Detective from The Future

Chapter 183: Rescue hostages

Miao Xiujie waited and watched in the yard, but did not find the police rushing in. He estimated that there should not be too many police officers, otherwise they would have rushed into the goose field.

Miao Xiujie didn't dare to straighten up and crawled slowly on the ground. There was a lot of goose dung on the ground, and his arms and legs were stained a lot. The smell could kill people.

It's just that he doesn't care about anything now, he just wants to escape.

He crawled out of the goose farm slowly, and still did not see the police, but he could still hear the horn sounding from the east.

His own car was not far away, and Miao Xiujie was about to drive away from here, so he could only be a desperate for the rest of his life.

Miao Xiujie shook his head, now that he can't control that much, let's escape here first.

Miao Xiujie climbed to the car and unlocked the car. When he was about to get up and get into the car, a voice came from behind:

"Police, don't move."

Miao Xiujie was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened, his hands supported the ground, and he was about to get up from the ground. He didn't want to be caught like this, as long as he could get into the car, he would have a chance to escape.

Han Bin raised his foot and stepped heavily on Miao Xiujie's back.

"Bang!" Miao Xiujie fell to the ground with a sound.

Generally, the police action involves several people arresting one person, but Han Bin now has only one person. When arresting the suspect, he must be cautious.

"Hold your hands behind you."

Han Bin put his knees on Miao Xiujie's back, pinched the opponent's arm, and handcuffed him.

Han Bin grabbed his hair: "How many accomplices do you have."

"I don't know, I don't know what you are talking about." Miao Xiujie shouted.

"If you want to add another charge of obstructing public affairs, just continue to consume it with me." Han Bin scolded.


Miao Xiujie's face became very ugly, and some of the preface was not followed by the words: "I'm here to buy goose, no, I don't have..."

"Pop!" Han Bin directly gave the other side a brain scoop: "I ask you, how many kidnappers are there."

Miao Xiujie seemed to be awakened, and said: "There are two robbers, I am not, I don't know anything."

"What weapon does the kidnapper have?"

"Machete, machete."

"What about the hostages?"


"Which underground is clear?" Han Bin asked.

"The cellar, in the cellar." Miao Xiujie repeated.

Han Bin took out the walkie-talkie: "I am 001. There are three kidnappers in total. I have caught Miao Xiujie, and there are two robbers left, suspected to be carrying a machete, it's over."

"I am 003. I have captured a man with a machete. Over."


There was a rapid breathing sound from the intercom: "I am 002, and 004 and I have captured a bald man and are escorting towards the goose field."

"I'm 001, we meet as planned, and it's over."

"Roger that."

"Roger that."

After a while, the two groups met in their previous positions. Han Bin escorted Miao Xiujie, Tian Li escorted Leizi, Li Hui escorted the bald-headed strong son, and Sun Xiaopeng came over with his arm.

"Xiaopeng, are you hurt?" Han Bin asked concerned.

"It's not a big deal, I was struck by a machete." Sun Xiaopeng forced a wry smile.

"There is a first aid kit in the car, I'll bandage it for you." Tian Li finished speaking and returned to the police car.

"You are watching here, I will rescue the hostages." Han Bin said.

"I'll go with you." Li Hui suggested.

"I'll go and investigate first, and when Tian Li comes back, you will come and help me."

"Be careful."

Han Bin nodded, took out his pistol and entered the goose field.

"Quaguagua..." At this time, there was only the noise of geese, and no other people could be heard.

Han Bin observed the surroundings, but no other figures were observed. The area of ​​the goose farm is not small, and it is difficult for him to search through it alone.

Han Bin did not fully believe Miao Xiujie's words. He could not tell where the kidnapper was hidden in a dark corner. He had to be more careful.

Han Bin moved forward slowly, vaguely hearing a whimper.

He listened carefully and found that the sound seemed to come from underground.

At this time, Li Hui also came over, and Han Bin gave him a gesture to be quiet.

Han Bin searched around and found an entrance to the cellar. He gestured to Li Hui and asked Li Hui to be on guard outside and let him enter the cellar to check.

Han Bin took out a bright flashlight, Li Hui opened the manhole cover, and then Han Bin entered the cellar with a louder whimper. Han Bin took a photo in the cellar and found two tied women.

The cellar area is not large. After confirming that there is no danger, Han Bin stepped down the ladder and turned on the light, and shouted, "I am a policeman, don't be afraid."

"Woo..." The voices of the two women were louder.

Han Bin knelt down, pulled off the blindfold of the woman who was closer, and asked, "Gao Xiaoyun?"

The woman nodded frantically.

Han Bin didn't immediately pull off the cloth on the other's mouth. He knew very well that once it was torn off, it was absolutely earth-shattering crying, but it was impossible to confirm the identity of the hostage.

Han Bin tore off another woman's blindfold and asked, "Shen Nianrou?"

The other woman nodded frantically.

"I'm from the Criminal Police Team, take off the cloth from your mouth, don't shout arrogantly, what am I asking, what are you answering, do you understand?" Han Bin said sternly.

The two nodded together.

Immediately, Han Bin took off the cloth from Shen Nianrou's mouth, and then took off the cloth from Gao Xiaoyun's mouth.

"Woo..." Shen Nianrou whispered.

"Ah..." Gao Xiaoyun cried loudly, almost overturning the top of the cellar.

This was what Han Bin was afraid of, he still had something to ask, and planted the piece of cloth back into Gao Xiaoyun's mouth.

"Woo..." Gao Xiaoyun continued to whimper, but her voice was much lower.

Han Bin turned his head and looked at Shen Nianrou who was aside: "Shen Nianrou, I have something to ask you?"

Shen Nianrou stopped crying and wiped her tears: "Comrade Police, what do you think?"

"How many kidnappers are there in Goose Farm?"

"It should be three people."

"Count Miao Xiujie?"

"Counting that, I heard this bastard's voice instantly." Shen Nianrou said.

"Apart from these three people, are there anyone else involved in the case?" Han Bin asked.

"This..." Shen Nianrou's face was a little ugly, and she stopped talking.

"If we come later, you may have been killed." Han Bin said.

Shen Nianrou thought of the scene just now, showing a look of fear: "This matter may be related to Ma Yongfeng."

"Are you sure it is Ma Yongfeng, not Ma Yongnian?" Han Bin said.

"I'm sure, this matter has nothing to do with Ma Yongnian, it should be the me who Miao Xiujie and Ma Yongfeng are planning to kidnap." Shen Nianrou firmly said.

"Why are they kidnapping you?" Han Bin asked subconsciously.

Shen Nianrou sighed: "After all, it's still a word of money."

"I'll unlock it for you, so please comfort Gao Xiaoyun." Han Bin ordered.

Shen Nianrou nodded, and for the past two days in detention, she and Gao Xiaoyun rely on each other and have become each other's only comfort.

Han Bin untied the ropes for the two of them, and they hugged each other and burst into tears.

Han Bin's ears were sore that he climbed the ladder and left the cellar first.

Seeing Han Bin's departure, Shen Nian softly Gao Xiaoyun had a shadow, and didn't dare to stay in the cellar any longer. He crawled out of the cellar one after another, and cried again when he reached the ground.

"D...Woo..." The police sirens sounded, and the car lights came on in the distance.

Police support is here!

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