Detective from The Future

Chapter 461: confusing

Ma Jingbo put down his chopsticks, "Do you think the suspect stayed at the scene?"

"Yes, I have such a guess." Han Bin said.

"Forensic Li speculated that the deceased was killed between 8 and 12 o'clock last night. We have postponed the surveillance inspection time to 2 o'clock in the morning. It is impossible for the suspect to stay on the scene for two hours." Ma Jingbo said.

Han Bin thought for a moment, "Actually, I always feel that something is wrong at the crime scene. Take the suspect we are tracking now, he is very likely to be in a drunk state."

Ma Jingbo asked, "You guessed it from the vomit in the green belt?"

"Not only that, from the vomit to the place where the dagger was buried, there is a set of footprints left by the suspect. The footprints are crooked, and at first glance they are in a drunk state. A drunk person can do everything. "

Bao Xing asked, "Leader Han, you didn't speculate just now that the crime scene is a bit like the scene of touching porcelain. A drunk person can't touch porcelain."

"Yes, that's why I said something was wrong at the scene." Han Bin responded and continued.

"Cars and blood stains are in line with the situation at the scene of the porcelain touch, but the green belt is like a drunk scene. The suspect's coat found in the trash can is stained with a lot of dirt. Although the trash can is dirty, there is not so much dirt in it. , Normal people will not roll in the green belt."

"I boldly speculate that the suspect used the method of touching porcelain to kill, and then planted the money on a drunk man. The drunk man was lying on the green belt. When he woke up, he found a **** coat and a dagger. He was terrified. , But didn't dare to run around with the dagger, so he wiped off the fingerprints on the dagger, buried the dagger in the nearby soil, and threw the coat into the trash can."

After Han Bin finished speaking, everyone was lost in thought.

At the scene of touching the porcelain, vomit, crooked shoe prints, buried daggers, and jackets thrown in the trash can, all the evidence was basically strung together, and there was no sense of conflict between the two scenes.

Ma Jingbo nodded, "The analysis is good, you continue."

"If the'suspect' we are looking for is really a drunkard, then the time when he left the scene is uncertain. It may be shortly after the incident, or before dawn, so the monitoring time of the T-junction should be investigated. Presumably before the incident." Han Bin said.

Bao Xing suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Courts, did the person who called the police get in touch? If Team Leader Han's analysis is correct, the person we are following is not the real murderer, but just a planted drunk, then will he be the reporter? ."

"The caller has shut down and has not been contacted yet." Ma Jingbo said.

Bao Xing snapped his fingers, "Will I be right? This reporter is the suspect we are following."

"I'll leave this clue to you to investigate."


Ma Jingbo pointed to Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang and said, "Just as your group leader Han said, continue to investigate the surveillance of the T-shaped intersection in the afternoon and expand the scope of surveillance video investigation."

"Yes." Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang responded.

Although according to Han Bin's analysis, the ‘suspect’ they are looking for is probably not the real murderer, but both of them are old criminal investigators and will not relax their investigation of this clue.

Even if the person being tracked is not a suspect, he may be an eyewitness. No matter how bad he is, he can confirm Han Bin’s speculation and exclude a clue before a new clue can be traced.

After the meal, the group returned to the city bureau.

Ma Jingbo went to the second group. He was the captain of the second squadron, so he couldn't just stare at the first group.

In the morning, Ma Jingbo paid attention to it and found that Han Bin and the team members were getting along well, and that Han Bin's criminal investigation ability was outstanding, and it was not a big problem whether he was there or not.

After taking a break in the office, Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang continued to check and monitor the traffic police brigade.

Li Qin checked Mike's passport information and transit information in the public security system.

Name, Mike

Last name, Fraser

Passport code, USA

Passport type, P

Nationality, American

Sex: Male

Place of birth

Date of birth, 1987, May 6

Entry time, December 5, 2018

Only some basic information about Mike can be found from the public security system, but there is no record of his situation in the United States.

Whether the nature of the case was vendetta, love murder, or robbery, it is impossible to judge based on the current evidence.

And understanding Mike's past experience will be of great help in judging the nature of the case.

For example, whether the death of Mike's brother is related to Mike's death is a very important clue. If you can communicate directly with the American police, it will definitely be the best, but the actual operation is very difficult.

In the afternoon, Han Bin took Li Qin and Bao Xing to Qindao Foreign Language Institute.

He wants to learn more about Mike from here.

It was Chen Haijing, deputy director of the Department of Foreign Languages, who received the three Han Bin.

Chen Haijing is in her thirties. She wears black-rimmed glasses and curly hair in her shawl. She is not tall and very thin.

After introducing each other, Chen Haijing sighed, "Last night, I met with Mike, and everyone had a good chat. I didn't expect...hey, life is impermanent."

"I heard you had dinner last night?"

Chen Haijing pushed the glasses, "Yesterday was the first day of the formal class. On behalf of the school, I invited five foreign teachers to dinner. This is our practice, not my personal decision."

"Who are at the dinner party?"

"Only me and five foreign teachers from the college."

"Where did you eat?"

"An island restaurant called Four Seasons Cuisine, located on Siming Street, not far from the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"When did you arrive at the restaurant?"

"We made an appointment at eight o'clock in the evening, and the end of the dinner is about ten o'clock in the evening."

"Mike left at ten o'clock in the evening?"

"Oh, no, Mike seems to have left early."


"How should I put it, foreigners are more personal, they come from different countries, sometimes they don’t talk together, some people leave early." Chen Haijing pinched his forehead and recalled.

"I remember that Elizabeth was the first to leave last night, and then it was Mike. He should have left after nine o'clock. I can't remember exactly when."

"Do you know Mike?"

"To understanding."

Han Bin asked, "When did Mike come to Qindao Foreign Language Institute?"

Chen Haijing recalled, "I remember it was March 19, and he came soon after I mentioned the deputy director."

"Mike is you responsible for recruiting?"

"Yes, in order to improve the English level of the students, these foreign teachers are specially hired for learning. They are professional, responsible, and fun in class. Many students like Mike. He gets along with his classmates like friends."

"What did Mike do when he was in America?"


"Which financial company is he in?"

Chen Haijing hesitated for a moment, "I can't remember well, but there should be a record in the file."

"If it is convenient, we would like to take a copy of Mike's file."

"I will ask the school leader for instructions, I believe there should be no problem."

"Thank you." Han Bin said politely and continued to ask, "Director Chen, take the liberty to ask, have you seen Mike after the dinner?"

"No, I haven't seen him since he left the restaurant."

"Where did you go after the dinner?"

"Haha." Chen Haijing shook her head and laughed. "Officer Han, are you suspicious of me?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's just a routine inquiry."

"After the dinner, I went home. I arrived home at around 10:40. I washed myself and went to bed. As soon as school started, there were a lot of school affairs, so I went to bed early."

"When did David leave?"

Chen Haijing hesitated for a moment, "He also left after the dinner."

"How is the relationship between Mike and David?"

"Yeah." Chen Haijing wanted to say something but stopped, "How can I put it, we are not very good at interfering in the private life of the foreign teacher. The two of them do have some quarrels usually."

"What dispute?"

Chen Haijing gave a wry smile, "Ma Jiajia should have told you."

"I want to hear what you say."

"Ma Jiajia is David's ex-girlfriend. The two men will definitely not have a good relationship."

"Did Mike have a drink during dinner last night?"

Chen Haijing shook her head, "No, he came by car."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "Director Chen, I want to meet the foreign teachers who are attending the dinner."

"Mike's death should be just an accident. It should have nothing to do with other foreign teachers. They can't be related to the murder case." Chen Haijing looked embarrassed.

"Director Chen misunderstood. I just wanted to find out about Mike's situation and determine when he left the restaurant." Han Bin said.

Chen Haijing hesitated, "Then, the three of you go to the conference room for a break, I will contact them."

"Thank you."

"It should be."

After a while, Han Bin and the three were taken to the conference room, and Chen Haijing left.

Then, a young teacher came in and poured a cup of tea for each of Han Bin's three.

The three of Han Bin sat all right, and discussed the case again.

Bao Xing said, "Director Chen said just now that they had a dinner at 8 o'clock last night, and Mike left after 9 o'clock, and it was at least 20 to 30 minutes from Four Seasons Cuisine to the scene of the crime, which means that the crime time can be accurate to 9:30 Until twelve o'clock."

Li Qin took the remarks, "The time of the crime can be precise, but I think it should be between nine o'clock and twelve o'clock. Mike was killed at the scene of the crime, but it is very likely that Mike left the restaurant and was controlled by the suspect."

Bao Xing asked, "If Mike is controlled by the murderer in advance, he can kill Mike directly in the car. Why take Mike out of the car."

"It is also possible that the murderer wanted to deliberately fake the scene of the bumper, and did not want people to know the fact that he was already in the car." Li Qin analyzed.

Han Bin touched his chin, "Do you think it was an acquaintance who committed the crime?"

"If it's just a simple robbery of money, then it's probably a kind of murder. But if it's a vendetta? Or premeditated murder, I think acquaintances are likely to commit crimes." Li Qin said.

Han Bin lighted a cigarette and took a deep breath.

Li Qin's words reminded him.

He remembered that when he checked the crime scene, there was a smell of alcohol in the car.

Chen Haijing said that Mike didn't drink, where did the alcohol come from?

There are other people in the car.

Is the touch-ceramic scene really a disguise? Or is it a gang committing crimes?

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