Detective from The Future

Chapter 482: Comparison

Han Bin listened to it twice, and indeed someone claimed to be a teacher at Qindao Foreign Language Institute and asked Cheng Haibin to go to the school to get gifts.

The caller used his accent and deliberately concealed his true voice.

But it can still be heard that the other party should be a female surname.

"Mr. Cheng, do you have any impression of this person's voice?" Han Bin asked.

"Weird accents make no impression."

"What does the person who gave you the gift look like?"

Cheng Haibin recalled, "I didn't see clearly. I walked to the vicinity of the teaching building, she waved at me, then put down things and left, but she looked like a woman."

"Welcoming to you, it is likely that you have recognized you, maybe you have also met her, and you can carefully recall her characteristics, clothes and shoes at that time."

"She is a little fat, wearing a black coat, I can't remember what shoes she wears."

"What is the room number you live in?"

"Room 703, Qianda Hotel."

"According to the regulations, we will extract your DNA and fingerprints, and your mobile phone will be temporarily handed over to the police as evidence."

Cheng Haibin nodded helplessly.

After Cheng Haibin left, the group held a case summary meeting again.

Cheng Haibin's situation is similar to that of Salman, and it is very likely that he was planted, but this is only his side of the word, and it is impossible to rule out his suspicion of committing the crime.

Subsequently, Ma Jingbo seconded two team members from the second group to Qindao Foreign Languages ​​Institute to investigate.

Li Qin and Jiang Yang went to Qianda Hotel to investigate.

Huang Qianqian sent Cheng Haibin's mobile phone to the technical department for testing.

Han Bin was not idle either, he came to the door of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to greet Haruk.

Haruk does not speak Chinese, and only Han Bin can communicate with him.

Haruk is in his thirties this year, with a big beard, deep features, a wheaten complexion, and his eyebrows are a bit like Zelay, but he is much more handsome than Salman.

After returning to the office, Huang Qianqian also happened to be back, just to assist Han Bin in making transcripts for Haruk. To put it bluntly, it was a humanoid video recorder.

Han Bin made a please gesture, "Mr. Haruk, please sit down."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Haruk, thank you for assisting our police investigation." Han Bin said kindly.

Haruk spread his hands, "No way, who will let me have a silly sister."

"It sounds like you are a little dissatisfied with Zelay?"

"No, my sister is excellent, I love her, but I don't like her boyfriend."


"Yes, that guy, you have seen him too."

"of course."

Haruk sneered, "Do you think he is worthy of Zerai?"

Han Bin smiled, he couldn't answer this.

"Yeah, I would rather she marry a foreigner than Salman."

"Yesterday, you went to Zelayi's house as a guest?"

"Yes, the foreign teachers' dormitory of Qindao Foreign Language Institute."

"When did you go?"

"It seems to be past five o'clock, Kotoshima is good at everything, but the curry is too unauthentic."

"When did you leave?"

"It seems to be around 9:00."

Han Bin made a note in his notebook, "Did you drink that night?"

"I don't drink, but Salman drank, Karma, this guy knows that I am religious, and is still drinking in front of me. That's why I don't like him."

"What wine does Salman drink?"

"Beer, I drank two cans."

Haruk’s confession is consistent with Salman and Zelayi. The three confessions correspond to each other. Zelayi’s personal testimony is also more proving. After comprehensive consideration, Han Bin felt that Shaar could be excluded temporarily. Mann’s suspicion.

Huang Qianqian invited Zeray and Salman over, and Han Bin had another question to ask them.

Han Bin asked the two to sit down and smiled, "Thank you for your cooperation. We have ruled out Mr. Salman's suspicion."

Salman breathed a sigh of relief, "Karma, thank you Officer Han, and also Haruk."

Zelay folded his hands together, "Sergeant Han, thank you so much."

Han Bin changed the conversation, "I have another question, I want to ask both of you."

"what is the problem?"

"Who is David's girlfriend?"

Zelay's face changed slightly, and he glanced at Salman next to him.

Salman took a deep breath. "Does this case matter?"

Han Bin nodded, "Of course."

Salman hesitated, "Actually, we are not very familiar with David. We have never asked such personal questions..."

Han Bin stretched out his hand and interrupted Salman, "Is it Chen Haijing?"

Zelay and Salman looked at each other again.

Afterwards, Zelay said slowly, "In fact, we are not very clear about this matter, nor have we asked David, nor dare to verify with Chen Haijing, but based on the intuition of a woman, I feel that the relationship between them is not normal. "

"Sergeant Han, in fact, we did not intentionally conceal it, but Chen Haijing is our leader after all, and we are not willing to offend her." Zelay sighed.

"OK, I understand." Han Bin got up and shook hands with the two of them, "Thank you for your cooperation."

"It should be." Zerai showed a sincere expression, "Thank you again, and I have paid Salman back to his innocence."

After watching the three people leave, Han Bin fell into deep thought.

Salman's suspicion has been ruled out, so there are two more suspects, one is Cheng Haibin, and the other is David's girlfriend.

According to Han Bin's speculation, Chen Haijing is probably David's girlfriend.

The mysterious girlfriend of David has never appeared publicly. Han Bin has also checked David's call records and found no contacts who are suspected of his girlfriend, but David and Chen Haijing have always been in contact.

Because of the working relationship between the two, no one doubted at first, but now it seems that the relationship between the two is not ordinary.

Zelay's words are tantamount to confirming Han Bin's guess.

If Chen Haijing is really David's girlfriend, then she will be very suspicious.

If David really broke up with Chen Haijing, Chen Haijing would have the motive to kill.

Chen Haijing is familiar with the situation of the Foreign Teachers Building, and also understands the transaction between Cheng Haibin and the Foreign Language Institute. She is probably the person who called Cheng Haibin.

Of course, this is only Han Bin's conjecture, everything depends on the evidence.

In fact, the reason why Han Bin guessed that Chen Haijing was David's girlfriend was through a reverse push.

Assuming that what Cheng Lu said is true and David really has a girlfriend, then this girlfriend has the motive to commit the crime.

And if it was really done by David’s girlfriend, it wouldn’t be okay to be motivated. You must also be familiar with the foreign teacher’s dormitory, know the transaction between Cheng Haibin and the college, and even have Cheng Haibin’s contact information.

In this way, Chen Haijing is the most qualified person and the person who knows the case best besides the police.

Of course, the conjecture cannot be finalized, and evidence is needed to prove it.

Han Bin thought for a while, took out his cell phone and called Chen Haijing.

"Hello, is that Director Chen?" Han Bin pressed the call recording button.

"It's me, Police Officer Han, what can you do?"

"Did you communicate with the school leaders about the monitoring of the foreign teachers' dormitory building?"

"Yes, the school leaders decided to reinstall the monitoring."

"There is one thing I want to remind. The house David used does not allow anyone to enter without the permission of the police."

"I see." Chen Haijing replied, concerned, "Is there any progress in David's case?"

"Under investigation, the school will be notified of the exact results." After Han Bin finished speaking, he hung up his cell phone.

"Qianqian, come here."

Huang Qianqian came over, "What can I do, leader?"

"I'll send you a call recording. You can compare it with Cheng Haibin's call recording to see if it is the same person's voice."


Although the person who called Cheng Haibin deliberately disguised the voice, making it difficult to distinguish it for a while, it can still be detected by professional equipment to identify whether it is the same person's voice.

If the voice comparison is successful, then Chen Haijing's suspicion will rise further.

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