Detective from The Future

Chapter 541: search

Han Bin asked in the notebook, "Do you have any suspects?"

"Yes." Ma Fangfang said subconsciously, "it's the man wearing blue light glasses."

Han Bin recalled, and had some impression of the person she said, "Why do you doubt him?"

Ma Fangfang hummed, "Police Officer Han, you were there at the time. If he was not a thief, why didn't he cooperate with the police investigation and tried to escape?"

"Is there any other evidence?"

Ma Fangfang sighed, "This...I was panicked at the time and didn't pay much attention. It was a diamond ring from my boyfriend. If it is lost, I can't explain it. To tell you the truth, the diamond ring was stolen. I don't even dare to tell him now."

Han Bin thought for a while and got up and said, "You can go out first. We will notify you when we get news."

"Okay." Ma Fangfang stood up and said again, "Police Officer Han, that diamond ring is very important to me, please help me find it."

Tian Li glanced at the other person, "Since it is important, you should always wear it when taking pictures. Why put it in the bag?"

Ma Fangfang smiled bitterly, "This lesbian, you shouldn't be married yet."

"Does it matter?" Tian Li asked rhetorically.

"It's easy to get tangled in the choice of people, not to mention the important life event of marriage, which is related to the second half of a woman's life. Most people will imitate wandering before marriage. There is a word called premarital phobia." Ma Fangfang said. Then he left the office.

On the contrary, Tian Li was a little embarrassed.

Han Bin glanced at everyone, "What do you think?"

Li Hui said, "We have been to the Golden Terrace. Once we enter the entrance, we will see the lobby, the lobby for watching the sunset on the left hand side, and the toilet on the right hand side. The entrance door of the lobby is equipped with a surveillance system, and people can be seen entering and exiting. The situation in the hall."

"I think that the person who left early is very suspicious. You can check through monitoring to see if there is anything unusual when he left."

Zhao Ming spread his hands, "It's been so long, even if the person stole it, the diamond ring is likely to be transferred."

"This is a situation, but what if the suspect is not him, but other guests? How did they take away the diamond ring?" Han Bin asked.

"The diamond ring is so small, it shouldn't be difficult to take it away," Tian Li said.

Zhao Ming subconsciously said, "I heard Chief Huang said that after they arrived at the Golden Terrace, they searched other guests."

Tian Li shook her head, "There are many places where you can hide things, especially small things like diamond rings. Unless it is a professional police officer, the police at the police station may not be careful."

Tian Li, for example, said, “Take a woman with long hair as an example. If you press the ring in the palm of your hand and make a movement of curling your hair, you can hide the diamond ring in your hair, which is hard to see from the outside.”

Han Bin pinched his forehead, Tian Li said something reasonable, no one can guarantee whether the police at the police station searched carefully at the time, "Huizi, we two are operating separately. You and Tian Li will continue to take notes. I will take Zhao Ming to check and monitor."

Li Hui stretched out his hand and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work, take the precious time to help us solve the case."

Han Bin pointed his finger at him, "Remember to treat."

"Don't worry, after solving the case, you must have a big meal with your couple." Li Hui smiled.

Han Bin and Zhao Ming took the shuttle bus and rushed to the surveillance room of the resort.

The security guards in the monitoring room were very cooperative and immediately called out the monitoring on the evening of May 29.

The surveillance is installed above the front hall. Perhaps for privacy reasons, no surveillance is installed in the sunset hall.

Han Bin began to observe the surveillance in the front hall. People entering and exiting could be photographed. It was clear that after Han Bin and Ma Fangfang entered the hall, Ma Fangfang entered again.

After that, another group of people entered, and no guests entered the Golden Terrace again.

During this period, some people also left the hall and went through the front hall to the toilet.

Among them, there was the man wearing blue light glasses. Han Bin hit the space bar, "This man is the suspicious person Ma Fangfang said. Let the bureau check his details."


After a while, Han Bin pressed the pause button again, and Ma Fangfang's friend Zheng Rong also went to the toilet.

Han Bin pointed to the computer screen and said to Zhao Ming, "Do you know the bag in Zheng Rong's hand?"

Zhao Ming looked at it, "It seems to be the same as Ma Fangfang's bag. By the way, I remember Ma Fangfang said that the three of them have the same bag, which is a symbol of their friendship."

Han Bin nodded and continued to check the video surveillance.

After another period of time, a man walked out of the lobby with a mobile phone. Han Bin guessed that this man should be the one who left first.

Han Bin pressed the pause button, "Send a screenshot of this person's photo to Chief Huang."

"Yes." Zhao Ming responded.

Afterwards, Han Bin checked the surveillance carefully, but found no more clues.

Zhao Ming on the side said, "Brother Bin, Chief Huang wrote back. They found the identity of the man who left the Golden Terrace first."

Name, Cunzhi Mao

Date of birth, May 3, 1982

Hometown, Jizhou, Shimen

Mobile phone number, 132847XXXX

ID photo 13018210820503XXXX

Current address, Jizhou, Shimen, Qiaodong District, Rong'an District

Han Bin looked at the information, "Foreigners, currently living in Shimen, shouldn't be too far away to steal a diamond ring."

"We also came with Mao Cunzhi's wife and daughter, who were both at the Golden Terrace at the time. Both his wife and daughter had written notes, but they did not mention that Mao Cunzhi had been to the Golden Terrace." Zhao Ming finished, and added,

"However, I don't think the suspicion of this person is big. After all, he brought his wife and children to play. It stands to reason that the motivation for committing the crime is not great.

"What about others?"

Zhao Ming said, "They have left the resort yesterday."

Han Bin frowned, it would be even more difficult to investigate.

Han Bin pinched his forehead, thinking for a moment, "Let's go to the Golden Terrace and have a look."

Afterwards, Zhao Ming called the shuttle bus, but it was only three or four minutes away.

The last time he came to Golden Terrace, Han Bin had a play mentality, but this time he came to investigate the case.

After getting out of the car and walking up the steps to the Golden Terrace, a waitress stood at the door with a professional smile, "Hello, is it police officer Han?"

"It's me." Han Bin replied and looked around for a while, "You came here to wait for us."

The waitress said, "Yes, the opening hours of the Golden Terrace are between 4 and 6 in the afternoon, and the doors of the hall are usually locked."

"Where is the front hall?"

The waitress said, "The lobby is not locked."

"Can the toilet be used?"

"Yes." The waitress replied and asked, "Officer Han, can I open the hall door with me?"

Han Bin shook his head, "No, I'll go to the toilet."

After the incident, Chief Huang had led people to search the hall inside and outside, there was no need to search again.

Han Bin entered the men's bathroom and said to Zhao Ming who was on the side, "Search the toilet to see if there is a diamond ring?"

"Brother Bin, do you think the diamond ring is hidden in the toilet?" Zhao Ming asked in surprise.

"Sousou and see." Han Bin was not too sure.

However, if he is a thief, he is likely to hide the diamond ring in the toilet. After all, if he is hiding on his body, he may be searched by the police, which is too risky.

The two searched the toilet carefully. Han Bin also checked the toilet tank, but none of the diamond rings were found.

After exiting the men's bathroom, Han Bin pointed to the women's bathroom beside him, "Is there anyone inside?"

The waitress was taken aback for a moment, "No one."

Afterwards, under the surprised eyes of the waitress, Han Bin and Zhao Ming went into the women's toilet to search.

According to the order in the men's room, Han Bin searched carefully, but he did not find a diamond ring in the toilet reservoir that made him look forward to.

Just when he was a little disappointed, he found a shining bright spot above the single partition wall of the toilet. A closer look was a diamond ring, very similar to the one that Ma Fangfang lost.

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