Detective from The Future

Chapter 433: Cross comparison

Han Bin told Zhao Ming and Tian Li of his guess.

Tian Li found Zhao Xiaoshan's mobile phone communication records and searched those mobile numbers on the Internet.

"Group leader, you really guessed it right. A year ago, Zhao Xiaoshan also called for a job."

Because Zhao Xiaoshan disappeared only a year later, and it was ten days later, these numbers were not taken seriously at first.

Zhao Ming interrupted, "Brother Bin, let's not go to the traffic police monitoring center. Compare the communication records of the two people. As long as they have the same contact number, it proves that they have been to the same company for an interview."

"For such a simple reason, I still need to remind you. Before, I compared the communication records of two mobile phone numbers, and there is no same contact number." Tian Li said.

"You have to call when you go to the company for an interview. If you have been to the same company for an interview, how could you not have the same contact number." Zhao Ming questioned.

"I also thought about this question." Tian Li took the stubbornly.

"Zhao Xiaoshan died in the new year, but the company did not go to work during the Spring Festival, and he could not apply to the company. He should have applied for a job a year ago. This is also shown in his communication records, and we only printed Zhao Xiaoshan's death. The communication records of the first half month, is this time range a bit short?"

Han Bin nodded, it is indeed possible, "Extend the communication records of the three deceased to one month, and then compare them."

"Tian Li, leave it to you."

"it is good."

"Brother Bin, let's go to the traffic police monitoring center."

"Go, time is running out, we can't wait and put all our hopes on the communication records. Find out where Ren Jianhua went before he disappeared, and we can also find clues to the suspect."

Zhao Ming drove Tian Li to the Yuhua branch first, and asked Tian Li to check whether the hotel monitoring of No. 8, 9, 10, and 11 was covered. If it is covered, it needs to be sent to the technical team for recovery as soon as possible.

Han Bin and Zhao Ming went to the traffic police monitoring center as planned.

According to the hotel attendant, Ren Jianhua left the hotel at 9 am on the 11th.

The hotel is located near the intersection of Huacui Road and Changyuan Street.

Han Bin started investigating from the monitoring of this intersection.

Monitoring not only requires patience and skill, but luck is also important.

There are many ways of transportation now, and it is still difficult to find them.

The hotel is the nearest to this intersection, but Ren Jianhua may not necessarily leave this intersection.

Leaving is not necessarily a walk, and it is possible to take a bus, taxi, online taxi, a friend’s car, or even a murderer’s car.

Both Han Bin and Zhao Ming checked the nearby intersections, but they did not find any trace of Ren Jianhua.

It was found after 6 o'clock in the evening, and there was still no clue, Han Bin and Zhao Ming went home directly.

The street was still empty. On the way back, Han Bin called his mother and wanted to tell her not to go home for dinner.

Wang Huifang did not force it, but told Han Bin that the rice was ready, and asked Han Bin to say when he was about to get home. Wang Huifang put the rice at the door of the house and Han Bin could take it upstairs to eat.

Han Bin had to admit that his mother was still smart.

As for the words of thanks, Han Bin did not say, nor could he say it out.

The love of parents for their children has become a universal instinct.

Outsiders give some good ones, and they are likely to be confidants.

Parental love has become a habit.

Han Bin went to his parents' house with a green insulated lunch box at the door. Han Bin knocked on the door, chatted with his mother, grandfather, and uncle, and then took the meal upstairs to eat.

Open the lunch box, the food inside is still hot, very rich, four dishes, one soup, one rice.

Rice and soup occupies one layer each, and the four dishes are divided into two layers.

At noon, Han Bin ate something casually, sticking his already hungry chest to his back.

In less than twenty minutes, Han Bin ate all the meals and drank a bottle of iced Coke.

Although the weather is relatively cold now, the iced taste is better.

As long as there are conditions, Han Bin is more particular about eating and drinking.

After the meal, Han Bin took a shower, read the novel while lying on the bed, and went to sleep.


The next morning, Han Bin put the cleaned lunch box at the door of his parents' house and went to work with breakfast from the door handle.

In order to facilitate Han Bin’s eating on the road, Wang Huifang made burritos. A freshly baked pie was filled with ham, bacon, omelette, lettuce, and tomato slices. He also blanched a bag of hot milk, which not only tasted good, but also nutritious. Also comprehensive.

After arriving at the office, Ma Jingbo convened a meeting to summarize the progress of yesterday's investigation.

Yesterday, Ma Jingbo took people to Cheng'an Village, made notes for the employees of Fulong Feed Factory, and investigated all the local employees, but found no clues.

There are also two non-local employees who were unable to arrive because of the closure of Lu.

Ma Jingbo decided to temporarily abandon the investigation of Fulong Feed Factory.

Investigating a case is a very complicated matter, and theory and practice are two different things.

Sometimes, solving a case also depends on probability and luck, and limited police force must be invested in key clues to investigate.

Fulong Feed Factory is suspected, but Ma Jingbo can't guarantee that he will be able to find the suspect if he follows this clue to death.

Yesterday, when investigating the case at Fulong Feed Factory, he found a lot of people watching the show.

This made him think of another possibility. The suspect may not necessarily be an employee of the feed factory. When Zhang Jinlin and Old Liu Tou hide the key or take the key, they may also be seen by people passing by.

In this way, the range of suspects is too large, and Ma Jingbo dare not continue to invest in a lot of police investigations.

Yesterday, Han Bin called him and complained about insufficient manpower.

Thinking of this, Ma Jingbo couldn't help asking: "Han Bin, what progress has been made in your investigation?"

Han Bin recounted the situation of the investigation and his own analysis.

After listening, Ma Jingbo agreed, "Yes, your analysis has a certain point. Since the two people have a job search in common, let's investigate around this point."

"Surveillance investigations are also very important. Although the previous surveillance investigations did not find suspicious vehicles and persons, there are now two cases and can be cross-checked. If the same vehicle or the same person appears near the scene of the two cases, then His suspicion is great."

"I re-arrange the task. The video can not be checked separately, but by a fixed person. The surveillance videos of the two cases are checked by different persons separately, so there is no cross-comparison effect, and it does not make much sense."

Zeng Ping offered himself, "Captain Ma, let me lead someone to investigate."

"Yes." Ma Jingbo nodded, and when he was about to speak again, there was a knock on the door outside.


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