Detective from The Future

Chapter 529: shocked

"Husband! Husband!"

"Brother Jie, Brother Jie, where are you?" The woman in shorts stomped her feet with the bag in her hand and complained, "Really, I can't answer calls or send WeChat messages. I'm so bored."

The woman in shorts looked around, but still did not find the glitched man.

Thinking that the burr man might go to the toilet, he stopped a man coming out of the bathroom, "Hey, let me ask, is there a handsome guy with a burr head in the toilet?"

The man smiled, "Is it pretty strong, with a bullet pendant."

"Yes, is he in there?"


The woman in shorts breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you a favor and call him out."

"Me?" The man pointed to himself and smiled, "You should go by yourself, that buddy is already ready."

"What's wrong, what are you talking about?"

"Just go and see for yourself."

The woman in shorts changed her face and cursed, "You fool, let me go to the men's bathroom."

The man sneered, "Who is the fool, who knows."

The woman in shorts stuck her waist, and she cursed, "I @#¥%&...There is a kind of you to stop and see my boyfriend will not cut you to death."

After waiting for a while, there was still no burr man coming out, and no one responded after yelling a few times. The woman in shorts was heartbroken and went straight into the men's bathroom.

What's so scary? I haven't seen that stuff before.

When she walked to the door of the men's room, the woman in shorts was dumbfounded, rubbed her eyes, her face showed an unbelievable look.

The big hunk in his mind actually knelt on the ground, facing the urinal.

What's happening here?

"Brother Jie, what's the matter with you? Why are you kneeling on the ground." The woman in shorts hurried into the men's bathroom.

The burr man did not raise his head or answer, he knelt upright and looked at the pendant in the urinal.

"Brother Jie, why do you ignore me, say something, don't scare me."

"Husband, what's the matter with you, why is this?"

The glitched man asked in a low voice, "Did you see the man in the parking lot?"

"What a man in the parking lot!" the woman in shorts said in surprise.

The glitched man murmured, "Be quiet, we robbed the parking space."

"No, what happened to that idiot?"

"Are you sure he is not at the door of the toilet?"

The woman in shorts asked in confusion, "No, I didn't see him at all, what's wrong?"

The glitched man sat on the ground, gasping for breath, "I'm scared to death."

"Brother Jie, what's the matter with you? Why did you kneel just now, you weren't like this before." The woman in shorts shook her boyfriend's shoulders.

The burr man showed a ruthless look, and pushed the woman in shorts aside, "I'll go next to you, if it wasn't for your laozi to be fixed."

At the thought of being forced to kneel by the urinal, the burr man became so angry that his dignity was trampled on.

His favorite pendant was thrown into the urinal, and he knelt beside him like a shameless pen, which would be his life's humiliation.


The woman in shorts was pushed and sat down on the ground. The ground was a little wet, and she didn't know whether it was water or urine.

"Ah!" The woman in shorts hurriedly stood up with an annoyed look, "You are crazy, why are you pushing me!"

The glitched man shouted, "If it weren't for you, a stinky NM, I could be held by a gun, so I need to kneel on the edge of the urinal."

The woman in shorts cried and cursed, "You are useless yourself. What are you complaining about? Bai has grown a stupid man, you are just a idiot."

"You call me a straw bag!" The burr man was annoyed, and the hair of the woman in shorts was hit hard.

Suddenly, there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling in the toilet.

There was a group of people watching the excitement at the door of the toilet. Most of them were watching with cold eyes. A man wanted to step forward to stop him, but he was frightened away by the burr man's tendons.

It was not until the staff of the mall came that they pulled the two away.

"Woo..." The woman in shorts was beaten badly, her face, arms, and legs were bruised.

A female staff member asked, "Miss, are you okay, do you want me to call the police."

The woman in shorts shook her head, "Don't call the police, he is my boyfriend, I'm fine."

The glitched man scolded, "Bah, bastard!"

The female staff member frowned and took out her mobile phone, "Miss, I'll call the police for you."

"I want you to be nosy, get out!" The woman in shorts also suffocated her stomach, and knocked off the female staff's mobile phone.

The female staff member stared at her and screamed for being sordid, what kind of person, she deserves to be beaten to death!

The glitched man shouted, "Call the police, hurry up."

The woman in shorts walked over and grabbed the burr man's arm, "Brother Jie, I won't call the police. I caused you trouble. I just like you."

The glitched man scolded, "You fool, I'll let you call the police and catch the man with the gun."

The woman in shorts nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, let the police catch him, he is the one who killed us."

The onlookers couldn't help whispering.

Some people are born with calcium deficiency.


Brother Liao bought some daily necessities in the mall, and he faced the supermarket car to the parking lot. As soon as he put the things in the trunk, he saw a group of people walking not far away, some of them in police uniforms.

"It's him, it's him who threatened me with a gun!" The glitched man shouted, pointing in the direction of Brother Liao.

The two older police officers in the lead had already pulled out their pistols, pointed at Brother Liao and shouted, "Police, don't move!"

If Han Bin can be recognized here, one of the leading police officers is Sergeant Zhou Yanjun.

Brother Liao stood there and asked indifferently, "Comrade police, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Yanjun scolded, "Raise your hand, don't move!"

Brother Liao raised his hands very cooperatively, "I won't move, I don't have weapons on my body."

Zhou Yanjun waved his hand, and two police officers stepped forward and searched for Brother Liao.

One of the policemen said, "Sergeant, no weapons were found."

"Comrade police, what do you call?"

"My name is Zhou Yanjun and I am the sergeant of the Zhongshan Road Police Station."

Brother Liao spread his hands, "Sergeant Zhou, what do you mean?"

"Someone accused you of threatening with a gun. Fortunately, I will check it out first. If it is later, the criminal investigation team will come over. They are not as good as I am."

"Sergeant Zhou, as you said, I should thank you."

Zhou Yanjun beckoned, "Take out your ID card. We want to search your car."

"Sergeant Zhou, you searched my body, I did not resist, you searched my car, I have no opinion. But if nothing is found, do you have to give me an explanation."

"He has a gun. I can see it clearly. It's a black pistol!" the burr man shouted.

Sheriff Zhou pointed to the glitched man, "You heard, we have the right to search if someone reports that you are carrying dangerous goods."

Brother Liao asked back, "If you didn't find anything, is he a false accusation?"

Zhou Yanjun hesitated for a while and said, "If nothing is found, he is suspected of making a false report, suspected of false accusation and framing, and we will punish him as appropriate."

Brother Liao spread his hands, "OK, you can search for cars."

Zhou Yanjun beckoned, "Give me your ID card."

Brother Liao hesitated, took out his ID from his bag and handed it to Zhou Yanjun who was aside.

Zhou Yanjun glanced at his ID card and said, "Xiao Jianhong, a local."

Brother Liao nodded, "Yes."

After Zhou Yanjun checked it, he returned the certificate to Brother Liao.

After a while, the four policemen searched the car and agreed, "No guns or knives were found."

Zhou Yanjun turned his head and stared at the glitched man on the side, "Ma Jie, where is the pistol you mentioned?"

"This...this..." The glitched man hesitated, then pointed at Brother Liao, angrily said, "He must have hidden the pistol somewhere. I swear that he does have a pistol, and he is in the toilet. He put a pistol against my head and made me kneel..."

The glitched man recalled the humiliating scene and gritted his teeth and said, "Comrade police, you must investigate carefully. This person is definitely a dangerous person."

At this moment, a policeman ran over not far away, "Sheriff, we found a pistol."

Zhou Yanjun asked subconsciously, "Where did you find it?"

"In the waste paper bin in the men's toilet on the second floor of the mall."

The glitched man, Ma Jie, jumped up and shouted, "Let me just say, he has a gun, get him up quickly!"

The black pistol was rammed into the plastic bag. Zhou Yanjun pointed to the pistol in the bag and asked, "Xiao Jianhong, is this yours?"

Brother Liao shook his head, "No."

Ma Jie showed a triumphant look, "Bah, you're still dead with a hard duck mouth. It's clearly yours. I saw you holding a pistol. There must be your fingerprints on it."

Zhou Yanjun pulled the policeman who found the gun aside, "Are there fingerprints?"

The policeman whispered, "No fingerprints were found. The gun was probably wiped."

Zhou Yanjun nodded. The pistol is different from other things. Even if it doesn't have fingerprints, you can still trace the purchase channel. This pistol is very beautifully made, and it is not homemade.

"Xiao Jianhong, have you ever been to the bathroom on the second floor?"

Brother Liao said frankly, "I have been."

Zhou Yanjun pointed to the glitched man, "Have you met Ma Jie?"

"I have seen it."

Zhou Yanjun asked, "He said this gun belongs to you, how can you explain it?"

Brother Liao smiled, "Doesn't all the investigations talk about evidence? Is there any evidence that this gun belongs to me."

Zhou Yanjun beckoned, "Give me the gun."

The policeman on the side handed the pistol over.

Zhou Yanjun checked the pistol, and when he was about to say something, he felt something wrong again. Why did the gun feel a little light.

Zhou Yanjun took it in his hand and studied it.

He pressed the bullet clip without any response, then he pulled the trigger of the pistol.

The people around were so scared that they took a few steps back.

However, the imaginary gunshot did not appear. Instead, flames emerged from the muzzle, which burned out the plastic bag outside, emitting a burnt smell of plastic.

Seeing this scene, all the friends present were shocked.


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