Detective from The Future

Chapter 531: Tentative

Huayuan Community, Room 601.

The 513 case was solved and the case has entered the closing stage. Han Bin is now idle and can leave work on time.

Han Bin’s mother is busy in the kitchen. Han Bin and his father are sitting on the sofa drinking tea, watching TV, and chatting about work.

Han Weidong poured a cup of tea, "Binzi, how is your 513 case?"

Han Bin squeezed his neck, "It's broken today."

Han Weidong smiled, "It's okay, you have solved another big case, how do you think you are not in high spirits?"

"How should I put it, this case is a bit depressing, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable." Han Bin said.

"This kind of thing is normal, don't take it too much, there will be a new case in a few days, and there is no time to entangle this case." Han Weidong said in the tone of a person who came over.


Han Bin responded, lowered his head and turned on the phone, with a smile on his face.

Han Weidong pressed the remote control and replaced it with the city’s news channel, which was broadcasting news about the college entrance examination this year.

"The year has passed so fast, seeing that the college entrance examination is going to happen again, son, remember that year of the college entrance examination, my mother and I have nothing else to do, and when we get to bed every day, we are thinking about what to do for you. I'm just afraid that your nutrition won't keep up."

"Huh?" Han Bin raised his head, seeming to be lost just now, "What's wrong with Dad?"

Han Weidong glanced at his son, feeling something was wrong, and deliberately changed the subject, "I mean it's almost June, and the Olympics are about to start. I don't know how many gold medals China can win this year."

"Dad, you don't know yet, this year is an island country hosting the Olympic Games, and it has been announced that it will be postponed to next year. Why is this news about you out? It's not like your previous style." Han Bin joked, and the phone buzzed There was a sound, and continued looking down at the phone.

Han Weidong asked seemingly casually, "Son, what are you busy with now?"

"Didn't I tell you, the 513 case is going through the process of closing, not very busy." Han Bin said while lowering his head to type.

Han Weidong touched his beard and stubble. Judging from his years of criminal investigation experience, there was something wrong with Han Bin. He must have something wrong.

Han Weidong didn't dare to test any more, and if he tried again, his son should be alert. He still prefers the feeling of the enemy's light.

Han Weidong strolled to the kitchen and closed the sliding door of the kitchen. Wang Huifang was cooking in the kitchen and glanced at her husband. "It just happened to come in. What is the taste of lamb chops? If there is a stinky smell, I am putting some anise ."

"No, I told you that when braising lamb chops, put green onion, ginger, salt and cooking wine. You don't need to put anything else. If you put more seasonings, there will be no savory taste of lamb itself." Han Weidong said.

"Then you take the bowls and chopsticks out, the mushrooms and **** will be out of the pot right away." Wang Huifang said.

"I'm looking for something to do with you, don't chase me as soon as you come in." Han Weidong grabbed a piece of lamb chops and took a bite. "Fragrant, fresh and chewy, this guy definitely eats well."

"What's the matter, if it's just to eat the lamb chops, take it out." Wang Huifang said.

Han Weidong said with a stern face, "You lesbian, can you speak up? I'm a cadre of my size. You should have the least respect for the leader."

Wang Huifang held the iron spoon for cooking and shook it, "How can you respect the law?"

"Hehe." Han Weidong smiled and said kindly, "I'm joking with you, at home, you are the leader. Didn't I find out the situation and report to you that work has come."

Wang Huifang said indifferently, "Let's talk, I'm listening, go out as soon as you're finished."

"Hey..." Han Weidong sighed, "If you want this attitude, then I won't say it."

Wang Huifang turned off the gas stove and stared at Han Weidong, "Okay, let's talk about it, what the **** is going on, I will listen."

"You answer my question first. Have you introduced someone to your son recently?"

"No." Wang Huifang replied, without a good air, "It's not what you said. My son has just been transferred to the city bureau. Don't let him be distracted for now. When his work is stable, it's not too late to introduce someone."

"If you didn't introduce someone, it would be even more problematic." Han Weidong said.

"What's the problem, make it clear."

"Have you noticed that your son has been abnormal recently."

Wang Huifang was a little anxious, "Don't scare me, just say something quickly, don't say half, leave half."

Han Weidong took a look outside and whispered, "I suspect that my son may be talking about someone."

Wang Huifang suddenly became interested, "It's true, why don't I know."

"Be quiet, now is not the time to shout." Han Weidong said.

"How did you know? My son told you?"

"He didn't tell you, how could he tell me." Han Weidong smiled.

"Then how did you know?"

"Actually, it is not difficult. As long as you pay more attention to observation, you will find that your son is a little different from before."

Wang Huifang hummed, "You mean, what's the difference?"

Han Weidong recalled, "In the past, my son was busy when handling cases and didn't care much about the family, but when the case was closed, he was easier. As long as there was nothing to do, he would basically be at home."

"Look at this period of time. When the case is handled, you will not be home, and when the case is closed, you will often eat out. That is to say, I called him today and stewed him a pot of lamb chops, otherwise I might eat out. , This one is different before."

Wang Huifang pondered, "It seems to be really eh, but will my son be busy with other things? After all, he is now in the criminal investigation team of the city bureau, and there must be more things than the division."

Han Weidong continued, "I wasn't sure before, but today I observed it again. My son must be someone outside."

"Bah, baah, what are you talking about, it's called falling in love. Look at what you say is ugly." Wang Huifang sighed, "How do you tell it?"

"In the past, the two of us had tea and chat, and we still shared a common language. We could talk about any news, but this time it was different. I said about the college entrance examination and he said about the Olympics, but he didn't listen carefully. When I talked, I was holding a cell phone and giggling, I must be chatting with my girlfriend."

Wang Huifang asked, "You can guarantee? You guessed it right?"

Han Weidong said firmly, "It can't be wrong."

"Or, I will ask him later." Wang Huifang suggested.

"If he wants to talk, he told you already. If he doesn't want to talk, it's useless to ask. Let's pretend to be unaware now, and then push him later. When the time is right, he will naturally tell us. "

"How to push it."

Han Weidong smiled, "Just look at it, I have a way."


"Eating!" Han Weidong yelled.

"Stewed lamb chops, mushrooms and rapeseed, steamed sea bass, eight-treasure porridge, Hanamaki, are all your kid's favorites."

"It's so fragrant." Han Bin swallowed and put down his phone to help pick up the dishes.

Han Weidong waved his hand, "Don't serve the eight-treasure porridge. Let's have a whole bite of such a good dish today."

Han Weidong took a bottle of wine, unscrewed the lid, and filled the wine dispenser.

Han Bin picked up the dispenser and poured three glasses of wine.

Han Weidong shouted, "Come on, let's go one first."

"Why are you going? With so many dishes, you two drink slowly." Wang Huifang said.

Han Weidong retreated to second place, "then half."

The three clinked glasses, Han Weidong and Han Bin drank half a cup, and Wang Huifang drank about a quarter.

"Son, try it. I stewed the lamb chops and your mother steamed the fish. Please comment on which one is delicious."

Han Bin first ate a piece of fish, then took another bite of lamb chops with a thumb, "It's all delicious, it's because you two didn't open a restaurant, otherwise, nothing will happen to Haidilao."

"I shouldn't be busy these few days. When it's early to get off work, I will cook and make some delicious dishes for you."

Han Bin is not to be polite. His cooking skills are really good. He only knew Shandong cuisine before, but now he has one more Japanese food, which can give his parents a taste.

After the three of them drank a few more drinks, Han Weidong seemed to think of something, "By the way, you are a little depressed in the 513 case? It just so happens that I have a coupon for a resort, so you go out to relax."

Han Bin poured wine on his father and asked, "What coupon?"

Han Weidong explained, “Because of the influence of yi sentiment, the tourism industry has not recovered some time ago. Various tourism companies are engaged in preferential activities. My friend gave me a 40% discount coupon, located at the junction of Yuhua suburbs and Laiping City. , Very close."

Han Bin smiled and said, "If you have time, take my mom there, and you two should also be romantic."

Han Weidong took a bite of fish and said, "When the winter started last year, I took your mother to it. It is a hot spring resort and the environment is not bad. Then you can take a hot spring to relieve work pressure.

"Soaking in the hot springs." Han Bin muttered, and Wang Ting's image appeared in his mind, and he was already a little moved.

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