Detective from The Future

Chapter 545: Suspect

This reason makes sense. Wen Guanghui only spends cash.

No longer as pale and weak as the previous reason.

Han Bin took notes and continued to ask, "Whose money does he owe?"

Ye Ping said, "I don't know anything about business, and he owes the money. It has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to care about that much."

"Have you lied elsewhere?" Han Bin asked.

"No, we did lose something. Although Lao Wen has economic problems, he will never do anything illegal." Ye Ping said this, showing embarrassment again, "Comrade police, can you please help. busy?"

"What help?"

Ye Ping folded her hands together, "Can you not tell Lao Wen, I said this."

"Yes, I said I checked it myself."

"Thank you, thank you." Ye Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you can go now."

Ye Ping stood up, still a little worried, "Don't miss it."

Han Bin said in a calm tone, "Don't worry."

Subsequently, Tian Li sent her out.

Li Hui gave Han Bin a cigarette, "Binzi, or call Wen Guanghui back and try again."

"what do you wish to ask?"

Li Hui lit his cigarette, "Of course I asked him about the freezing of his account."

Han Bin shook, "If you ask, he may not be telling the truth. It's better to let someone check his bottom."

"That's fine." Li Hui replied, as if thinking of something, and said, "Do you think it is because of economic disputes that the other party steals his things in revenge."

Han Bin thought for a while, "I don't think it's very likely. It's natural to owe debts. The debt collector has a legitimate reason to ask for money. There is no need to turn himself into a criminal. Isn't that the gain more than the loss."

"That's right, then let Old Du and Xiaopeng look up their records and see why Wen Guanghui's account was frozen." Li Hui responded and walked aside to arrange the task.

Han Bin walked to the window, smoking a cigarette while thinking about the case.

In the diamond theft case, although the suspect has not been caught yet, the diamond ring has already been found and the bait has been dropped. It depends on whether the suspect is caught.

The scene of the burglary case has been investigated, and a transcript was made to the owner. Han Bin also has a general understanding of the case. The suspect was wearing security shoes when he committed the crime. The time of the crime was between 8:30 and 10:30 last night. , The way to enter the room is through the window.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, Zhao Ming opened the door and walked in, "Brother Bin, Brother Hui, Manager Hao called all the security guards on duty yesterday."

"How many people are there in total?"

"Ten people."

"How many people are between 25 and 30 years old?"

"There are not many young people. Most of them are around forty years old. There should be three or four people in their twenties." Zhao Ming said.

"Call in this age group first."


Li Hui came over with a glass of water, showing an unexpected look, "You can also analyze the age of the suspect with the incomplete shoe print."

Han Bin stroked his hair, "It is indeed difficult, and the error is large, but the suspect should not be older than 30 years old."

"Chuck..." When the door rang, Zhao Ming walked in with three men in security uniforms.

All three of them seem to be in their twenties. They are all between one and eighty-meter tall, and they are thin.

Han Bin looked at the three of them, "Please sit down."

The three security guards all sat in a row, their expressions a little nervous.

"Comrade police, what do you want us to do?" a man with thick eyebrows and small eyes asked.

Han Bin smiled and introduced himself, "My last name is Han, you can call me Officer Han."

"You should have heard about the theft in the resort. I am calling for you to find out some information."

"Where were you between 8:30 and 10:30 last night?"

"The three of us were on the night shift yesterday, either on patrol or in the duty room." said the man with small eyes and thick eyebrows.

"me too."

"me too."

Han Bin sat on the table, his tone was very relaxed, as if he was talking about the family, "How do you patrol? Do you patrol together or patrol separately?"

"We used to patrol in one area with two people. This year there are fewer guests coming to the resort, and the security has been laid off. Some people are not enough, so it becomes a single patrol."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Do you have any requirements when patrolling?"

"We will bring flashlights, wear security uniforms, and walkie-talkies. We can call for support if there are special circumstances."

"When you are patrolling, does the resort have requirements for uniforms?"

"Yes, you must wear a security uniform. This can give the guests a sense of security. If something really happens, it is also convenient for guests to ask us for help." Another security guard said.

"Are the shoes you wear also issued by the resort?"

"Yes, it's a set with clothes."

"When you patrol, you will also be required to wear these shoes."


"I'm very curious about your shoes. Can you show me your shoes?" Han Bin asked.

Regarding this request, the three security guards were a bit at a loss. Obviously, no one expected Han Bin to have such a request.

Han Bin pointed to the security guard on the far right, "What's your name?"


Han Bin moved a stool and put it in front of him, "Raise his right leg and put it on the stool."

Ma Boxin hesitated for a moment, but finally did so.

Han Bin checked and found that the soles of these shoes were very worn and did not match the shoe prints left by the suspect.

Han Bin patted Ma Boxin on the shoulder, "You can go out."

"Ah!" Ma Boxin was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect to be able to leave so soon.

Han Bin pointed to another security guard, "Put your legs up."

Another security guard drew a gourd like this, and asked Han Bin to check the sole.

The shoe prints did not match, and Han Bin also let him leave.

Han Bin pointed to the third security guard.

The last security guard hesitated, took a deep breath, and then put his leg on the stool.

Han Bin observed carefully, stared at the security guard and asked, "What is your name?"

"Cao Jingyang."

"Are you wearing your own shoes?"

"Yes." Cao Jingyang was a little nervous, "Comrade police, is there any problem?"

Han Bin did not answer, and continued to ask, "Did you wear these shoes when you patrolled last night?"

Cao Jingyang shook his head and said, "No."

Li Hui walked behind him and patted him on the shoulder, "To be honest."

"Really not." Cao Jingyang turned his head and explained, "According to the regulations, I should wear the shoes issued by the resort on patrol. However, when I changed my uniform at work last night, I could not find these shoes, so I just wore them. My shoes are on patrol."

Li Hui smiled, "Why did you find it again now?"

Cao Jingyang showed an aggrieved look, "I don’t know. These security shoes are thick and wear-resistant, but they are relatively hot to wear. After wearing them, the feet are especially stinky. Therefore, I often put them in the security duty room to dry them. Last night I can't find it somehow."

"As a result, when I got off work this morning, the shoes were put back. I thought it was who took the wrong thing, so it didn't matter."

"Can anyone prove what you just said?" Han Bin asked.

Cao Jingyang glanced outside and whispered, "The resort has regulations. Security guards must wear uniforms and neat clothes when patrolling. If they are found to be out of compliance, they will be punished. I dare not tell others."

"If the shoes are really lost, even if you don't tell them, others will find out sooner or later that this is not the solution." Li Hui said.

Cao Jingyang said, "The sky was already dark at the time, and the light was relatively dark, so it was not easy to find. I thought about looking for it again tomorrow morning. If I can find the best one, I will buy a pair of similar ones."

"Why don't you tell the leader directly that your shoes are missing?"

Cao Jingyang said helplessly, "Although our uniforms and shoes were issued by the resort, a deposit of 1,200 was deducted for the first month of salary payment. When we resign, we will return the uniforms and shoes. Deposit to us."

"If I tell the leaders that the shoes are lost, they will definitely deduct my deposit. Why don't you spend dozens of yuan on buying a cheaper security shoe online and nothing happened."

As he said, Cao Jingyang sighed again, "I also feel aggrieved, and I want to live a little more chic, but these years, if I don’t spend my money, if I don’t save a little bit, I can’t even find a target. There is no way."

"Comrade police, you asked me for a long time, what happened to these shoes?"

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Last night, the suspect in the burglary case wore these shoes."

Cao Jingyang was frightened, and hurriedly defended, "Comrade police, it has nothing to do with me. Someone stole my shoes last night. He must be trying to frame me!"

"Where were you between 8:30 and 10:30 last night?"

Cao Jingyang thought for a while and said, "I started patrolling at nine o'clock and patrolled until ten o'clock in accordance with the regulations, and stayed in the duty room at other times. Someone in the duty room can prove it to me."

"From nine o'clock to ten o'clock, where did you go to patrol, you draw a specific patrol map." Han Bin said.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ming took a map of the resort and placed it in front of Cao Jingyang.

Cao Jingyang swallowed, staring at the map for a long time and remembered, "I started patrolling from the duty room at the gate, circled the parking lot, and then went to the rockery to smoke a cigarette."

"Later I patrolled the road again and circled around the restaurant. I didn't see anyone. I sat on a chair on the side of the road and played with my phone. At about 9:50, I went around and went back to duty. Room."

Li Hui was a little bit dumbfounded, "Are you patrolling or fooling around. You can smoke and play with your mobile phone. It's cool enough. With your patrolling attitude, it's no wonder that something went wrong in the resort."

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