Detective from The Future

Chapter 469: trial

Qindao Airport.

When Han Bin and Bao Xing arrived at the airport, it was already 12 noon.

Most people will arrive at the airport one to two hours earlier by plane, and Han Bin estimated that Hal may have arrived at the airport.

Afterwards, Han Bin joined Ma Jingbo and others.

Ma Jingbo has already contacted the airline and prepared for arrest with the assistance of the airline's ground crew.

The method of arrest is very simple, as long as there are three plans.

A set of plans is to implement arrest at the ticket collection counter. Of course, Hal may also use a self-service ticket collection machine, so a supplementary plan is needed.

The second set of plans is to carry out arrests at the security checkpoints. This pass must be passed. However, considering that the airport is crowded with people, it may not be convenient for arrests at the time. A third set of plans was also formulated.

The third set is very simple. The arrest is carried out in the terminal. People waiting for the plane will usually be near the boarding gate. It is not difficult to find the suspect Hal.

Even if Hal deliberately stayed away from the boarding gate, he still had to pass the check-in time. To put it bluntly, he just waited, he couldn't run.

The question we are thinking about now is to arrest Hal in the safest, fastest, and least impactful way.

After Han Bin arrived in time, he also participated in the discussion of the arrest plan.

After some discussions, they finally prepared to adopt a second set of plans, waiting for the suspect to pass the security checkpoint and investigate.

Hal may be a member of the gang. He is very likely to carry weapons. The security check can remove his teeth and turn him into a toothless tiger, which can minimize the risk of capture.

Although the location of the arrest was at the security checkpoint, when Hal got the ticket from the counter, he was already stared at by Bao Xing and Wang Xiao.

Hal is a tall black man. It is not easy for the Chinese to distinguish the appearance of blacks, but Hal has a characteristic, his lips are very thick.

Normal blacks have thicker lips than other races, while Hal's lips are thicker, like two pieces of sausage hanging on his face.

After Hal took the ticket, he wandered around the security checkpoint, his eyes swept around from time to time, with a vigilant look on his face.

Hal finished smoking a cigarette, threw the lighter into the trash can, then went to the toilet again, and went straight to the security checkpoint when he came out.

Wang Xiao continued to watch, Bao Xing entered the toilet, searched the cubicle that Hal had taken, and found a fruit knife in the toilet tank.

The fruit knife has been sharpened, and it is very sharp.

From this point of view, it is indeed safest to arrest near the security check.

Hal walked to the security checkpoint, put the ID on the counter, grinned and winked, "Hi, girl, you are so sweet."

The female counter clerk glanced at him and smiled.

"Yeah, you smiled at me, I know you like me."

The female counter clerk tucked the hair near her ear.

"Hey, you are teasing me, yeah, I know, this is my business card, you can contact me when you arrive in the United States, trust me, you will be a good guide."

The female counter clerk stamped and returned the certificate to him.

Hal blinked at the female counter clerk and entered the security checkpoint.

Hal put the items on the conveyor belt and stood on the inspection platform.

A ground crew member in a blue uniform, holding a testing instrument, inspected all around Hal.

"Beep..." A voice sounded from Hal's chest.

"Oye, it's my gold chain, the smallest one." Hal grinned and removed a gold chain from his neck.

The ground crew waved their hands and signaled Hal to leave.

Hal grinned at the sausage and wobbled towards the objects behind the detector.

At this moment, four men gathered together from the front and back. The leader was a man in his twenties who showed his police card. "Mr. Hal, I am Han Bin from the Criminal Investigation Team. I want to invite you. The police station knows some things."

Hal shrugged, "Oh, I bought a ticket. I have already bought a ticket. I want to go back to the United States. I don't have time to go to the police station with you."

"I will communicate with the airline and help you change your booking."

Hal spread his hands, "No, my mother is waiting at home, I must go back."

Han Bin smiled and opened his shirt. "Do you think only the American police have guns?"

Hal gritted his teeth, angry and helpless, "OK, Mr. Police, I respect you, I will go with you, I am innocent, I have nothing to fear."

"OK, go."

Hal sighed and could only honestly go back with Han Bin and others.

Bullying and fearing hardship are the characteristics of all bullies, regardless of national boundaries.

There is no need to be polite to such people.


It was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon to take Hal back to the police station.

Hal was clamoring for dinner on the road and ordered a beef burger. Ma Jingbo asked him to order a takeaway.

Huang Qianqian has helped everyone prepare the meal from the cafeteria.

Apart from others, the food provided by the City Criminal Investigation Team is much better than that of the Yuhua Branch, and the price is not expensive.

Huang Qianqian made a total of 8 dishes, braised pork, stir-fried cauliflower, fried small yellow croaker, dry pot potato chips, large plate chicken, mapo tofu, flavored eggplant, and each person also had two boxes of rice and a seaweed soup.

Ma Jingbo ate for a while, paddling his stomach, "This afternoon the Municipal Bureau has a meeting, I will leave after dinner, Han Bin, I will leave the interrogation of Hal to you."

Bao Xing curiously asked, "The horse team, what meeting are you driving today?"

"Aren't you kidding me? Why do you still ask me."

Bao Xing chuckled, "Aren't you busy with work these past two days? How can I have time."

Ma Jingbo snorted and explained, "People hold back for a long time, and they are easy to cause trouble when they let go. Recently, there has been a significant increase in cases of Qindao large and small, and the Municipal I Committee has also paid great attention. We cannot relax within the Municipal Bureau. Certain targeted measures must be implemented."

Ma Jingbo eats quickly, which is a habit developed in long-term case handling.

Ma Jingbo left after eating.

Han Bin gathered everyone together and watched a case summary meeting.

"Hal has been caught back, but other clues can't be relaxed. Li Qin and Jiang Yang stared at David this clue to see if he had an alibi."


"Bao Xing and Wang Xiao followed me to interrogate Hal."

Wang Xiao smiled bitterly, "Leader, I don't speak English either. I just sat in the interrogation room. I still don't participate in the interrogation. Let's investigate some other clues."

"Group leader, Qianqian's English is good, or let her take notes with us." Bao Xing suggested.

Han Bin glanced at Huang Qianqian, "You can speak English."

"I know a little."

"Yes." Han Bin agreed. It is not a bad thing to sit next to someone who can understand.


Municipal Criminal Investigation Team, the third interrogation room.

Hal was taken to the interrogation room, but he was not handcuffed and his freedom was not restricted.

Han Bin made a please gesture and motioned him to sit in a chair, "Mr. Hall, thank you for helping the police take the record."

"I want a cup of coffee." Hal shrugged.

"OK." Han Bin nodded and motioned to Huang Qianqian to pour him a cup of coffee.

"Hey, by the way, your Qindao beef burger is too small, there is not much meat at all, and it stuffed my teeth." Hal complained.

Han Bin was too lazy to pay attention to him, opened his notebook, and said straightforwardly, "Mr. Hall, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Mike?"

"We are friends."

"What are you looking for in Qindao for?"

Hal shrugged, "Travel, isn't Qindao a tourist city?"

"As far as we know, you didn't come to Qindao to travel as simply as possible."

"OK, what do you say I came to Qindao for?" Hal asked rhetorically.

"Listen to Hal, we asked you to come to the police station because we hope you can assist the police in the investigation, instead of asking you to talk back to the police and actively cooperate with the police investigation, so that you can leave early, understand?"

"Yeah, just ask."

"What are you going to do with Mike on Qindao, think about it later."

"This is a sad thing. Mike has a younger brother named Tony. Some time ago the trustee was beaten to death. So, I want to ask Mike to go back and seek justice for Tony."

"How to get justice?"

"Use our American way to get justice."

"Speaking carefully, I am very interested."

At this moment, Huang Qianqian came over and put a cup of coffee in front of Hal, "Your coffee."

"Hey girl, thank you for your coffee, you are very beautiful."

"Of course." Huang Qianqian was a little nervous, her brain blank.

"I have nothing to do with this case. You caught the wrong person. I am a good person. I have time to buy you coffee." Hal grinned and squeezed his eyes.

Huang Qianqian thought for a while, "Oh, what you said is a bit fast... can you slow down."

"What? What did you say?" Hal frowned, seeming not to understand.

Huang Qianqian organized the language, and finally gave up English and said in Chinese, "Oh...that...I should go back."

Huang Qianqian always thinks that her English is good. When watching American TV series, she can listen to a general idea. When she really uses it, she knows that she is still far short.

Watching American dramas and understanding the plot will give you a general idea. If you look at the actor's demeanor, you will be able to understand it.

At this time, there will be an illusion that one can understand English.

In fact, I can only listen to the general idea, but when I actually use it, I am confused, and the difference is far away.

Han Bin knocked on the table, and continued the topic just now, "How do you want Mike to be fair."

"Hey, Mr. Police, Mike is dead. Does it make sense to say this now?"

"Do you still want to change your sign again?"

"OK, actually, I'm just a messenger, it's Tony's family who wants to ask Mike back to preside over justice."

"Then tell what you know."

"Tony, Mike's younger brother, was shot and killed. He was still young. He died unjustly. His family wanted Mike to avenge Tony."

"How to get revenge?"

"Then I don't know, it's Mike's business. He is Tony's brother, not me." Hal is not stupid, knowing what to say and what not to say.

"Who killed Tony?"

"A Chinese who opened a Chinese restaurant, he killed Tony. I think Mike was probably also killed by him."

"What's the name of that Chinese?"

"Brother Liao."

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