Detective from The Future

Chapter 488: search

At this moment, Ding Xifeng beckoned, "Han Bin come here."

Han Bin nodded to Director Sun, then walked to Ding Xifeng, "Captain."

"How is the situation?"

"I asked the deceased’s girlfriend Zelay, my colleague Elizabeth, and the deceased’s leader, Director Sun. The deceased was at home alone this morning. The time of death was around 11:30. I heard the movement. The first one arrived at the scene and then called Zelay..." Han Bin briefly described the situation.

"You are more familiar with Qindao Foreign Language Institute. Do you think that Salman's death is related to the previous two cases?" Ding Xifeng asked.

"I don't know the situation now. It is difficult to judge whether there is a direct relationship. However, there are a total of five foreign teachers in a college, and three foreign teachers have accidents within half a month. There must be a common cause." Han Bin said.

Ding Xifeng nodded, "According to the forensic description, Salman should have been poisoned with a certain neurotoxin. This toxin can cause strong irritation, hallucinations and quick gan. Overdose may cause death."

Han Bin guessed, "Unique?"

"Yes, Salman probably died of overdose, but the specific product needs further testing."

After communicating with Ding Xifeng, Han Bin entered the Salman's house. Unlike the previous visit, the Salman's house was very messy this time, as if they had been in a fight. The items were scattered and skewed.

A beer can that had been drunk fell on the ground, and a glass was broken next to it. The technical team was handling it.

Han Bin went around the room again and found no other abnormalities.

After leaving the house, Han Bin found Zelay and said straightforwardly, "Zelayi, I have something to ask you, I hope you can answer truthfully."

"what's up?"

"Does Salman **** alone?"

Zelay said subconsciously, "How can it be possible that Salman has always been clean and self-conscious, and it is impossible to be contaminated with that kind of thing."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, I have been with him for so long, I have never seen him **** alone, nor have I seen him have similar suspicions."

"Then is anyone among the friends you know **** alone?"

Zelayi thought for a moment, then shook his head, "No, no one I know **** alone. Does Salman's death have anything to do with this?"

"We suspect that Salman may have died of overdose of a unique product." Han Bin said.

"How is this possible?" Zelay said with a certain tone, "Police Officer Han, you must believe me, Salman will definitely not touch this kind of thing, he must have been framed."

Han Bin asked, "Are you suspicious?"

"I..." Zelay thought carefully, "no, I can't think of anyone who would do this kind of thing."

"OK, you can call me if you think of anything." Han Bin patted her on the shoulder, and then found Elizabeth, "Madam, can you still take up some of your time?"

"Of course, what's the problem?"

"You and Salman often meet, you should be more familiar with his situation."


"Then do you think Salman **** alone?"

"No, when the sun never sets in the empire, I have seen many addicts, more or less there are some signs, you can always find out after getting along for a long time, but Salman is different, although I do not like him, but I It must be admitted that he is not that kind of person." Elizabeth said.

"Are there any addicts in the foreign teachers' circle?"

"Uh." Elizabeth frowned, and stopped talking.

Han Bin said sternly, "Madam, if you have anything to say, this is Qindao, I can protect you."

"OK." Elizabeth took a deep breath and whispered, "Hal went to the toilet last night when he went to the toilet. After coming out, the state was a little abnormal."



"Thank you, madam, the clues you provided are important."

"It's nice to help you."

Han Bin found Ding Xifeng and explained his guess and Hal's situation.

Ding Xifeng asked, "Hal is still on bail pending trial?"


Ding Xifeng smiled, "Since someone has reported that he has been alone, then check it, give him a test, and detain him if it is true."

"I suspect that he still has toxic substances in his possession, and he might take the opportunity to transfer and destroy the evidence." Han Bin said.

Ding Xifeng smiled, "Since it is such a special situation, it is necessary to conduct a search, you can lead the team."


"Come with me from the Second Squadron!" Han Bin greeted him and directly led people to the fourth floor.

The "Police Law" stipulates that under normal circumstances, people and places need to be searched for a search warrant at a public security agency at or above the county level.

However, according to Article 207 of the "Criminal Procedure Law" and the "Procedures for the Handling of Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs", when performing detention or arrest, a search can be carried out without a "search warrant" in an emergency.


Under the leadership of Director Sun, Han Bin and his party went to the door of Hal's room.

"Boom." Director Sun knocked on the door.

There was no response inside.

"Boom..." Director Sun knocked for a while, and then there was a burst of English in the room, "Who are you?"

"Hal, this is Sun Wanfu."

The door opened, and Hal stood at the door grinning, "Hello, Director Sun."

When Hal saw Han Bin and others, his face immediately changed, "Oh, Officer Han, why are you here?"

Han Bin smiled, this is interesting to ask, "Don't you know that Salman is dead?"

Hal shrugged, "Yeah, I know, this is very sad news."

"Hal, you are still on bail pending trial, understand?"

"Of course, of course I remember that I have stayed at home honestly, and Salman's death has nothing to do with me."

Han Bin looked serious, "We received a report, and some people said you sucked alone."

Hal exaggerated his expression, "Oh, Mika, someone actually said that I **** alone. This is ridiculous. Haha, it's impossible."

"According to the regulations, we need to test you. Since you are not alone, please cooperate with me so that you can prove your innocence." Han Bin said.

"Oh Maga, you still don't believe me to put it bluntly, who is reporting me, you ask him to stand up, I want him to make it clear in person." Hal shouted.

"Shut up, are you resisting law enforcement?" Han Bin said coldly.

"No, I didn't."

"Then what are you doing, threatening the police? Or threatening the reporters?" Han Bin said in a harsh tone and whispered, "I tell you, honestly cooperate with the inspection, and don't find yourself unhappy."

Hal patted his head and muttered, "Karma, you are no different from the police in the United States. Who told me that the police in the country are soft guys and I must kick his **** when I go back."

"What did you say?" Han Bin asked back.

Hal pretended to be weak, "Oh, I'm a little uncomfortable, maybe I'm sick, can I be tested later?"

Han Bin didn't talk nonsense with him, waved his hand directly, and a group of police officers entered Hal's house.

At the request of the police officer, Hal provided fresh urine and tested it directly with test paper.

After five minutes, the test paper changed color.

The person in charge of the test was Zhang Shungu, an experienced veteran police officer, who said, "Leader Han, the test result is positive."

"Crap it up." Han Bin waved his hand, "Hal, congratulations, you won the prize."

"Oh Karma, I ate pork yesterday, is there any misunderstanding here, Officer Han, you can’t do this, I didn’t smoke alone, I just ate pork last night, yes, the **** pork must contain these Ingredients." Hal shouted.

Han Bin smiled, "Look for such a bad excuse, are you stupid, or am I stupid?"

"What I'm saying is true. I have never smoked alone. I must have eaten something unclean." Hal said confidently.

"Then do you mind, let's search your house to prove your innocence." Han Bin said.

"No, I don't agree. This is an invasion of my privacy. I will sue you." Hal said.

"You probably don't know much about domestic laws. Under special circumstances, the police can search directly." Han Bin waved his hand.


The house where Hal lived was very large, leaving one person to guard Hal, and the others searched separately.

Han Bin went to Hal's bathroom, the area of ​​the bathroom is not small, there is also a bath in it, I have to say that Qindao Foreign Language Institute treats these foreigners very well.

Han Bin searched the closet, and found nothing that was suspected of being a unique product. He also carefully observed the toilet, searching for locations where the objects could be hidden.

Han Bin's eyes fell on the toilet cistern and opened the lid of the toilet cistern. A jewelry box was found inside, which was packed in a water-proof bag.

Well, this is a trick used in foreign movies.

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