Detective from The Future

Chapter 480: frame

The dormitory building for foreign teachers, Zelay's house.

Han Bin saw this plump exotic beauty again. To be honest, Salman's Asan is indeed a bit unworthy of this girl.

Zelay greeted, "Mr. Police, I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Han Bin nodded, "Please sit down."

"Thank you." Zelay sat opposite Han Bin, "You should have asked Elizabeth and Salman."


"Then let's get started. I have another class in the afternoon and I need to prepare for it in advance."

Han Bin opened his notebook and looked at a few key questions, "Have you met David yesterday?"

"No, I haven't seen him for a few days."

"Have you been to David's house?"

"Last winter, Salman and I seemed to have been to his house as guests."

"What about the recent period?"


"Please, your itinerary for yesterday afternoon."

Zelay recalled for a moment, "I had a class yesterday afternoon. After the class, I went to the supermarket to buy something. In the evening, my brother was coming to eat. I made a meal of the three countries. It was around eight o'clock, my brother left at around nine o'clock, and Salman and I washed up and went to bed to rest."

"Last night, did your brother have a drink?"

"No, my brother is religious and doesn't drink."

"Where is Salman?"

"He seems to have drunk two cans of beer."

"Did you hear the sound of David falling from a building last night?"

"It seems that it was ten o'clock. I was... lying on the bed and heard a bang. It was likely that something happened to David at that time."

"The specific time?"

"I can't remember, I didn't pay attention."

"It's so loud, why don't you go check it out?"

"Ah, I was doing yoga at the time and I can't be distracted."

Han Bin smiled, "Yoga, I like this sport."

"Oh yeah." Zelay smiled awkwardly.

"Where's Salman, has he ever gone out?"

"No, they haven't gone out either."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "Zelayi, I want to meet your brother Haruk."

Zelay frowned, "Oh, my brother is not easy to get along with, he is more severe."

Han Bin said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, I am also very strict, and these colleagues of mine are also very strict, maybe we can talk when we meet."

"OK, I'll call him."

Zelay got up and left, took the phone and went to call.

Jiang Yang came over and said, "No empty beer cans were found in the trash bag of Salman's house, but a lot of curry was found."

"Take the garbage bag back to the city bureau and hand it over to the technical department."


After a while, Zerai came over, "Sorry, my brother can't get through."

"Where does he live?"

"Savit Hotel."

"Does his cell phone often fail to get through?"

"He believes in religion and may be in church. At this time, I hate being disturbed by others. Please be late and I will call him again."

"In this way, give me his contact information and I will call him personally." Han Bin said.

Zelay hesitated, and told Han Bin the phone number.

"Miss Zelayi, I will ask you one more side, I hope you can think clearly before answering."

"Say it."

"Did Salman never leave the room between nine and half past eleven last night?"

"Yes, I can promise."

"Since this is the case, I can only ask you and Mr. Salman to come with me to the police station." Han Bin said.

"What? Why do you want to go to the police station? I have already made it clear."

"You made it clear, but Salman didn't make it clear. There is evidence that Salman may have been to David's house last night, and further investigation is needed. Please cooperate." Han Bin explained.

"Oh Karma, how is this possible? Salman never left last night. Did the police make a mistake?"

"Our police investigations always speak with evidence. Of course, it is not ruled out that someone framed Mr. Salman. Please go to the police station to assist in the investigation. This is also to clear Mr. Salman's suspicion as soon as possible."

Zelay spread his hands, "Police Officer Han, I really didn't lie, please believe me."

"I believe it, but I am a policeman and I have to perform my duties. I hope you can understand."

"OK, how can I prove Salman's innocence?"

"Witness? Need his alibi."

"I am a witness, I can guarantee that Salman did not leave the house last night."

"Yes, you can prove it, but your proving power as Salman's girlfriend is weak. The police need a comprehensive judgment."

"Then what's the use of you looking for my brother? He left at nine o'clock in the evening, and can't prove anything for Salman?" Zelay asked.

"Our police have our own judgment and it is inconvenient to disclose too much." Han Bin said perfunctorily, before changing the conversation, "Do you have beer in your house?"

"Beer?" Zelay frowned, wondering why Han Bin mentioned beer at this time. "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Can you show me?"

"of course."

Zelay walked to the refrigerator and opened a refrigerator door. There was a fiddle island beer inside. Two cans were missing, the same beer that David's family found.

Zelay pointed to the beer in the refrigerator, "I bought this beer yesterday afternoon, and the two less cans were drunk by Salman."

"Can Haruk prove it?"

"Of course, Haruk is eating here, and he also saw Salman drinking."

"OK, the more evidence, the better for Salman." Han Bin said.

"I'll call Haruk again and ask him to come over immediately."

Han Bin stopped the other party, "I'll notify Haruk, or go back to the police station first."

Zelay looked embarrassed, "But, I still have classes in the afternoon."

"It doesn't matter, I will help you ask the school leaders for leave, I believe they will give me this face."

Zelayi complained, "Oh, it's Mika, how could David's death have anything to do with us? Damn, I would not agree to take down the camera if I knew it."

Han Bin didn't answer the conversation, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Judging from the current evidence, Salman may have been planted, but this is only possible, and no one can guarantee that Salman is the murderer.

Another way of thinking is that Salman did kill the man, and it is not impossible for Zelay to give him a false testimony, and Han Bin always feels that Salman is hiding something.

Han Bin found Chen Haijing again, and asked for information about the female student who was pregnant by David and her father.

After returning to the city bureau, Han Bin made a call to Haruk, but Haruk’s cell phone was still turned off.

Before the forensic and technical departments had any results, Han Bin took people to the cafeteria for dinner.

After the lunch break, Han Bin gathered everyone together and prepared to hold a case summary meeting.

Wang Xiao and Bao Xing have not returned yet.

Han Bin invited Ma Jingbo over in the name of reporting work.

Ma Jingbo sat at the desk, drank a sip of tea, moistened his throat, "Let's talk, what did you find in the morning transcript?"

Han Bin briefly recounted the transcripts of the three foreign teachers.

After hearing this, Ma Jingbo snorted, "You said the foreigner would be fine to look for trouble. If there was monitoring, the case would have been solved long ago, so how much work should we save."

"It's not good to say, if there is monitoring, David may not die." Li Qin said.

Han Bin analyzed, "Actually, this matter can also be thought about in reverse. Whether the surveillance is dismantled will also be related to the murderer. At least the murderer should be aware of this matter, and the scope can be reduced to a certain extent."

Jiang Yang went on to say, "In this way, the suspicion of this Salman is even greater. He is one of the promoters of dismantling the surveillance; and the lock has not been broken, which is also in line with the characteristics of acquaintances committing crimes."

Han Bin thought for a moment and continued, “It is definitely not the three foreign teachers who knew that the surveillance was removed. Others may also know about it through other channels. Moreover, the Salmans also discovered Qindao canned beer.”

"In addition, the confessions of Salman and Zerai are consistent, and the possibility of being planted cannot be ruled out."

"Boom..." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Please come in."

"Crack..." The door rang.

Chen Yan from the technical department walked in and said with a smile: "The horse team, I said there is no one in your office, it turned out to be here."

Ma Jingbo got up and said with a smile, "Sister Chen, is it good news for us?"

Chen Yan put the two documents on the table, "We checked the beer cans found at David's house. The beer cans that David touched and the beer cans that were touched by Salman were not the same batch. The beer cans that were also on the cans I found curry, which has the same ingredients as the curry in the garbage bag."

"In other words, Salman was probably planted?"

"This requires your own judgment." Chen Yan spread her hands and continued.

"I have checked the phone. There is nothing wrong with the phone itself. Only David's fingerprint was found. In addition, I also printed a real-name list of David's recent calls. You can check it yourself."

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