Detective from The Future

Chapter 403: Suspect

"What is the name of the person you are talking about?"

"Pang Shuhai also belongs to our village."

"Why fight?" Han Bin asked.

"Hey, it's not for the safety of natural gas. Their family lives in the west entrance of the village, next to my family's land. They have to repair natural gas from our family's land. We definitely don't want to, so we didn't agree. As a result, he paid He went straight to our house and made trouble, and this Liangzi ended up." Tan Jianguo sighed:

"Once, their family wanted to secretly install it. I caught it. There was a conflict. The two of us quarreled. My son almost got into a fight with Pang Shuhai for me. Now it's really inappropriate to think about it. "

"This installation of the natural gas pipeline, is it underground or above the ground?"

"On the ground."

"Then logically speaking, it should have little effect on the fields."

"At the beginning, we were not very clear. We felt that it was a bit dangerous when it came to natural gas. Why should we pass from my home. If Pang Shuhai made it clear at the time, let us understand the specific installation method and say something nice. Give me some compensation, maybe our family will agree."

Tan Jianguo wiped out his tears and choked up: "Who knows, he is even more horizontal than ours. As soon as he comes up he makes trouble, and our house is naturally up. Anyway, the natural gas cannot be secured, and it is not our home who is anxious. What to be afraid of."

Speaking of this, Han Bin can understand it. In fact, it is not a major event. It is nothing more than the installation of natural gas by Pang Shuhai's family. The pipeline has to pass over Tan Jianguo's fields, but Tan Jianguo is a little unhappy.

If Pang Shuhai came to the door with a gift and invited Tan Jianguo to have a meal and say something nice, it might have happened. It's just that Pang Shuhai's attitude was a bit tough at the time.

Zhao Ming on the side interrupted and said, "For this little thing, I won't kill people."

"This village is different from the outside, and most of it is because of trivial things." Sun Weixi flicked the soot and gave an example: "My family has one child, your family has two children, and my child gets married, and you gave it two hundred. Your family Two children get married, I will give a few hundred?"

Zhao Ming shook his head: "I really don't know this. Generally, my parents do things like courtesy."

Tian Li on the side couldn't help asking, "Sergeant Sun, then do you say you should give one hundred or two hundred?"

Sun Weixi spread out his hands: "There is no clear statement. If you think the relationship is good, you don't care about the money, so you can give two hundred each, for a total of four hundred. If you are afraid of losing money, give one hundred each, and add up to two hundred. . All consciously."

"But you have to give one hundred each, and he will feel unhappy when he meets someone who likes to care about things. I will give your children two hundred and eat a wedding feast. You give my children 100 each and eat two meals from my family. The wedding banquet, it’s clear to take advantage of me. Maybe I hate you. This village is a small society, and everyone has it."

"There are so many stinks for this."

Tian Li shrugged: "Then the two children will be given one hundred each. One wedding banquet will be given, and the other will not go to the wedding banquet. It would be fair."

Zhao Ming curled his lips: "If you really want to be so clear, you don't have to make this friend."

"Okay." Han Bin waved his hand to stop the two from discussing this topic, and asked Tan Jianguo who was on the side: "Pang Shuhai said that he would kill your son."


"What do you say?"

Tan Jianguo said with a face: "He said, surnamed Tan, what kind of thing are you, even your own wife ran away, and you are fierce with me, annoying me, and killing you."

"Are there anyone else present?"

Tan Jianguo thought for a while: "There was me, Pang Shuhai's wife, and a cadre in the brigade. I remember clearly that Pang Shuhai pointed at my son's nose, looking vicious."

"Where does Pang Shuhai live?"

"There is a weighing scale opposite to the west entrance of Linyi Village."

"When was the last time your son met Pang Shuhai?"

Tan Jianguo shook his head: "I never heard that they met again."

"On January 22, what did your son go out for?"

"Buy meat."

"Buy meat on New Year's Day 28, and cook meat on 29, is it a bit late?" Han Bin said.

"We bought meat before, and it was cooked on the 24th, but at that time the meat was expensive and cooked less, and I ate half a half in two days. On the 28th, I heard from a friend that a batch of national reserve meat was shipped over. Now, this is the welfare that the state gives to our people. The price of meat is much cheaper, so I thought about buying a little more and my son went.” Tan Jianguo wiped his nose and continued to recall:

"In the evening he sent me a message and said he couldn't come back. He was going to a friend's house for a drink. I asked him if he bought the meat? He didn't return me."

"After he went out to buy meat, did he call you?"


"Has anyone seen him?"

"I asked a few relatives and several friends he frequented and said no."

"In other words, you can't be sure that the person who sent the message is himself?" Han Bin asked.


"He sent a message, did he say he should go to drink?"


"You take us to Pang Shuhai's house. We need to investigate."

Afterwards, the group drove two police cars straight to Pang Shuhai's home in Linyi Village.

The car stopped at the door, and the door was locked from the outside before getting off.

"Mr. Tan, are you sure this is Pang Shuhai's family?" Han Bin confirmed.

"It can't be wrong, further west is my home." Tan Jianguo said firmly.

After getting out of the car, Han Bin looked around. Pang Shuhai's family lived in the westernmost part of the village. The three-story building was beautifully built, and it looked like it was newly built.

The neighbor living in the east came out to take out the trash, and Tan Jianguo shouted to him: "Sister Zhang, where is Pang Shuhai's house?"

"I drove away the day before yesterday afternoon, and I don't know where to go," said the woman taking out the garbage.

"What time did you leave the day before yesterday afternoon?"

"It's more than five o'clock, I can't remember." The woman finished speaking, and went back to her home.

Zhao Ming thoughtfully asked, "Does the time they left coincide with the time the victim was killed?"

Han Bin nodded: "The time to leave is a bit coincidental."

"It must have been done by the surname Pang, or he ran away with a guilty conscience, Comrade Police, you must call the shots for my son." Tan Jianguo shouted.

"Mr. Tan, do you know any close relatives in Pang Shuhai's family?" Han Bin asked.

Tan Jianguo thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't have much contact with him before."

"Why don't you inquire about it in the village." Zhao Ming suggested.

Han Bin shook his head: "The game Feiyan is so violent that it is not suitable for large-scale visits for the time being."

"Comrade police, you can't ignore my son. What if the murderer destroys the evidence and runs away." Tan Jianguo showed a worried look, fearing that Han Bin and others would worry that Fei Yan would choose to leave the game.

Han Bin explained: "Mr. Tan, not visiting does not mean not investigating the case. Our police have our own investigative methods and will find out the whereabouts of Pang Shuhai as soon as possible."

"Then when will you catch Pang Shuhai?"

"We will do it as soon as possible."

"Then I'll go home, I will explain to my wife and grandson, I..." Tan Jianguo cried again.

When Han Bin was in some difficulty, Tian Li came over: "Group leader, the technical team has already replied."

"How to say?"

"Tan Guyou's cell phone is no longer in the service area and cannot be located."

"Who had he contacted before the accident?"

"There are three contacts. One of them is Tan Jianguo. He only sent text messages to Tan Jianguo, but didn't have a phone call. The owners of the remaining two mobile phone numbers are Ma Gaohai and Feng Ruili. Both of them are with Tan Guyou. Through the words, Feng Ruili is the last contact."

Tan Jianguo was stunned when he heard this.

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