Detective from The Future

Chapter 408: Drink without driving


Lao Zhang's car repair shop.

The car repair shop was closed, and the boss's house was not far away. After Lu Xuepo made a phone call, the boss strolled over.

The boss looked at his forties, with a cigarette in his mouth, and asked Lu Xuepo, "Didn't you say that you will pick up the car in the next year? Why is it here again."

"Boss Zhang, how is my car repaired?"

"It's been fixed early, didn't I call you to tell you, you said you would come to pick it up in a few days."

"It just so happens that I want to use a car today."

Boss Zhang opened the door and glanced at Li Hui and others: "This is also to pick up the car with you."

"Yes, they are my friends."

Boss Zhang nodded, thinking Lu Xuepo was going to drive out to work.

There is a large yard behind the garage, with three cars parked, one of which is a white Honda.

Li Hui walked over, circled the car, and looked carefully.

"Let's take a look, it's all fixed." Boss Zhang said.

"Boss, where has this car been repaired?" Li Hui asked.

"Front bumper and brake pads."

"Where is the old bumper?" Li Hui asked.

Boss Zhang recalled for a moment, and pointed to Lu Xuepo on the side: "I remember the day the car was repaired, after the bumper was removed, he took it away."

Li Hui looked at Lu Xuepo on the side: "Where is the old bumper?"

"'s useless, just sell waste."

"Where did you sell it?"

Lu Xuepo hesitated for a moment: "That day, there happened to be a waste seller shouting in the street, so I just sold it to him, and I don't know where he is."

Li Hui nodded, and said solemnly: "Well, that's a good reason."

Lu Xuepo said sternly: "Comrade police, please believe that what I said is true."

Li Hui stepped aside and explained a few words to the technical team.

Afterwards, the technical team opened the suitcase they were carrying and took out several inspection tools from it.

One of the bottles was like some kind of spray reagent. The technical team sprayed a few times in front of the car, but there was no response. Then he said to Lu Xuepo on the side: "Open the rear compartment."

Lu Xuepo squeezed out a bit of bitterness: "There is nothing in the trunk."

"Open it." Li Hui said.

Lu Xuepo hesitated for a moment, but as instructed, walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk door.

The technical team walked over, took a look, and then took the reagent and sprayed it a few times in the car, and the car immediately appeared red.

"There is blood in the trunk."

"Huh!" Lu Xuepo's face changed and her mouth grew wide:

" could it..."

Li Hui snorted coldly, "Do you think it will be fine after scrubbing?"

While checking the surveillance, Li Hui found that when the car appeared near the scene where the body was thrown, the front bumper had been damaged. In other words, the scene of the collision was not near the scene where the body was thrown. Pulled from the scene of the collision to the scene where the body was thrown.

Then the place where the corpse is stored is probably the trunk.

This also explains why Du Qi did not find the location of the scene of the accident at the scene where the body was thrown.


Two days ago.

January 22.

At this time, although the game Feiyan has already started, it has not attracted enough attention, especially Qindao is far away from the pathogen, and many people in Qindao have not realized the seriousness of the problem.

A few days ago, Lu Xuepo received a call from the high school monitor asking him to attend the class reunion at 7pm on the 22nd.

Lu Xuepo readily agreed.

The classmates haven't seen him for a long time, and Lu Xuepo also wants to meet them, especially those who have a good relationship in high school. Now they are all running around the world, which means they can get together during the New Year.

Another, his family has just bought a new car, and he wants to show off that he is no worse than others.

Lu Xuepo originally didn't want to drink, but the classmates haven't seen him for a year, and everyone else drinks it. If you don't drink it, what are you going to do, especially the female classmate holding a wine glass toast. Do you drink it?

There are also a few male classmates who have a good relationship.

Reluctantly, Lu Xuepo decided to drink two glasses less.

But for wine, as long as you have one drink, you will have the next one.

You drank with one classmate, and another classmate came to toast. Do you drink?

Not drinking is to look down on others.

While drinking, Lu Xuepo drank too much.

Originally this was not a big deal, Lu Xuepo wanted to find a driver.

But as soon as he heard that he was going to Lujia Village, no one wanted to run, and one of them asked him 300 yuan.

When Lu Xuepo heard it, he might as well drive back by himself. He believed in his driving skills. Besides, it was the twenty-eighth Chinese New Year, and the traffic police should be on holiday too.

With a fluke, Lu Xuepo drove home by himself. An accident happened shortly after he entered Qingbin Road.

Lu Xuepo saw a shadow on the road in front of the car, but because he had a slow response after drinking, it was too late when he stepped on the brake.

The car hit that thing and ran over it.

Lu Xuepo was frightened in a cold sweat, and most of the time he woke up with alcohol, he quickly got out of the car to check.

Seeing a person lying under the car, he was scared to sit on the ground, sweating all over, and his teeth were shaking.

Lu Xuepo was so frightened that he sat there for two minutes.

When he came back to his senses, he pulled the man out of the car and touched his nose. He had no breath.

Lu Xuepo backed away in fright.

In winter, the night weather was close to zero degrees, but Lu Xuepo broke out in a cold sweat.

He took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call, but hesitated and put it down.

He drank.

Drinking and killing someone is going to jail.

Lu Xuepo thought over and over again, but still did not dare to call the police, and moved the body to the trunk of the car and transported it to the Lushui River to throw the body.

For safety's sake, the victim's coat was also stripped off, but after a search, the ID card and mobile phone of the deceased were not found.

Lu Xuepo only assumed that he had fallen on the scene of the accident, and did not dare to look for it again. He tied a stone to the corpse and threw the corpse into the river.

Lu Xuepo returned home, still in a panic, still thinking about it, and fell asleep dazedly under the sting of alcohol.

After waking up the next day, the family asked about the crash of the car. He also made up a nonsense saying that he hit a tree and was taught by the family in turn.

Subsequently, Lu Xuepo sent the car to the repair shop.

After doing all this, Lu Xuepo breathed a sigh of relief, and then recalled what had happened before to see if there were any omissions.

At this time, he was no longer anesthetized by alcohol, nor was he panic before. After thinking about it carefully, he really found the problem.

First, after the victim was hit by him, he immediately lost his breath, did he die too quickly?

Second, the victim was hit and killed by a car. It is said that he should have shed a lot of blood, but neither the location of the accident nor the trunk of the car left much blood.

This made Lu Xuepo a little suspicious, could it be that he hit a dead person at the time.

But after thinking about it, he dumped the body in the river. He drank alcohol at the time and couldn't remember it.

He can only hope that this matter will pass in confusion.

Who ever thought, the police came to the door.

The moment he was handcuffed, Lu Xuepo kept a word in his mind.

Drink without driving!

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