Detective from The Future

Chapter 1090: Magic super

Serious case detachment, interrogation room.

Lin Haichao was chained to the interrogation chair.

Han Bin, Wang Chang, and Bao Xing walked into the interrogation room.

Lin Haichao showed an aggrieved look and questioned, "You guys are endless, changing wave after wave.

I told you all, this case has nothing to do with me, I am innocent. "

Han Bin said, "Lin Haichao, you keep saying that you are innocent, then how do you explain that the victims have been to your shop for tattoos? A coincidence can't explain it."

"Someone must have framed me, aren't you already investigating, why are you asking me the other way around?"

"Listening to this, you still feel wronged, then tell me, who is setting you up?"

"I do not know.

If I had known it, I would have become a policeman a long time ago. "

"Bang!" Bao Xing patted the table and scolded, "Lin Haichao, don't mess around with it, we have already checked it very clearly. You did this case."

"I didn't." Lin Haichao tilted his head and curled his lips, feeling that he was about to cry.

So cheap.

Bao Xing shuddered, suppressing the urge to beat him.

Han Bin said, "We recorded your voice for the victim to recognize. They agreed that it was similar to the voice of the suspect. How do you explain it?"

Lin Haichao opened his mouth and came, "Since the suspect wants to frame me, he will definitely imitate my voice. Is there any problem with this?"

"You're kind of an excuse."

"I didn't make any excuses, what I said was true."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Have you heard of Tomorrow's Ark Community?"

Lin Haichao hesitated for a while, "I've heard it."

"Have you heard, been there, or lived?"

"Does this have anything to do with the case?"

"Just answer me."

"I lived in that neighborhood."

"Have you lived before, or are you still renting a house there?"

"I... I used to live."

"That is, you no longer rent a house in that community?"


"When was the last time you went to Tomorrow's Ark Community?"

"I can't remember."

"Have you been there in July?"


"Have you been there in June?"

"Never been."




Han Bin spoke sternly, picked up a photo from the table and placed it in front of Lin Haichao, "This is the surveillance of Tomorrow's Ark community. At 3 o'clock in the morning on July 6th, you wore a mask and entered the Tomorrow's Ark community."

Lin Haichao took a look and argued, "It's so dark and you are wearing a mask. Why do you say it's me?"

"What about this one?" Han Bin changed another photo and asked himself, "At seven o'clock in the morning, you left the Ark Tomorrow community. The elevator and the monitoring of the gate of the community clearly captured your frontal photo. How do you explain this?"

Lin Hai panicked, "I can't remember."

"Then I will help you remember." Han Bin took out another set of photos and continued, "We checked your financial situation. You are paying your rent on time every quarter, and we also checked Tomorrow's Ark Community. Monitor, you will go to Tomorrow’s Ark community every time before and after committing a crime."

Han Bin put the photos on the interrogation chair, "These photos were taken by us in your rented house. Not only are you photos, we also found tools for committing crimes."

Lin Haichao shook his head and cried, "It's not me, I didn't do these."

Bao Xing questioned, "It's not who you are, it's hard to prove, you still want to quibble."

Lin Haichao shouted loudly, "Mocha is made by Mocha."

Han Bin asked, "Who is Mochao?"

Lin Haichao picked up the photo with trembling hands, looked at it, and said, "Whenever I walk into this room, Mochao will tell me to retaliate against that scumbag. He abandoned you and must retaliate against him."

"What do you mean by Mochao?"

Lin Haichao pointed to his chest, "He's hiding here, every time he gets to that house, he will come out and control me. He did it, and he killed people, and it has nothing to do with me."

Han Bin said, "You mean, there is another person in your body, who is controlling your body to commit these cases?"

"Yes, he is Magic Super."

"You and Mochao share the same body?"

"Yes, that's it. He usually hides, and he will only come out when he goes to that house."


"He hates that man."

"The man who took the photo with you?"


"Who is he?"

"His name is Ye Chen, he is a scumbag."

"how did you guys meet?"

"He is a customer in my shop. The tattoo on his body is my work. That is to say, we two fell in love during that time. I thought we two would have a good life. Who knew he would be silent afterwards. gone.

I looked for him like crazy and asked all the mutual friends we knew, but no one had seen him.

Later I realized that I was abandoned by him. "

Han Bin said, "Is that why you force Wei to molest other tattoo clients?"

Lin Haichao said aggrievedly, "It's not me, it's Mochao."

Han Bin changed his way of asking, "Mocha made it with your body?"

"Yes, Mochao occupies my body."

"Then now are you Lin Haichao or Mochao?"

"I am Lin Haichao."

"How to prove that you are Lin Haichao, not Demon Chao."

"Mocha usually does not come out, only when it is stimulated."

"What excitement?"

"I rented that house together with Ye Chen, and recorded the bit by bit of the two of us. As soon as Mochao gets into that house, it will be stimulated and will come out."

"Where were you when Mochao committed the crime?"

"I'm trapped inside."

"Then do you know what he did?"

"I know, I also want to stop him, but I can't control it, he is too strong."

"That is to say, you have witnessed the process of Mochao's forced lewdness."


"Do you admit that Mo Chao is the suspect?"

"Yes, but it has nothing to do with me, I am me, Mochao is Mochao."

Han Bin didn't argue with Lin Haichao whether he was Mochao or not. Instead, he asked him to describe the incident in detail...

After the interrogation.

Bao Xing said, "Team Korea, this Lin Haichao won't have a split personality, right? Every bite is a magic super."

Wang Chang said, "Maybe this kid is trying to get rid of crime, and there are many suspects who lied to be mentally ill after committing a crime."

Han Bin said, "Leader Wang, you can take someone to check if he has a history of mental illness and whether his family members have similar illnesses."



Six p.m.

Han Bin sorted out the case file and prepared to report to Huang Kuangshi.

The door of the captain's office was open, and Han Bin politely knocked on the door, "Team Yellow."

Huang Kuangshi sat behind the desk, his T-shirt jumped up, half of his belly exposed.

Seeing Han Bin coming in, he hurriedly put down his clothes, "Come in and say."

"Team Yellow, you don't turn on the air conditioner on such a hot day."

"The old problem is sick. Once the air conditioner is turned on, the legs are not strong, and the hot spots are hot spots." Huang Kuangshi motioned to Han Bin to sit on the sofa by the window, "How is the investigation of the case?"

Han Bin handed over the file, "I'm here to report to you that we found tools of crime in the house where Lin Haichao rented, including Lin Haichao's own fingerprints and the victim's DNA."

"Okay, this case is well done. It seems that the celebration banquet is on the agenda." Huang Kuangshi smiled.

"There is another situation to report to you. Although the evidence is solid, Lin Haichao does not admit that he is the murderer. He said that there is a personality called Mochao outside his body. The case was done by Mochao and has nothing to do with him."

Huang Kuangshi frowned slightly, opened the latest transcript, and checked it carefully.

After ten minutes, Huang Kuang said, "What do you think?"

"I asked Wang Chang to check it. He himself has no history of mental illness, and his immediate family members have no related illnesses." Han Bin paused and continued to analyze, "From the contact with him, he may have been mentally stimulated, but still Did not reach the level of split personality.

The possibility of pretending to be exonerated is great. "

Huang Kuangshi nodded, "That's enough, everything that needs to be checked is checked. As for whether Mochao is Lin Haichao, that's the judge's question."

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