laughed embarrassedly.

   "What about the other footprint people?" asked the Meguro police department.

  The forensic officer said: "Everyone else is wearing exactly the same slippers. There is no way to tell, but there must be no such shoe prints on the balcony."

   "That's weird, there are no footprints, how did the murderer leave here." Maori said, touching his chin.

   "No other traces have been found for the time being," the forensic officer said.

   "So, where's the murder weapon?" the Meguro Police Department asked.

   The forensic officer said: "I didn't find a weapon that could be a murder weapon in this suite. It may have been taken away."

   "Megome Police Department, can you investigate the roof, the balcony of the room below this room, and the trees outside this balcony." Yamazaki said, "If you use tools or someone helps, you can go out without leaving your footprints."

   "That's right." The Meguro Police Department immediately asked the forensic personnel to check.

   Soon after, the forensics staff found a package on the tree outside the balcony. Inside it was a large **** raincoat, gloves, slippers, and a knife.

"If the murder weapon is there, it means that the murderer didn't run out." The police department of Megumi glanced at the five members of Mori Garden Mizuo, Mori Garden Yurie, Mori Garden Kikuto, Katagiri Kaede, and Sakuraba Yuji. "The murderer belongs to this family. someone."

   "Police, don't forget, if it is deliberately planted, the murderer will also put things there." Mori Park said, "The marriage between the Katakiri family and the Mori family will be destroyed. I am not surprised."

   "This," the Meguro police department asked, "Then, Mr. Morien, do you have a goal?"

   "No, it's up to your police to investigate." Morioon said, "Also, since the time of death, the cause of death, and the weapon have been found, please leave Shigematsu's body."

   "Sorry, Mr. Morien, your identity is just a friend of Mr. Shigematsu." Megome Police Department said.

"Then, wait for my lawyer's note, and before that, please let Shigematsu keep the way he is," said Morioon. "I really don't understand that when everything is clear, you still want to get it from my friend. what."

   "Mr. Morien." The Megumi Police Department smiled bitterly.

   "Dad," Mori Garden Yurie said worriedly, "Don't be too sad."

   "Yes, Dad, after all, Shigematsu is no one from our family." Morien Kikuto smiled.

   "Shut up!" Morioon exclaimed, "You should think more about it. Without Shigematsu's help, what should your company do. In my opinion, Shigematsu is much more trustworthy than you."

   "Yes, Dad." Kikuto Morien lowered his head and said.

   Looking at the body of Akio Shigematsu, Morioon sighed, "Shigematsu, I will bury you next to her. I think you both will be very happy."

   "She refers to his wife, right?" He and Ye Duilan asked in a low voice.

   "It's strange," Lan nodded and said.

"It seems that what my mother said is true." Hattori whispered, "Ms. Morien who passed away actually liked Mr. Shigematsu. Mrs. Morien used to go to Morien's home to meet Mr. Shigematsu. However, Mr. Gan Xiong would be wrong, thinking that his wife likes him, so he proposed to his wife. Both parents strongly agreed with this, but it caused great trouble to Mrs. Mori Garden, but Mrs. Mori Garden refused in the end. Without Mr. Ganxiong’s enthusiasm, I had to marry Mr. Ganxiong. This is what Mrs. Morien told my mother."

   "That's right," Morioon shouted, "Sakura Garden."

   "Yes, sir." Yuji Sakuraba responded.

"You were raised by Shigematsu. He always regarded you as your biological son." Morioon said, "Although this is a bit out of date at this time, I can only do this for Shigematsu and for you. Up."

   Mori Garden Kikuto exclaimed in surprise: "Dad, Dad, you don't want to adopt this guy."

   "Shut up!" Morioon shouted, and then said to Sakuraba Yuji, "You go and leave Morioon's house."

   "What!" Yuji Sakuraba was taken aback, "Master, did I do something wrong?"

"It's me who is wrong," Mori Yuan sighed, "So you go, stay in this house, you have no possibility. Although the aristocracy was abolished, the descendants of the former Viscount Chinese are not like you. The servant can be worthy of it."

   "Master." Sakuraba Yuji's face changed, and Katagiri's face changed.

   "You guys," Morien Yuriko exclaimed in surprise, "No way?"

   "Old, sir, do you know that?" Yuji Sakuraba asked difficultly.

   "Shigematsu told me." Morioon said, "He asked me to give you a chance, and now I give you three years."

   Mori Garden Kikuto was anxious, "Dad, you can't..."

"Let you shut up, didn't you hear it?" Morioon said, "This is also your test. Within three years, if your company is still half-dead or even closed down, I don't need to say the consequences. Got it."

   "But, Dad..." said Kikuto Morien.

   "If this can't be done, I will cancel the wedding right now, or how do you let me face my in-laws in the future?" Morioon asked angrily.

   "Okay, okay." Kikuto Morien said embarrassedly.

  Mori Garden said to Yuji Sakuraba: "I will hand over Shigematsu's legacy to you as soon as possible. You must make good use of it."

   "Yes, sir." Yuji Sakuraba responded.

   "Stop calling my master." Morioon said.

   "Yes, Mr. Morien." Yuji Sakuraba responded.

"Policy, please talk to my Moriyuan family's lawyer if you have anything else." Morien said, "I'm tired." He turned and left, Morien Yuriyue hurriedly followed, and Morien Kikuto was fierce. He glared at Sakuraba Yuji, and then followed.

   "You, Yuji. UU reading" Katagiri Kaede shouted embarrassedly.

   "Don't worry, I'll bet on my life." Yuji Sakuraba fisted and said, "It's already past nine o'clock in the evening. The car to pick you up should have arrived. I'll send you out."

   "Yeah." Katagiri Kaede left, and Sakuraba Yuji also left.

   "What's all this?" Hattori asked.

   "I don't understand yet, the current situation of Mr. Chrysanthemum, Miss Xiaofeng, and Mr. Sakuraba are the same as those of Mr. Morien, Mrs. Morien, and Mr. Shigematsu." He Ye said.

"Yes, yes," Lan said with a smile, "In order to satisfy Mr. Shigematsu's wish, Mr. Moriyuan postponed the marriage of Mr. Chrysanthemum and Miss Xiaofeng for three years, so that Mr. Sakuraba had a chance to achieve a career to marry Xiao Feng. Miss Feng, it's really great."

   "Ah!" The Megome Police Department said to Maori, "I think it will be here today. The following investigation will take a long time. Go back first."

   "Then you have worked hard," Maori said.

   "Lan, let's go to your house to stay at night." said to Ye, "we can have a good chat."

   "Okay, you can live as long as you want." Lan laughed.

   "Hey, hello, I haven't agreed yet." Hattori shouted.

   "Then you live here alone." He Ye said.

   "Uh..." Hattori scratched his cheek in embarrassment, and then asked Conan, "Then let's squeeze."

   "Who is going to squeeze with you?" Conan muttered with his triangular eyes. ...

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