Seven o'clock in the morning the next day.

It was still dark, and several cars drove into Cheng'an Village.

Some people got off the car, including Ma Jingbo and Wang Xiao from the city criminal investigation team; Han Bin and Zeng Ping from the Yuhua branch; and four police officers from the local police station.

The head of Cheng'an Village was not very old, he seemed to be in his thirties, and he hurried over.

"Director Yu, what mission do we have this time? Why are so many people here?"

This time it was Yu Haozhen, director of the Qingguang Town Police Station who assisted in the search.

I have to say that the name of the city bureau is really good. If Han Bin is in charge of this search, at best, the sheriff will be responsible for assisting in the investigation.

If Zeng Ping leads the search, a deputy director should be sent to assist.

"We are going to search a factory on the north side of your village." Director Yu said.

"Which workshop? Why do we search for workshops?" the village chief asked.

Director Yu introduced; "This is the captain of the city criminal investigation team, let him talk to you."

"Hi Captain Horse."

Ma Jingbo glanced at the other party: "How do you call it?"

"My last name is Sun."

Ma Jingbo took out a tablet computer: "Village Chief Sun, we want to find the factory here."

"I took a look." Village Chief Sun took the tablet and did some research: "This is our village, the north entrance of the village, the transformer is here, this factory is... the feed factory of Zhang Laowu."

"Is anyone in the factory?"

"No, we have already given notice, and work will not be allowed to start during this time."

"Where is this old Zhang from?"

"It's in our village, living on the west side of the village, and his family can be regarded as a rich family in the village, a family of children."

Ma Jingbo stepped aside, discussed with Director Yu, and then divided his troops into two directions.

Director Yu took two policemen, Zeng Ping, Wang Xiao, and Sun Xiaopeng to Zhang Laowu's house to temporarily control Zhang Laowu.

Ma Jingbo, Han Bin and others went directly to the factory.

Considering that the suspect was probably hiding in the factory, in order to avoid being stunned, Han Bin and others did not drive anymore, but walked to the door of the factory under the leadership of the village chief.

A sign hung at the entrance of the factory with four characters, Fulong Feed.

There were no lights in the factory, it was quiet, and no movement was heard.

Han Bin tiptoedly walked to the door of the factory and found that the door of the factory was locked. Looking through the gap in the door, it was empty and no one was seen.

Han Bin waved his hand, Zhao Ming, with the assistance of Li Hui, rushed directly to the wall, observed the movement in the factory, and then made a gesture to Han Bin.

Han Bin pointed to Tian Li on the side, and the other hand passed a large iron tongs, and Han Bin broke the lock directly.

"Crack." There was a crisp sound.

Zhao Ming stared at the courtyard without any response.

After that, Han Bin pulled open the factory door, and Ma Jingbo took the pistol and rushed in directly.

Han Bin and Li Hui also took out their guns and followed Ma Jingbo into the factory.

The area of ​​the factory is not small, as soon as you enter it is a spacious compound with a workshop also locked.

Han Bin and others searched the yard now, but no traces of cars or people were found.

However, the tire marks were obviously left in the yard, and the tire marks have been extended into the factory.

Han Bin took the big iron tongs, followed the same pattern, and broke the lock on the iron door.

Although it is locked from the outside, there is little possibility of someone inside, but no one dares to take it lightly.

In case there are gangsters hidden inside, the police are in the light and the other party is in the dark, it is easy to cause casualties.

"Crack..." The door of the factory building was pulled open with a sound. The iron door was a bit rusty, and the sound was loud. If there were people inside, he would definitely be alarmed.

To be on the safe side, Han Bin and others did not rush in immediately, but shouted outside: "We are the police. You are already surrounded. Put down your weapons and come out immediately."

After a while, nothing was heard.

Han Bin and others rushed in with guns and searched the factory building.

There are no people in the workshop, there are many machines for making feed, and there is a strong smell of feed.

The only thing that didn't match up was a white BMW parked in the middle of the factory entrance.

Han Bin glanced at the license plate. It was indeed the car driven by Zhao Xiaoshan. There was no one in the car.

Ma Jingtao put away the pistol and shouted to the outside: "It has been searched. The factory is safe. No suspects have been found. Call the technical team in."

Han Bin checked around the car, and when the technical team arrived, he handed the scene to them.

Li Hui yawned: "It's not worthwhile that we got up early, and if we find the car, we can follow the vine and catch the suspect."

In order to avoid causing panic among the villagers, Han Bin and others gathered at the branch office at six o'clock in order to complete the search task before dawn.

"Zhao Xiaoshan's car is hidden in this factory. It must be related to Zhang Laowu, the person in charge of the factory. Maybe the suspect is hidden in Zhang Laowu's house. Do we want to support it there?" Zhao Ming suggested.

"Han Bin, you take Zhao Ming and Tian Li over. It is enough to leave Li Hui, Du Qi and the policeman from the police station."

"Understood." Han Bin responded and left the factory.

Under the leadership of the village chief, Han Bin and others also rushed to Zhang Laowu's house.

On the way, Mr. Sun introduced Zhang Laowu's situation. Zhang Laowu is in his thirties this year. Daming's name is Zhang Jinlong. There are many brothers in the family.

In the village, people with many brothers do not suffer, and they speak harder than others.

Zhang Jinlong got the feed factory and made a lot of money, and he was more confident.

It is countable in the village.

He bought two homesteads and connected them together to build a European-style square, which looked like a small villa, with great style.

Zeng Ping has already taken people into Zhang Jinlong's house, and the five members of Zhang Jinlong's family have been controlled.

In addition to Zhang Jinlong himself, he also has his wife, two sons and a daughter.

"Comrade police, is there any misunderstanding, how can you arrest people randomly?"

Zeng Ping snorted, "Stop talking nonsense, what did you commit yourself, you don't know?"

Han Bin came over and said a few words to Zeng Ping in a low voice, and learned that Zhao Xiaoshan's car had been found in the factory of Zhang Jinlong's house. Zeng Ping felt more confident.

"Copy it up and take it away."

"Don't don't don't, comrade police, we have something to say, I said, I said it's not OK." Zhang Jinlong was a little panicked and hurriedly begged for mercy.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside, and three men with faces similar to Zhang Jinlong rushed over from outside.

"Golden Dragon, what's the matter." A man of about forty years old shouted.

Village Chief Sun reminded: "The three at the door are Zhang Jinlong's brothers, and the one who speaks is his second brother."

"I'll go and see." Director Yu didn't take it seriously, and went out with two policemen.

This kind of thing, he handles too much, to him is just a small scene.

"Zhang Jinlong, be lenient in confession and strict in resistance. For those who celebrate the New Year, don't find trouble for yourself." Zhao Ming began to sing black face.

"I recruit, I recruit. At the end of the year, a supplier asked me for money. I really didn't have money at the time, and others didn't give me the money that others owed me. Everyone is like this, you owe me. What I owe you is nothing, I didn't even pay the workers' wages."

"Say the key point." Zhao Ming scolded.

"The supplier was in a hurry for what I wanted, and the two of us quarreled. After all, we owed money. He scolded me a few words and it was fine, but the point was that he scolded my mother and I fought him. ."

"Later, I felt puzzled. I found his house at night and smashed the car in front of his house. I knew it was wrong. I shouldn't do this. I really knew it was wrong."

Han Bin was angry and funny: "You are bullying and you smashed someone's car. Do you know that this is illegal?"

"I...I was too angry at the time. He scolded my mother and I couldn't bear it. He scolded me, but he scolded my mother. Even if I fight with him, I can't bear it." Zhang Jinlong said with a stubborn neck.

Zeng Ping sneered: "Don't avoid the importance here and just take it lightly. You know that we are not here. This matter is not worthy of us mobilizing the crowd, and quickly explain it honestly."

Zhang Jinlong shook his head: "Comrade Police, there is really nothing else to do. I said everything, no more."

"Is the feed factory in the north of Cheng'an Village yours?" Han Bin asked back.

"It's mine. I'm doing a little business. I haven't done much recently. I caught up with pneumonia. I don't know when I can start work. I'm worried.

"Whose BMW is in the factory?"

"What BMW?"

Han Bin's face was stern: "You are still pretending to be with me. We have already gone to your workshop and found a white BMW in the workshop."

Zhang Jinlong showed a puzzled look: "Comrade police, I bought a three-handed Audi. There really is no BMW."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and turned out the photos taken in the factory: "Look at it for yourself, is it your factory?"

"This... is my factory, but... whose car is this car, it's not my car, really it's not mine?"

"It's not your car, why is it in your factory?"

"Comrade police, I don't know, could someone frame me!" Zhang Jinlong was anxious.

"How framed, you say, let us listen?"

"I... could someone break the lock and park the car in my factory."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and turned out a photo again: "Look at it, is it your lock?"

Zhang Jinlong checked it carefully: "Yes, yes, the locks at the entrance of the factory and the entrance of the factory are all of the same brand. I bought it last summer, yes."

"Then it can't be wrong. I pinched off the two locks. I checked and there was no trace of damage or being picked." Han Bin said.

"This... can't, we will be like this..." Zhang Jinlong was also a little confused.

"Does anyone other than you have the key to the factory?"

Zhang Jinlong bit his lip and shrugged his right shoulder slightly: "No, I am the only one who has the key to the factory."

Han Bin has been staring at each other, judging that he has lied through his micro expressions. What's more, it is impossible for a boss to get up and go to the factory every day to open the door. He is very suspected of lying.

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