City Criminal Investigation Team meeting room.

Ding Xifeng sat in the main seat, Ma Jingbo and Han Bin sat on the sides, and the other players lined up.

Ding Xifeng looked at his mobile phone, then opened his notebook, "Qindao Foreign Languages ​​Institute has killed three foreign teachers in succession. Not only the leaders of the Municipal Bureau attached importance to them, but also attracted the attention of the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee. It has not been a short time since Mike was killed. Now, everyone has to hurry up."

"I won't talk about the other things, so that you don't have any pressure, talk about the case."

Ma Jingbo showed a bitter smile, half-talking, and more pressure, "Captain, then I will report on the progress of the investigation first."

"The white modern SUV has been found. It was in the parking garage on the second floor of Jiacheng District. We checked the surveillance video of the garage. After getting off the car, the suspect wrapped himself tightly, wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses. , Can't see his specific appearance."

"The suspect left the garage at about 1 a.m., and then entered Chui'an Street. Because the light was dark at the time, it was a bit difficult to track. I have sent someone to collect surveillance and continue tracking."

"The horse team, I want to see the surveillance of the suspect." Han Bin suggested.

Ma Jingbo beckoned and asked He Yingsheng to bring a tablet computer, click on a surveillance video, and hand it to Han Bin.

Han Bin took it and took a look. It was a video of an underground parking garage. There were lights in the garage. You can basically see the suspect's body shape from the overall situation of the opponent's height, posture, walking posture, step length, and foothold. Look, it should be the suspect Haruk.

Han Bin said calmly, "It's Haruk."

Ding Xifeng asked, "I can be sure."

"Can't be wrong."

Zhang Shungu of the second group took the conversation, "If Haruk really committed the crime, then his escape trajectory should be from Jiacheng District to Seville Hotel."

Ma Jingbo added, “If the suspect has a certain sense of anti-reconnaissance, he should go around the city and not go back to the hotel stupidly.”

Ding Xifeng knocked on the table, "Jing Bo, leave this line to you to continue checking."


Ding Xifeng looked at Han Bin again, "You found any clues, talk about it."

Han Bin walked to the projector and put two documents on the projector, one in English and one in Chinese translation.

"I went to the scene again and found a notebook in the drawer of Salman's study. The paper of the notebook was the same as the letter paper left for Zerai. There was a torn piece of paper and there was a piece of paper under the paper. The imprint has been processed by the technical department and the content of the letter has been restored."

"The one on the left is in English and the one on the right is a translation. From the perspective of the complete letter, Salman did not intend to commit suicide, but wanted to return to the three kingdoms of Azerbaijan. At the same time, the letter also explained that Salman was working with Harukh. The fact that killed Mike."

"From the content of this letter, Salman was probably killed by Haruk."

Ding Xifeng pondered for a moment, "How did Haruk poison Salman?"

"When Salman died, Haruk was not in the foreign teacher's building, but had already returned to the Sevia Hotel. According to my speculation, Haruk was probably using ice to poison."

"This speculation is also in line with the situation that there is no unique product in the beer can, but the unique product is detected in the glass. Another thing, I just asked Zelai, and Salman does have the habit of putting ice cubes when drinking beer."

"What about the evidence?"

"I asked Li Qin and Jiang Yang to search the Sevia Hotel. A mold of frozen ice was found in the small freezer in Haruk's room. It has been sent to the technical department for testing. I believe there will be results soon. "Han Bin said.

"Where are the Haruks?"

"Already taken to the detention room."

Ding Xifeng concluded, "Judging from the current situation, Haruk is very suspicious, but the letter alone cannot convict him."

"I contacted the Daikin car dealership. According to them, the car was rented by Salman. The lease is one month. Haruk did not show up."

"If Haruk is really the murderer, what was his motive for killing Mike?"

Ding Xifeng lit a cigarette, took a sip, and continued, "Mike and Haruk come from different countries, and the two people’s time in the country is different, and there is not much overlap. What is Haruk’s motive for murder? ?"

Han Bin went on to say, “Zelayi is the bridge between the two people. It stands to reason that she is the person most likely to understand. However, Zelay is emotionally unstable now and is the suspect’s sister. She may not be able to give objective answers. Answer, I think I can ask Chen Haijing, he is now very willing to fight for commutation."

Li Qin said, "Let me talk to her. I will go to the detention room to see her when I have time in the past two days, and I have a better understanding of her situation."

"Boom." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Crack..." With a sound of the door, Chen Yan from the technical department pushed the door and walked in.

"Captain, the relevant tests for the Salman case have come out."

"You said."

"The ice cube mold sent by Team Leader Han has been identified. A unique product was found in one of the ice cube grooves. After further comparison, it is the same unique product as the one that poisoned Salman."

"We have also checked the driving recorder sent by Captain Horse, and indeed no memory card was found, but after further testing, it was found that this driving recorder has a remote monitoring function and can automatically upload surveillance video to the cloud."

Ding Xifeng reminded, "Speak in plain language."

"To put it bluntly, even if there is no memory card inserted, the dash cam will send the captured video back to the car rental company."

Ding Xifeng frowned, "In other words, the car rental company has a monitoring backup."

Chen Yan nodded and explained, "Cameras that automatically upload to the cloud are relatively rare and expensive. General household cameras with memory cards are sufficient. However, car rental companies may have their own Consider, moreover, they shouldn't tell customers about this."

Ding Xifeng snorted, "I don't care what they consider, and no matter what taboos they have, Jing Bo, you will bring someone back to me now."


"Han Bin, you go to the trial of Haruk, don't ask about the murder of Mike, just talk about the murder of Salman."



Ten minutes later, Han Bin met Haruk in the interrogation room.

Haruk calmly looked at Han Bin, Bao Xing, and Huang Qianqian, then lowered his head again.

Han Bin looked at the other party, "Haluk, how does the environment here feel?"

Haruk spread his hands, "I don't like this. I didn't break the law. You shouldn't keep me here. I'm a foreigner, OK."

"It doesn't matter which country you are from, the important thing is that you broke the law in China." Han Bin said coldly.

"No, I did not violate the laws of your country, I am a good person."

Han Bin smiled, "Good people don't poison Salman's beer."

"Oh Karma, why would you think that I poisoned Salman."

Han Bin answered the wrong question, "We have found the second half of the letter. Salman wrote clearly in the letter that he did not want to die at all, but wanted to return to the Three Kingdoms. You and Salman did something illegal. To avoid exposure, you killed Salman."

Haluk disdainfully said, "Haha, do you have evidence?"

Han Bin took out the restored copy of the letter, "Look for yourself, if it is this letter, I believe you should recognize it."

After Haruk finished reading it, he looked surprised, "Where did you find this letter."

Han Bin said disapprovingly, "We not only found this letter, but also found other evidence sufficient to convict you."

"You don't have to scare me, I have never done anything like this, and there is nothing to investigate. Besides, I was in a hotel and Salman was in the dormitory of the foreign teaching building. How can I poison him?" Ha Luke asked rhetorically.

"This is not difficult. You know that Salman likes to drink cold beer, so you freeze the unique product in ice cubes and put it in Salman's refrigerator, so that even if you are in the hotel, you can kill the sand. Herman."

"Papa." Haruk slapped his hands. "Police officer Han, you are good at reasoning. You can write novels, but do you have any evidence? Who saw me adding unique products to the ice?"

"We found a mold of ice cubes in the hotel room where you were staying, and a residual unique product was found in one of the grooves. It is the same unique product that poisoned Salman."

Hearing this, Haruk swallowed and twisted his hands involuntarily.

Han Bin continued, "You have the motive to kill, and you are the last person to come into contact with Salman. You also found the unique product that killed Salman in your residence. What do you think the judge will sentence?"

After a long time, Harouk took a deep breath, "Sergeant Han, your so-called motive does not exist. As you said, since Salman is going to return to the Three Kingdoms, as long as he is gone, the police in your country If I can't catch him, why should I risk poisoning him?"

Han Bin nodded, "Good question, I have been unable to figure this out. Would you like to answer it for me?"

"Since there is no way to answer it, it proves that this question is unreasonable. I don't have to kill Salman. Your police caught the wrong person."

"How do you explain the ice cube mold found in your hotel room, but there are your fingerprints on it?"

"That's my own hi, I keep it for myself, where can I give it to Salman?"

"Then where did you put the unique ice cubes?" Han Bin asked.

Haruk spread his hands, "No, I'm already drinking with Coke."

Han Bin asked again, "Are you sure, the unique product in the ice cube is for your own use and you have taken it."

"Yes." Haruk said without hesitation.

Han Bin smiled. If other evidence was eaten in his stomach, it might be gone, but Dupin is different.

"Qianqian, you invite colleagues from the technical department to come over and ask them to do a unique test for Haruk."

"Yes." Immediately, Huang Qianqian left the interrogation room, and Han Bin continued to ask, "Haluk, where did the unique products in the ice cubes come from?"

"From the toilet in Hal's house, this silly X sucked it by himself, thinking that others couldn't see it. What's even more stupid was that he actually put the unique product in the toilet tank. Does he think other people don’t watch American movies? ?" Hal mocked.


At this moment, the door of the interrogation room rang, and then the door opened from the outside, and Huang Qianqian beckoned to Han Bin.

Han Bin left the interrogation room and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The horse team went to the Daikin car rental company and brought back the surveillance video of the driving recorder, and let you go to the meeting room."

Han Bin instructed, "You and Bao Xing stare, and let the technical department do a special inspection for Salman."

After speaking, Han Bin hurried to the meeting room and opened the door to find Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo, Wang Xiao and others were all there.

"Captain, horse team." Han Bin greeted.

Ma Jingbo beckoned, looking in a good mood, "You just came here, come and watch the video."

Han Bin pulled a chair and sat down, and then began to watch the video on the projector.

A car drove a distance and then stopped on the side of the road. A man said in English, "I@#¥¥%&......"

Ma Jingbo pressed the pause button, "This voice sounds very Haruk, what did he say?"

Han Bin translated, "Salman, an idiot, didn't even remove the memory card of the driving recorder. He is really a scumbag."

Ma Jingbo continued to play the video. The driving recorder had two cameras, and there were also two surveillance videos. One shot the front of the car and the other shot the back of the car.

Haruk sat in the car and waited for a while, and then answered a call. Salman's voice came from the phone, "Hello, Haruk?"

"It's me, is Mike still in the restaurant?"

"No, Mike has left and drove away."

"Which car does he drive?"

"That's what I told you before, the black Buick SUV."

Haluk asked, "About how soon will he be there?"

"Oh, I don't know this too well, I haven't walked that way."

"Karma, you idiot, what do you know?"

"Hey, Haruk, please be respectful. I only help you because of Zelay's face. I am not your servant."

"OK, I said the wrong thing, I apologize."

"Haruk, I still want to persuade you, stop, you are too risky to kill Mike, Mike is very strong."

"Don't say it's useless, Mike must die, do you understand?"

"I really don't want to be involved in this matter, I..."

"Salman, don't be like a coward. I'm sure to kill Mike. All you have to do is control your mouth, understand?"

Salman sighed, then hung up the phone.

Harouk cursed, "Coward, just you trash, you deserve to marry my sister?"

Afterwards, Haruk got out of the car, took a person out of the trunk, and threw it into the green belt next to him. The rear camera of the dash cam took this scene.

Ma Jingbo pressed the pause button again, and he was able to take a photo of Haruk’s front face, and introduced, “This person who moved out of the car is the drunk Feng Xifan. There is also a video before Haruk picking up on the road. Corpse, the video of putting Feng Xifan in the trunk."

Han Bin thought for a moment, "Is there any video of Haruk killing?"

Ma Jingbo shook his head, "I didn't photograph the specific process of the crime. After parking, the dash cam was turned off."

"When the driving recorder was used again, Haruk had already got on the car and drove the car all the way to the underground garage of Jiacheng District, which proved that he had been driving this car."

"Feng Xifan's vomit was found in the trunk of the car, and Mike's gold chain and gold ring were found in the storage compartment of the co-pilot. Together with the audio and video of the dash cam, it is enough to convict Haruk. "

"Good job." Ding Xifeng stood up and stretched, "Han Bin, the next job is left to you."


Han Bin checked the surveillance video of the dash cam again, went to the technical department again, and sorted out all the evidence.

An hour later, Han Bin walked into the interrogation room again.

Haruk smiled bitterly, "Police Officer Han, is there only one person in your criminal investigation team who can speak English? It is not easy to communicate with them. I want to drink a cup of black tea, but they don't understand."

Han Bin replied, "This is not their problem, but yours. You should learn the local culture in which country you are in, instead of letting the other party accommodate you."

Haruk shrugged and said disapprovingly, "I just want a cup of black tea, okay?"

Han Bin smiled, "Of course, I not only invite you to drink tea, but also invite you to watch a movie."

"Don't be kidding me, I'm not in the mood to watch a movie in this place."

"I believe you will like it." Han Bin picked up the tablet from the table and played a video of the dash cam, which happened to be the recording of the conversation between Haruk and Salman.

Han Bin turned the screen towards him, instead of letting Haruk watch the video, just let Haruk listen to the sound, which would make Haruk even more uneasy.

The unknown is the greatest fear.

Sure enough, when he heard the call, Haruk's face suddenly turned pale.

"It's impossible, why did you have this recording? I obviously already..."

Han Bin turned off the tablet computer and hummed, "You want to say that you have pulled out the memory card of the dash cam, why the police can still find the recording that night."

Haruk lowered his head and said nothing.

"It's very simple. Your car is rented. In order to avoid damage to the car, the owner of the car dealer has installed other cameras. Your every move is clearly captured, even when you are stabbed to death with a dagger. The picture of Mike."

Haruk shook his head and said to himself, "This is impossible, impossible."

Han Bin played another video, and still didn't show Haru Ke, he was carrying Feng Xifan's video, "Mother, it stinks to me, how much alcohol this **** drank, this kind of person shouldn't live in the world. ."

Haruk's forehead was dissatisfied with the fine beads of sweat.

Han Bin continued, "Haruk, your drug test was negative just now, which means you lied. You didn't take the unique product at all, but used it to poison Salman."

Haruk held his hair hard with both hands, and his hands trembled involuntarily.

Han Bin continued, "Haruk, you have to abide by domestic laws if you kill someone in the country. If you take the initiative to confess, there may be a chance to reduce your sentence. If you are stubborn, the only thing waiting for you is the death penalty.

Hearing the word death penalty, Haruk's body also trembled.

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