Detective from The Future

Chapter 478: He killed?

"Captain, the situation here is almost understood. Let the technical team take the rest. Let's make a record for the reporter." Han Bin proposed. Ma Jingbo nodded, "Not only the reporter, but the residents upstairs are all foreigners. You guys work harder."

"I know."

The group went downstairs and first asked the reporter to make a record.

The informants were the little lovers Liu Yangyang and Chen Xiaofan.

The young couple was being mentored by the school leaders, but when they were called by the police, they felt like an amnesty.

Li Qin looked at the young couple, always feeling familiar, "How do I feel, I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Han Bin's observation ability is very strong, he recognized it at a glance, and reminded, "The couple who played with each other through the small tree."

"Yes, I said how so familiar." Li Qin suddenly realized.

"When did you find the body?" Han Bin asked.

"It's about six in the morning."

"The neighborhood is so remote, early in the morning, what are you doing here?"

"Last time, when we were playing at school, we were seen by a teacher. The teacher said that this is not good enough. Let us find a remote place in the future." Liu Yangyang said.

They all came from young people. Everyone knew about this situation, and Han Bin didn't ask much.

"At that time, did you see any abnormalities?"

"We saw a person falling in a pool of blood, scared to death, no matter where else could we take care of." Chen Xiaofan said.

Liu Yangyang thought for a while, "I was relatively close at the time, and I felt that the foreigner should have died at that time."

Chen Xiaofan complained, "You are ashamed to say that when you see a dead person, you run faster than me. Just like you, how can you protect me in the future."

Liu Yangyang showed an awkward look, and hurriedly explained, "Fanfan, I wanted to run with you at the time, but the situation was so sudden that I didn't hold it..."

"Excuse, it turns out that men are all big trotters, they are unreliable." Chen Xiaofan did not buy it.

Ma Jingbo smiled, "Classmate, this is a bit arbitrary. You have only met a few men at a young age."

Chen Xiaofan curled his lips, glanced at Ma Jingbo, then glanced at Liu Yangyang, but after all, he didn't answer.

"Two classmates, whoever meets a dead person suddenly panics. When you go back, remember to call me." Han Bin took out two business cards and handed them over.

"Uncle Police, are you okay? If it's okay, let's go to class first."

"Go, thank you for your cooperation."

Ma Jingbo has been working as a criminal policeman for so many years. He still has the ability to observe words and colors. He smiled and said, "Nowadays, the little girls are not simple, all of them have stories."

"In fact, there is still a small group of girls, most of the girls are still more traditional." Li Qin said.

"Anyway, I'm past the age of looking for a partner, these have nothing to do with me." Ma Jingbo didn't care about his appearance.

Han Bin "..."

Forensic doctor Li Can came over, "Captain Ma, I have completed the preliminary autopsy. The person did fall from the upper floor to death. Judging from the injuries, the height of the falling building was at least four floors. The person who fell down should not work. Between nine o'clock and half past eleven in the evening."

"I won't say the identity information, it shouldn't be difficult to find out."

Han Bin asked, "Forensic Doctor Li, did the deceased drink alcohol before his death?"

"This needs to go back to the city bureau for an alcohol test."

"Then I will wait for your news."

Forensic Doctor Li greeted and left.

Ma Jingbo and Han Bin chatted for a while, and Chen Yan, the head of the technical department, came over.

"Sister Chen, did the technical department find anything?"

Chen Yan smiled, "I found that there must be some, I don't know if it's useful."

"From the current survey, the balcony of David's house should be the scene of the fall, and the body has not been moved since it fell."

"We found beer cans next to the deceased, with the fingerprints of the deceased. There are also beer cans on the balcony of the deceased's home. Three beer cans have fingerprints of the deceased, and two beer cans have fingerprints of other people."

"In addition, we found the deceased's mobile phone on the sofa of the deceased's house. The fingerprints on it had not been able to be compared, and we were going to take it back to the city bureau laboratory for processing."

Ma Jingbo took the conversation, "Sister Ma, after checking the phone's fingerprints, help me check the suspect's call records. I want a real-name list."

"How long is the communication list?"

"Within a week."


"Thank you."

Ma Jingbo said to Han Bin on the side, "The site has also been surveyed. I will take the team back first, and I will leave the transcript to you."


Ma Jingbo and the people from the forensic and technical departments returned to the Municipal Bureau, while Han Bin, Li Qin, and Jiang Yang stayed in the foreign teachers' dormitory.

Han Bin found Chen Haijing and asked her to invite the teacher who lives in the foreign teaching building to take notes.

Elizabeth was the first to make a transcript. Han Bin smiled and said, "Ms. Elizabeth, let's meet again."

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, "Oh, sir, police officer Han, every time I see you is thrilling, the last time Mike, this time it's David, the next time..."

"Karma, I dare not think about it anymore."

Han Bin smiled bitterly, "Sorry, this is my job."

"Yeah, I respect you." Elizabeth spread out her hands. "If you have anything to ask, just say it."

"Have you seen David yesterday?" Han Bin asked.


"Where were you between nine and half past eleven last night?"

"I'm in the room."

"Can anyone prove it?"

Elizabeth frowned. "No, I told you that I have to go to bed at ten every night."

"Have you been to David's house before?"


"Did you hear any unusual noises last night?"

"Uh..." Elizabeth recalled for a moment, "It seems that it was ten o'clock. I heard a bang. I was half asleep and half awake, so I ignored it. Now think about it, David might be the one I jumped off at a time."

"Jump down? Do you think he committed suicide?" Han Bin asked.

"Oh Maga, oh Maga, you mean that David was also murdered, and two of my colleagues died of murder!" Elizabeth showed a surprised look.

"You don't need to be too nervous, it is still not sure whether it is suicide or homicide."

"Sergeant Han, will it be dangerous for me to continue living here?" Elizabeth showed a worried look.

"You don't need to worry too much. Of course, it is best to monitor them individually." Han Bin said.

Elizabeth suddenly thought of something, "Oh, what do you mean, if the surveillance is not removed, David will not die."

"No one can tell this." Han Bin said.

"Oh no, if I had known this, I wouldn't..." Elizabeth showed a regretful look.

"You don't have to blame yourself. If the murderer wants to kill David, even if he is not in the foreign teacher's dormitory, he will do it elsewhere." Han Bin comforted and changed the subject, "Is there anyone else who came to the foreign teacher yesterday? floor."

Elizabeth thought for a while, "Zerai's house may have been a guest, maybe, I'm not sure."

"OK, Elizabeth, if you have no objection, I would like to collect your fingerprints and DNA, as a routine, you know."

"Yeah, I am willing to prove my innocence." Elizabeth said indifferently.

After that, Li Qin came over and took out the fingerprint collector. Chen Yan had already entered the suspicious fingerprint in the collector. As long as the fingerprints were the same, the alarm would sound.

After Li Qin collected the fingerprints, the collector did not respond and said, "OK, thank you for your cooperation."

"You're welcome." Elizabeth said in Chinese.

Li Qin was a little surprised, "Your Chinese is quite standard."

Elizabeth smiled from the bottom of her heart, "Yes, I taught the students foreign languages, and the students taught me Chinese. They are all great. They are not only my students, but also my teachers."

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