Detective from The Future

Chapter 199: A few happy and sad


"You...what do you want me to say?" Song Zhixun spread his hands.

"Talk about the facts you concealed." Han Bin snorted.

"I didn't." Song Zhixun lowered his head and said.

"Every time you lie, you either lower your head or look aside, and you dare not stare at me, and you dare to say no!" Han Bin scolded:

"If you don't explain clearly, we can't clear your suspicion, and we will investigate you as a suspect."

Song Zhixun raised his head and held his chin open: "I am innocent and I am not afraid of your investigation."

"Cooperation is mutual. With your attitude, I can only do business in business." Han Bin got up and turned off the law enforcement recorder:

"Return to the police station."

"No, I have to go to class tomorrow. I have already cooperated with your investigation." Song Zhixun clung to the table tightly.

"You don't have to go to class." Han Bin said coldly: "It's not just you, your teachers and classmates will go to the police tomorrow to take notes."

"This case has nothing to do with them. I'm still a student. You can't treat me like this." Song Zhixun trembled.

"You are an adult, and a student is just a profession. If you respect the police, the police will naturally respect you; if you don't respect the police, we can only treat you as a suspect." Han Bin stood up and said to Li Hui and Sun Xiaopeng:

"Look at him. I will apply for a search warrant. I will check his dormitory and his home later."

"Please don't do this, you do, how I will go to school in the future, I am really innocent." Song Zhixun pleaded.

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and walked outside the classroom.

"Bang!" Song Zhixun knelt down:

"Sergeant Han, don't leave, I said, I said, I told you all, I just lied, I won't be anymore."

Han Bin turned around: "Stand up, this is the last chance, understand?"

"I understand, I understand, I must say it all this time, absolutely no more concealment." Song Zhixun said while nodding frantically.

Han Bin sat on the chair again, turned on the law enforcement recorder, and continued to ask: "Apart from ropes, did Peng Yongren let you buy anything else?"



Song Zhixun bit his lip and was silent again.


"Odorless mosquito repellent."

"Why lied just now?" Han Bin asked.

"I...he..." Song Zhixun's preface was not followed by words: "I heard someone said that he was killed by a mosquito, I..."

"Did you make your hands and feet in the odorless insect repellent?"

"I didn't." Song Zhixun shook his head.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"He called me on October 5 and asked me to buy rope and odorless insect repellent. I knew there was a hardware store near the school, so I bought it there, and then went to a convenience store to buy insect repellent, but there was none in the convenience store. I didn’t even find odorless mosquito repellent. Afterwards, I bought a bottle of toilet water." Song Zhixun showed a touch of anger, clenching his fist and said:

"I sent the ropes and toilet water to the school. I saw Peng Yongren. He was beaten and he still had bruises on his face. I didn't dare to ask more. I was going to give him things and leave. But he became angry and scolded me. Pig brain, he doesn't want toilet water, as long as the odorless mosquito repellent, let me buy it again."

"Why does he only need a tasteless insect repellent instead of toilet water?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't know." Song Zhixun shook his head, sighed, and continued to recall:

"I searched for a few convenience stores, but I didn’t find it, so I planned to buy a bottle online. As a result, he called the next day and said that he had to buy it in the afternoon. Otherwise, I would be out of high school. The number and the scandal told my college classmates, but the express delivery couldn't arrive in one day. I really can't help it."

"Did you give him tasteless insect repellent?" Han Bin tentatively asked.

Song Zhixun bit his lip before suffocating two words: "Yes."


"It's not fake, it's true."

"Really, what is your guilty conscience?" Han Bin asked back.

"I... my sister has a bottle of odorless mosquito repellent, but I have already used it. I really can't help him, and I dare not give him half a bottle, so I added some water to Peng Yongren." Song Zhixun cried out crying. Road:

"I really don't know what he is going to do, let alone that he will be bitten to death by a mosquito. I am really wronged than Dou E."


Forty minutes later, Song Zhixun was taken back to the police station.

His suspicion is too great, and he can only be temporarily detained before the investigation is clear.

Zheng Kaixuan called the two groups to the conference room for a meeting, and also gave everyone a takeaway very intimately.

One burger, one fries, and one hot drink per person.

Li Hui opened the lid and took a sip of milk. A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Li Hui’s is a spicy chicken drumstick. A bite is burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. What he ate is fragrant, but within a few minutes, a hamburger is eaten.

Drinking a sip of hot milk and eating two French fries, it is a beauty in my heart.

"Okay, it's the old rule. Eat and talk about the case." Zheng Kaixuan took a sip of hot drink.

"Let me talk about the investigation progress of a group. In the afternoon, we made a transcript of Peng Yongren's teachers and classmates. Some teachers and girls generally have a good impression of Peng Yongren, but some boys have a lot of criticism of him." Zhao Ying opened the diary. Ben glanced at it and continued:

"Through investigations, we found the deceased’s ex-girlfriend Zhou Yuetong. The two broke up because of conflicts some time ago. The reason why the deceased returned to school early was also because Zhou Yuetong surrendered the house they rented together. The deceased came to Qindao to deal with the matter. "

"Are Zhou Yuetong's words credible?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"We found Zhou Yuetong's landlord, Cao Xiaben, and the confessions of the two people basically matched. Although Zhou Yuetong was in conflict with the deceased, there is no evidence that she was related to Peng Yongren's death." Zhao Ying said.

"How about the second group investigation?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

Han Bin opened the diary and crossed out Cao Xiaben's name: "We have caught a suspect, Song Zhixun, and he has been taken back to police detention."

Han Bin walked to the projector and put Song Zhixun's information on it: "The rope tied to the deceased was bought by Song Zhixun at a hardware store near the school; the odorless mosquito repellent found in the cabinet of the deceased was also given by Song Zhixun."

"What is the relationship between Song Zhixun and the deceased?" Wei Zimo asked curiously.

"Song Zhixun and the deceased were high school classmates. When he was in school, the deceased often bullied Song Zhixun, causing Song Zhixun to be a little afraid of him. According to Song Zhixun's account, the rope and the odorless insect repellent were all forced to buy by the deceased." Han Bin said.

"The parents of the deceased give more than 2,000 living expenses every month. He shouldn't force others to buy things for this small amount of money." Sun Xing doubted.

"Maybe not before, but don’t forget about his girlfriend checking out. When I made a transcript for Cao Xiaben, Cao Xiaben said that the deceased still wanted to continue renting, so he gave him more than 2,000 rent on the same day. This confession happened to coincide with the deceased. Lack of money is right." Zhao Ying analyzed.

"Song Zhixun also confessed a detail. The deceased asked him to buy an odorless insect repellent, and as long as Song Zhixun could not buy odorless insect repellent for a while, he took half a bottle of the odorless insect repellent used by her sister and mixed it with water. Killed the deceased." Han Bin introduced.

Zheng Kaixuan was holding French fries, his face was thinking, and Han Bin's words contained a lot of information.

Why do the deceased need only tasteless insect repellent?

The bottle of mosquito repellent given by Song Zhixun, in addition to his fingerprints and the fingerprints of the deceased, may also contain the fingerprints of Song Zhixun's sister.

The effectiveness of mosquito repellent mixed with water is greatly reduced, which may be one of the indirect causes of Peng Yongren's death.

Zhao Ying asked, "Does Song Zhixun have an alibi?"

Han Bin glanced at the diary: "Gu said that he was at home between 5 and 12 pm on October 6th. His parents and sister can help him prove it."

After a long time, Zheng Kaixuan said: "I also said that in some cases, the technical team extracted the DNA of two people from the rope that bound the deceased. One is Peng Yongren himself, and the other is probably the suspect.

"In the second case, three incomplete fingerprints were extracted from the bottle of odorless mosquito repellent. One of them was from the deceased, and the other two have not been determined yet."

Zheng Kaixuan took a sip of hot drink and continued: "These two situations are just to tell you. The technical team will be responsible for Song Zhixun's DNA and fingerprint comparison. If there is news, I will be notified as soon as possible."

"I suggest sending someone to confirm Song Zhixun's alibi and see if he has time to commit the crime." Zhao Ying proposed.


Zheng Kaixuan nodded: "Then send two people, and the rest will be off work, and they will be at the branch office at seven tomorrow morning."

"Team Zheng, you should arrange it." Zhao Ying smiled bitterly.

The police are also human. Everyone has been busy for a day and wants to go home early to rest. Who wants to continue working overtime.

Zheng Kaixuan shook the hot drink cup: "Those who drink milk can leave work; those who drink coffee go to investigate Song Zhixun's alibi."

Suddenly, several families are happy and several are sad...

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