Detective from The Future

Chapter 476: Wave after wave

Qindao Foreign Language School.

Six o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the sky was still a bit dark, and most of the students were still in the warm bed.

Of course, there are also a small number of classmates who have gotten up. As for what they are doing, it is impossible to say.

A pair of male and female classmates walked on campus holding hands. The girls looked around from time to time, "Yangyang, where are you taking me?"

"Hey, Fanfan, I'll take you to a secret place, where there are few people, and it will be our secret stronghold from now on." The male student smiled.

"Hey, you are necrotic. There are people everywhere in the school. There is no secret base." The female classmate said shyly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to have a look, it's really great there, basically no one goes there." The male student pulled the female student forward involuntarily.

After another walk, there is a five-story small slab building in front of it. The building is gray and looks very atmospheric.

"Ah, isn't this a foreign teacher's dormitory? Why are you bringing me here?" the girl was surprised.

"Fanfan, there are a total of five foreign teachers in our school. No, there are four now. I heard that one died. There are five people living in this building. Basically, there are no other people around here. They can be regarded as ours. Secret stronghold." The male student said.

"Yangyang, you have forgotten what happened last time. If you are seen by the teacher again, let me write an inspection again." The female classmate worried.

"Don't worry, didn't I just say it, here is relatively remote, no one else will come."

"What if you are seen by a foreign teacher?"

"You don't understand this. Foreigners are much more open than our Chinese. If they see it, they will not only not scold us, but also encourage us. This is what young people should do." Angrily, waving his fists,

"Last time that silly teacher X was an idiot. If I met him outside the school, he would definitely be shot out."

"Hmph, you are so good, even the teacher dare to hit." The female classmate hummed.

"It deserves it, who asked him to punish you to write a review. If he dares to bully you, I won't let him go. I @#¥%&..." The male student scolded.

The two of them walked to the right side of the foreign teacher's dormitory, hugged each other, and started playing.


After a few minutes of kissing, the two people let go of each other.

The male classmate was still unfinished. He looked around and there was still no one around, and then took the female classmate to the back of the building, which was more hidden.

"Yangyang, what are you doing?" the female classmate asked.

The male classmate smiled and took out the bag from his pocket to avoid transportation, "Fanfan, the back of the building is more hidden, basically no one will go, we can do something we love."

"You're necrotic, how good is it in school." The female student blushed and punched the male student on the chest.

"Fanfan, the school is only exciting, it will definitely be great." The male student was a little anxious, and involuntarily pulled the female student towards the back of the building.

At this time, the sky was still dark, and the female classmate said with some worry, "Go slowly, is the back of the building dirty?"

The two walked to the back, the male classmate had already hugged the female classmate, "Fanfan, come on, I almost miss you..."

The female classmate wanted to refuse to welcome her, but she still remained somewhat rational. She glanced around and found that there were personal items not far away, and hurriedly pushed the male classmate, "Yang Yang, what is that?"

The male student turned his head to look, but couldn't see clearly, so he walked a few steps forward, and after seeing the objects on the ground that day, he let out a scream.

"It's blood, dead!"



The second squadron of the city criminal investigation team, a group of offices.

Han Bin arrived at a cup of Tieguanyin and looked out the window in a daze. Last night, several of them started to check the surveillance in the afternoon, and they checked until nine o'clock in the evening, and their eyes were still a little sour.

Yesterday he thought that if he went to the Four Seasons Restaurant for dinner early after get off work, he found out the whereabouts of the white modern car, which would delay the meal.

After some comparisons, it has been determined that the car is a Hyundai SUV. When going to the scene of the crime, it was replaced with the Trumpchi logo and a license plate.

Han Bin and others have also checked, and the two license plates are fake.

As for the whereabouts of the white modern SUV, it appeared at the intersection of Yubin Road and Nanhuai Street at 7 o'clock in the evening, and then appeared at Feng Xifan's drunken scene. After going around in a circle, he rushed to the scene of the crime and returned at 12 in the evening. This intersection disappeared afterwards.

Han Bin gathered the people together, and when he was about to have a meeting, Ma Jingbo pushed the door and walked in, "Hey, is this going to be a meeting?"

"The horse team, you came just right, and I am going to report to you about my work." Han Bin got up and said.

"Any new clue?"

"We tracked a suspicious vehicle, which is probably the suspect's means of transportation." Han Bin said.

"Have you found the hiding place of that car?"

"The car finally disappeared near Yubin Road and Nanhuai Street. There was either a hiding place or a transfer station. I am going to check it out." Han Bin said.

"Send someone else, you have to go to Qindao Foreign Language Institute with me." Ma Jingbo got on the chair, took out a cigarette, and smoked it to himself.

"What happened to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute?"

"David is dead."

Everyone was silent for a moment.

After a while, Huang Qianqian showed a surprised look, "Didn't he just let it out yesterday, he died today?"

"At around six o'clock this morning, someone found his body under the foreign teacher's dormitory building. The comrades from the police station had arrived at the scene, and they fell to death."

"Suicide, or murder?"

Ma Jingbo spit out a cigarette. "It's still unclear, because we tried David before and it was a foreign-related case, so we reported directly to the city bureau."

Han Bin thought for a moment, "David didn't feel like someone who would commit suicide."

Wang Xiao frowned, "Is David's death related to Mike's death?"

Ma Jingbo continued, "This is what I am worried about. I am going to let the Second Squadron take over this case."

Han Bin heard the implication, "Do you want us to take over, or the second group to take over."

Ma Jingbo asked back, "What do you think?"

"David's death was too coincidental, and I think it may be related to Mike's death. Now Mike's case has been sorted out, only the white modern car line. A group of people can spare a part of the staff to investigate David's Case." Han Bin said.

Ma Jingbo thought the same way. David died in the dormitory of the Foreign Teachers' Building. There must be a few foreigners who couldn't get around. The second squadron only had Han Bin proficient in English. Taking him there would save a lot of trouble.

"Then what are you waiting for, get ready to go to the scene with me."

Han Bin glanced at several crew members and said, "Wang Xiao and Bao Xing, you continue to check the white SUV Hyundai, and the others will follow me to the scene."


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